Data Factory V2 Query Azure Table Storage but use a lookup Value - azure

I have a SQL watermark table which contains the last date in my destination table
My source data is coming from an Azure Storage Table and the date time is a string
I set up the date time in the watermark table to match the format in the Azure table storage
I create a lookup and a copy task
If I hard code the date into the Query for source and run this works fine CreatedAt ge '2019-03-06T14:03:11.000Z'
But obviously I dont want to hard code this value. I want to use the date from the lookup
But when I replace the hardcoded date with the lookup value
CreatedAt ge 'activity('LookupWatermarkOld').output'
I get an error
"errorCode": "2200",
storage operation failed with the following error 'The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.'.,Source=,
''Type=Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException,Message=The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.,
error at position 42 in 'CreatedAt ge 'activity('LookupWatermarkOld').output''.\nRequestId:8c65ced9-b002-0051-79d9-d41d49000000\nTime:2019-03-07T11:35:39.0640233Z,,''Type=System.Net.WebException,Message=The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.,Source=Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage,'",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "CopyMentions"
Can anyone help me with this? How do you use the Lookup value in a Azure Table query?

check this out:
1) Lookup activity. Query field:
SELECT MAX(WatermarkColumnName) as LastId FROM TableName;
Also, make sure that you checked "First row only" option.
2) In Copy Data activity use query. Query field:
#concat('SELECT * FROM TableName as s WHERE s.WatermarkColumnName > ''', activity('LookupActivity').output.firstRow.LastID, '''')

Finally I got some help on this and it works with
CreatedAt gt '#{activity('LookupWatermarkOld').output.firstRow.WaterMarkValue}'
the WaterarkValue is the column name from the SQL Lookup table
The Lookup creates an array so you have to specify the FirstRow from this array
And wrap in '' so its used as a string value

--For recent ADFv2
Use the watermark/lookup/output value in parameter.
Example: ParamUserCount = #{activity('LookupActivity').output.count}
or for output function
and you can use it in query as
Example: "select * from userDetails where usercount = {$ParamUserCount}"
make sure you enclose the query in " " to set as string and parameter in query should be enclosed in { }


Inserting Timestamp Into Snowflake Using Python 3.8

I have an empty table defined in snowflake as;
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE db1.schema1.table(
And it creates the correct table, which has been checked using desc command in sql. Then using a snowflake python connector we are trying to execute following query;
Just before this query the variables are defined, The main challenge is getting the current time stamp written into snowflake. Here the value of ct is defined as;
import datetime
ct =
2021-04-30 21:54:41.676406
But when we try to execute this INSERT query we get the following errr message;
ProgrammingError: 001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 157 unexpected '21'.
Can I kindly get some help on ow to format the date time value here? Help is appreciated.
In addition to the answer #Lukasz provided you could also think about defining the current_timestamp() as default for the TIME_PREDICTED column:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE db1.schema1.table(
It will automatically assign the insert time to TIME_PREDICTED
Educated guess. When performing insert with:
VALUES ({accountId}, {risk_score},{ct});'
It is a string interpolation. The ct is provided as string representation of datetime, which does not match a timestamp data type, thus error.
I would suggest using proper variable binding instead:
"VALUES(:1, :2, :3)",
Avoid SQL Injection Attacks
Avoid binding data using Python’s formatting function because you risk SQL injection. For example:
# Binding data (UNSAFE EXAMPLE)
"INSERT INTO testtable(col1, col2) "
"VALUES({col1}, '{col2}')".format(
col2='test string3')
Instead, store the values in variables, check those values (for example, by looking for suspicious semicolons inside strings), and then bind the parameters using qmark or numeric binding style.
You forgot to place the quotes before and after the {ct}. The code should be :
insert_query = "INSERT INTO DATA_LAKE.CUSTOMER.ACT_PREDICTED_PROBABILITIES(ACCOUNT_ID, PREDICTED_PROBABILITY, TIME_PREDICTED) VALUES ({accountId}, {risk_score},'{ct}');".format(accountId=accountId,risk_score=risk_score,ct=ct)

Kusto/Azure Data Explorer - How can I partition an external table using a timespan field?

Hoping someone can help..
I am new to Kusto and have to get an external table reading data from an Azure Blob storage account working, but the one table I have is unique in that the data for the timestamp column is split into 2 separate columns , i.e. LogDate and LogTime (see script below).
My data is stored in the following structure in the Azure Storage account container (container is named "employeedata", for example):
{employeename}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}.csv, in a simple CSV format.
I know the CSV is good because if I import it into a normal Kusto table, it works perfectly.
My KQL script for the external table creation looks as follows:
.create-or-alter external table EmpLogs (Employee: string, LogDate: datetime, LogTime:timestamp)
partition by (EmployeeName:string = Employee, yyyy:datetime = startofday(LogDate), MM:datetime = startofday(LogDate), dd:datetime = startofday(LogDate), HH:datetime = todatetime(LogTime), mm:datetime = todatetime(LogTime))
pathformat = (EmployeeName "/" datetime_pattern("yyyy", yyyy) "/" datetime_pattern("MM", MM) "/" datetime_pattern("dd", dd) "/" substring(HH, 0, 2) "/" substring(mm, 3, 2) ".csv")
with (folder="EmployeeInfo", includeHeaders="All")
I am getting the error below constantly, which is not very helpful (redacted from full error, basically comes down to the fact there is a syntax error somewhere):
Syntax error: Query could not be parsed: {
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest_SyntaxError",
"message": "Request is invalid and cannot be executed.",
"#type": "Kusto.Data.Exceptions.SyntaxException",
"#message": "Syntax error: Query could not be parsed: . Query: '.create-or-alter external table ........
I know the todatetime() function works on timespan's, I tested it with another table and it created a date similar to the following: 0001-01-01 20:18:00.0000000.
I have tried using the bin() function on the timestamp/LogTime columns, but the same error as above, and even tried importing the time value as a string and doing some string manipulation on it, no luck. Getting the same syntax error.
Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!
Currently, there's no way to define an external table partition based on more than one column. If your dataset timestamp is splitted between two columns: LogDate:datetime and LogTime:timestamp, then the best you can do is use virtual column for the partition by time:
.create-or-alter external table EmpLogs(Employee: string, LogDate:datetime, LogTime:timespan)
partition by (EmployeeName:string = Employee, PartitionDate:datetime)
pathformat = (EmployeeName "/" datetime_pattern("yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm", PartitionDate))
with (folder="EmployeeInfo", includeHeaders="All")
Now, you can filter by the virtual column and fine tune using LogTime:
| where Employee in ("John Doe", ...)
| where PartitionDate between(datetime(2020-01-01 10:00:00) .. datetime(2020-01-01 11:00:00))
| where LogTime ...

To use the output of a lookup activity to query the db and write to a csv file in storage account usin ADF

My requirement is to use ADF to read data (columnA) from an xlx/csv file which is in the storage account and use that (columnA) to query my db and the output of my query which includes (columnA) should be written to a file in storage account.
I was able to read the data from the storage account but getting it as table. I Need to use it as a individual entry like select * from table where id=columnA.
Then the next task if I'm able to read each data, how to write it to a file
I used lookup activity to read data from excel, the below is the sample output, I need to use only the sku number for my query next, not able to proceed with this. Kindly suggest a solution
I set a variable as the output of the lookup as suggested here and tried to use that variable in my query, but I'm getting exception when I trigger it, bad template error.
Please try this:
I create a sample like yours and there is no need to use set variable.
Below is lookup output:
"count": 3,
"value": [
"SKU": "aaaa"
"SKU": "bbbb"
"SKU": "ccc"
Setting of copy data activity:
Query sql:
select * from data_source_table where Name = '#{activity('Lookup1').output.value[0].SKU}'
You can also use this sql,if you need:
select * from data_source_table where Name in('#{activity('Lookup1').output.value[0].SKU}','#{activity('Lookup1').output.value[1].SKU}','#{activity('Lookup1').output.value[2].SKU}')
This is my test data in my SQL DataBase:
Here is the result:
1,"aaaa",0,2017-09-01 00:56:00.0000000
2,"bbbb",0,2017-09-02 05:23:00.0000000
Hope this can help you.
You can try to use DataFlow.
source1 is your csv file,source2 is SQL DataBase.
This is setting of lookup
Filter condition:!isNull(PersonID)(One column in your SQL DataBase.)
Then,use select delete the SKU column.
Finally,Output to single file.

I want to use SQL_VARIANT datatype in external table Azure SQL and I get the "Index was out of range error."

I have two SQL Azure databases - DatabaseA and DatabaseB on a server hosted in Azure.
I need to access a view on DatabaseA from DatabaseB - namely I need the sys.identity_columns in DatabaseA to be available to me on DatabaseB. So I am creating an external table on DatabaseB that links to this information like this (I didn't include all the columns but I included the one causing the problem)
[object_id] int not null
,[name] nvarchar(128) null
,[column_id] int not null
,[system_type_id] tinyint not null
,[seed_value] sql_variant null
DATA_SOURCE = MyElasticDBQueryDataSrc,
SCHEMA_NAME = 'sys',
OBJECT_NAME = 'identity_columns'
When I run this - it works. But when I try to use the result - select * from [SOURCE_SYS].[identity_columns] - I get this error:
Msg 46823, Level 16, State 1, Line 50
Error retrieving data from The underlying error message received was: 'Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index'.
If I comment out the fields in this table that have the sql_variant datatypes - it works fine but I do need the information in that field and the other two sql_variant fields that exist in the same table. MyElasticDBQueryDataSrc works fine on other similar tables without the sql_variant type.
Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong? Or suggest a workaround? I tried using bigints as it is mostly seed values that are either integers or null but that didn't work because it told me it wasn't the same datatype.
Any help much appreciated.
Well - after a weekend of sleep I figured out the answer!
If you use nvarchar(30) in he external table definition - you can then convert it to a bigint in any query you use it in
[object_id] int not null
,[name] nvarchar(128) null
,[column_id] int not null
,[system_type_id] tinyint not null
,[seed_value] nvarchar(30) null
DATA_SOURCE = MyElasticDBQueryDataSrc,
SCHEMA_NAME = 'sys',
OBJECT_NAME = 'identity_columns'
Now I can access the value like this:
select cast(isnull([seed_value], 0) as bigint) from SOURCE_SYS.identity_columns
Beware that if you do a select * from - you will need to do the variants separately from the rest of the query - you'll get this error:
Msg 46825, Level 16, State 1, Line 58
The data type of the column 'seed_value' in the external table is different than the column's data type in the underlying standalone or sharded table present on the external source.
Hope this is helpful to someone!

Azure Data Factory Dynamic content parameter

I am trying to load the data from the last runtime to lastmodifieddate from the source tables using Azure Data Factory.
this is working fine :
#concat(' SELECT * FROM dbo. ',
item().TABLE_list ,
' WHERE modifieddate > DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE())')"
when i use:
#concat(' SELECT * FROM dbo. ',
item().TABLE_list ,
' WHERE modifieddate > #{formatDateTime(
getting error as ""errorCode": "2200",
"message": "Failure happened on 'Source' side. 'Type=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Message=Must declare the scalar variable \"#\".,Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider,SqlErrorNumber=137,Class=15,ErrorCode=-2146232060,State=2,Errors=[{Class=15,Number=137,State=2,Message=Must declare the scalar variable \"#\".,},],'",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Copy Data1"
what mistake am I doing?
I need to pass dynamically last run time date of pipeline after > in where condition.
FROM dbo.#{item().TABLE_LIST}
WHERE modifieddate >
#{formatDateTime(addhours(pipeline().TriggerTime, -24), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')}
You could use string interpolation expression. Concat makes things complicated.
