How to dynamically add rows to nested tree data in tabulator? - tabulator

For my project, I need to add new child rows to parent rows in a datatree based on user submitted form data. I wasn't able to find an example of how to do this in the documentation. Is this possible using the addRow({...}) function? How would I declare which parent to add the child row? Or would I need to build out a custom function which inserts the new row into the table JSON object and redraw the table?
Thanks for your help!

The solution I used is to add new row objects to a copy of the _children array of the parent row and then send an update to the parent row. To do this, you need to find the parent row, get it's data (which will include the _children array of child row objects), add the new row of data to _children, and update the parent row data in the data table.
//Get values for child row form fields
var childFields = $("#child-form").serializeArray().reduce(function(obj, item) {
obj[] = item.value;
return obj;
}, {});
var newRow = {
location: childFields.location,
gender: childFields.gender,
col: childFields.color,
dob: childFields.dob,
//Find row to add child
//searchRows() returns array
//In my case, I am only expecting one matching row so use index 0
var parentRow = table.searchRows("name","=","Oli Bob");
//Get data for the parent row so we can update it's _children array
var tempParentRowData = parentRow[0].getData();
//Add new row to children array
//Update data table row with new children array
I don't know how well this would work if you are expecting to have a huge number of children rows. If there is anything flawed with the above solution or a better solution out there, I would love to see it.


How does sibling or siblingAtRow() function works to retrieve the value from hidden Column in QTableWidget?

I have a database from which data is coming into a QTableWidget. The table in the database has the following Columns,
ID (Primary key, auto-increment value)
The QTableWidget has the following columns (that I have added)
ID (this column, I have hidden. and it contains the value of "ID" column from the Database Table)
Sr # (Represents the Row Number of the table)
Name (Contains "name" from the database table)
Location (Contains "Location from the database table)
Actions (Contains a Delete Button for that Row)
By hidden, I mean to say that I have made this column hidden using the folliwng command,
self.ui.table.setColumnHidden(0, True);
This is how I am populating my QTableWidget and creating a Delete Function,
def get_data(self):
mycursor = self.DB.cursor()
Subquery = "select id, name, location "
Subquery += " from tbl_person"
numcols = len(mycursor.fetchall()[0])
numrows = len(mycursor.fetchall())
tablerow = 0
for row in mycursor.fetchall():
layout = QHBoxLayout()
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
delete_button = QPushButton("Delete Data")
# delete_button.setStyleSheet(delete_push_button) -> Only for styling
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 0, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(row[0])))
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 1, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(tablerow+1)))
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 2, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(row[1])))
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 3, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(row[2])))
self.ui.table.setCellWidget(tablerow, 4, delete_button)
tablerow += 1
self.ui.table.setColumnHidden(0, True)
def executeDeleteFunction(self):
self.person_id = self.ui.table.selectionModel().selectedIndexes()[0]
self.person_id = self.person_id.row()
mycursor = self.DB.cursor()
sql = "delete from tbl_person where id = %s"
val = (id, )
mycursor.execute(sql, val)
print("Deletion Successful")
On the Deletion Function, what this code does is basically gets the value of the **Sr # ** Column from the QTableWidget and deletes the data according to that, i.e. it is getting me the value from the visible first column and not the actual first column. But, I want the data from the "ID" column of the QTableWidget which is hidden
I tried to look up on how to get the value from the first hidden column on the QTableWidget and ended up with this link: How to get data from hidden 'id' column in QtableWidget
This apparently solves my issue but I can not seem to make it work for my code. I don't want to retrieve values of multiple Rows but only of one row so how do I do this (as I am only deleting one row. But in the question mentioned, I believe that it is getting data from multiple rows due to that for each loop)?
Moreover, I tried to find help regarding the functionality of sibling function (which is provided in the answer of above question) however I could not find any good resource on this function (i.e. how to use this, or some practical example and etc.)
I tried the following with Sibling function to obtain the value of first hidden column of the Selected Row but it did not work,
self.value = self.table.selectedItems()[0]
self.value = sibling(self.value.row(), 0)
There are some conceptual problems with the given code.
First of all, the QtSql module should be preferred instead of artificially creating a model. For basic tables, QSqlTableModel is fine enough, while for custom queries, QSqlQueryModel is a good choice.
Now the problem is that UI-based selection is always based on visible items: if you select a row in a view that has hidden columns, you will not get the hidden indexes that belong to those columns.
In order to get the indexes (as in QModelIndex) of hidden columns on a table widget, the only way is the same for a table view: you need to access the model and get the index for the row, or you get the actual model index and then get the sibling (which is conceptually the same, as the underlying function does):
item = self.table.selectedItems()[0]
index = self.table.indexForItem(index)
firstRowIndex = index.sibling(index.row(), 0)
sqlIndex = # might be a string
Note that you can also use siblingAtColumn():
firstRowIndex = index.siblingAtColumn(0)
That's because when you create QTableWidget items, you're actually creating a new model, and the row for that model doesn't reflect the actual "row" of that index in the source model; items in the second row will return 1 for row(), even if their actual row is different, and that's because that item has been added as second to the table widget, since it's the second item in the query.
So, the solution is that you either get the incremental row value for the first column index sibling, or you use one of the predefined Sql models.
For simple models, the latter solution is fine enough, but if you need more complex models, the first is certainly more accurate and reliable.

getRow for nested row

I have a table with nested datatree, I need to collapse particular rows but can't seem to get the row instance of the nested row. I can use the index of the top-level rows to do table.getRow(1) but table.getRow(2) fails. I can get the row instance of row 68 which is the next top-level row, so it seems I can't get row(2) because it is a child of row(1). is there an alternate way to get child rows? table.getRow(1).getRow(2)?
Check documentation check this jsfiddle and check console
use `var children = row.getTreeChildren();`
// Get all rows
const allRows = table.getRows();
const firstRow = table.getRow(1);
const firstRowChildren = firstRow.getTreeChildren();

How to get row data in the order columns are arranged?

I'm using the following code to get the details of a particular row.
var data = cell.getRow().getData();
But the results are not in the order of the column arrangement.
How to get the row's data with the column order maintained?
I do not know any function to retrieve the data in the defined order directly but you can use the below lines of code as a workaround:
var colsOrder = []; // The ordered columns
var val = []; // The ordered values
I hope this will help !

Update a row in google sheets based on duplicate

I'm designing a script that takes an object (jsonData[data]) and inputs its values into a different sheet based on which product it is.
Currently the script inputs all the data into a new row each time the form reaches a new stage, however the form goes through 4 stages of approval and so I'm finding each submission being entered into 4 different rows. Each submission has an "Id" value within the object which remains the same (but each submission could also be on any row in the sheet as it's used a lot).
I'm checking whether the ID exists in the sheet and using iteration to find the row number:
function updatePlatformBulkInfo(jsonData) {
var sheetUrl = "";
var sheetName = "PlatformBulkSetup";
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl);
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var rowList = [];
var formId = jsonData["Id"];
var allSheetData = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
setLog("AllSheetData = " + allSheetData[1][11]) //Logs to ensure data is collected correctly
var rowEdited = false;
var rowNumber = 0;
//Check whether ID exists in the sheet
for (var i = 0; i < allSheetData.length; i++) {
if(allSheetData[i][11] == formId) {
rowEdited = true;
} else {
rowNumber += 1;
My issue is with the next part:
//Append row if ID isn't duplicate or update row if duplicate found
if (rowEdited == false) {
for (var data in jsonData) {
setLog("***Row List = " + rowList + " ***");
setLog("***Current Row Number = " + rowNumber + " ***");
} else if(rowEdited == true){
var newRowValue = jsonData[data];
sheet.getRange(rowNumber, 1).setValues(newRowValue);
Everything works fine if the duplicate isn't found (the objects values are appended to the sheet). But if a duplicate is found I'm getting the error:
Cannot find method setValues(string)
This looks to me like i'm passing a string instead of an object, but as far as I'm aware I've already converted the JSON string into an object:
var jsonString = e.postData.getDataAsString();
var jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString);
How can I modify my script to write the updated data to the matched row?
It's unclear based on your code whether or not you will actually write to the correct cell in the case of a duplicate. As presented, it looks as though you loop over the sheet data, incrementing a row number if the duplicate is not found. Then, after completing the loop, you write to the sheet, in the row described by rowNumber, even though your code as written changes rowNumber after finding a duplicate.
To address this, your loop needs to exit upon finding a duplicate:
var duplicateRow = null, checkedCol = /* your column to check */;
for(var r = 0, rows = allSheetData.length; r < rows; ++r) {
if(allSheetData[r][checkedCol] === formId) {
// Convert from 0-base Javascript index to 1-base Range index.
duplicateRow = ++r;
// Stop iterating through allSheetData, since we found the row.
In both cases (append vs modify), you seem to want the same output. Rather than write the code to build the output twice, do it outside the loop. Note that the order of enumeration specified by the for ... in ... pattern is not dependable, so if you need the elements to appear in a certain order in the output, you should explicitly place them in their desired order.
If a duplicate ID situation is supposed to write different data in different cells, then the following two snippets will need to be adapted to suit. The general idea and instructions still apply.
var dataToWrite = [];
/* add items to `dataToWrite`, making an Object[] */
Then, to determine whether to append or modify, test if duplicateRow is null:
if(dataToWrite.length) {
if(duplicateRow === null) {
} else {
// Overwriting a row. Select as many columns as we have data to write.
var toEdit = sheet.getRange(duplicateRow, 1, 1, dataToWrite.length);
// Because setValues requires an Object[][], wrap `dataToWrite` in an array.
// This creates a 1 row x N column array. If the range to overwrite was not a
// single row, a different approach would be needed.
toEdit.setValues( [dataToWrite] );
Below is the most basic solution. At the end of this post, I'll expand on how this can be improved. I don't know how your data is organized, how exactly you generate new unique ids for your records, etc., but let's assume it looks something like this.
Suppose we need to update the existing record with new data. I assume your JSON contains key-value pairs for each field:
var chris = {
name: "Chris",
age: 29,
city: "Amsterdam"
Updating a record breaks down into several steps:
1) Creating a row array from your object. Note that the setValues() method accepts a 2D array as an argument, while the appendRow() method of the Sheet class accepts a single-dimension array.
2) Finding the matching id in your table if it exists. The 'for' loop is not very well-suited for this idea unless you put 'break' after the matching id value is found. Otherwise, it will loop over the entire array of values, which is redundant. Similarly, there's no need to retrieve the entire data range as the only thing you need is the "id" column.
IMPORTANT: to get the row number, you must increment the array index of the matching value by 1 as array indices start from 0. Also, if your spreadsheet contains 1 or more header rows (mine does), you must also factor in the offset and increment the value by the number of headers.
3) Based on the matching row number, build the range object for that row and update values. If no matching row is found, call appendRow() method of the Sheet class.
function updateRecord(query) {
rowData = [];
var keys = Object.keys(query);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var headers = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var idColumn = 1;
var ids = sheet.getRange(2, idColumn, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 1).getValues();
var i = 0;
var matchedRow;
do {
if (ids[i] == { matchedRow = i + 2; }
} while (!matchedRow && i < ids.length);
if (matchedRow) {
var row = sheet.getRange(matchedRow, idColumn, 1, rowData.length);
} else {
NOTE: if your query contains only some fields that need to be updated (say, the 'id' and the 'name' field), the corresponding columns for these fields will be
headers.indexOf(query[key]) + 1;
Possible improvements
If the goal is to use the spreadsheet as a database and define all CRUD (Create, Read, Write, Delete) operations. While the exact steps are beyond the scope of the answer, here's the gist of it.
1) Deploy and publish the spreadsheet-bound script as a web app, with the access set to "anyone, even anonymous".
function doGet(e) {
function doPost(e) {
function handleResponse(e) {
if (e.contentLength == -1) {
//handle GET request
} else {
//handle POST request
2) Define the structure of your queries. For example, getting the list of values and finding a value by id can be done via GET requests and passing parameters in the url. Queries that add, remove, or modify data can be sent as payload via POST request. GAS doesn't support other methods besides GET and POST, but you can simulate this by including relevant methods in the body of your query and then selecting corresponding actions inside handleResponse() function.
3) Make requests to the spreadsheet URL via UrlFetchApp. More details on web apps

Update multiple filed in Jquery Jtable

on demo found function deleteRows
$('#DeleteAllButton').button().click(function () {
var $selectedRows = $('#StudentTableContainer').jtable('selectedRows');
$('#StudentTableContainer').jtable('deleteRows', $selectedRows);
now I work on child table and can't get row data form it I don't know how to add class for identity child row id
can any one can advance me
You need to change your selector to point to your child table selected rows: the line
var $selectedRows = $('#StudentTableContainer').jtable('selectedRows');
$('#StudentTableContainer').jtable('deleteRows', $selectedRows);
is currently trying to get the selected rows from your parent table, and delete them from your parent table too. So you have to change 2 things: the way you get the selected rows, and the table where you delete them.
Can you try with this one to get the selected rows:
var selectedRows =$('.jtable-main-container .jtable .jtable-row-selected');
And so your delete button should do the following:
$('#DeleteAllButton').button().click(function () {
var $selectedRows = $('#StudentTableContainer').jtable('selectedRows');
$('.jtable-main-container .jtable').jtable('deleteRows', $selectedRows);
I'm not 100% sure of the child table selection, but you can give it a try..
