How to export comma delimited data to excel sheet, but each row is a new excel sheet - excel

i have a comma delimited text file as follows
ZTEST01,50.00,11/15/2018,ROBERT R SMITH,12345 SOME STREET,60046,,,2224
ZTEST02,100.00,11/15/2018,ROBERT JONES,5215 OLD ORCHARD RD,60077,,,2223
ZTEST03,75.00,11/15/2018,JAMES B MCDONALD,4522 N CENTRAL PARK AVE APT 2,60625,,,2222
ZTEST04,80.00,11/15/2018,JOHN Q DOE,919 W 33RD PL 2ND FL,60608,,,2221
ZTEST05,60.00,11/15/2018,SAMANTHAN STEVENSON,123 MAIN ST,60610,,,2220
I need to export this to excel so that each value between a comma is inserted into a column in excel
ZTEST01 is in A1,
50.00 is in B1
11/15/2018 in C1 ...
The thing is i need each row to be inserted into a newly created excel worksheet.
The code i have is as follows:
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
'xlWorkbook = xlApp.workboos.Add() using this later once i have the parsing figured out
Dim columns As New List(Of String)
Dim ccPayment = "C:\Users\XBorja.RESURGENCE\Downloads\Payments_Credit.txt"
Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(ccPayment)
MyReader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
MyReader.Delimiters = New String() {","}
Dim currentRow As String()
'Loop through all of the fields in the file.
'If any lines are corrupt, report an error and continue parsing.
While Not MyReader.EndOfData
currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
' Include code here to handle the row.
For Each r In currentRow
Next r
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & " is invalid. Skipping")
End Try
End While
'Dim index0 = columns(0)
'Dim index1 = columns(1)
'Dim index2 = columns(3)
'Dim index3 = columns(3)
'Dim index4 = columns(4)
'Dim index5 = columns(5)
'Dim index6 = columns(6)
'Dim index7 = columns(7)
'Dim index8 = columns(8)
'Console.WriteLine(index0 & index1 & index2 & index3 & index4 & index5 & index6 & index7 & index8)
End Using
For Each r In columns
end sub
As you can see I was trying to see if i could index these so that i could possibly equate each one to a cell in excel.
The other problem is that this text file changes daily. The columns are always set (9 columns) but the rows change dynamically daily based on how many transactions we get.

I would recommend using the EPPlus package which is available via NuGet. It removes the COM challenges of working with Excel and works by reading and writing the XLSX spreadsheet files.
The following sample does what you where asking:
Private Sub btnStackOverflowQuestion_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStackOverflowQuestion.Click
Dim ccPayment As String = "C:\temp\so.csv"
Using pkg As New ExcelPackage()
Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(ccPayment)
MyReader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
MyReader.Delimiters = New String() {","}
Dim sheetCount As Integer
While Not MyReader.EndOfData
sheetCount += 1
Dim newSheet As ExcelWorksheet = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add($"Sheet{sheetCount}")
Dim currentRow As String() = MyReader.ReadFields()
Dim columnCount As Integer = 0
For Each r In currentRow
columnCount += 1
newSheet.Cells(1, columnCount).Value = r
Next r
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & " is invalid. Skipping")
End Try
End While
End Using
Dim fi As New FileInfo("C:\temp\so.xlsx")
End Using
End Sub


Exception Visual Basic .NET Clipboard Text to Excel Via Interop/Worksheet.Paste()

Trying to get an older VB.NET application working again. One feature builds a text string composed of text delimited by Tab/Return characters, then creates (via interop) an Excel Workbook, adds a Worksheet, and (desired) paste the text string into the worksheet.
Here is the code:
Private Function AddNewWorksheetToWorkbook(
ByVal theWorkbook As Workbook,
ByVal worksheetName As String,
ByVal textToPaste As String
) As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
Dim newWorksheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
newWorksheet = theWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()
newWorksheet.Name = worksheetName
newWorksheet.Activate() 'All works fine, file saved, worksheet named and Active as desired
Dim app As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
app = newWorksheet.Application
If app.ActiveSheet.Name = newWorksheet.Name Then 'Just a test to make sure ActiveSheet is the one desired -- it is
Clipboard.SetText(textToPaste) 'Clipboard has text delimited by vbTab and vbReturn (a "plain" text table)
newWorksheet.Range("A1").Select() 'Cell "A1" is properly selected
newWorksheet.Paste() 'BOOM! Get System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data.'
End If
Return newWorksheet
End Function
As noted in the comments, all goes well until the Worksheet.Paste() method call.
I have tried variations on Paste() as well as PasteSpecial(), etc. No joy.
Keep getting System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data.'
I am able to (manually, not through interop) click "Paste" in Excel and it works just fine.
I would be grateful for any insights from the stackoverflow community!
So, here is what I ended up doing to solve (actually avoid and solve) the problem I was facing. Here is how I altered the existing function.
Private Function AddNewWorksheetToWorkbook(
ByVal theWorkbook As Workbook,
ByVal worksheetName As String,
ByVal textToPaste As String
) As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
Dim newWorksheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
newWorksheet = theWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()
newWorksheet.Name = worksheetName
newWorksheet.Activate() 'All works fine, file saved, worksheet named and Active as desired
Dim app As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
app = newWorksheet.Application
If app.ActiveSheet.Name = newWorksheet.Name Then
Dim rowCount As Integer = 0
Dim colCount As Integer = 0
Dim values(,) As String = ExtractTwoDimDataSet(pasteText, rowCount, colCount)
Dim oRange As Range
oRange = newWorksheet.Range(newWorksheet.Cells(1, 1), newWorksheet.Cells(rowCount, colCount))
oRange.Value = values
End If
Return newWorksheet
End Function
The change, of course, is to not use the Clipboard at all (which users might appreciate) and assign the "two-dimensional" text array to a Cell range on the Worksheet. The function (yes, I know, ugly with return values and ByRef parameters) is as follows:
Private Shared Function ExtractTwoDimDataSet(tabAndCrLfDelimitedText As String, ByRef rowCount As Integer, ByRef colCount As Integer) As String(,)
rowCount = 0
colCount = 0
Dim rows() As String
Dim columns() As String
rows = Split(tabAndCrLfDelimitedText, vbCrLf)
rowCount = rows.Length
For Each line As String In rows
columns = Split(line, vbTab)
If columns.Length > colCount Then
colCount = columns.Length
End If
Dim values(rowCount, colCount) As String
rows = Split(tabAndCrLfDelimitedText, vbCrLf)
Dim r As Integer = 0
For Each line As String In rows
columns = Split(line, vbTab)
Dim c As Integer = 0
For Each cell As String In columns
values(r, c) = cell
c = c + 1
r = r + 1
Return values
End Function
The end result does what it needs to do and the function above is fairly reusable but I marked it Private as it is not general-purpose, and depends on the vbCrLf and vbTab delimiters.
This is clearly in the spirit of advice from #Mary ...
Thanks for the views and suggestions from stackoverflow folks!

validate strings in an excel in

I have a question, in, how can i validate that 2 values are the same in an excel in
for example i have defined 3 list
Public NSPS As New List(Of String)
Public CONTAINER As New List(Of String)
Public CONTAINER2 As New List(Of String)
I have 2 excel files where CONTAINER and CONTAINER2 are id's
So i need to create a third excel file that filters only the id's that repeat themselves in the 2 excel
meaning if i have an id: CARU9891569 in the 2 files, only then it transfers to the generated excel
and the 2 excel's have some extra information, for example: excel 1 has the variables: DELIVERY, CONTAINER, VOLUME.
the second excel has the variables: NSPS, NPOS, PACKAGES, CONTAINER2
SO the generated excel needs to have all of the variables: DELIVERY, CONTAINER, VOLUME, NSPS, NPOS, PACKAGES. using CONTAINER as the filter
to just fill information in a new excel i use this code
i use a function like this to extract the information from the excel files
Function extraer_valores_planilla(ByRef ruta As String) As Boolean
ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial
Dim stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(ruta)
Dim package = New OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(stream)
'// Libro
Dim Workbook = package.Workbook
'// Hojas
Dim hojas = Workbook.Worksheets
' While (Workbook.Worksheets.Count >= aux)
Dim hojaUsuarios = Workbook.Worksheets(Workbook.Worksheets.Item(0).ToString)
Dim indice As Integer = 2
While (indice < 5000)
'Numero entrega'
If (IsNothing(hojaUsuarios.Cells("A" & indice).Value) = False) Then
NSPS.Add(hojaUsuarios.Cells("A" & indice).Value)
End If
indice += 1
End While
indice += 1
Catch EX As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
and then i fill the third excel like this
Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial
Dim path As String = seleccionardirectorio("Excel|.xlsx")
If (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) = False) Then
Dim excel = New ExcelPackage(New FileInfo(path))
Dim aux As Integer = 1
Dim Workbook = excel.Workbook
Dim hojas = Workbook.Worksheets
Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim hoja1 = Workbook.Worksheets("Hoja1")
While (aux <= CONTAINER.Count)
hoja1.Cells("C" & aux + 1).Value = ENTREGA.Item(aux - 1)
aux += 1
End While
this is the same for all variables i just resume for you guys and this works just fine.
should i use 2 cicles to filter the excel, maybe a for each, sorry i am new to programing and i am stuck in this part
any ideas would be helpfull
Thanks in advance!
yes, use 2 for each loops.
for each item in list
for each otheritem in list2
if item = otheritem then
' These items match
end if
Replace the dummy variables with yours

VBA to extract file information, add any new information after last row of data

Sub GetFileList()
Dim xFSO As Object
Dim xFolder As Object
Dim xFile As Object
Dim objOL As Object
Dim Msg As Object
Dim xPath As String
Dim thisFile As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim lastrow As Long
xPath = Sheets("UI").Range("D7")
Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath)
i = 1
For Each xFile In xFolder.Files
i = i + 1
Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 1) = xPath
Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 2) = Left(xFile.Name, InStrRev(xFile.Name, ".") - 1)
Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 3) = Mid(xFile.Name, InStrRev(xFile.Name, ".") + 1)
Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 6) = Left(FileDateTime(xFile), InStrRev(FileDateTime(xFile), " ") - 1)
Set Msg = Nothing
Worksheets("Info").Visible = True
End Sub
The code to extract file information from a folder. The issue is when I change the folder path, it overwrites on the previously fetched data.
Sheet -UI is where the sub executed on press of button, Sheet Info is the place where the data needs to be pasted.
How to write the code to add a new row of data after the data which is already available. If the sheet is blank then add data from the 1st ROW otherwise add data from the LAST ROW.
i = Selection.Row + 1
Try replacing
i = 1
i = Worksheets("Info").UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
This will set i to 1 the first time around, and to the first free row ever after. New data will be added below the existing data, if there is any.

How to write to excel from vba

I am trying to create a button on my Access form that takes the current entry and writes the information to an Excel doc
Public Sub ExportExcel()
Dim ObjEx As Object
Dim WhatIsThisVariableFor As Object
Dim Selec As Object
Dim Column As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim CustName As String
Dim Org As String
Dim Contact As String
Dim Product As String
Dim Quantity As Integer
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set ObjEx = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
Set WhatIsThisVariableFor = ObjEx.Workbooks.Add
'Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select") <---- This will be used when I get the code working
Column = 1
Row = 1
CustName = "Test" '<---- This is only used for the test
Cells(Row, Column) = CustName
ObjEx.Visible = True
Set Selec = ObjEx.Selection
End Sub
This code creates the Excel doc, but leaves it blank. I think that the Cells(Row, Column) command isn't working because it would have to be called from within excel? I'm not sure (I am very new to VBA)
How can I write to the spreadsheet cells from within Access?
You need to qualify your Cells() function to Excel's application object.
ObjEx.ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Column).Value = CustName
I would recommend that you also choose the worksheet object explicitly:
Dim ws As object
Set ws = ObjEx.Worksheets("Sheet1")
ws.Cells(row, column).value = CustName

Exporting Access query results by record to new worksheet in file

I'm trying to workout how to split the unique records of a query to new worksheets in the same excel workbook (template file). My access query has the following fields:
Project Number,Project Name,Task Number,Project Sponsor,Full Year Budget,APR,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,Jan,Feb,Mar,Full,Year Forecast.
I want to be able to have a new worksheet for each Project Number and list the relevant data, and also rename the worksheet as the Project Number...I have a complete mind block after spending hours playing around with other code for similar requests, but cannot get anything to behave the way I need it to?
Does any one have a ideas or could point me in the right direction, I'm not a complete novice at vba but this one has me well and truly stuck.
Many thanks :)
Hi All, thanks for the suggestions, I've managed to cobble together the code to spilt the data and export to individual worksheets and its working ok.I now need to copy over any associated data from another query to the relevant worksheet in a "table" below the other data, but I'm not having much luck. Either it will copy one record to one of the worksheets or all of the records to a single worksheet irrespective. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Option Compare Database
Global iter As Integer
Sub Loop_Practice2()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ProjectNumber As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim Worksheet_Count As Integer
Dim sSql As String
Dim Project_Count As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim mypath As String
Dim mvalue As String
Dim myfile As String
Dim mynewfile As String
Dim mynewpath As String
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim sFile As String
mypath = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\"
myfile = ("PIN Export Template.xlsx")
mynewpath = (Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\")
mynewfile = ("PIN Export Template.xlsx - " & Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsx")
sFile = mypath & myfile
' ' Use Dir to check if file exists
If Dir(sFile) = "" Then
' if file does not exist display message
MsgBox "Could not find the file " & sFile & " - Please ensure it is in the same location as the database."
Exit Sub
End If
'Open Excel
Excel.Application.Visible = True
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open (sFile)
'Define Access Query to be exported
Set ProjectNumber = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly.[Project Number] from qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly")
If ProjectNumber.EOF Then Exit Sub
Project_Count = ProjectNumber.RecordCount - 1
'Create individual PIN sheets from Query Dataset
Worksheet_Count = Excel.Application.Worksheets("PIN").Select
Do Until Worksheet_Count = Project_Count
Worksheets("PIN").Copy After:=Worksheets("PIN")
If iter = 0 Then
iter = 1
End If
ActiveSheet.Name = ("PIN") & iter
iter = iter + 1
Worksheet_Count = Worksheet_Count + 1
j = 1
'Add qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly data
Do Until ProjectNumber.EOF
sSql = "SELECT *"
sSql = sSql & " FROM qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly"
sSql = sSql & " Where qry_MP_PDP_PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly.[Project Number]=" & ProjectNumber("[Project Number]")
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSql, dbOpenDynaset)
Set Pin_Sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("PIN" & j)
'Rename the PIN sheet to individual Project Number
Pin_Sheet.Name = ProjectNumber("[Project Number]")
'Create PIN Analysis Column Headings
For iCol = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Pin_Sheet.Cells(13, iCol + 4).Value = rs.Fields(iCol).Name
'Populate PIN_Analysis_Step_01_FY_Position_Monthly Data
Pin_Sheet.Cells(14, 4).CopyFromRecordset rs
j = j + 1
Excel.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (mynewpath & mynewfile)
Set Pin_Sheet = Nothing
Set ProjectNumber = Nothing
Set ProjectNumber2 = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set ProjectNumber = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set WS = Nothing
End Sub
AS 'Erik von Asmuth' Suggested it is a broad question split into a different task and share your code. what you have attempted until now.
I can only point you to one article written by Daniel Pineault . He had created a function called ExportRecordset2XLS through which you can pass your recordset, Sheet Name etc.
you have to create a loop for different project number and pass as an argument to this function. you also need to modify this code to handle differnt task as per your requiremnts.
