So I'm migrating from the stripe checkout to elements so that I can register and charge a customer in a single form.
I'm following their documentation:
Specifically in Step 3 where the token is created with the following code:
// Create a token or display an error when the form is submitted.
var form = document.getElementById('payment-form');
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
stripe.createToken(card).then(function(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Inform the customer that there was an error.
var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors');
errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
} else {
// Send the token to your server.
The documentation states:
The handler sends the fields to Stripe for tokenization...
However, it seems nothing is being sent to Stripe at all!
The bottom two requests show the two api calls made using the old checkout: First the card info is sent to /tokens and then my server handles this and makes the /customers request fine.
But when using the elements code nothing seems to be sent to stripe, even though a token is generated and sent to my server. So then I get the 'No such token' error!?
I can't for the life of me workout why stripe.createToken(card) isn't sending the details to their server and yet generates a token?? I've triple checked api keys and everything I can think of. Please help!!
What the actual heck... I got it to work but I don't know why this fixed it.
I'm using stripe elements on a .net mvc website and i'm initializing the Stripe class in a view so I can easily pass the key from my viewmodel like so:
var stripe = Stripe('#Model.StripePublicKey');
Which should work fine, right? No JS errors or anything and it was creating the token, just not posting to stripe's servers....
Anyway, I moved that line into the JS file so it's directly above the other stripe related JS and now it works!?
Tech stack: NodeJS backend Angular10 front end
I am implementing the Spotify API into my application. I'm having some issues with the flow.
To start off I have no issues authenticating or retrieving a token, but I am having an issue figuring out what to do with it. Assuming we understand the Spotify flow and are on the same page there is an issue presented for client-side rendered apps and that is how to get our JWT into the storage.
The reason this is an issue is because of the flow Spotify constrains us to, it requires a callback where the token is passed in as a query param.
This callback is on my backend NodeJS server, the endpoint is functioning fine but this issue starts here - I cannot pass in my user_id or any other user information it simply returns a JWT at this point the only thing I can do is send a template to the client but it's of a different domain.
Option (1)
Somehow use the Iframe hack to set a storage item in my other tab that's running my front end; I do not like this cause it's hacky and does not feel the right way to handle this.
Option (2)
Perform some kind of hack that maps user ids from the initial request and maps the correct user id to the correct token and then sending it to the client somehow ( database then GET ) I also don't like this it's hacky
What we don't want is to keep the client secret and other credentials on the front end like some examples I have seen, this is fine for personal stuff but not real apps for very obvious reasons.. All client secrets and passwords should be on the backend never sent to the client only their user JWT
So the issue here summarized, How do I return the JWT to the client without doing something hacky? the code below returns this to the client but brings us to option (1) above and obviously returns a template style which is undesirable cause I have a client-side rendered app!; I want something clean and professional, thank you.
router.get('/musicAuthCallback', function (req, res) {
const spotifyCode: string = req.query.code;
if (production.ROUTE_LOGGING) {'Spotify endpoint callback hit');
const _spotifyService = new SpotifyService();
.then((jwt: any) => {
if (jwt === false) {
res.send({ "message": "Unable to get JWT for Spotify", "status": REQUEST_FAILED, "title": "Authentication Error" });
} else {
const template = `<h1> Success! </h1> <script>
main.setItem('spotify_jwt', ${jwt});
.catch((error) => {
res.send({ "message": "Something went really wrong..", "status": REQUEST_FAILED, "title": "Please Try Again.." });
This is silly but kind of illusive until you poke around the docs more.. the docs didnt make it clear to me I could use "state" as a query param.. in this i was able to pass the users ID into here so &state=600 and this is passed into the users callback URL which makes it possible to attach a user to a specific JWT given by Spotify**state=123** <- this can be what you want! and can retrieve it in your callback URL sitting on your NodeJS server like this..
const spotifyCode: string = req.query.code; // jwt
const userID: string = req.query.state; // value you passed in
I am using the xero-node module to create an app for Xero with NodeJS.
For some reason every single request for a refresh token is coming back as invalid grant
i have been taken the code and made the callback attempt to grab the refresh straight after i do the auth so I can ensure thats its the latest token and still does the same thing.
Code is below this method is called when Xero passes back to the app (callbackURL)
The error i get is "invalid_grant" it does not give any other errors and there is no errors logs in Xero so very unhelful.
exports.callback = async function (req, res) {
const tokenSet = await xero.apiCallback(req.url);
try {
const newTokenSet2 = await xero.refreshWithRefreshToken('ClientID, 'ClientSecret', tokenSet.refresh_token);
console.log(`ERROR refresh: \n ${JSON.stringify(error.response.body, null, 2)}`);
Any ideas ?
Without seeing more of your code for context it's bit tough to tell. I'm assuming you're not actually sending 'ClientID' and 'ClientSecret' as strings.
I would refer you here for refreshing with a fully initialized client leveraging openid-client:
Or here, to initialize an empty client and refresh by passing the client, secret, and refresh_token:
I think what's happening is that you're using the second method but with an already initialized client. Again, tough to tell with limited context. If this doesn't resolve it please post more detail.
I'm using the stripe JS library on my frontend and just setting the token, not actually using the library for anything. Odd thing is that when I load any page stripe will make a bunch of odd requests and lots of them are duplicates. Often it'll look like this:
Then if I change the page state using the History API it makes all these calls again even though this is a single page webapp. Is this normal?
This behavior caught me by surprise, too. If you have import { loadStripe } from '#stripe/stripe-js anywhere in your SPA, Stripe will begin phoning home on every page load from the moment your app opens.
Option 1: Deferring Stripe's library load
As of #stripe/stripe-js v1.4.0, you can use the /pure import path, which defers the load of Stripe's library until the app actually calls loadStripe:
import { loadStripe } from '#stripe/stripe-js/pure';
Once you call loadStripe, Stripe will continue sending requests to on every URL change until the browser navigates to a new page through an HTTP request (not through a JavaScript route change) or until the browser reloads.
Option 2: Disabling Stripe's fraud detection mechanisms
stripe.js makes requests to as part of its fraud detection mechanisms. As of #stripe/stripe-js v1.5.0, you can disable this behavior by setting {advancedFraudSignals: false}:
import {loadStripe} from '#stripe/stripe-js/pure';
loadStripe.setLoadParameters({advancedFraudSignals: false})
const stripe = await loadStripe('pk_test_TYooMQauvdEDq54NiTphI7jx');
Note that disabling this feature increases your risk of receiving fraudulent transactions.
More details
I wrote a blog post about this if you're interested in additional details:
EDIT: since writing this, Stripe have updated their library to address these concerns, in large part thanks to #mtlynch's great investigative work. See his answer above for the most up to date answer.
For those wanting to avoid this, it seems that instead of importing the Stripe library as the docs describe:
import { loadStripe } from "#stripe/stripe-js";
// when wanting to actually load Stripe this method is called,
// but `` was fired on page load, before this was called
const publicKey = "yourPublicKey";
const stripe = await loadStripe(publicKey);
...which will automatically call the endpoint, you can dynamically import the library so that this is only called when you actually want Stripe functionality (not on every page, if using redux or vuex, for example):
// create a new async function `stripeJs` that returns the library
const stripeJs = async () => await import("#stripe/stripe-js");
// later, we can call this before we need to use the library
// (e.g. in a vuex/redux action)
const { loadStripe } = await stripeJs();
const publicKey = "yourPublicKey";
const stripe = await loadStripe(publicKey);
// example Stripe call
Fair warning, I'm not sure what does, and so there could be unintended side effects to only importing the library before needing to execute it, but this seems to work in my testing.
Agree fully with the other answers here re. importing dynamically.
To take things a step further you can consider running your payment processing in a same-origin frame, which means you can force the library to unload once you're finished with it.
// load this from wherever you want
const html = `
<!-- your external scripts and styles go here -->
<script src=""></script>
const stripe = Stripe('{STRIPE_KEY}');
// Once we've got a token we send it back to our app
stripe.createToken(/*{STRIPE_CARD}*/).then(({ token }) =>
parent.postMessage({ type: 'stripe-token', token }, '*'));
// wait for the frame to load then write our body
iframe.addEventListener('load', () =>
// add our iframe to the page and Stripe.js will load (and start pinging its server!)
// wait for confirmation from the frame that we're finished with Stripe.js (see the html snippet above)
window.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => {
if (data.type === 'stripe-token') {
// we've got a token! We can remove our frame (and unload Stripe.js and all its telemetry!)
if (hasSrcdoc) iframe.srcdoc = '';
else iframe.src = '';
Full details here:
I am new to using nodejs and am working on a project where I can make a custom playlist by adding one song at a time via a search. I've been able to get the code to do the searching and grabbing the proper ids done, but when trying to add to the playlist, I'm getting an error about the scope being wrong. Long story short, I was doing the wrong type of authentication.
So I read up on the spotify-web-api-node documents, but I'm getting lost between generating the authorization url and then getting the response, which is then used by another method to get the authorization token. I'm not sure if there is another method I'm not seeing that will make the request, or if I'm just supposed to do a regular request out via normal node methods.
The code I'm using is pretty much a copy-paste from the following link (, where the second box with the header "The below uses a hardcoded authorization code..." is where I'm lost... I need to get that code from the response, but I'm not sure how I'm to send the request to even get the response, the createAuthorizeURL method just seems to make the actual url but not send it.
I believe the confusion stems from the way the Authorization Code flow works, and the way I've written the documentation for the node wrapper. The purpose of the createAuthorizeURL method is to help you create the URL that you need to forward the user to.
From the same piece of documentation that you linked to:
In order to get permissions, you need to direct the user to our Accounts service.
Generate the URL by using the wrapper's authorization URL method.
So let's say that the user starts out by entering your site, It'll have a Spotify styled button that says Login here. The button links to the URL that the createAuthorizeURL has generated. One very important part of the URL is the redirect_uri query parameter. For example, the URL that you would generate would look something like
When the user clicks the button they will be taken through the authentication and authorization flow on Spotify's site ( However, when they've finished this flow, they will be directed by Spotify to the same redirect_uri that you gave in the createAuthorizeURL, e.g.
This means that your web server (e.g. Express) needs to be able to handle a request to the redirect_uri. If your web server was indeed Express, it may look like this.
/* Some express.js setup here */
/* Some spotify-web-api-node setup here */
/* Handle authorization callback from Spotify */
app.get('/callback', function(req, res) {
/* Read query parameters */
var code = req.query.code; // Read the authorization code from the query parameters
var state = req.query.state; // (Optional) Read the state from the query parameter
/* Get the access token! */
.then(function(data) {
console.log('The token expires in ' + data['expires_in']);
console.log('The access token is ' + data['access_token']);
console.log('The refresh token is ' + data['refresh_token']);
/* Ok. We've got the access token!
Save the access token for this user somewhere so that you can use it again.
Cookie? Local storage?
/* Redirecting back to the main page! :-) */
}, function(err) {
Hope this helps!
I have a startup module in angularjs. This module is just to login and have public information (login, prices, newsletter...). I have many roles and for each role, i have an app (angular module). I made this architecture because i have complex module for each role and it was impossible to put all roles in one module.
So, for login, i use jsonwebtoken in node like this :
var token = jwt.sign(user, config.secureToken, { expiresInMinutes: 20*5});
res.json({ token: token, user: user });
It works perfectly. I can login into my app. After that, i have to propose a list of roles to redirect to the right module.
In angular, I have AuthHttp service that adds security headers (with token) to call rest service with $http.
How can i redirect to 'mydomain:port/anotherModule' with $location or $http ?
With this code in nodejs :
app.get('/secondModule', expressJwt({secret: config.secureToken}), function (req, res) {
NodeJs sends an html code in response and does'nt redirect...
And if i do this in my angular controller :
location.href = route;
i have this result on nodejs console :
Error: No Authorization header was found
I am not sure about the libraries you are using, but issue seems that you are loosing the token because you navigate to a altogether new page.
Based on your auth library you need to pass the token that you get after auth from one page to another.
The options here are to either use browser sessionStorage or querystring to pass the token along and at it back to the http header collection on the new page (module)
This is an old post but I recently took a long time to figure this out. I may be wrong but I believe nodeJS/expressJS can't read the token from the session storage. I believe you will need to pass the token via the request header using AngularJS.
This depends on the front end that you are using. For me, I am using AngularJS and I have to do something like this.
function($window){ //the window object will be able to access the token
var auth = {};
auth.saveToken = function(token){
$window.localStorage['token_name'] = token; //saving the token
auth.getToken = function(){
return $window.localStorage['token_name']; //retrieving the token
return auth;
.service('authInterceptor, function(authFactory){
return { headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer "+ authFactory.getToken()}
} //the last line gets the retrieved token and put it in req.header
Then, you just need to include 'authInterceptor' in all the http methods when you communicate with the backend. This way, nodeJS will be able to pick up the token.
You can see the Authorization field in req.header if you use the chrome developer tool and look at the Network tab. Hope this helps.