How do I disable "ajax partial page loads" in Viewflow? - django-viewflow

I notice that Viewflow has an optimization that when you click a link in the Sidebar (and a few other places) it doesn't do a regular full page load, but appears to do an AJAX request for the target page, and dynamically replaces the element with the element from the result.
This breaks some of my code, but I haven't been able to find where in the Viewflow codebase this is implemented.
1) Where in the viewflow codebase is the code located that adds a click handler for links and overrides them with an Ajax request.
2) Is there a recommended way to disable this feature for specific pages?

Viewflow uses Turbolinks to speed up page loading and provide SPA-like UX for a user.
The recommended way for custom javascript is to wrap the code into standard web component -


Kentico V9 Confirm form submission with javascript history.back

My repeater has enough data where I see my pagination. When I view the detail transformation for any items after the first page, the history.back() button gives me the form submission error.
Short of hard coding the back button, what's the easiest solution to avoid this?
I assume the "history.back()" is your javascript? The pagination is most likely occurring through postback, and any navigation back will require that same post data being sent.
One option is you can make the pagination not postback, but instead URL based. In the "Paging" area of your repeater, set the Mode to "QueryString" and set a querystring key (like "page"). Try that!
Otherwise you will need to do a window.location = "/The/Previous/Url" so it won't event attempt a postback and will simply direct them to the page, but your page you were last on will be lost.
Wrap the webpart in an update panel. In the webpart you can check the box to do this very easy and leave the rest of your configurations the way they are. If other elements on the page require a postback or rely on that webparts values then you may have to wrap all of them in an update panel.

Xpages add a custom control that doesn't take up space (rendered versus loaded versus visible)

I have some custom controls that I want to include in Xpages, but I don't want them to be visible to the user or to take up space on the screen, as it is throwing my alignment off. I have looked at the properties rendered, loaded, and visible, but I don't really understand them and they don't seem to do what I want, which is to include some functionality but not change the layout.
I am sure there is a way to do this, but I can't figure it out.
Loaded means it won't be added to the component tree and only affects server-side functionality. Because it's not in the component tree (the server-side map of the page) it can't be passed to the browser or processed during partial refreshes. Rendered and visible are the same and mean they're in the component tree, so server-side processing can interact with them, but no HTML is passed to the browser for them. So you can't interact with them via CSJS. If you want it passed to the browser, available for CSJS but not visible to the user, you'll need to set the style as display:none. Another option is to put that style in a theme and allocate the themeId you choose to your custom control.

XPages templating dialog boxes

I am currently on a project redesigning an existing traditional domino web application to XPages. This application contains a web form with quite a lot of helper dialog boxes. Also notifications and validation and confirmation is done through dialogboxes.
I know I can create a custom control for each dialog box and add it to the Xpage and call the show. I even managed to load it dynamically using a dynamic content control with a facet for each dialog. Since the dialog cc contains a show() in the onClientLoad. It is easy to open a dialog by switching the content of the dynamic content control.
Still, adding all these custom controls to my XPages feels inefficient and really clutters the design tab. What's your take?
I would prefer setting the content of the dialog dynamically (Like in traditional domino you would define a form for each dialog). Is that possible?
If not is it possible to load a custom control dynamically (Like using a computed subform)?
Also for confirmation boxes I need the OK button to execute different code for each confirm. What would be the best way to implement that? Add custom parameter "functionOnOk" to the "dlgConfirm" custom control and evaluate that in the submit button?
PS: I am still using panels with dojoType=dijit.DialogBox, but will change those to extlib dialog boxes. For the confirm and messageboxes I am now using client side dijit.Dialogs with mark-up in code, but I would like the markup in XPages as well.
I know there are issues with panels with dijit.Dialog, because Dojo moves the dialog in the DOM, which prevents any SSJS in the dialog running. I don't know if that's also an issue with dijit.DialogBox, but I suspect it could be. Jeremy Hodge did some code to workaround that.
However, I would strongly recommend using the Extension Library control. Client-side dijit.Dialogs are likely to be much more difficult to code and will not allow any SSJS interaction. I'm not aware of any Dojo properties not available in the Extension Library control, and the Extension Library control also allows you to open or close the dialog both in CSJS or SSJS. It also allows you to specify an area to refresh on close.
In terms of the properties, preload is there purely to speed up showing. Are you using the refreshOnShow property? This ensures the URL or content is refreshed each time the dialog is shown. The Extension Library chapter on dialogs has a table covering all the properties. You can set the URL to point to another XPage or another web page. This may allow you to use the Dynamic Content control to pass parameters to switch the content that should appear.
In terms of the code behind the OK button, if you use the Extension Library dialog, you have all the functionality you would have outside the dialog.

YUI: Dynamically add extra parameters to pjax calls(before the call is made)

Is there a way to add extra parameters to YUI pjax calls, the only event handlers i found were like load, navigate and error. There we no handlers for before making the pjax call. Even i didn't found any help for this using Config Attributes of pjax calls.
Its like if default call is:
and dynamic one added should be like:
The value of param can change on calls.
Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks.
The purpose of pjax is to provide enhanced navigation for capable browsers, as such, the links and parameters should be entirely clickable without any additional modification.
Any links in the source should already have the &param=test in the markup.
If you are adjusting the content of the markup via JavaScript, simply changing the link href should work fine. The selector (yui3-pjax) is bubbled, and the href will be parsed when the event is fired.
Rather than tying into the pjax event, as soon as you know what that link should be you should be doing the node.setAttribute('href', newLinkValue);.
This will ensure that when pjax is not available, the link still points the user to the right location.

In XPages Mobile App / Mobile Control, how to make picklist

I have two pages, one page for input, another page for the options, how to send value form page to another page on xPages Mobile Controls, or is there another way to make like this.
See my sample page:
1. Page 1:User Input
Page 2:Picklist
note: the built-in typeahead not posible
The in built type ahead is missing the dojo tundra.css file when using the single page app control. This file comes with Dojo its just not being included. Import this file to get the type ahead to work.
I'm unsure as to what you mean about passing value from one page to another, you can submit data to a document and open it in another page, add it to a scoped variable, add a parameter to the URL. All of these options will work.
Have a look at my blog post on this topic. There are a couple of gotchas to get around, most notably, ensuring the the page with your document datasource gets recalculated at the correct time. I'm working on a NotesIn9 on it.
Part 3 covers a couple of amendments to get it working with existing documents and includes a sample page that will work in the Extension Library Demo db. Note the extra view that needs to be created and other details in Part Two.
