Azure Web App swap happening BEFORE warmup - azure

Since about a week when I publish a new version of our Web App and do a Swap from Staging to Production, it actually seems to swap before the warmup initialization is done.
As it is a large application it will takes more then five minutes to warmup the site, making the application unresponsive.
I have official Azure support, but it is taking a long time to respond to this request and I still have no answer that works.
I can't fix any issues on our platform or publish a new version without bringing the whole site down for eight minutes. This is a highly visited website, with paying clients.
Does anyone know:
anything that I could investigate myself?
a workaround or any tips that I can take a look at myself to try to fix or work around this issue?
Extra information
I do use applicationInitialization, and I see that Azure is hitting the pages - it just happens after the swap instead of before.
<add initializationPage="/nl" hostName="" />
<add initializationPage="/warmup-application-for-azure" hostName="" /> (special page just for warming up services)
<add initializationPage="/deeplink1" hostName="" />
<add initializationPage="/deeplink2" hostName="" />

Maybe not 100% relative to this question but since I had similar issue with warm up I want to share how I solved it.
I used to have issue with auto-scaling because my nodes were not warmed up due to url rewrite module. So what if you have url rewrites in your app make sure that you are checking for
<add input="{WARMUP_REQUEST}" pattern="1" negate="true" />
Now this is in official documentation and it has link to common problems

This was an Azure bug, confirmed by the Microsoft Azure team.

Sometimes hitting the site’s root URL is not enough to completely warm up the application. For example it maybe necessary to hit all important routes in an ASP.NET MVC app or to pre-populate the in-memory cache. That is where the Application Initialization Module can help.
When you use the warmup-functionality provided by IIS (and Azure) instead of those old-fashioned methods and if deploying to an App Service, just add a slot setting to make sure it always triggers such as below:
This tutorial explains how you can use the recently enabled Application Initialization Module to completely warm up your application prior to swapping it into production.

So here is the important thing you should consider:
Unless you specify which url address azure needs to request to your website, how can it knows. If you don't do that, it only calls the root of the application
Even if you specify the url and your url needs to authorisation/authentication, how can azure sign in your website automatically and call the url that you specify.
You have got two option to deal with it.
1) Write your own warming up api to call your web application with authorisation/authentication. Then create a scheduler to call the application every hour or half an hour. It also allows you to keep the entire application up & running & warm. You can also set AlwaysOn feature under the Application Settings. You can also trigger this api on your CI/CD pipeline after the staging slot deployed successfully.
2) If you don't want to touch your CI/CD pipeline or whatever reason and don't want to write api, you should sign in to your web application, go through each page and warm it up manually. Then you can swap without any problem.


Visiting an Azure Website while Publishing displays IIS Errors

I have an MVC app hosted on an Azure Website.
I have custom errors enabled and working (when not publishing):
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error/NotFound" xdt:Transform="Replace">
<error redirect="~/Error/NotFound" statusCode="404" />
<error redirect="~/Error/NotFound" statusCode="403" />
When I publish the website from Visual Studio, if I try to visit the site while the dlls are being updated, I get a nasty IIS error.
I'm surprised that Azure doesn't wait to "tie down" the new version until the publication is complete, to avoid this scenario. Is there a way to achieve this "instantaneous switch" behavior?
And/Or - How can I prevent this error from being displayed?
I can't say this would be unusual. Depending on size of the deployment it may take a while for IIS to restart and reload leading to 503 Service Unavailable or similar errors in the meantime. CustomErrors won't help you here as the ASP.Net pipeline isn't even being reached at this point. What Azure Website level are you running on (Free, Shared or Standard?) If you can up the size of the instance to try and get things moving again more quickly.
I think you deployment is too slow. IIS detects changes in dll files and restart the app-pool automatically without waiting for the other dll files.
Try to set custom values in waitChangeNotification and maxWaitChangeNotification in web.config. Doing so you can ask IIS to wait for some seconds before restarting app-pool. I'm not sure if it works on Azure. On my on-premises IIS I use custom values that allow me to do a long deploy (about 5 seconds).

Where is Umbraco.config stored in Azure cloud services?

I've got an existing Umbraco install on Azure cloud services (not Azure web sites), and although the web.config tells me that it should be found at ~/App_Data/umbraco.config, it isn't there.
Does anyone know where this would be stored? Is there a chance it is writing to a db table perhaps?
I need to edit some nodes as I suspect that at least one is owned by a user which no longer exists, hence no nodes at that level are visible in the admin system (JS error).
The site was set up with Umbraco Azure Accelerator, if that offers any clues.
It is worth noting that Umbraco hasn't needed the Umbraco Accelerator for Azure in the latest versions due to the use of Azure Web Sites. I am wondering which version of Umbraco you are running? The Accelerator projects are being deprecated and have ceased updates, as you can see here by the lack of recent updates. You can read more about the reasoning behind this, and about how the Accelerator's functionality is now a part of the Azure core itself, over here.
So - assuming that your site is an old one and you cannot just reinstall it as an Azure Web Site, can you firstly please confirm that you have the config enabled through the following setting in /config/umbracoSettings.config?
If this is false (as is best during all hosting environments except live) then we know that Umbraco will not use the cache. Can you please also check that the following section doesn't list any other machine IP addresses in umbracoSettings.config? Note that this is only relevant if the enabled attribute is true as in the example below.
<distributedCall enabled="true">
Next, we need to check that Umbraco is still set to use the location /App_Data/umbraco.config through the web.config file.
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="~/App_Data/umbraco.config" />
We should consider the way that Umbraco works on Azure and whether it could have any effect on your site. The Umbraco Accelerator used to be necessary to synchronise the umbraco.config file between Azure instances. With each instance running a separate Umbraco website, there has to be a way that they can talk to each other. The accelerator mirrors that cache file between instances.
Assuming that your code is a default install, and not having been worked on by someone else before you, then it could be an idea to reduce your site to a single instance. Now see if it generates the cache after restarting the website. Finally, you can upgrade the site to see if it regenerates the cache.
These issues are usually always caused by some kind of configuration issue. I also remember that you can simulate Azure deployment using the Windows Azure SDK which you can use to examine for signs of the cache. Good luck.
I'm not sure about the Umbraco Accelerator or a non Web Site project, but we currently are running Umbraco on an Azure web site and App_Data\umbraco.config comes and goes when it pleases and the website unexplainably works. I would like to find the reason behind this if anyone has an answer??

Disable Compression in Windows Azure Preview

This might sound like a strange request, but I need to test something and need the ability to disable compression on a Windows Azure website. The site is running as a website in preview mode and this means I am not able to log into the VM to adjust the IIS settings.
I updated the web.config file accordingly, but this didn't make a difference.
<urlCompression doStaticCompression="false" doDynamicCompression="false"/>
Compression is still enabled and it seems that it is enabled by default. There are a lot of questions on SO about enabling compression, but I cant seem to find any about disabling compression!
Does anyone have any advice!?
Not every setting in web.config is delegable when deploying your web application to Windows Azure Websites. Some of the settings in web.config are delegable and they reflect in your websites while other settings are respectfully ignored and disabling compression is one of them and that is why you see the above results. Using same exact web.config setting or using Appcmd, you sure can disable compression only if you have enough control on your IIS server. So far if this feature is must important for you, your other options are to use Windows Azure Cloud Service and deploy a Web Role or use Windows Azure Virtual Machines as well.
I am sure that disabling compression feature in Windows Azure Websites is still not delegable and that's why it is not supported in current preview release of Windows Azure Websites. I can say that it sure is a feature in consideration to include in later releases however, about it's availability when or if possible, i do not have any comment.
I know that this question has been posted since a long time ago, at this date I was able to turn off http compression by setting it up in IIS.
the same way as #Deano suggested
<urlCompression doStaticCompression="false" doDynamicCompression="false"/>

IIS app pool recycling randomly every few seconds

I need to determine WHY the application pool is recycling. (its for no obvious reason)
Is there any way to determine this inside of the application_end sub in the global.asax file?
I have put some basic logging in there, so I know WHEN its shutting down, but I cannot tell why.
(and its nothing obvious... it just seems like every couple of requests certain operations cause the application to end. I have turned off every normal reason for recycling such as time outs, memory checks, etc, etc, etc. Same code is working fine on a different server, so I am sure its something wrong with this setup, but what?...)
You don't have to incur overhead to add custom logging, ASP.NET 2.0 health monitoring does the job for you. You can add the following configuration which will log events in the eventlogs with information why Application pool is restarted.
To turn ASP.NET health monitoring ON, you can edit the "master" web.config file, normally found in %systemroot%\\framework\v2.0.50727\config.
First, look for <healthMonitoring> in the master web.config
Inside the healthMonitoring node, find the <rules> node
Inside rules, add the following:
<add name="Application Lifetime Events Default"
eventName="Application Lifetime Events"
custom="" />
Reproduce the issue and look in the Application event log fpr a source of ASP.NET 2.0. This should log why application pool is recycled.
Try looking in the EventLog. When the app pool recycles, there is an entry written to the log along with the reason.
The following link describes the errors codes you'll see in the eventlog for IIS 7.5
If there are not already log entries in your troubled machine's event viewer, you can modify IIS to log all app pool recycles.
Article from Microsoft on how to do it is found below

why two explorer windows are opened from visual studio in Azure project when I press F5

When I Press F5 to run the Azure project containing two worker roles and a web role. It opens two windows with same URL and they take so much time to open as well.
By time consuming, I mean, the website is taking too much time to load, but no such functionality or code is to be executed in the controller.
Can any body guide me on this?
It takes more time to start Azure project simply because it does more stuff. Just for starters, every time you press F5, it creates and configures new application pool for each role, then it creates and configures new web sites for each role instance.
I found it sometimes much faster to start the sites by pressing Ctrl+F5 (i.e. start without debugging). Then you can attach to your process manually, but you are free to do modifications to many files without re-deploying roles. This is especially helpful if you modify something that does not require rebuilding your binaries.
For your other question, you can control how browsers are launched for HTTP and HTTPS endpoints by using Configuration tab of the role properties. Just uncheck endpoints you don't want your browser to be launched on.
Try using the last Azure SDK edition v1.4. With the previous versions of the SDK there were some performance problems when running a service locally. Regarding the two opened windows problem, this might happen because the compute and the storage emulator were started manually on the local machine and not by the Visual Studio. At least in my case this was the problem. After shutting down the app., the compute and the storage emulator and running again the app.(F5) everything should be fine.
I've seen this happen before as well.
However, there is a way around it. You can edit the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg for your web role and set the instance count to 0. Then set your actual web application as the startup project instead of the Azure Web Role. This will allow you to use Cassini / IIS Express instead of the Compute Emulator to develop your web application.
NOTE: When you do a deployment you will have to set the instance count to something greater than one.
<ServiceConfiguration serviceName="Web" xmlns="" osFamily="2" osVersion="*">
<Role name="WebRole1">
<Instances count="0" />
<Setting name="LogLevel" value="Error" />
ALSO NOTE: There are certain features you will not be able to test when running your site like this. One example is local storage. If you're using features like that in your application you can simply switch the configuration and startup project back.
You'll also notice a huge speed increase when you press F5 to debug your application.
I've seen this happen with Chrome and Firefox. It doesn't happen with IE. Sorry I can't explain "why."
