Can I Use ADConnect to migrate users to Azure B2C - azure

The documentation for Azure Active Directory B2C states ADConnect can’t be used to migrate users. I believe this is referring to the native store.
“No, Azure AD Connect is not designed to work with Azure AD B2C.”
But can I use ADConnect if I configure Azure Active Directory as an Identity Provider?

If you setup sync to an Azure AD from on-prem AD with AAD Connect,
and then connect that AAD as an identity provider to B2C,
it will work.
Note you should use another Azure AD tenant for this, OT the one underneath the B2C tenant.
It also works quite nicely at least based on my short testing that if you have a single IdP in the sign-in policy, the B2C pages don't even show up.
Of course the first time, users will have to "sign up" to the B2C tenant with their AAD account.
Technically the sentence is correct that you can't migrate users to B2C with AAD Connect, but there is this roundabout way of doing it.
Technically the users are not migrated to B2C, but we migrate them to a place where they can be utilized from by B2C.


What approaches are available for allowing Azure AD B2C users to GET and POST data to a M365 environment via Graph API?

Per the docs, there is no 'out of the box' way to enable Azure AD B2C users to interact with the M365 environment associated with the Azure AD tenant that was used to create the Azure AD B2C tenant.
Azure AD B2C can't be used to authenticate users for Microsoft 365.
Can I use Azure AD B2C to provide social login (Facebook and Google+) into Microsoft 365?
But I still need to be able to provide this functionality, i.e GET and POST requests to M365 via the Graph API.
To be clear, this is what I have achieved so far:
Azure AD B2C users can login
Azure AD users can login and interact with their own M365 environment via Graph API
(to enable this, I added the Azure AD tenant as an identity provider, per this article)
What I have not yet been able to figure out is:
How can the Azure AD B2C users interact with the M365 environment associated with the Azure AD tenant?
(that created the Azure AD B2C tenant)
To illustrate a use case for this requirement:
Company_A wants to enable external contractors to be able to submit compliance documents to them
They set up Azure AD B2C and create accounts for their external contractors
They set up a Node.js/Express web app on Azure
External contractors can now login to a web app and view forms designed to submit data and attachments
How can those forms send data and attachments to a Document Library in Company_A's M365 environment?
I have been pondering this issue for a while and can't conceptualise a mental or technical model of how this can be achieved.
Google searching related phrases doesn't produce any relevant content.
I am hoping someone will have the knowledge and experience to be able to say:
You will need to follow THIS paradigm which is documented HERE and involves doing THIS
I am reading articles like these:
Get access without a user
which talks about scenarios where:
apps that have a signed-in user present may also need to call Microsoft Graph under their own identity
and contemplating adding Application Permissions (as opposed to Delegated Permissions) to my Azure AD B2C application registration.
Just to test the idea, I have added Sites.ReadWrite.All as an Application Permission and granted Admin Consent for that permission. How would I define this scope (Sites.ReadWrite.All) to be associated with the 'home' Azure AD tenant (as opposed to the Azure AD B2C tenant)? I am using msal-node which has a method named getAuthCodeURL() where you pass through the scopes required. I am assuming if I just added Sites.ReadWrite.All it would default to being applied to the Azure AD B2C tenant, rather than the desired Azure AD tenant?
M365 doesn’t exist in an Azure AD B2C tenant, you cannot apply a license for Office there. This simply isn’t possible.
For Graph API, you cannot use B2C issued tokens to call it. You must use underlying AAD Tokens to access it. Your server would need to perform Azure AD client credentials flow against the Azure AD endpoint of your AAD B2C tenant and ask for a token to Graph API.
Microsoft service scopes only apply to the underlying Azure AD endpoints of your AAD B2C tenant. They won’t mean anything at the AAD B2C login endpoints. Hence, the differentiation is made by the endpoint used.
An Azure AD B2C tenant has both endpoints:
Since M365 env does not exist for B2C tenants, the MS Graph API is only useful to R/W user data. But, for this, you could just use the B2C user flows to R/W user profile data, and return user profile data into the B2C token, so you don’t have go call MS Graph API. This is actually the intended usage pattern.

Migrate existing Users to Azure AD b2c

I have old users Authentication flow depend on AspnetIdentity and we are planning to move the authentication from our end to use B2C
What is the easiest way to do that
and update AD b2c with the existing users
The link provided by #Chauncy is correct. You can migrate users to Azure AD B2C according to the two migration methods provided in the document.
Migrating from another identity provider to Azure Active Directory B2C
(Azure AD B2C) might also require migrating existing user accounts.
Two migration methods are discussed here, pre migration and seamless
migration. With either approach, you're required to write an
application or script that uses the Microsoft Graph API to create user
accounts in Azure AD B2C.

Using both Azure AD and Azure AD B2C to authenticate with SSO

My Azure web application will have both internal and external users. The requirements regarding authentication are:
Internal users authenticate with their domain accounts (with SSO)
External users authenticate through Azure AD B2C (we need to create accounts for them)
How can I set up such scenario?
If your internal users are using Azure AD - simple - you add your corporate AAD as Identity provider to your B2C.
There are various ways to do this. So start here.
If your internal users do not have Microsoft 365 (Azure AD), and you only have on-premises AD DS infrastructure - ... move to Cloud, things will be so much easier. If not, you need at least ADFS, then you can hook up ADFS as Identity Provider in your B2C.
There is no way to make Windows Integrated Authentication and Claims Based authentication at the same time for the app.

Why is B2C the odd duck and in separate Azure Directory/Tenant?

Why does B2C "live" in its own Azure directory?
This seems to be the odd duck, no? Are there other Azure services this way? All of my other Azure resources live in the "default" directory.
It might help in understanding this by understanding the purpose of B2C. The idea here is to support a consumer facing application. For example, you might be building a consumer facing application and people all over the world might access it. You might want to outsource the security piece of that application to Azure AD.
Instead of integrating the application with your corporate Azure AD tenant, you can create a different AD directory, a B2C directory, that simply stores consumer identities. In this case, the B2C AD is completely separate from your corporate / main AD.
We all know that for one AAD tenant, it represents an organization. We can use AAD to manage users and resources for an organization. But for AAD B2C, it is just a service for authentication/authorization to all customers which relys application. It can integrate Soical accounts. AAD B2C cannot define those users belong to one organization.
However,AAD B2C still needs AAD to do authentication/authorization and manager users. In B2C, users are Local accounts or social accounts. In AAD, users are cloud accounts or on-premise synced accounts.
For example. If we use normal tenant also as a B2C tenant, the AAD authentication/authorization endpoint will be same. With this situation, we cannot distinguish the kind of users.It will result bad logic in product.
For distinguishing this two AAD, the B2C tenant must be separated.
Here is the clarify in official documentation:
Azure AD and Azure AD B2C are separate product offerings and cannot
coexist in the same tenant. An Azure AD tenant represents an
organization. An Azure AD B2C tenant represents a collection of
identities to be used with relying party applications. With custom
policies (in public preview), Azure AD B2C can federate to Azure AD
allowing authentication of employees in an organization.
Hope this helps!

Azure AD B2C Custom identity provider

I am testing azure B2C AD, I followed this tutorial:
I have tested login with "local account" and Facebook everything is working perfect. I see that I can add a custom identity provider.
Can I add another Azure AD (not B2C) so that the users from that AD can login into my web application ?
Adding another Tenant or allowing any other AAD Tenant are currently on the backlog. It is not possible to do those at this time.
Please do share your scenario so that we evaluate it in the planning.
thank you,
