DocuSign API : How to check if email notification was delivered successfully (no bounce back) or not? - docusignapi

I am trying to get the status of envelope (document) email notification delivered to signer. If the notification was delivered successfully or not.
I am using Create And Send Envelope to sent document to DocuSing.

There are two things you can check for:
Bounce email, that is a indication that the email bounced.
Envelope was opened. That is an indication that an email did not bounce.
There's no way to know for sure an email was not bounced if it was not opened by the user. So there's no way to really know for each envelope until such time that it didn't bounce (99% of bounce happen within seconds but sometimes it can take much longer)
The status is AutoResponded
The best approach to use this information is using the DocuSign connect webhook, and not using polling. So you get events to your service, you don't make API calls.


Does Google Calendar ignore event response?

I'm developing a ASP.NET application which integrates with GMail API and Google Calendar API. It uses a GSuite account to manage calendar events and e-mails.
Basically the application sends e-mails, invitations to people creating calendar events and, if an attendee declines the invitation, the application unsubscribes the user from the event and deletes the invitation.
The issue: everything works fine if the attendee uses GMail, else the declination is not received:
the attendee receives the invitation in GMail and selects "No" as response: the response is received
the attendee receives the invitation in another mail client and clicks the "No" link inside the mail: the response is received
the attendee receives the invitation in another mail client and rejects the invitation with any button provided by the mail client: the status in Google Calendar remains "awaiting response"
I found this behaviour using a standard GMail account too, so I suppose it does not depend on GSuite or my code. I googled a lot to see if this is a known issue, but I cannot find anything.
Does someone know if it is a known issue or there is any solution or any option to activate support for event responses?
Thank you very much for your help!
I finally found the following:
the application creates a new calendar for managing its events -> invitations are managed as if they were from a different user and responses from attendees are sent to a e-mail address instead of the user's e-mail address, so no mail in GMail, no attendee status changed
using the primary calendar, I receive the event responses in GMail, but event attendee's status is not updated
with the second approach, I will try to take actions on new mail messages too.
As much as I can understand Google only supports responses to events using the "Yes", "No" and "Maybe" links in invitation e-mails, but what if a user uses a mail client like Outlook, etc.???
Please note that not all users are smart enough to understand that a link has to be clicked instead of buttons provided by mail clients and, anyway, I would expect that it works too.

Docusign send email after document completion only

We are attempting to use a listener to pick up on envelope events and to automate grabbing the completed docs from Docusign and putting them in our document management system. What we would like to do is to listen for all events, like document sent, document received, etc, but only notify the sender when the envelope was voided or declined, not when the receiver signs the documents and the envelope is complete. Is such a thing possible? Thanks in advance.
The events that you subscribe to via DocuSign Connect and the events trigger email notifications to senders are managed entirely separately -- there is no correlation whatsoever between how you manage those two categories of events.
You can configure which Envelope events will trigger email notifications to a specific sender by updating the Sending notification settings for that particular User in your DocuSign account. The Sending notification settings that you specify for a particular user will apply for all Envelopes that person sends (until if/when those settings are changed for the user) -- you can not configure email notification settings for a sender on a per-Envelope basis.
For information about how a User can configure their own email notification settings manually via the DocuSign web UI, see:
If you want to use the API to automatically configure email notification settings for senders in your account, you can do so by using the Update User Settings operation, as described here in the docs: Just keep in mind that, as mentioned previously, the settings you specify for a user will apply to all Envelopes that user sends (until if/when the settings are updated again).
Connect Trigger events which you can subscribe to are
As a Sender you can modify sender specific notifications. Please check Envelope Notifications to know how to manage the notifications.

Q: Batch documents using DocuSign REST API? Not bulk envelope

I have a client that would like to send out batches of contracts for signatures (hundreds at a time). They would also like to use email for the recipients to log into docusign and sign. Only problem is that many of the recipients on these docs are the same couple of people, and thus, would end up with a flooded inbox after every contract batch.
Does DocuSign have a different email correspondence option? Maybe one that would send out 1 email if recipients have documents they need to take action on? This would be something that we need to control when creating and sending the envelopes because many of these users would be logging in for the first time when they sign their first document, and probably wouldn't know how to configure their settings appropriately.
Whenever an envelope is sent, the recipient will receive an email notification from Docusign. Sender will not be able to disable these notifications to the recipient.
Recipients can control the notifications they receive using the Manage Notifications page

Changing Signer or Draft Envelope DocuSign

I am using the embedded sending interface to send DocuSign envelopes.
There might be the case where different senders assess the same envelope through the embedded sending interface. (for example the first user does not send and the second user comes into the application page)
I have tried enabling the Sharing permission but the users are redirected to the Manage Envelopes Inbox page instead of the embedded sending interface.
Any suggestions on how I should go about to do this?
Perhaps the answer is to back up a step:
Your app can show the documents to the user for approval. If he approves, then he sends the envelope. If he thinks someone else should review/send, then he re-assigns the task to his colleague for her to review/send.
The issue is that once a person starts the sending process, it is tricky to undo it.
I suppose the first person could simply not send and then your app could void the envelope and create a new one for the other person to review/send. But I think that would give a poor UI.
Also, are you sure that you need the senders to use the embedded signing view? It is often a much nicer UX (user experience) if your app can entirely send the envelope on behalf of the signers.
Your app has the most "domain knowledge" of what needs to be sent. Any per-envelope changes can be mediated between the senders and your app. Then your app creates the right envelope and documents.

Docusign Connect - Email Delivery Failure has "Sent" Status

I have a web service that creates Docusign envelopes with a PDF that needs to be signed. On my test environment, after the envelope gets created I query for the envelope status, as well as the recipient status. When using the API call, the respondents with bad email addresses have the status "autoresponded".
Now on my Docusign Connect implementation, I have two separate routes that get hit. One for when the email gets successfully sent or if the request is completed, and another one specifically for email delivery failures. When I had a single route, none of the recipients were marked as "autoresponded" like the API call returned (the API call result ends up being returned before the Connect implementation gets hit by Docusign).
After splitting them apart, I expected the email delivery failure-specific route to have the correct signature status. Unfortunately when this route gets hit, all recipients have the status of "Sent", regardless if their email is valid or not.
I'd contacted Docusign a while ago and their response was the number of events a single Connect implementation was listening for. By that assumption, this delivery failure-specific route should be getting a status of "autoresponded" like our API call is receiving, which doesn't seem to be happening. How can I get the Connect implementation to return the correct recipient statuses?
Every time I've opened a support ticket on their website, the corresponding account can no longer log in, meaning it's always a one-way communication to their support team. Has anyone gotten around this issue before?
My thought is that if the email failure route gets hit, flag that account as having a bad email address for one of the recipients and force the user to log into their accounts to see the actual status. Another option would be to query the API for that envelope's status, however I feel like a lot of delivery failures could easily trigger the max number of API calls.
Posting an answer, the original poster figured it out in the comment, but here is the answer for everyone else per Ricky Story:
"Return Recipient Auto Responded Status in Connect/API" that DocuSign Support should be able to enable.
To do that you would need to contact the DocuSign Customer Support and request them to enable this option.
