Using spotify-web-api-node to generate an authentication token - node.js

I am new to using nodejs and am working on a project where I can make a custom playlist by adding one song at a time via a search. I've been able to get the code to do the searching and grabbing the proper ids done, but when trying to add to the playlist, I'm getting an error about the scope being wrong. Long story short, I was doing the wrong type of authentication.
So I read up on the spotify-web-api-node documents, but I'm getting lost between generating the authorization url and then getting the response, which is then used by another method to get the authorization token. I'm not sure if there is another method I'm not seeing that will make the request, or if I'm just supposed to do a regular request out via normal node methods.
The code I'm using is pretty much a copy-paste from the following link (, where the second box with the header "The below uses a hardcoded authorization code..." is where I'm lost... I need to get that code from the response, but I'm not sure how I'm to send the request to even get the response, the createAuthorizeURL method just seems to make the actual url but not send it.

I believe the confusion stems from the way the Authorization Code flow works, and the way I've written the documentation for the node wrapper. The purpose of the createAuthorizeURL method is to help you create the URL that you need to forward the user to.
From the same piece of documentation that you linked to:
In order to get permissions, you need to direct the user to our Accounts service.
Generate the URL by using the wrapper's authorization URL method.
So let's say that the user starts out by entering your site, It'll have a Spotify styled button that says Login here. The button links to the URL that the createAuthorizeURL has generated. One very important part of the URL is the redirect_uri query parameter. For example, the URL that you would generate would look something like
When the user clicks the button they will be taken through the authentication and authorization flow on Spotify's site ( However, when they've finished this flow, they will be directed by Spotify to the same redirect_uri that you gave in the createAuthorizeURL, e.g.
This means that your web server (e.g. Express) needs to be able to handle a request to the redirect_uri. If your web server was indeed Express, it may look like this.
/* Some express.js setup here */
/* Some spotify-web-api-node setup here */
/* Handle authorization callback from Spotify */
app.get('/callback', function(req, res) {
/* Read query parameters */
var code = req.query.code; // Read the authorization code from the query parameters
var state = req.query.state; // (Optional) Read the state from the query parameter
/* Get the access token! */
.then(function(data) {
console.log('The token expires in ' + data['expires_in']);
console.log('The access token is ' + data['access_token']);
console.log('The refresh token is ' + data['refresh_token']);
/* Ok. We've got the access token!
Save the access token for this user somewhere so that you can use it again.
Cookie? Local storage?
/* Redirecting back to the main page! :-) */
}, function(err) {
Hope this helps!


How to make HTML auth form and JSON Web Tokens communicate together in Ionic/Angular

I'm working on an Ionic application.
On the one hand I have an auth basic form in which people fill in their username and password. On the other hand I'd like to implement authentification with JSON Web Tokens and Node JS.
The workflow would be this one : as soon as a user fills in his credentials, they will be sent with a POST request. If these credentials are correct, the user can access to the application and gets an access token as a response.
The thing is that I'm a little bit lost with all that concepts. I built a form and sent informations with a POST request. I managed to create some APIs with Node JS and that's ok. I see how to build a authentified webservice too (e.g :
But I concretely don't understand the links between the html form and the authorisation check part..
To be clearer, how is it possible to make the html part and the Node JS scripts communicate together ?
Before posting that question I made many researches and found many stuff on building an authentified API. But there was very few advice on how to make it communicate with the client part (I mean the form), which is what I have to do.
If anyone has any ressources (document, Github examples..) on that, I'll greatly appreciate. But I would be very happy too if someone try to make me understand these concepts. I guess I have to improve my knowledge on all that so that I could test some POCs.
Many thanks in advance !
JWT General flow:
1- Authenticate using a strategy (You done it)
2- Deliver an accessToken along with response (You done it)
3- The client MUST store this accessToken (LocalStorage is the best place, not cookies: They are vulnerable to csrf attacks)
4- On every request you are going to make to a protected area (where user is supposed to be authenticated and authorized), make sure to send you accessToken along with it, you can put it on Authorization header, a custom header, directly in body of the request... Basicaly just make sure to send it properly.
5- On the server receiving client requests, you NEED to verify that token (You verify it by checking the signature of the accessToken).
6- If he is authorized, great, if not, send back an HTTP Unauthorized Error.
Here is my implementation using an accessToken on a header + passportjs-jwt:
Client code
To store token:
localStorage.setItem('accessToken', myAccessToken);
To send it:
const myAccessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken');
headers: {'Authorization', `Bearer ${myAccessToken}`}
Server code
1- Configure passport
passport.use('jwt', new JwtStrategy({
jwtFromRequest: jwtPassport.ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
secretOrKey: myAccessTokenSecret,
passReqToCallback: true
}, (req, payload, done: (err?, user?) => void): void {
.findOne({where: {id:}})
.then((user: User) => {
if (!user) {
return done(new Error(`No user found with id: ${}`), null);
return done(null, user);
.catch((e: Error) => done(e, null));
Pay attention to callback: If your callback is called, it means that passport has successfuly verified the token (It is valid). In my example, i get the user details in database and this is the user that will be returned and put in req.user object passed to my controller below:
2- Finally, the controller route (protected area):
.get('/users/:id', passport.authenticate('jwt'), (req, res, next) => {
// do stuff in protected area.
And that's it. If you want more security, check refreshTokens implementation.
I used passport because i found it relevant in my case, but you can write your own handler, by using jsonwebtoken and just calling its "verify" function.
You can find documentation of passport jwt strategy here =>

Handling redirect code with OAuth2

I am using Instagram's API which requires OAuth2 have some questions regarding best practice for setup. For more details here:
So a user clicks on a login button and I give a redirect href.
Log In
They then receive a popup sign in, and they have the option of signing in or not. They are then redirected and '?code=zzzzzzz'is appended to the url: "http://localhost:8080?code=zzzzzzz"
Then the instructions read:
Now you need to exchange the code you have received in the previous step for an access token. In order to make this exchange, you simply have to POST this code, along with some app identification parameters, to our access_token endpoint.
But how should I do this? I'm using Express on the backend. To serve the frontend I use this line:
var static_path = path.join(__dirname, './../build');
It isn't an API route, so I can't use the normal
app.get('/?code=zzzzzzz', function(req, res) {...}).
So how can I use the code that I received in the params?
You must change your redirect_uri on isntagram to something like:
Then you can get your code with req.query.code from inside the controller.
For posting the code to isntagrams API use "request" library for nodejs

Accessing the callback authorisation token for Instagram API

Hi I'm trying to access the instagram API using p5.js to do some research using geocached images. I'm generating a call back url from Instagram but can't seem to access the url, it gives me the original url rather than the returned one. Does anyone have any suggestions to delay calling the getURL()?
function setup() {
button = createButton('click me');
urlString = getURL();
function getCallback() {
window.location = '';
Apologies I'm a newbie in Stack Exchange and Javascript. This is all the code so far. Its a simple button that links to Instagram, when a user validates using their account it sends back a url to http://localhost:3000/callback. The url in the code above is not the actual url as I didn't want to include my instagram developers client ID. Effectively I am getting back a url something like - http://localhost:3000/callback#access_token=8828684.53c6a46 - and need to extract the token off the end of the callback url. I have been trying to use the P5 method to getURL() but this extracts the initial url http://localhost:3000, rather than the one which gets sent back with the token.

jwt on node - how does the client pass the token back to the server

I think I have failed to understand an elemental part of token based authentication.
I am using node with express and am using jwt to prevent access to my site if you haven't logged in. I can create a token on the login page, and I can send it back to the client and store it in localStorage/cookie. Now if the user wants to navigate to another page they will type in a url and trigger a get request.
How do I access that token from localStorage/cookie and pass it to the server before I load the page as part of the get request. My assumption is that there should be a way of passing the token to the server - intercepting it in the middleware - and loading the page if the token is legit, or redirecting to the login page if the token isn't validated correctly.
On a post request this would be much simpler as you can fetch the token and pass it as part of an ajax call, after the page has loaded.
I have seen references to including the token as part of the request header (authorization bearer). I assume this only works for post, because if you were able to set the header parameter 'globally' then why would you bother storing on the client side in a cookie/localStorage.
So as you can see I am a little confused by the workflow. It seems like I am going against the grain somehow. Any clarity would be much appreciated.
If you are using localStoage in order to store the JWT, then the easiest way to pass it to the server is by retrieving first the token from the localStorage with localStorage.getItem('token') (or whatever your token name is) and then inserting it in the header of the request (either it is GET or POST/PUT/DELETE). Depeding on the library you are using to handle your http requests on the client, there are different ways of doing so. In jQuery for example, you can do the following inside the AJAX request:
url: API_URL + "/endpoint",
method: "GET",
beforeSend: function(request){
request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "BEARER " + localStorage.getItem('token'));
After this, on the server side simply access the parameters by accessing request.header options just as you would normally do. Hope this helps!

redirect to another app with session token (jwt) in AngularJS and NodeJS

I have a startup module in angularjs. This module is just to login and have public information (login, prices, newsletter...). I have many roles and for each role, i have an app (angular module). I made this architecture because i have complex module for each role and it was impossible to put all roles in one module.
So, for login, i use jsonwebtoken in node like this :
var token = jwt.sign(user, config.secureToken, { expiresInMinutes: 20*5});
res.json({ token: token, user: user });
It works perfectly. I can login into my app. After that, i have to propose a list of roles to redirect to the right module.
In angular, I have AuthHttp service that adds security headers (with token) to call rest service with $http.
How can i redirect to 'mydomain:port/anotherModule' with $location or $http ?
With this code in nodejs :
app.get('/secondModule', expressJwt({secret: config.secureToken}), function (req, res) {
NodeJs sends an html code in response and does'nt redirect...
And if i do this in my angular controller :
location.href = route;
i have this result on nodejs console :
Error: No Authorization header was found
I am not sure about the libraries you are using, but issue seems that you are loosing the token because you navigate to a altogether new page.
Based on your auth library you need to pass the token that you get after auth from one page to another.
The options here are to either use browser sessionStorage or querystring to pass the token along and at it back to the http header collection on the new page (module)
This is an old post but I recently took a long time to figure this out. I may be wrong but I believe nodeJS/expressJS can't read the token from the session storage. I believe you will need to pass the token via the request header using AngularJS.
This depends on the front end that you are using. For me, I am using AngularJS and I have to do something like this.
function($window){ //the window object will be able to access the token
var auth = {};
auth.saveToken = function(token){
$window.localStorage['token_name'] = token; //saving the token
auth.getToken = function(){
return $window.localStorage['token_name']; //retrieving the token
return auth;
.service('authInterceptor, function(authFactory){
return { headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer "+ authFactory.getToken()}
} //the last line gets the retrieved token and put it in req.header
Then, you just need to include 'authInterceptor' in all the http methods when you communicate with the backend. This way, nodeJS will be able to pick up the token.
You can see the Authorization field in req.header if you use the chrome developer tool and look at the Network tab. Hope this helps.
