how to perform calculation for all elements of list parellely or simultaneously to reduce the run time? - python-3.x

I am extracting a dataframe from yahoo API for a list of companies but I want to do it paralelly(i.e, the dataframes for all the companies should be extracted simultaneously).So, it reduces my run time....
My code:
import as web
import pandas as pd
import datetime
end_date ='%d/%m/%Y')
temp = - datetime.timedelta(6*365/12)
start_date = temp.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
f = web.DataReader('ACC.NS', 'yahoo', start_date, end_date)
The output of this code is a dataframe shown below:
This i have done for single company....
I want to do it for a list of companies which is:
For all this companies the dataframe 'f' should be extracted parallely in order to save run time. Can anyone help me to solve this?


How to read in pandas column as column of lists?

Probably a simple solution but I couldn't find a fix scrolling through previous questions so thought I would ask.
I'm reading in a csv using pd.read_csv() One column is giving me issues:
0 ['Bupa', 'O2', 'EE', 'Thomas Cook', 'YO! Sushi...
1 ['Marriott', 'Evans']
2 ['Toni & Guy', 'Holland & Barrett']
3 []
4 ['Royal Mail', 'Royal Mail']
It looks fine here but when I reference the first value in the column i get:
Out : '[\'Bupa\', \'O2\', \'EE\', \'Thomas Cook\', \'YO! Sushi\', \'Costa\', \'Starbucks\', \'Apple Store\', \'HMV\', \'Marks & Spencer\', "Sainsbury\'s", \'Superdrug\', \'HSBC UK\', \'Boots\', \'3 Store\', \'Vodafone\', \'Marks & Spencer\', \'Clarks\', \'Carphone Warehouse\', \'Lloyds Bank\', \'Pret A Manger\', \'Sports Direct\', \'Currys PC World\', \'Warrens Bakery\', \'Primark\', "McDonald\'s", \'HSBC UK\', \'Aldi\', \'Premier Inn\', \'Starbucks\', \'Pizza Hut\', \'Ladbrokes\', \'Metro Bank\', \'Cotswold Outdoor\', \'Pret A Manger\', \'Wetherspoon\', \'Halfords\', \'John Lewis\', \'Waitrose\', \'Jessops\', \'Costa\', \'Lush\', \'Holland & Barrett\']'
Which is obviously a string not a list as expected. How can I retain the list type when I read in this data?
I've tried the import ast method I've seen in other posts: df['brand_list_new'] = df['brand_list'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x)) Which didn't work.
I've also tried to replicate with dummy dataframes:
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'a' : [['test','test1','test3'], ['test59'], ['test'], ['rhg','wreg']],
'b' : [['erg','retbn','ert','eb'], ['g','eg','egr'], ['erg'], 'eg']})
Out: ['test', 'test1', 'test3']
Which works as I would expect - this suggests to me that the solution lies in how I am importing the data
Apologies, I was being stupid. The following should work:
import ast
df['brand_list_new'] = df['brand_list'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x))
Out: ['Bupa','O2','EE','Thomas Cook','YO! Sushi',...]
As desired

Append numpy array with inequal row in a loop

I want to append several arrays but with different size. However I don't want to merge them together, just stock them in a mega-list. Here a simplified code of mine which try to reproduce my problem:
import numpy as np
total_wavel = 5
tot_values = []
for i in range(total_wavel):
size = int(np.random.uniform(low=2, high=7))
values = np.array(np.random.uniform(low=1, high=6, size=(size,)))
tot_values = np.append(tot_values,values)
Exemple Output :
array([4.88776545, 4.86006097, 1.80835575, 3.52393214, 2.88971373,
1.62978552, 4.06880898, 4.10556672, 1.33428321, 3.81505999,
3.95533471, 2.18424975, 5.15665168, 5.38251801, 1.7403673 ,
4.90459377, 3.44198867, 5.03055533, 3.96271897, 1.93934124,
5.60657218, 1.24646798, 3.14179412])
Expected Output :
np.array([np.array([4.88776545, 4.86006097, 1.80835575, 3.52393214)], np.array([2.88971373,
1.62978552, 4.06880898, 4.10556672]), np.array([1.33428321, 3.81505999,
3.95533471, 2.18424975, 5.15665168, 5.38251801]), np.array([1.7403673 ,
4.90459377, 3.44198867, 5.03055533], np.array([3.96271897, 1.93934124,
5.60657218, 1.24646798, 3.14179412])])
np.array([4.88776545, 4.86006097, 1.80835575, 3.52393214], [2.88971373,
1.62978552, 4.06880898, 4.10556672],[1.33428321, 3.81505999,
3.95533471, 2.18424975, 5.15665168, 5.38251801], [1.7403673 ,
4.90459377, 3.44198867, 5.03055533], [3.96271897, 1.93934124,
5.60657218, 1.24646798, 3.14179412])
Thank you in advance
In for loop tot_values.append(list(values)), and after loop tot_np=np.array(tot_values)

trouble with transpose in pd.read_csv

I have a data in a CSV file structured like this
Installation Manufacturing Sales & Distribution Project Development Other
43,934 24,916 11,744 - 12,908
52,503 24,064 17,722 - 5,948
57,177 29,742 16,005 7,988 8,105
69,658 29,851 19,771 12,169 11,248
97,031 32,490 20,185 15,112 8,989
119,931 30,282 24,377 22,452 11,816
137,133 38,121 32,147 34,400 18,274
154,175 40,434 39,387 34,227 18,111
I want to skip the header and transpose the list like this
43934 52503 57177 69658 97031 119931 137133 154175
24916 24064 29742 29851 32490 30282 38121 40434
11744 17722 16005 19771 20185 24377 32147 39387
0 0 7988 12169 15112 22452 34400 34227
12908 5948 8105 11248 8989 11816 18274 18111
Here is my code
import pandas as pd
import csv
FileName = "C:/Users/kesid/Documents/Pthon/Pthon.csv"
data = pd.read_csv(FileName, header= None)
data = list(map(list, zip(*data)))
I am getting the error "TypeError: zip argument #1 must support iteration". Any help much appreciated.
You can read_csv in "normal" mode:
df = pd.read_csv('input.csv')
(colum names will be dropper later).
Start processing from replacing NaN with 0:
df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
Then use either df.values.T or df.values.T.tolist(), whatever
better suits your needs.
You should use skiprows=[0] to skip reading the first row and use .T to transpose
df = pd.read_csv(filename, skiprows=[0], header=None).T

How to create a time array in python for seasonal data

I am working with paleoclimate data (536-550 CE) in NetCDF format, which I imported with xarray. The time format is a bit strange:
import xarray as xr
ds_tas_01 = xr.open_dataset('')
<xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 61)>
array([15360215.25, 15360430.75, 15360731.75, 15361031.75, 15370131.75,
15370430.75, 15370731.75, 15371031.75, 15380131.75, 15380430.75,
15380731.75, 15381031.75, 15390131.75, 15390430.75, 15390731.75,
15391031.75, 15400131.75, 15400430.75, 15400731.75, 15401031.75,
15410131.75, 15410430.75, 15410731.75, 15411031.75, 15420131.75,
15420430.75, 15420731.75, 15421031.75, 15430131.75, 15430430.75,
15430731.75, 15431031.75, 15440131.75, 15440430.75, 15440731.75,
15441031.75, 15450131.75, 15450430.75, 15450731.75, 15451031.75,
15460131.75, 15460430.75, 15460731.75, 15461031.75, 15470131.75,
15470430.75, 15470731.75, 15471031.75, 15480131.75, 15480430.75,
15480731.75, 15481031.75, 15490131.75, 15490430.75, 15490731.75,
15491031.75, 15500131.75, 15500430.75, 15500731.75, 15501031.75,
* time (time) float64 1.536e+07 1.536e+07 1.536e+07 ... 1.55e+07 1.55e+07
standard_name: time
bounds: time_bnds
units: day as %Y%m%d.%f
calendar: proleptic_gregorian
axis: T
So I want to make my own time array that I can use to plot the climate data. For monthly data I used:
import numpy as np
time = np.arange('0536-01-31', '0551-01-31', dtype='datetime64[M]')
which gives me an array with the years and months between those two dates.
now I grouped my data by season using cdo seasmean ('djf', 'mam', jja, 'son') and got 61 values instead of 180. Is there a way to regroup the 'time' array to seasonal values, or create a new time array that corresponds to the seasonal data?
I made it work by setting the number of steps in np.arange:
time = np.arange('0536-01-31', '0551-01-31', steps=3, dtype='datetime64[M]')
This gives a time step every three months, so essentially every 'season'.

How to convert a milliseconds into the normal time inside the list?

I'm parcing a web-site on Python 3.6.2
I got a long list (it has about 17000 symbols):
[[1194570000000, 1806.22], [1194829200000, 1792.02], [1194915600000, 1777.35], [1195002000000, 1783.27], [1195088400000, 1782.55], [1195174800000, 1760.89], [1195434000000, 1751.49], [1195520400000, 1747.99], [1195606800000, 1741.47], [1195693200000, 1726.78], [1195779600000, 1730.69], [1196038800000, 1750.07], [1196125200000, 1738.24], [1196211600000, 1730.1], [1196298000000, 1744.72], [1196384400000, 1759.95], [1196643600000, 1759.74], [1196730000000, 1754.45], [1196816400000, 1772.8], [1196902800000, 1786.09], [1196989200000, 1790.25], [1197248400000, 1796.63], [1197334800000, 1815.07], [1197421200000, 1818.52], [1197507600000, 1816.8], [1197594000000, 1796.78], [1197853200000, 1772.76], [1197939600000, 1789.9], [1198026000000, 1781.98], [1198112400000, 1794.38], [1198198800000, 1797.66], [1198458000000, 1807.15], [1198544400000, 1801.53], [1198630800000, 1799.07], [1198717200000, 1800.78], [1198803600000, 1800.3], [1198890000000, 1800.23], [1199926800000, 1825.09], [1200013200000, 1827.88], [1200272400000, 1828.87], [1200358800000, 1832.82], [1200445200000, 1788.15], [1200531600000, 1746.4], [1200618000000, 1729.26], [1200877200000, 1657.58], [1200963600000, 1606.25], [1201050000000, 1603.64], [1201136400000, 1621.03], [1201222800000, 1657.67], [1201482000000, 1628.03], [1201568400000, 1629.02], [1201654800000, 1617.45], [1201741200000, 1585.1], [1201827600000, 1615.29], [1202086800000, 1666.69], [1202173200000, 1673.41], [1202259600000, 1633.71], [1202346000000, 1625.94], [1202432400000, 1624.1], [1202691600000, 1638.08], [1202778000000, 1701.16], [1202864400000, 1721.58], [1202950800000, 1756.86], [1203037200000, 1732.13], [1203296400000, 1751.02], [1203382800000, 1760.49], [1203469200000, 1755.08], [1203555600000, 1780.1], [1203642000000, 1778.15], [1203987600000, 1786.42], [1204074000000, 1777.88], [1204160400000, 1767.45], [1204246800000, 1764.72], [1204506000000, 1734.83], [1204592400000, 1739.02], [1204678800000, 1730.82], [1204765200000, 1738.13], [1204851600000, 1710.22], [1205197200000, 1714.67], [1205283600000, 1748.51], [1205370000000, 1727.69], [1205456400000, 1735.35], [1205715600000, 1681.17], [1205802000000, 1680.49], [1205888400000, 1687.95], [1205974800000, 1658.55], [1206061200000, 1669.67], [1206320400000, 1666.83], [1206406800000, 1682.01], [1206493200000, 1673.85], [1206579600000, 1692.85], [1206666000000, 1711.2], [1206921600000, 1732.77], [1207008000000, 1747.96], [1207094400000, 1757.32], [1207180800000, 1754.46], [1207267200000, 1745.45], [1207526400000, 1764.22], [1207612800000, 1758.4], [1207699200000, 1770.59], [1207785600000, 1776.8], [1207872000000, 1775.61], [1208131200000, 1759.18], [1208217600000, 1782.33], [1208304000000, 1803.16], [1208390400000, 1819.44], [1208476800000, 1825.26], [1208736000000, 1834.73], [1208822400000, 1819.78], [1208908800000, 1818.49], [1208995200000, 1804.03], [1209081600000, 1797.37], [1209340800000, 1819.62], [1209427200000, 1816.22], [1209513600000, 1788.91], [1209859200000, 1818.08], [1209945600000, 1825.41], [1210032000000, 1835.86], [1210118400000, 1860.42], [1210204800000, 1890.98], [1210550400000, 1912.79], [1210636800000, 1921.4], [1210723200000, 1930.14], [1210809600000, 1961.11], [1210896000000, 1976.18], [1211155200000, 1982.32], [1211241600000, 1962.19], [1211328000000, 1971.47], [1211414400000, 1958.48], [1211500800000, 1937.04], [1211760000000, 1924.79], [1211846400000, 1920.34], [1211932800000, 1910.95], [1212019200000, 1937.63], [1212105600000, 1939.91], [1212364800000, 1954.14], [1212451200000, 1943.88], [1212537600000, 1917.49], [1212624000000, 1908.67], [1212710400000, 1920.71], [1212796800000, 1888.57], [1212969600000, 1902.74], [1213056000000, 1893.78], [1213142400000, 1910.03], [1213574400000, 1934.58], [1213660800000, 1954.97], [1213747200000, 1971.5], [1213833600000, 1967.82], [1213920000000, 1958.94], [1214179200000, 1925.44], [1214265600000, 1897.82], [1214352000000, 1898.14], [1214438400000, 1888.13], [1214524800000, 1853.59], [1214784000000, 1874.87], [1214870400000, 1843.88], [1214956800000, 1836.45], [1215043200000, 1801.29], [1215129600000, 1799.02], [1215388800000, 1801.73], [1215475200000, 1778.26], [1215561600000, 1782.45], [1215648000000, 1781.25], [1215734400000, 1768.2], [1215993600000, 1764.23], [1216080000000, 1737.92], [1216166400000, 1725.59], [1216252800000, 1752.41], [1216339200000, 1738.93], [1216598400000, 1718.19], [1216684800000, 1712.45], [1216771200000, 1718.95], [1216857600000, 1686.71], [1216944000000, 1587.53], [1217203200000, 1581.52], [1217289600000, 1524.75], [1217376000000, 1557.89], [1217462400000, 1581.82], [1217548800000, 1580.59], [1217808000000, 1559.64], [1217894400000, 1513.67], [1217980800000, 1503.23], [1218067200000, 1527.85], [1218153600000, 1482.64], [1218412800000, 1445.45], [1218499200000, 1508.53], [1218585600000, 1514.26], [1218672000000, 1539.56], [1218758400000, 1535.05], [1219017600000, 1535.95], [1219104000000, 1477.17], [1219276800000, 1483.31], [1219363200000, 1476.09], [1219622400000, 1442.8], [1219708800000, 1364.55], [1219795200000, 1367.89], [1219881600000, 1391.75], [1219968000000, 1404.44], [1220227200000, 1426.43], [1220313600000, 1418.14], [1220400000000, 1389.37], [1220486400000, 1360.89], [1220572800000, 1255.55], [1220832000000, 1293.47], [1220918400000, 1239.64], [1221004800000, 1132.71], [1221091200000, 1138.64], [1221177600000, 1157.26], [1221436800000, 1125.8], [1221523200000, 1023.4], [1221609600000, 964.38], [1221696000000, 963.58], [1221782400000, 1096.9], [1222041600000, 1158.72], [1222128000000, 1126.96], [1222214400000, 1138.86], [1222300800000, 1107.07], [1222387200000, 1093.35], [1222646400000, 1056.35], [1222732800000, 994.01], [1222819200000, 1025.51], [1222905600000, 997.97], [1222992000000, 916.35], [1223251200000, 808.1], [1223337600000, 757.5], [1223424000000, 682.82], [1223510400000, 694.25], [1223596800000, 694.19], [1223856000000, 672.24], [1223942400000, 718.12], [1224028800000, 682.73], [1224115200000, 614.08], [1224201600000, 573.74], [1224460800000, 578.35], [1224547200000, 602.25], [1224633600000, 584.62], [1224720000000, 563.86], [1224806400000, 514.53], [1225069200000, 514.39], [1225155600000, 488.76], [1225242000000, 529.27], [1225328400000, 611.05], [1225414800000, 625.17], [1225501200000, 689.32], [1225846800000, 732.17], [1225933200000, 650.25], [1226019600000, 640.83], [1226278800000, 679.3], [1226365200000, 589.93], [1226451600000, 589.87], [1226538000000, 517.05], [1226624400000, 542.3], [1226883600000, 501.9], [1226970000000, 479.59], [1227056400000, 478.47], [1227142800000, 450.07], [1227229200000, 457.15], [1227488400000, 478.68], [1227574800000, 517.51], [1227661200000, 505.31], [1227747600000, 528.05], [1227834000000, 534.75], [1228093200000, 536.86], [1228179600000, 510.96], [1228266000000, 516.41], [1228352400000, 519.82], [1228438800000, 509.61], [1228698000000, 542.01], [1228784400000, 559.07], [1228870800000, 571.89], [1228957200000, 575.07], [1229043600000, 547.36], [1229302800000, 575.82], [1229389200000, 571.53], [1229475600000, 574.57], [1229562000000, 552.97], [1229648400000, 534.69], [1229907600000, 568.61], [1229994000000, 580.45], [1230080400000, 586.15], [1230166800000, 566.55], [1230253200000, 557.38], [1230512400000, 555.76], [1230598800000, 547.45], [1230685200000, 548.16], [1231635600000, 563.58], [1231722000000, 575.88], [1231808400000, 572.75], [1231894800000, 576.31], [1231981200000, 549.98], [1232067600000, 553.97], [1232326800000, 530.95], [1232413200000, 512.12], [1232499600000, 508.34], [1232586000000, 514.01], [1232672400000, 489.04], [1232931600000, 509.06], [1233018000000, 528.42], [1233104400000, 539.64], [1233190800000, 546.1], [1233277200000, 556.09], [1233536400000, 555.23], [1233622800000, 565.5], [1233709200000, 576.94], [1233795600000, 583.89], [1233882000000, 606.37], [1234141200000, 650.84], [1234227600000, 670.48], [1234314000000, 665.39], [1234400400000, 657.63], [1234486800000, 660.24], [1234746000000, 663.05], [1234832400000, 637.9], [1234918800000, 600.87], [1235005200000, 621.45], [1235091600000, 607.74], [1235437200000, 597.27], [1235523600000, 620.61], [1235610000000, 631.12], [1235696400000, 632.53], [1235955600000, 616.06], [1236042000000, 614.71], [1236128400000, 634.31], [1236214800000, 633.7], [1236301200000, 636.42], [1236646800000, 676.8], [1236733200000, 687.33], [1236819600000, 664.34], [1236906000000, 677.91], [1237165200000, 673.76], [1237251600000, 680.96], [1237338000000, 678.9], [1237424400000, 690.34], [1237510800000, 713.94], [1237770000000, 765.98], [1237856400000, 761.21], [1237942800000, 792.88], [1238029200000, 815.54], [1238115600000, 817.43], [1238371200000, 757.88], [1238457600000, 768.05], [1238544000000, 771.56], [1238630400000, 799.54], [1238716800000, 806.71], [1238976000000, 826.06], [1239062400000, 805.96], [1239148800000, 816.81], [1239235200000, 867.51], [1239321600000, 897.57], [1239580800000, 905.51], [1239667200000, 943.68], [1239753600000, 947.12], [1239840000000, 952.44], [1239926400000, 974.06], [1240185600000, 950.03], [1240272000000, 921.33], [1240358400000, 938.02], [1240444800000, 972.55], [1240531200000, 987.71], [1240790400000, 969.15], [1240876800000, 929.82], [1240963200000, 975.75], [1241049600000, 1009.64], [1241395200000, 1042.23], [1241481600000, 1069.43], [1241568000000, 1084.97], [1241654400000, 1163.66], [1241740800000, 1161.41], [1242086400000, 1181.97], [1242172800000, 1176.05], [1242259200000, 1108.11], [1242345600000, 1137.12], [1242604800000, 1121.17], [1242691200000, 1151.36], [1242777600000, 1171.26], [1242864000000, 1164.11], [1242950400000, 1162.57], [1243209600000, 1165.35], [1243296000000, 1142.74], [1243382400000, 1171.37], [1243468800000, 1172.33], [1243555200000, 1203.54], [1243814400000, 1262.5], [1243900800000, 1289.68], [1243987200000, 1268.4], [1244073600000, 1250.81], [1244160000000, 1285.42], [1244419200000, 1262.42], [1244505600000, 1277.5], [1244592000000, 1304.35], [1244678400000, 1300.95], [1245024000000, 1264.32], [1245110400000, 1255.02], [1245196800000, 1233], [1245283200000, 1183.33], [1245369600000, 1192.41], [1245628800000, 1142.32], [1245715200000, 1069.01], [1245801600000, 1118.55], [1245888000000, 1127.34], [1245974400000, 1141.99], [1246233600000, 1124.32], [1246320000000, 1144.29], [1246406400000, 1128.87], [1246492800000, 1122.6], [1246579200000, 1106.46], [1246838400000, 1076.98], [1246924800000, 1076.09], [1247011200000, 1042.85], [1247097600000, 1041.93], [1247184000000, 1010.26], [1247443200000, 997.8], [1247529600000, 1037.49], [1247616000000, 1044.34], [1247702400000, 1050.26], [1247788800000, 1063.75], [1248048000000, 1089.15], [1248134400000, 1101.04], [1248220800000, 1093.33], [1248307200000, 1107.34], [1248393600000, 1145.76], [1248652800000, 1183.04], [1248739200000, 1172.51], [1248825600000, 1152.45], [1248912000000, 1185.01], [1248998400000, 1203.98], [1249257600000, 1249.48], [1249344000000, 1235.59], [1249430400000, 1251.26], [1249516800000, 1252.76], [1249603200000, 1245.49], [1249862400000, 1263.41], [1249948800000, 1250.72], [1250035200000, 1227.87], [1250121600000, 1271.28], [1250208000000, 1269.32], [1250467200000, 1216.47], [1250553600000, 1234.36], [1250640000000, 1222.69], [1250726400000, 1239.34], [1250812800000, 1270.14], [1251072000000, 1309.02], [1251158400000, 1311.1], [1251244800000, 1319.67], [1251331200000, 1322.77], [1251417600000, 1346.3], [1251676800000, 1344.57], [1251763200000, 1372.85], [1251849600000, 1367.47], [1251936000000, 1384.82], [1252022400000, 1381], [1252281600000, 1399.53], [1252368000000, 1451.52], [1252454400000, 1486.98], [1252540800000, 1516.02], [1252627200000, 1535.25], [1252886400000, 1518.48], [1252972800000, 1550.23], [1253059200000, 1577.56], [1253145600000, 1616.07], [1253232000000, 1643.75], [1253491200000, 1620.48], [1253577600000, 1653.28], [1253664000000, 1652.49], [1253750400000, 1632.9], [1253836800000, 1643.01], [1254096000000, 1657.87], [1254182400000, 1690.57], [1254268800000, 1711.31], [1254355200000, 1726.62], [1254441600000, 1668.86], [1254700800000, 1698.15], [1254787200000, 1723.63], [1254873600000, 1796.48], [1254960000000, 1855.47], [1255046400000, 1866.12], [1255305600000, 1909.47], [1255392000000, 1909.81], [1255478400000, 1947.76], [1255564800000, 1947.59], [1255651200000, 1929.36], [1255910400000, 1947.13], [1255996800000, 1977.64], [1256083200000, 1975.57], [1256169600000, 1962.69], [1256256000000, 2009.06], [1256518800000, 2038.76], [1256605200000, 1973.44], [1256691600000, 1900.16], [1256778000000, 1865.5], [1256864400000, 1901.15], [1257123600000, 1867.59], [1257210000000, 1840.98], [1257382800000, 1864.77], [1257469200000, 1880.08], [1257728400000, 1920.11], [1257814800000, 1948.4], [1257901200000, 1962.72], [1257987600000, 1922.58], [1258074000000, 1902.03], [1258333200000, 1949.41], [1258419600000, 1943.86], [1258506000000, 1972.27], [1258592400000, 1945.69], [1258678800000, 1930.92], [1258938000000, 1952.74], [1259024400000, 1928.06], [1259110800000, 1933.98], [1259197200000, 1864.53], [1259283600000, 1820.72], [1259542800000, 1869.23], [1259629200000, 1909.74], [1259715600000, 1914.24], [1259802000000, 1928.28], [1259888400000, 1907.94], [1260147600000, 1908.85], [1260234000000, 1893.61], [1260320400000, 1881.92], [1260406800000, 1876.59], [1260493200000, 1888.93], [1260752400000, 1894.9], [1260838800000, 1915.16], [1260925200000, 1938.58], [1261011600000, 1945.07], [1261098000000, 1962.33], [1261357200000, 1965.04], [1261443600000, 1961.31], [1261530000000, 1953.76], [1261616400000, 1937.68], [1261702800000, 1927.8], [1261962000000, 1940.8], [1262048400000, 1939.3], [1262134800000, 1944.21], [1262221200000, 1956.6], [1263171600000, 2065.07], [1263258000000, 2064.64], [1263344400000, 2090.27], [1263430800000, 2128.52], [1263517200000, 2176.48], [1263776400000, 2194.19], [1263862800000, 2205.26], [1263949200000, 2268.81], [1264035600000, 2294.71], [1264122000000, 2199.22], [1264381200000, 2193.58], [1264467600000, 2144.89], [1264554000000, 2149.68], [1264640400000, 2218.12], [1264726800000, 2237.17], [1264986000000, 2229.98], [1265072400000, 2270.82], [1265158800000, 2334.71], [1265245200000, 2293.67], [1265331600000, 2170.48], [1265590800000, 2154.39], [1265677200000, 2140.96], [1265763600000, 2160.78], [1265850000000, 2157.81], [1265936400000, 2152.04], [1266195600000, 2166.07], [1266282000000, 2208.66], [1266368400000, 2241.27], [1266454800000, 2204.89], [1266541200000, 2194.01], [1266973200000, 2205.58], [1267059600000, 2195.12], [1267146000000, 2206.47], [1267232400000, 2241.65], [1267405200000, 2254.96], [1267491600000, 2259.17], [1267578000000, 2269.09], [1267664400000, 2290.47], [1267750800000, 2316.19], [1268096400000, 2312.49], [1268182800000, 2316.02], [1268269200000, 2300.43], [1268355600000, 2323.75], [1268614800000, 2333.29], [1268701200000, 2339.15], [1268787600000, 2366.15], [1268874000000, 2373.97], [1268960400000, 2367.54], [1269219600000, 2352.68], [1269306000000, 2371.24], [1269392400000, 2359.14], [1269478800000, 2365.72], [1269565200000, 2416.75], [1269820800000, 2421.75], [1269907200000, 2453.62], [1269993600000, 2485.89], [1270080000000, 2520.2], [1270166400000, 2509.26], [1270425600000, 2527.51], [1270512000000, 2549.75], [1270598400000, 2510.39], [1270684800000, 2495.96], [1270771200000, 2537.35], [1271030400000, 2556.07], [1271116800000, 2599.57], [1271203200000, 2646.47], [1271289600000, 2646.61], [1271376000000, 2592.88], [1271635200000, 2500.75], [1271721600000, 2540.25], [1271808000000, 2538.07], [1271894400000, 2509.43], [1271980800000, 2500.58], [1272240000000, 2562.76], [1272326400000, 2519.97], [1272412800000, 2457.82], [1272499200000, 2491.67], [1272585600000, 2501.05], [1272931200000, 2429.29], [1273017600000, 2362.58], [1273104000000, 2322.6], [1273190400000, 2204.22], [1273536000000, 2208.73], [1273622400000, 2243.5], [1273708800000, 2275.73], [1273795200000, 2209.73], [1274054400000, 2196.03], [1274140800000, 2239.5], [1274227200000, 2172.53], [1274313600000, 2113.25], [1274400000000, 2041.37], [1274659200000, 2096.79], [1274745600000, 2019.49], [1274832000000, 2045.77], [1274918400000, 2103.37], [1275004800000, 2117.9], [1275264000000, 2138.24], [1275350400000, 2120.55], [1275436800000, 2137.98], [1275523200000, 2200.41], [1275609600000, 2183.65], [1275868800000, 2120.63], [1275955200000, 2132.57], [1276041600000, 2135.47], [1276128000000, 2138.14], [1276214400000, 2139.16], [1276560000000, 2154.37], [1276646400000, 2166.77], [1276732800000, 2170.14], [1276819200000, 2157], [1277078400000, 2203.37], [1277164800000, 2188.95], [1277251200000, 2177.6], [1277337600000, 2152.36], [1277424000000, 2127.99], [1277683200000, 2136.44], [1277769600000, 2079.88], [1277856000000, 2041.62], [1277942400000, 1996.26], [1278028800000, 1983.89], [1278288000000, 1996.61], [1278374400000, 2029.39], [1278460800000, 2033.7], [1278547200000, 2090.78], [1278633600000, 2071.53], [1278892800000, 2088.88], [1278979200000, 2116.48], [1279065600000, 2115.64], [1279152000000, 2114.95], [1279238400000, 2091.12], [1279497600000, 2087.68], [1279584000000, 2079.61], [1279670400000, 2105.69], [1279756800000, 2113.61], [1279843200000, 2146.42], [1280102400000, 2167.61], [1280188800000, 2175.95], [1280275200000, 2181.87], [1280361600000, 2206.88], [1280448000000, 2199.06], [1280707200000, 2249.88], [1280793600000, 2238.43], [1280880000000, 2244.51], [1280966400000, 2247.07], [1281052800000, 2238.67], [1281312000000, 2260.88], [1281398400000, 2235.64], [1281484800000, 2206.03], [1281571200000, 2183.63], [1281657600000, 2182.92], [1281916800000, 2174.21], [1282003200000, 2209.7], [1282089600000, 2213.49], [1282176000000, 2219.71], [1282262400000, 2203.89], [1282521600000, 2211.16], [1282608000000, 2183.58], [1282694400000, 2185.76], [1282780800000, 2200.34], [1282867200000, 2201.8], [1283126400000, 2229.02], [1283212800000, 2205.47], [1283299200000, 2235.49], [1283385600000, 2265.73], [1283472000000, 2272.88], [1283731200000, 2307.1], [1283817600000, 2289.12], [1283904000000, 2316], [1283990400000, 2336.63], [1284076800000, 2353.65], [1284336000000, 2364.86], [1284422400000, 2345.28], [1284508800000, 2330.23], [1284595200000, 2332.73], [1284681600000, 2329.07], [1284940800000, 2311.08], [1285027200000, 2340.75], [1285113600000, 2322.33], [1285200000000, 2318.23], [1285286400000, 2314.83], [1285545600000, 2322.81], [1285632000000, 2273.99], [1285718400000, 2291.21], [1285804800000, 2299.94], [1285891200000, 2324.88], [1286150400000, 2345.1], [1286236800000, 2349.47], [1286323200000, 2362.85], [1286409600000, 2343.36], [1286496000000, 2324.29], [1286755200000, 2350.54], [1286841600000, 2356.69], [1286928000000, 2379.54], [1287014400000, 2385.66], [1287100800000, 2391.12], [1287360000000, 2391.33], [1287446400000, 2388.31], [1287532800000, 2383.03], [1287619200000, 2368.92], [1287705600000, 2365.76], [1287964800000, 2377.83], [1288051200000, 2374.57], [1288137600000, 2371.17], [1288224000000, 2368.49], [1288310400000, 2362.03], [1288573200000, 2394.35], [1288659600000, 2388.84], [1288746000000, 2391.23], [1289178000000, 2419.32], [1289264400000, 2434.15], [1289350800000, 2421.7], [1289437200000, 2436.95], [1289523600000, 2420.74], [1289610000000, 2420.22], [1289782800000, 2430.49], [1289869200000, 2436.24], [1289955600000, 2452.63], [1290042000000, 2502.14], [1290128400000, 2509.4], [1290387600000, 2521.59], [1290474000000, 2492.79], [1290560400000, 2499.77], [1290646800000, 2539.31], [1290733200000, 2541.65], [1290992400000, 2535.83], [1291078800000, 2548.12], [1291165200000, 2579.55], [1291251600000, 2630.43], [1291338000000, 2684.82], [1291597200000, 2706.76], [1291683600000, 2722.66], [1291770000000, 2699.41], [1291856400000, 2704.61], [1291942800000, 2720.08], [1292202000000, 2755.7], [1292288400000, 2775.37], [1292374800000, 2787.9], [1292461200000, 2782.11], [1292547600000, 2785.73], [1292806800000, 2822.49], [1292893200000, 2824.16], [1292979600000, 2831.9], [1293066000000, 2842.81], [1293152400000, 2842.59], [1293411600000, 2809.56], [1293498000000, 2811.79], [1293584400000, 2807.98], [1293670800000, 2810.86], [1293757200000, 2810.44], [1294707600000, 2916.55], [1294794000000, 2970.84], [1294880400000, 2985.02], [1294966800000, 2970.21], [1295226000000, 3013.12], [1295312400000, 3023.03], [1295398800000, 3034.26], [1295485200000, 2994.76], [1295571600000, 3030.34], [1295830800000, 3004.56], [1295917200000, 3007.85], [1296003600000, 3033.62], [1296090000000, 3054.33], [1296176400000, 3034.96], [1296435600000, 3001.76], [1296522000000, 3047.94], [1296608400000, 3085.91], [1296694800000, 3079.5], [1296781200000, 3081.59], [1297040400000, 3065.24], [1297126800000, 3057.8], [1297213200000, 3037.93], [1297299600000, 2994.59], [1297386000000, 3019.97], [1297645200000, 3066.61], [1297731600000, 3077.68], [1297818000000, 3075.74], [1297904400000, 3098.59], [1297990800000, 3110.37], [1298250000000, 3145.66], [1298336400000, 3114.48], [1298509200000, 3101.39], [1298595600000, 3140.65], [1298854800000, 3181.54], [1298941200000, 3187.78], [1299027600000, 3160.24], [1299114000000, 3185.79], [1299200400000, 3174.66], [1299286800000, 3178.22], [1299632400000, 3205.61], [1299718800000, 3142.39], [1299805200000, 3093.05], [1300064400000, 3095.52], [1300150800000, 2986.98], [1300237200000, 3010.72], [1300323600000, 3017.64], [1300410000000, 3040.04], [1300669200000, 3047.59], [1300755600000, 3023.41], [1300842000000, 3038.04], [1300928400000, 3068.87], [1301014800000, 3083.17], [1301270400000, 3087.51], [1301356800000, 3067.37], [1301443200000, 3098.34], [1301529600000, 3113.9], [1301616000000, 3141.69], [1301875200000, 3174.5], [1301961600000, 3172.26], [1302048000000, 3188.25], [1302134400000, 3176.8], [1302220800000, 3191.89], [1302480000000, 3185.84], [1302566400000, 3127.59], [1302652800000, 3108.23], [1302739200000, 3095.78], [1302825600000, 3089.41], [1303084800000, 3015.84], [1303171200000, 2981.92], [1303257600000, 3033.67], [1303344000000, 3053.12], [1303430400000, 3054.46], [1303689600000, 3063.89], [1303776000000, 3014.28], [1303862400000, 3014.37], [1303948800000, 3007.57], [1304035200000, 2967.66], [1304380800000, 2945.87], [1304467200000, 2901.66], [1304553600000, 2855.25], [1304640000000, 2850.45], [1304985600000, 2878.71], [1305072000000, 2866.19], [1305158400000, 2802.41], [1305244800000, 2802.41], [1305417600000, 2790.78], [1305504000000, 2790.78], [1305590400000, 2802.58], [1305676800000, 2805.54], [1305763200000, 2819.33], [1305849600000, 2795.36], [1306022400000, 2720.91], [1306108800000, 2720.91], [1306195200000, 2738.45], [1306281600000, 2742.91], [1306368000000, 2759.38], [1306454400000, 2774], [1306713600000, 2801.78], [1306800000000, 2829.22], [1306886400000, 2818.64], [1306972800000, 2799.42], [1307059200000, 2806.33], [1307318400000, 2790.76], [1307404800000, 2818.34], [1307491200000, 2836.65], [1307577600000, 2857.04], [1307664000000, 2874.5], [1308009600000, 2879.79], [1308096000000, 2905.71], [1308182400000, 2858.4], [1308268800000, 2849.95], [1308528000000, 2822.09], [1308614400000, 2846.21], [1308700800000, 2845.19], [1308787200000, 2815.21], [1308873600000, 2831.43], [1309132800000, 2814.01], [1309219200000, 2825.49], [1309305600000, 2852.74], [1309392000000, 2869.25], [1309478400000, 2909.79], [1309737600000, 2924.97], [1309824000000, 2926.85], [1309910400000, 2918.67], [1309996800000, 2961.3], [1310083200000, 2967.96], [1310342400000, 2930.53], [1310428800000, 2910.43], [1310515200000, 2927.7], [1310601600000, 2943.07], [1310688000000, 2947.03], [1310947200000, 2943.98], [1311033600000, 2925.17], [1311120000000, 2938.49], [1311206400000, 2941.49], [1311292800000, 2969.48], [1311552000000, 2955.88], [1311638400000, 2970.93], [1311724800000, 2974.8], [1311811200000, 2964.83], [1311897600000, 2959.33], [1312156800000, 2984.21], [1312243200000, 2951.08], [1312329600000, 2908.34], [1312416000000, 2840.94], [1312502400000, 2689.22], [1312761600000, 2599.58], [1312848000000, 2449.5], [1312934400000, 2534.46], [1313020800000, 2435.75], [1313107200000, 2509.19], [1313366400000, 2617.46], [1313452800000, 2607.63], [1313539200000, 2648.05], [1313625600000, 2615.57], [1313712000000, 2531.74], [1313971200000, 2553.75], [1314057600000, 2548.08], [1314144000000, 2538.26], [1314230400000, 2543.95], [1314316800000, 2515.13], [1314576000000, 2603.59], [1314662400000, 2605.23], [1314748800000, 2637.56], [1314835200000, 2630.24], [1314921600000, 2610.72], [1315180800000, 2579.43], [1315267200000, 2579.33], [1315353600000, 2621.89], [1315440000000, 2626.82], [1315526400000, 2598.39], [1315785600000, 2513.64], [1315872000000, 2525.82], [1315958400000, 2527.06], [1316044800000, 2546.5], [1316131200000, 2517.3], [1316390400000, 2486.41], [1316476800000, 2518.97], [1316563200000, 2531.8], [1316649600000, 2408.69], [1316736000000, 2247.31], [1316995200000, 2223.62], [1317081600000, 2291.87], [1317168000000, 2272.35], [1317254400000, 2279.69], [1317340800000, 2257.6], [1317600000000, 2204.21], [1317686400000, 2127.62], [1317772800000, 2097.34], [1317859200000, 2132.02]]
It has following structure:
[Date, price]
How can I convert all milliseconds to normal date (DD/MM/YYYY) inside the list?
Those look like milliseconds since the epoch. You can use the Python datetime library.
import datetime
def timestamp(ms):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ms / 1000.0).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')
def use_timestamps(lst):
return [[timestamp(ms), price] for ms, price in lst]
Here is the output using the list you provided:
