CouchDB v1.7.1 database replication to CouchDB v2.3.0 database fails - couchdb

In Fauxton, I've setup a replication rule from a CouchDB v1.7.1 database to a new CouchDB v2.3.0 database.
The source does not have any authentication configured. The target does. I've added the username and password to the Job Configuration.
It looks like the replication got stuck somewhere in the process. 283.8 KB (433 documents) are present in the new database. The source contains about 18.7 MB (7215 docs) of data.
When restarting the database, I'm always getting the following error:
[error] 2019-02-17T17:29:45.959000Z nonode#nohost <0.602.0> --------
throw:{unauthorized,<<"unauthorized to access or create database">>}:
Replication 5b4ee9ddc57bcad01e549ce43f5e31bc+continuous failed to
start " "
-> " " doc
I'm not sure what is going on here. From the logs I understand there's an authorization issue. But the database is already present (hence, it has been replicated partially already).
What does this error mean and how can it be resolved?

The reason for this error is that the CouchDB v2.3.0 instance was being re-initialized on reboot. It required me to fill-in the cluster configuration again.
Therefore, the replication could not continue until I had the configuration re-applied.
The issue with having to re-apply the cluster configuration has been solved in another SO question.


Errors persisting after recovering YugabyteDB cluster

[Question posted by a user on YugabyteDB Community Slack]
We’re trying to do a postmortem on an issue we hit in our cluster. It looks like one of our 3 nodes went down and the other two were unable to process requests until it came back. Looking over the logs, I see this message a lot from both before and during the outage:
W0810 00:46:40.740047 3997211] T 00000000000000000000000000000000 P f65e3577ff4e42a3b935c36a99be1fb9 [CANDIDATE]: Term 7 pre-election: Tablet error from VoteRequest() call to peer df99aaa63d14414785aa9842fcf2fdc1: Invalid argument (yb/tserver/service_util.h:75): RequestConsensusVote: Wrong destination UUID requested. Local UUID: 55065b84a4df41ffac5841463871778a. Requested UUID: df99aaa63d14414785aa9842fcf2fdc1
I0810 00:46:40.740072 3997211] T 00000000000000000000000000000000 P f65e3577ff4e42a3b935c36a99be1fb9 [CANDIDATE]: Term 7 pre-election: Election decided. Result: candidate lost.
We, unfortunately, lost the logs from the node that went down due to a data loss issue on our side.Also, I’m actually still seeing the messages above even though the cluster has recovered so it looks like we’re still in a state.
What does this mean and does it prevent the cluster from electing a new leader?
The yb-master process recently running on prod-db-us-2 has a UUID of 55065b84a4df41ffac5841463871778a but the yb-master process running on prod-db-us-1 believes that the yb-master on prod-db-us-2 has a UUID of df99aaa63d14414785aa9842fcf2fdc1. This seems like a configuration issue.
My guess is that 55065b84a4df41ffac5841463871778a was originally df99aaa63d14414785aa9842fcf2fdc1. The UUID could change if the data directory is wiped.
You had a loss of data incident on prod-db-us-2 about a month and a half ago so that’s probably when the UUID changed.
Here’s the official documentation for replacing a failed master:
Alternatively, you could wipe 55065b84a4df41ffac5841463871778a and create a new yb-master using gflag instance_uuid_override to force it to initialize with uuid df99aaa63d14414785aa9842fcf2fdc1.

Unable to run Full indexing in backoffice 6.5

We are planning to migrate from HMC to Backoffice. I want all the data in HMC to be transferred to Backoffice. when I ran SOLR Full indexing but I am below getting Issue.
ERROR [Thread-6784] (00011GS2) [BackofficeIndexerStrategy] Executing indexer worker as an admin user failed:
ERROR [Thread-645] (00011HJD) [BackofficeIndexerStrategy] Executing indexer worker as an admin user failed:
INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2021/01/13 09:54:59.310 | de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.indexer.exceptions.IndexerException: de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.solr.exceptions.SolrServiceException: Could not check for a remote solr core [master_backoffice_backoffice_product_flip] due to Server refused connection at: http://Dev:8983/solr
Every time I get error. I had to restart my solr server.
Can someone please help me on this.
This might be an issue about SSL checks. You can try using disabling the SSL by adding
to your file. This should best only be used on your local development environment.
Or, you can try using https in your default solr server like https://localhost:8983/solr
I am using sap hybris 2205, products displayes in front but, solrserver not working. i try this one also (backoffice.facet-facet conf.->siteindex->enter->finish) getting error.

Kafka Zookeeper Security Authentication & Authorization(JAAS) Using SASL

Regarding Kafka-Zookeeper Security using DIGEST MD5 Authentication, I am trying to rotate/change credentials/password for both server(zookeeper) and client(kafka) jaas config file.
We have a 3 node cluster of 3 zookeepers and 3 kafka broker nodes with below jaas configuration file.
org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required
Server {
org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required
To rotate we do a rolling restart of server(zookeeper) instances after updating the credential(password) and during the process of rolling restart after updating the same credential/password for super user for client(kafka instances) one at a time, we notice
[2019-06-15 17:17:38,929] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Waiting until connected. (kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient)
[2019-06-15 17:17:38,929] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Connected. (kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient)
these info level in server logs, which eventually results in unclean shutdown and restart of the broker which impacts the writes and reads for longer than expected. I have tried commenting requireClientAuthScheme=sasl in zookeeper zoo.cfg to allow any clients authenticate to zookeeper but no success.
Also, alternative approach - tried to update the credential/password in jaas config file dynamically using sasl.jaas.config and do get the same exception documented in this jira (reference:
can someone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Can't backup to S3 with OpsCenter 5.2.1

I upgraded OpsCenter from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 (and then to 5.2.1). I had a scheduled backup to local server and an S3 location configured before the upgrade, which worked fine with OpsCenter 5.1.3. I made to no changes to the scheduled backup during or after the upgrade.
The day after the upgrade, the S3 backup failed. In opscenterd.log, I see these errors:
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO: Instructing agents to start backups at Mon, 28 Sep 2015 17:00:00 +0000
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO: Scheduled job 458459d6-d038-41b4-9094-7d450e4bac6f finished
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO: Snapshots started on all nodes
2015-09-28 17:00:08+0000 [] WARN: Marking request d960ad7b-2ccd-40a4-be7e-8351ac038c53 as failed: {'sstables': {u'solr_admin': {u'solr_resources': {'total_size': 155313, 'total_files': 12, 'done_files': 0, 'errors': [u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "Destination missing: 62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "Destination missing: 62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "Destination missing: 62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', shortened for brevity.
The S3 location no longer appears in OpsCenter when I edit the scheduled backup job. When I try to re-add the S3 location, using the same bucket and credentials as before, I get the following error:
Location validation error: Call to /local/backups/destination_validate timed out.
Also, I don't know if this is related, but for completeness, I see some of these errors in the opscenterd.log as well:
WARN: No http agent exists for definition file update. This is likely due to SSL import failure.
I get this behavior with either DataStax Enterprise 4.5.1 or 4.7.3.
I have been having the exact same problem since updating to OpsCenter 5.2.x and just was able to get it working properly.
I removed all the settings suggested in the previous answer and then created new buckets in us-west-1, us-west-2 and us-standard. After this I was able to successfully able to add all of those as destinations quickly and easily.
It appears to me that the problem is that OpsCenter may be trying to list the objects in the bucket that you configure initially, which in my case for the 2 existing ones we were using had 11TB and 19GB of data in them respectively.
This could explain why increasing the timeout for some worked and not others.
Hope this helps.
Try adding the remote_backup_region property to the cluster configuration file under the [agents] heading in "cluster-name".conf. Valid values are: us-standard, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-1
Does that help?
The problem was resolved by a combination of 2 things.
Delete the entire contents of the existing S3 bucket (or create a new bucket as previously suggested by #kaveh-nowroozi).
Edit /etc/datastax-agent/ and increase the heap size to 512M as suggested by a DataStax engineer. The default was set at 128M and I kept doubling it until backups became successful.

Cassandra Streaming error - Unknown keyspace system_traces

In our dev cluster, which has been running smooth before, when we replace a node (which we have been doing constantly) the following failure occurs and prevents the replacement node from joining.
cassandra version is 2.0.7
What can be done about it?
ERROR [STREAM-IN-/10.128.---.---] 2014-11-19 12:35:58,007 (line 420) [Stream #9cad81f0-6fe8-11e4-b575-4b49634010a9] Streaming error occurred
java.lang.AssertionError: Unknown keyspace system_traces
at org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace.<init>(
at org.apache.cassandra.streaming.StreamSession.addTransferRanges(
at org.apache.cassandra.streaming.StreamSession.prepare(
at org.apache.cassandra.streaming.StreamSession.messageReceived(
at org.apache.cassandra.streaming.ConnectionHandler$
I got the same error while I was trying to setup my cluster, and as I was experimenting with different switches in cassandra.yaml, I restarted the service multiple times and removed the system dir under data directory (/var/lib/cassandra/data as mentioned here).
I guess for some reason cassandra tries to load system_traces keyspace and fails (the other dir under /var/lib/cassandra/data), and nodetool throws this error. You can just remove both system and system_traces before starting cassandra service, or even better delete all content of bommitlog, data and savedcache there.
This works obviously if you dont have any data just yet in the system.
