I'm trying to extract keywords/entity names from a text using spacy.
I'm able to extract all the entity names but I'm getting a lot of duplicates.
For example,
def keywords(text):
tags = bla_bla(text)
return tags
article = "Donald Trump. Trump. Trump. Donald. Donald J Trump."
tags = keywords(article)
The output I'm getting is:
['Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'Trump', 'Donald', 'Donald J Trump']
How do I cluster all these tags under a master tag 'Donald J Trump'?
1) Easy way: keep only the longest entities that contains smaller
2) More time consuming: make dictionaries of entities
3) ML: vectorize entities with bag of words and cluster them, the longest entity in cluster will be "main"
With a carefully built dictionary.
There is no unsupervised/clustering that would do this reliably.
Consider the following sentence:
President Trump met with his son, Donald Trump Jr.
The dataset has 14k rows and has many titles, etc.
I am a beginner in Pandas and Python and I'd like to know how to proceed with getting the output of first name and last name from this dataset.
0 Pr.Doz.Dr. Klaus Semmler Facharzt für Frauenhe...
1 Dr. univ. (Budapest) Dalia Lax
2 Dr. med. Jovan Stojilkovic
3 Dr. med. Dirk Schneider
4 Marc Scheuermann
14083 Bag Kinderarztpraxis
14084 Herr Ulrich Bromig
14085 Sohn Heinrich
14086 Herr Dr. sc. med. Amadeus Hartwig
14087 Jasmin Rieche
for name in dataset:
first = name.split()[-2]
last = name.split()[-1]
# save here
This will work for most names, not all. For repeatability you may need a list of titles such as (dr., md., univ.) to skip over
As it doesn't contain any structure, you're out of luck. An ad-hoc solution could be to just write down a list of all locations/titles/conjunctions and other noise you've identified and then strip those from the rows. Then, if you notice some other things you'd like to exclude, just add them to your list.
This will not solve the issue of certain rows having their name in reverse order. So it'll require you to manually go over everything and check if the row is valid, but it might be quicker than editing each row by hand.
A simple, brute-force example would be:
excludes = {'dr.', 'herr', 'budapest', 'med.', 'für', ... }
new_entries = []
for title in all_entries:
cleaned_result = []
parts = title.split(' ')
for part in parts:
if part.lowercase() not in excludes:
new_entries.append(' '.join(cleaned_result))
I am playing with WordNet and try to solve a NLP task.
I was wondering if there exists any way to get a list of words belonging to some large sets, such as "animals" (i.e. dog, cat, cow etc.), "countries", "electronics" etc.
I believe that it should be possible to somehow get this list by exploiting hypernyms.
Bonus question: do you know any other way to classify words in very large classes, besides "noun", "adjective" and "verb"? For example, classes like, "prepositions", "conjunctions" etc.
Yes, you just check if the category is a hypernym of the given word.
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
def has_hypernym(word, category):
# Assume the category always uses the most popular sense
cat_syn = wn.synsets(category)[0]
# For the input, check all senses
for syn in wn.synsets(word):
for match in syn.lowest_common_hypernyms(cat_syn):
if match == cat_syn:
return True
return False
has_hypernym('dog', 'animal') # => True
has_hypernym('bucket', 'animal') # => False
If the broader word (the "category" here) is the lowest common hypernym, that means it's a direct hypernym of the query word, so the query word is in the category.
Regarding your bonus question, I have no idea what you mean. Maybe you should look at NER or open a new question.
With some help from polm23, I found this solution, which exploits similarity between words, and prevents wrong results when the class name is ambiguous.
The idea is that WordNet can be used to compare a list words, with the string animal, and compute a similarity score. From the nltk.org webpage:
Wu-Palmer Similarity: Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the depth of the two senses in the taxonomy and that of their Least Common Subsumer (most specific ancestor node).
def keep_similar(words, similarity_thr):
w2 = wn.synset('animal.n.01')
[similar_words.append(word) for word in words if wn.synset(word + '.n.01').wup_similarity(w2) > similarity_thr ]
return similar_words
For example, if word_list = ['dog', 'car', 'train', 'dinosaur', 'London', 'cheese', 'radon'], the corresponding scores are:
This can easily be used to generate a list of animals, by setting a proper value of similarity_thr
I have few patient's medical record text files which i got from the internet and i want to identify/find the files which are bad quality(misspelled words/special characters between the words/Erroneous words) and files with good quality(clean text).i want to build error detection model using text mining/NLP.
1)can someone please help me on the approach and solution for feature extraction and model selection.
2)Is there any medical corpus for medical records to identify the misspelled/Erroneous words.
If your goal is to simply correct these misspelled words to improve performance on whatever downstream task you want to do, then I can suggest a simple approach which has worked sufficiently well for me.
First tokenize your text (I recommend scispacy for medical text)
Identify possible "bad quality" words simply by the count of each unique word constructed from all the words in your corpus e.g. all words that occur <= 3 times
Add words that occur > 3 times in your corpus (we assume these are all correctly spelled) to a regular English dictionary. If your corpus is large, this is perfectly adequate for capturing medical terms. Otherwise use a medical dictionary e.g. UMLS, or https://github.com/glutanimate/wordlist-medicalterms-en to add the medical words not in a regular dictionary
Use pyspellchecker to identify the misspellings by using the Levenshtein Distance algorithm and comparing against our dictionary.
Replace the typos with what pyspellchecker thinks they should be.
A basic example:
import spacy
import scispacy
from collections import Counter
from spellchecker import SpellChecker
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_sci_md') # sciSpaCy
word_freq = Counter()
for doc in corpus:
tokens = nlp.tokenizer(doc)
tokenised_text = ""
for token in tokens:
tokenised_text = tokenised_text + token.text + " "
infreq_words = [word for word in word_freq.keys() if word_freq[word] <= 3 and word[0].isdigit() == False]
freq_words = [word for word in word_freq.keys() if word_freq[word] > 3]
add_to_dictionary = " ".join(freq_words)
f=open("medical_dict.txt", "w+")
spell = SpellChecker()
spell.distance = 1 # set the distance parameter to just 1 edit away - much quicker
misspelled = spell.unknown(infreq_words)
misspell_dict = {}
for i, word in enumerate(misspelled):
if (word != spell.correction(word)):
misspell_dict[word] = spell.correction(word)
I would also recommend using regular expressions to fix any other "bad quality" words which can be systematically corrected.
You can do biobert to do contextual spelling check,
Link: https://github.com/dmis-lab/biobert
How do I get the correct NER using SpaCy from text like "F.B.I. Agent Peter Strzok, Who Criticized Trump in Texts, Is Fired - The New York Times SectionsSEARCHSkip to contentSkip to site."
here "Criticized Trump" is recognized as person instead of "Trump" as person.
How to pre-process and lower case the text like "Criticized" or "Texts" from the above string to overcome above issue or any other technique to do so.
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
from collections import Counter
import en_core_web_sm
nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()
from pprint import pprint
sent = ("F.B.I. Agent Peter Strzok, Who Criticized Trump in Texts, Is Fired - The New York Times SectionsSEARCHSkip to contentSkip to site")
doc = nlp(sent)
pprint([(X, X.ent_iob_, X.ent_type_) for X in doc])
Result from above code:-
"Criticized Trump" as 'PERSON' and "Texts" as 'GPE'
Expected result should be:-
"Trump" as 'PERSON' instead of "Criticized Trump" as 'PERSON' and "Texts" as '' instead of "Texts" as 'GPE'
You can add more examples of Named Entities to tune the NER model. Here you have all the information needed for the preparation of train data https://spacy.io/usage/training. You can use prodigy (annotation tool from spaCy creators, https://prodi.gy) to mark Named Entities in your data.
Indeed, you can pre-process using POS tagging in order to change to lower case words like "Criticized" or "Texts" which are not proper nouns.
Proper capitalization (lower vs. upper case) will help the NER tagger.
sent = "F.B.I. Agent Peter Strzok, Who Criticized Trump in Texts, Is Fired - The New York Times SectionsSEARCHSkip to contentSkip to site"
doc = nlp(sent)
words = []
spaces = []
for a in doc:
if a.pos_ != 'PROPN':
words.append( a.text.lower() )
spaces = [len(sp) for sp in spaces]
docNew = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
# F.B.I. Agent Peter Strzok, who criticized Trump in texts, is fired - the New York Times SectionsSEARCHSkip to contentskip to site
I'm testing such sentence to extract entity values:
s = "Height: 3m, width: 4.0m, others: 3.4 m, 4m, 5 meters, 10 m. Quantity: 6."
sent = nlp(s)
for ent in sent.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.label_)
And got some misleading values:
namely, number 3m is not paired with m. This is the case for many examples as I can't rely on this engine when want to separate meters from quantities.
Should I do this manually?
One potential difficulty in your example is that it's not very close to natural language. The pre-trained English models were trained on ~2m words of general web and news text, so they're not always going to perform perfect out-of-the-box on text with a very different structure.
While you could update the model with more examples of QUANTITY in your specific texts, I think that a rule-based approach might actually be a better and more efficient solution here.
The example in this blog post is actually very close to what you're trying to do:
import spacy
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRuler
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
weights_pattern = [
{"LIKE_NUM": True},
{"LOWER": {"IN": ["g", "kg", "grams", "kilograms", "lb", "lbs", "pounds"]}}
patterns = [{"label": "QUANTITY", "pattern": weights_pattern}]
ruler = EntityRuler(nlp, patterns=patterns)
nlp.add_pipe(ruler, before="ner")
doc = nlp("U.S. average was 2 lbs.")
print([(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
# [('U.S.', 'GPE'), ('2 lbs', 'QUANTITY')]
The statistical named entity recognizer respects pre-defined entities and wil "predict around" them. So if you're adding the EntityRuler before it in the pipeline, your custom QUANTITY entities will be assigned first and will be taken into account when the entity recognizer predicts labels for the remaining tokens.
Note that this example is using the latest version of spaCy, v2.1.x. You might also want to add more patterns to cover different constructions. For more details and inspiration, check out the documentation on the EntityRuler, combining models and rules and the token match pattern syntax.