What could cause L20N to not process the Entity variables and inclusions? - mozilla

L20N is setup in my ReactJS project and I am calling getSync on the context after its ready event has fired (so things should be good to go). However, rather than my expected string including other Entity values and variable expansion, I get the raw Entity string.
The string I get looks like this:
{{$user.name}} - {{appName}}
But of course, I'm expecting something like this:
Ben Taylor - My Cool App
I have tried to recreate the problem in this plunker. Unfortunately, it works fine! When you run it, the alert box shows the expected L20N expanded string.
What could cause the Entity value to be returned raw? I have a valid context and there are no errors in inspector, so it appears all is configured fine. I'm wondering if there is some interaction with something else I'm doing that is breaking L20N. Any ideas appreciated!
I am unable to include the app I'm working on, but needless to say it has more moving parts. It is a React app based on this template.

If there is some sort of error in your .l20n file (the extension formerly known as .lol) then the getSync call will return the raw string value. In my case the error was to quote the keys in an L20n dictionary.
If you have context data like { user: { type: "Awesome" } } then the following does not work and calling getSync for useTheShout will return the unprocessed string value (including the text {{shout}}):
<shout[$user.type] {
"Awesome": "HEY AWESOME USER!",
"Loser": "i can't be bothered to shout at you loser..."
<useTheShout "I'm gonna shout the following: {{shout}}">
Removing the quote marks from the dictionary key names will make this work, as follows:
<shout[$user.type] {
Loser: "i can't be bothered to shout at you loser..."
<useTheShout "I'm gonna shout the following: {{shout}}">
Update: You can avoid the pain by logging using the error and warning event emitters.


router.get(), use only part of url?

Currently I have this code:
router.get('/admins', function(res,req) {
However, I want it to be when someone goes to say, 'localhost:5000/admins/54323', I want the node-js app to notice 'hey, they're requesting for an admins list! lets find it'. However, with the router.get() function it only works if it is exactly that, is there a way to have it so if only the start is /admins then it sets a variable for the final part?
Through more research, I found an answer. I just put /:id after the /admins bit,
you can access the rest of the string in req.params.id where .id is the same as the string written after the : sign

message filter for bot's messages undefined node.js

I am having a bot set up the beginnings of a game. A human inputs the command of /startbrawl to initiate the setup of the game (creating the deck objects). But the two players need to be identified first. I have a message sent from another command that says "Player A is #[username A]. Player B is #[username B]." in the channel this game is happening in. I want the bot from this new command to look at the first message sent in the channel, which is always the "Player A is etc..." message (and is always sent by the bot) and pull both usernames from it in order to specify for this new command who is player A and who is player B. The code I have most recently (after trying multiple things) is this:
if (userInput.startsWith("!startbrawl") === true) {
message.channel.fetchMessages().then(messages => {
const botMessages = messages.filter(message => message.author.bot);
console.log(botMessages.mentions.members.first()) //this will be Player A. I'd repeat same for Player B with .last instead.
This gives me an error:
(node:15368) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read
property 'first' of undefined.
I have made the last line be console.log(botMessages) to get all the info about the messages the filter finds. But trying to extract only part of it gives issues about not being defined, or just a result of undefined with no errors. Either way, something isn't working how I think I need it to.
The only other thing I've debated trying is exporting variables from the command prior to this new command. Player A and Player B are defined in the command used to make the channel that this new command is then used in. However, I've never had luck with exporting variables when I've used it in other instances. I use a command handler, so I'm not sure if that affects how exporting variables works... Which method would work best to set up the card game? I'm a novice in general just figuring things out as I go, so some advice (beyond take a course, look up basics, etc) is greatly appreciated. I've taken an online course for javascript and I work best figuring things out first hand.
Thanks for the help in advance!
As botMessages is a collection you wanna get a Message object out of it by doing
So try logging something like

Is there any benefit to using an object instead of several variables?

I am writing an application in nodeJS - a Facebook messenger app.
My application contains a module called strings.js, which is basically used to store common strings. Any time I need to print a greeting or whatever I pull it from the strings.js file. Strings.js looks like this:
* This module exports common strings.
* */
'use strict';
module.exports = {
// Quick replies for user to choose age range
//Option 1 CODE
//Option 2 CODE
//Option 3 CODE
// Quick replies for user to choose gender
//Option 1 CODE
//Option 2 CODE
//Option 3 CODE
// 'greetingButtons' is used to create the buttons sent to a registered
// user during the greeting
greetingButtons: [
userAgeString: "How old are you?",
userGenderString: "What's your gender?",
userInitialGreetingString: "Hello there! I don't believe we've spoken before. You'll need to create a user profile, so let's do that now.",
userNamePromptString: "What would you like me to call you?",
userPrefNamePromptString: "Ok, what would you like me to call you instead? Type it below:",
userWelcomeGreetingString: "Welcome back! I am ready and willing to serve, as always!",
The first two"objects" (if that's what we can call them), "ageReplies" and "GenderReplies" are used for generating quick replies in Facebook messenger when asking user for gender and age (during user profile creation).
The next is "greetingButtons", which is used for creating buttons, which are sent to a previously registered user with a "What would you like to do next?" message.
Finally I have a number of strings for greeting the user, prompting them to enter gender and age, and so on. There will be more of these as I add them.
I have been considering putting these individual strings in an object, for example as follows:
stringData: {
userAgeString: "How old are you?",
userGenderString: "What's your gender?",
userInitialGreetingString: "Hello there! I don't believe we've spoken before. You'll need to create a user profile, so let's do that now.",
userNamePromptString: "What would you like me to call you?",
userPrefNamePromptString: "Ok, what would you like me to call you instead? Type it below:",
userWelcomeGreetingString: "Welcome back! I am ready and willing to serve, as always!",
Is there any benefit to doing this? Is there any point?
Another question is, if I DID use an object like this, is it possible to put my buttons and quick replies into the same object, for example as below:
stringData: {
ageReplies:[ /* Age reply code */ ],
genderReplies: [ /* Gender reply code */ ],
greetingButtons: [ /* Button code */ ],
userAgeString: "How old are you?",
userGenderString: "What's your gender?",
userInitialGreetingString: "Hello there! I don't believe we've spoken before. You'll need to create a user profile, so let's do that now.",
userNamePromptString: "What would you like me to call you?",
userPrefNamePromptString: "Ok, what would you like me to call you instead? Type it below:",
userWelcomeGreetingString: "Welcome back! I am ready and willing to serve, as always!",
Would this work?
EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not talking about having an object within my main code. The object I'm talking about would be within strings.js
Generally when writing a program that involves displaying text of some sort, I store all of my copy (text eventually sent to a user) in it's own file. These blocks of text have a variable name like you've made, and that allows me to refer to them around the system.
Why do I do this? Internationalisation (commonly shortened to i18n).
It's quite common practice to pull apart text displayed to uses from the rest of your application so that you can easily create multiple files for text and load from the correct one depending on the users language settings (or locale).
In that instance, you'd have a strings file per spoken language, where variable names are all the same. You then select from the specific file depending on settings / locale.
For this reason alone, I keep all my text separate from the rest of the application. This doesn't quite work when it's HTML based projects and such, but with things like nodejs server side error messages, it works perfectly.
Personally when I've built bots, the number of options (buttons) does not relate to the text I use in anyway. So my code to create varying options happens elsewhere, but will use the strings provided by my i18n module. This way text and buttons are decoupled nicely. Often button creation happens in a function that takes some sort of array of objects which represents the options for each button, I'll then pull in the text, when creating the final button markup, from my i18n files.
On a side note: I also don't label things like a "string" prefix or suffix, referring to something as i18n.welcomeGreeting or just welcomeGreeting and I find that's more than explicit enough for this stuff.
It won't make a huge difference either way right now, but decoupling your text from your button creation can render useful benefits if your application is likely to grow in the future. It can also often make it easier to work with, and separates buttons from text. After all, you don't always use the two together in chat bots, so they should probably be separate concerns.

Netsuite: ReferenceError functionName is not defined

This is probably a stupid one but I have tried all the things I can think of. I am currently getting the below error on my client side script when I try and execute it.
Error: ReferenceError acvt_serialNumber_saveRecord is not defined
On the Script record in Netsuite I have set the saveRecord function as follows:
The code in the file is:
function acvt_serialNumber_saveRecord(){
/**do stuff */
I have reuploaded to code to make sure the right version was in NetSuite. I have added one character to both the script fn name and the fn name on the Script record (as a shot in the dark). I have seen in the Javascript console at runtime that the correct code is in there and I can see the exact function name (I did a ctrl+f for the "undefined" function in the code in the console to make sure spelling was all the same).
NOTHING has worked. I had this code working earlier, but the changes I made were not to this function at all.
Any help is appreciated
Another thing to check is the code that you recently changed. In particular, check for a hanging comma. IE:
var someObj = {
The comma at the end of 'somevalue' will cause the script to fail, throwing 'undefined' errors.
Have you tried deleting the Script record in NetSuite and re-creating it?
Do you have any library included for that Client Script in netsuite ?
Provide a screen shot of your Netsuite script page
I encounter similar problem like this before, but it was because i called a function which is inside a library file

Swift UIWebView Optional is nil

In the below example, infoScroller is a UIWebView and println(HTMLDescription) prints a lovely string of HTML. However, the attempt to loadHTMLString gets the runtime error: fatal error: Can't unwrap Optional.None
if let HTMLDescription = self.myData?.content? {
infoScroller.loadHTMLString(HTMLDescription, baseURL: nil)
I've tried every combination of ! and ? in both the assignment and use of the string but I get this same error every time, though the variable never fails to print out perfectly to the console.
There is another value that I set using the same method and it works fine. Both are strings, but the other one is more simple in that HTMLDescription is multiline and the working one is not.
Edit: The discussion in the comments prompted me to check the infoScroller and it's description as printed in the console is: (#sil_weak UIWebView!) infoScroller =
I'm thinking that's the issue, but I'm not sure what it means or how to fix it.
Edit 2: This has to be the issue. println(infoScroller.description) yields the exact same error.
Got it! This question put me on the path. I was trying to load the content before the view was fully loaded. Moved loadHTMLString() into viewDidLoad(). Stupid simple.
