message filter for bot's messages undefined node.js - node.js

I am having a bot set up the beginnings of a game. A human inputs the command of /startbrawl to initiate the setup of the game (creating the deck objects). But the two players need to be identified first. I have a message sent from another command that says "Player A is #[username A]. Player B is #[username B]." in the channel this game is happening in. I want the bot from this new command to look at the first message sent in the channel, which is always the "Player A is etc..." message (and is always sent by the bot) and pull both usernames from it in order to specify for this new command who is player A and who is player B. The code I have most recently (after trying multiple things) is this:
if (userInput.startsWith("!startbrawl") === true) { => {
const botMessages = messages.filter(message =>;
console.log(botMessages.mentions.members.first()) //this will be Player A. I'd repeat same for Player B with .last instead.
This gives me an error:
(node:15368) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read
property 'first' of undefined.
I have made the last line be console.log(botMessages) to get all the info about the messages the filter finds. But trying to extract only part of it gives issues about not being defined, or just a result of undefined with no errors. Either way, something isn't working how I think I need it to.
The only other thing I've debated trying is exporting variables from the command prior to this new command. Player A and Player B are defined in the command used to make the channel that this new command is then used in. However, I've never had luck with exporting variables when I've used it in other instances. I use a command handler, so I'm not sure if that affects how exporting variables works... Which method would work best to set up the card game? I'm a novice in general just figuring things out as I go, so some advice (beyond take a course, look up basics, etc) is greatly appreciated. I've taken an online course for javascript and I work best figuring things out first hand.
Thanks for the help in advance!

As botMessages is a collection you wanna get a Message object out of it by doing
So try logging something like


How to get bot command values of another Discord bot

I'm trying to have my bot keep track of items that are being spawned by another bot (Mee6).
The following code gives me a None output.
async def on_message(message:discord.Message):
The command the other bot is responding to is:
/spawn-item member={member} item={item} amount={amount}
I would like to retrieve these values.
Any help would be welcome!
Your code doesn't work, because you want to get an interaction, not a message.
Unfortunately, there is no way to get the interaction of another client. At most you can have a MessageInteraction, which gives you the name of the command used.
But in your case you can make it work since MEE6 still accepts the old command format. If you use the prefix of MEE6 instead of the / command, your code should work (with a bit of reworking: you would need to look at the message right before MEE6's response, or look if a message starts with the MEE6's prefix)

How to add reaction to a specific message using the ID? (

I've been trying for hours a command that react to a message using the ID.
If someone writes !react (the message ID) the bot reacts to the message.
Can someone help me? I have no clue how to do this.
Use a converter to get the discord.Message instance of the message:
async def react(ctx, message: discord.Message):
Then use Message.add_reaction to add a reaction to it, which I'm sure you can figure out by yourself.
Keep in mind that in case the message ID is invalid, can't be found, or is not in the same channel as where the command gets called, the converter will fail & throw you an exception. If you pass in the message's URL instead of the ID, Discord will be able to figure out what channel the message was sent in so you can call the command from wherever you want.
You can get a message's URL by selecting Copy Message Link, which might be better for your users as getting the id requires Developer Mode to be on, which most people don't have enabled. The MessageConverter mentioned in the beginning can parse both id's and URL's so you don't have to worry about that part.

My Discord.js bot uses a command handler. How can I then create play/skip/pause/resume/etc commands in different files?

I set up the command handler for my bot using the Discord.js guide (I am relatively new to Discord.js, as well as JavaScript itself, I'd say). However, as all my commands are in different files, is there a way that I can share variables between the files? I've tried experimenting with exporting modules, but sadly could not get it to work.
For example (I think it's somewhat understandable, but still), to skip a song you must first check if there is actually any audio streaming (which is all done in the play file), then end the current stream and move on to the next one in the queue (the variable for which is also in the play file).
I have gotten a separate music bot up and running, but all the code is in one file, linked together by if/else if/else chains. Perhaps I could just copy this code into the main file for my other bot instead of using the command handler for those specific commands?
I assume that there is a way to do this that is quite obvious, and I apologize if I am wasting peoples' time.
Also, I don't believe code is required for this question but if I'm wrong, please let me know.
Thank you in advance.
I have also read this question multiple times beforehand and have tried the solution, although I haven't gotten it to work.
A simple way to "carry over" variables without exporting anything is to assign them to a property of your client. That way, wherever you have your client (or bot) variable, you also have access to the needed information without requiring a file.
For example...
ready.js (assuming you have an event handler; otherwise your ready event)
client.queue = {};
for (guild of client.guilds) client.queue[] = [];
const queue = client.queue[];
queue.push({ song: 'Old Town Road', requester: });
const queue = client.queue[];`**${queue.length}** song${queue.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''} queued.`)

How to mention the author of a message in another message

I am using to develop a bot. I am trying to make a command that makes the bot behave like this:
Someone: !slap #someoneelse
Bot: #Someone slapped #someoneelse
How can I get the bot to mention #someone without using ID? Multiple people will use the command and I can't just use ID since it will only work with one person. I haven't found anything that helped me, and the documentation was no help either. Hopefully, I can get help! Thank you.
Users and members have a .toString() method that is automatically called every time they are concatenated with a string: that means that if you type "Hey " + you will get "Hey #author"
That's how I would do the command:
// First store the mentioned user (it will be undefiend if there's none, check that)
let mentionedUser = message.mentions.users.first();
// Reply by directly putting the User objects in the string:`${} slapped ${mentionedUser}`);

What could cause L20N to not process the Entity variables and inclusions?

L20N is setup in my ReactJS project and I am calling getSync on the context after its ready event has fired (so things should be good to go). However, rather than my expected string including other Entity values and variable expansion, I get the raw Entity string.
The string I get looks like this:
{{$}} - {{appName}}
But of course, I'm expecting something like this:
Ben Taylor - My Cool App
I have tried to recreate the problem in this plunker. Unfortunately, it works fine! When you run it, the alert box shows the expected L20N expanded string.
What could cause the Entity value to be returned raw? I have a valid context and there are no errors in inspector, so it appears all is configured fine. I'm wondering if there is some interaction with something else I'm doing that is breaking L20N. Any ideas appreciated!
I am unable to include the app I'm working on, but needless to say it has more moving parts. It is a React app based on this template.
If there is some sort of error in your .l20n file (the extension formerly known as .lol) then the getSync call will return the raw string value. In my case the error was to quote the keys in an L20n dictionary.
If you have context data like { user: { type: "Awesome" } } then the following does not work and calling getSync for useTheShout will return the unprocessed string value (including the text {{shout}}):
<shout[$user.type] {
"Awesome": "HEY AWESOME USER!",
"Loser": "i can't be bothered to shout at you loser..."
<useTheShout "I'm gonna shout the following: {{shout}}">
Removing the quote marks from the dictionary key names will make this work, as follows:
<shout[$user.type] {
Loser: "i can't be bothered to shout at you loser..."
<useTheShout "I'm gonna shout the following: {{shout}}">
Update: You can avoid the pain by logging using the error and warning event emitters.
