Conditional access blocks onedrive from within another app - azure

Something I can't seem to wrap my head around:
Enabled CA for Exchange Online and Sharepoint online to be accesible only from Intune compliant devices, works great.
On my iPhone I downloaded the Sharepoint app, logged in, and that works great. Same for the Onedrive app.
But when I try access either Sharepoint or Onedrive from another app (PDF-Expert to edit PDF's), it gives an error message:
Login failed, please try again later.
When I look at the user sign-ins, I see a successful login from the PDF-exert app, and when I turn off CA for Sharepoint online, I can successfully add both the Onedrive and Sharepoint source in the PDF-expert app. I've experimented with the "client apps" and selected everything and nothing, but that makes no difference.
Any ideas where to look further?
Here is a picture of my configured CA.
Note: currently it's one user who uses this, but exempting that user from CA beats the purpose of having CA, so that's not an option.

After contact with support and the support team from the PDF-Expert app we discovered that the issue lies with the app.
As far as we've understood from your logs, your OneDrive account requires MDM support which is not available in PDF Expert app. Our developers already aware of the issue with such accounts so they'll consider adding OneDrive MDM support in the future versions of PDF Expert app.
Now we wait until they make an update to support this.


Cannot set up OAuthentication

We are trying to connect an internal application to Sharepoint 365. The goal is to read data from Sharepoint 365 lists and Excel documents. We want to take advantage of the fact we already use OAuthentication and basically our users login with their own Windows credentials. Now, to accomplish that we first need to register an application with Sharepoint which we did using this link:
After that we also need to get an authorization code for clients to login with their Windows account. We do that with this URL:
When we run that last link we get the error below:
Sorry, something went wrong
There is no claims identity. Please make sure the web application is configured to use Claims Authentication.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: 367ee69f-5066-0000-e1ef-cee55f7b7000
As you can see, the error is not very helpful. I have done already lots of research and answers vary from lack of higher level of access, to invalid URL request. I have elevated access and the URL is well constructed. Yet the error persist.
So, my question, what is the meaning of the error? Why is not executing?
We logged a Microsoft Premier Support ticket and behold! the problem has been fixed.

Permissions for Azure app using Microsoft Graph to read SharePoint Online

This seems like a simple question but I'm struggling to find an answer anywhere. Help! ;-)
I'm trying to use Microsoft Graph to read SharePoint lists/libraries in a SharePoint site, however this is just for one site (for our department) amongst many on our SharePoint online. I've registered an Azure AD app (with secret etc...) and requested 'application' permissions for the Microsoft Graph ('Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all site collections') and its saying 'admin consent required' is 'yes' and its currently flagged as 'not granted for *****'.
My boss is now asking - with a worried tone ;-)
will this mean the app can basically read/write/delete on all sites in
the organisations SharePoint (not just our site) if our IT department
I said I don't know actually... I guess I'm not entirely clear on which permissions this is for, is it just to call the Microsoft Graph API or is it for this app to access SharePoint itself? I've searched for answers to this but I'm struggling to find anywhere that says anything about giving your app permissions in SharePoint, it all seems to be about getting permissions for the Microsoft Graph to access SharePoint.
I just want the app to have permissions to read/write lists/files in this one SharePoint site, not any others (we have loads of sites for other departments). I feel like we should be adding permissions for this app (its service principal?) somewhere on the SharePoint site we want to access, but what permissions do I need to setup and where so this app can only access this one site?
Azure AD app registration now allows for granular access to SharePoint site collection, there is a new option Sites.Selected under Azure AD App Registration - Request API Permissions - refer to
Unfortunately, this feature is still missing. It is not possible to limit the permissions to only one SharePoint site. It's either access to all SharePoint sites in the organisation or none. Check out the user vote for more information: here. Microsoft is still working on providing a way to limit the access to specific resources.

OneDrive REST API and Sharepoint Online

I have the app that uses OneDrive API (MS graph) to access OneDrive free accounts and OneDrive for business.
The app works fine.
In docs of the API i can see same API can be used also to access Sharepoint Online sites data.
How to do this? When i auth a user who has Sharepoint Online account with MS graph, there is only his drive (ondrive) but there is no his site listed.
How to get access to his sharepoint site too using same API?
I have found how to work with sites using the Graph API.
To get list of sites there is the call
GET /v1.0/sites/
Then use the SITEID to get list of drives (in fact, top level folders)
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives
Then to get contents of a drive user
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives/DRIVEID/root/children
And all next calls are same as for onedrive drive
However, there is the problem i still can not solve. How to create new top level folder (new drive on a site). There is no API call for this
I believe what you are looking for is the sites API. It lets you interact with a SharePoint site if you know the path or the id of the site. You can find the documentation for the api here:
There is no easy way to discover sites as of now. You can however search for a site. You can read more about it here:
This endpoint to get the list of sites is not working, so the last answer is not valid anymore.
I haven't found a way to do this, the discovery of sites, without admin consent. If the admin consent flow is not a problem you can try this workaround, use the endpoint of groups to ask for the groups that the user is member of, and you can use the groups to get the document libraries of the user.
To get the groups:
With the group id, you can use this endpoint:
So if someone know how to do the discovery of sites for a user without admin consent, please share.
EDIT: I'm not sure why my answer was deleted, my answer basically has 2 things:
I gave notice that one answer here is not valid anymore.
I gave a possible other solution to the problem.

How to get users to login twice in SharePoint 2010?

I have somewhat of an odd question (for me, at least).
We have some private information a department would like to place on our SharePoint farm. The problem is, this is very sensitive information, and law demands that we have a 'two-stage' login process to secure the data.
Currently, it is housed using a system that:
A) you have to login to our network (windows logon screen)
B) you have to login to the application.
Our SharePoint farm has integrated authentication enabled. Meaning, once you login to your computer in the morning, you never have to login to sharepoint as it already knows your credentials.
This is a problem for us. Can we enable some sort of custom Sharepoint login?
Will this require a new web app for the site? A new site collection only perhaps?
What you are looking for is called forms based authentication. Sharepoint 2010 uses claims based authentication and one of the providers you can configure is forms based. Meaning they provide a user name and password.
Here is a tutorial with the steps to do, it is a relatively straight forward process. just follow all the steps.
If you move you site out of Intranet zone, then IE will automatically ask for credential everytime.
See this:

Multiple logins for opening office documents saved in document library in SharePoint 2010 using Claims Based Authentication

Our environment is Sharepoint 2010, with a web application created (and site collection on top), using claims based authentication. The first site is using port 881. It is using integrated windows authentication. Another web application is created, extending the first application, using port 882. This site is using Forms Based Authentication, the membership provider is System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, named admembers. I have turned off Client Integration on both sites.
When I login to the 881 site, on my corporate network, logged into the machine with the same domain account that sharepoint uses, I can open an Office file saved in a document library, and it subsequently opens in the appropriate Office application, without asking me login again. But, If I login to Sharepoint from a computer that is not on our network, or login to the computer with an account that is not a domain account, I get prompted again to login when openning an Office document. If I choose the option to save, it does not prompt, but if I choose open in the dialog window, I am forced to enter my domain credentials again.
When I login to the 882 site, which uses FBA, I experience the same problem. If I open an Office document, the appropriate Office application opens, and asks me for my credentials, by showing me a dialog window with the sign in page loaded. If I choose to save the file, then I am not prompted to login, and the file saves to a local folder.
I can't expect my users that are off site to login again everytime they open an Office document, like Work, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. I have tried numerous fixes, including disabling client integration, changing the browser handling mode (strict/permissive), changing internet explorer settings (for integrated windows authentication), changing the integrated windows authentication site to use basic authentication, even hacking the page using jquery to call the sharepoint javascript function that execute the "download a copy" function. None of them work: when choosing to "open" the Office document in the browser, the user has to login again, or just close the dialog window without logging in (as long as client integration for the zone is turned off).
I'm looking to get this accomplished using windows authentication or forms based authentication.
I found this answer in a similar post which seemed to fix the problem for me when I tested it. The gist of it is you need to deny the HTTP Verbs OPTIONS and PROPFIND in IIS. Having said this, I'm not an IIS guru and am not exactly sure what this means or what else it might affect. Can anyone else shed some light on this?
A bit of background, I'm using SharePoint 2010, on an FBA site.
You have the standard three use cases:
Employee intranet access
Employee remote access
Partner remote access
Employee intranet access
This normally always works out of the box, and it looks like it is working for you.
Employee remote access
The only way that i have seen this work (and i have tried many ways) is to get TMG or ISA. Basically ISA is setup in FORMS auth with SSL, it captures the auth details, and then passes them to the sharepoint server. (and other servers if you have them eg OWA for sharepoint mail web parts)
If you select the "Is private computer" option on the ISA login screen, then Office documents share the auth cookie and don't prompt for another login. I had so many problems, but as soon as i installed TMG, they all went away. I would not recommend any other approach now.
The added bonus of this method, is that remote employees are treated as the same account as the intranet user. The way you are setup with a seperate web application, means that they will be different accounts, so things like [checkout/modifiedby/createdby/personalisation] will be different accounts (though they look the same)
Partner remote access
This may never ever work on some clients (especially Vista), as IE needs to share the authentication with Office
If this is sharepoint 2010, try this.
Look at your UseSessionCookies value in the output. If True, apply the powershell below.
$sts = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$sts.UseSessionCookies = $false
If UseSessionCookies is true, you will have to login to any docs u want to download...
