Does Google Calendar ignore event response? - gmail

I'm developing a ASP.NET application which integrates with GMail API and Google Calendar API. It uses a GSuite account to manage calendar events and e-mails.
Basically the application sends e-mails, invitations to people creating calendar events and, if an attendee declines the invitation, the application unsubscribes the user from the event and deletes the invitation.
The issue: everything works fine if the attendee uses GMail, else the declination is not received:
the attendee receives the invitation in GMail and selects "No" as response: the response is received
the attendee receives the invitation in another mail client and clicks the "No" link inside the mail: the response is received
the attendee receives the invitation in another mail client and rejects the invitation with any button provided by the mail client: the status in Google Calendar remains "awaiting response"
I found this behaviour using a standard GMail account too, so I suppose it does not depend on GSuite or my code. I googled a lot to see if this is a known issue, but I cannot find anything.
Does someone know if it is a known issue or there is any solution or any option to activate support for event responses?
Thank you very much for your help!
I finally found the following:
the application creates a new calendar for managing its events -> invitations are managed as if they were from a different user and responses from attendees are sent to a e-mail address instead of the user's e-mail address, so no mail in GMail, no attendee status changed
using the primary calendar, I receive the event responses in GMail, but event attendee's status is not updated
with the second approach, I will try to take actions on new mail messages too.
As much as I can understand Google only supports responses to events using the "Yes", "No" and "Maybe" links in invitation e-mails, but what if a user uses a mail client like Outlook, etc.???
Please note that not all users are smart enough to understand that a link has to be clicked instead of buttons provided by mail clients and, anyway, I would expect that it works too.


Sending Gmail as other user's in Workspace

The company I work for is just now adopting a ticketing system for their IT help requests. Previously, all of our users have access to a Slack account and would start a message thread in an itsupport labeled channel to begin a "ticket". Now we would like users to send an email to an inbox which will then in turn create a ticket within the ticketing system. Since we know our end-users are going to still send Slack messages in the channel, I have been tasked with making an integration between Slack and a Google inbox designated for our help desk requests. The ticketing system is managed by an IT company we are contracted with, thus I am not the one integrating the Google Inbox and the ticketing system. I am only tasked with the integration between Slack and the mailing inbox.
Not sure if this context is needed, but I am currently using Node.js to capture the requests sent from Slack and then using Nodemailer to send the emails into the itsupport#company inbox.
The problem I have ran into (I found some questions related earlier but am having a hard time finding them now) is figuring out how to send an email on behalf on any user within our Google Workspace. For example, if Joe Schmo sends a message in the correct Slack channel, I would like to be able to send an email to the inbox as rather than my personal Google workspace account or through a generalized IT user account. How would I achieve this goal? I could change the "From" name however it would be preferred if I could send the email from any email address in our workspace.

DocuSign API : How to check if email notification was delivered successfully (no bounce back) or not?

I am trying to get the status of envelope (document) email notification delivered to signer. If the notification was delivered successfully or not.
I am using Create And Send Envelope to sent document to DocuSing.
There are two things you can check for:
Bounce email, that is a indication that the email bounced.
Envelope was opened. That is an indication that an email did not bounce.
There's no way to know for sure an email was not bounced if it was not opened by the user. So there's no way to really know for each envelope until such time that it didn't bounce (99% of bounce happen within seconds but sometimes it can take much longer)
The status is AutoResponded
The best approach to use this information is using the DocuSign connect webhook, and not using polling. So you get events to your service, you don't make API calls.

Stop Gmail create events in calendar based on mail data

I am sending some email notification to my users on some flights information. I see that Gmail is automatically creating events in Google Calendar based on the flight details provided in email. Is there any mail header property which I can mention so that Gmail does not create events based on data in mail. I know events creation can be stopped by changing some settings in users google calendar, but I want to control it at email level that I send across.

Gmail intercepts event invites sent to iCloud account

I use my Gmail address as my primary iCloud email address. When someone sends me an event invite to this email address, Gmail intercepts it and adds it to my Gmail calendar (which I don't use) instead of letting Apple Calendar handling it.
Do you know how I can tell Gmail to leave the event invites to iCloud?
First google result has instructions
You could also just not use, untick the calendar in your calendar apps.

Send email from users account

In my sharepoint site I have a document library with a workflow attached to it.Once any user upload a new document workflow is started and the document is send to approver for approval along with this an email has been sent to the approver for new document pending for approval. Now then email is sent from the mail server I have configured in sharepoint. it works fine. Now my question is I want to send the email to the approver from users email ID so that the approver should know from whome the request is come from.
Can any one help me how can I configure mail server so that the outgoing emailing should be done from users email ID.
You will need to set up a custom workflow with a custom activity to send the email rather than using the out of box approval workflow. This is one of those cases where a small change from the normal SharePoint way of doing things means a lot of extra work - the sort of problem I usually solve by telling the client it can't be done or is very expensive.
As an alternative, just including the requesting user name in the body of the email would be a lot easier and may be close enough to meeting the actual requirement.
You have write an event handler for the document library. You will have to send the approval mail using this event handler instead of thw workflow.
This post has some info abut event handlers in MOSS 2007
