How to avoid azure to close inactive app service - azure

Even if always on flas is setted, azure closes our web apps after inactivity 20 minutes. Then it opens them when first request comes. Is it possible to avoid from this behaviour. We want our services always running and responds immediately.
App service plan is Standard: 1 Large. Subscription's offer is "Azure in Open"
Thanks in advance

Go to the App Service Web App within the Azure Portal, navigate to the "Application Settings" section, and set the "Always On" option to "On". This will ensure the application is always running.
FYI, the "Application Settings" pane in the Azure Portal is changing to "Configuration", and is currently in Preview at the time of writing this.


Cannot turn off the AlwaysOn feature on Azure App Service

I'm trying to turn off the AlwaysOn feature for my App Service, but after saving the change it reverts back to "On".
It's a Windows Service Plan currently on a B1 pricing tier. I'd like to scale down to either D1 or F1 pricing tier but those require the AlwaysOn feature to be turned off. When I try to scale down to either of those pricing tiers I get a notification:
"Cannot update the site '[my-site-name]' because it use AlwaysOn feature which is not allowed in the target compute mode"
So I then go to the apps Configuration > General Settings, turn off the AlwaysOn feature and save. When I refresh to check if the change saved the AlwaysOn feature is back to On.
Summary of steps I'm taking to turn off AlwaysOn feature:
From the App Service > Configuration > General Settings
Toggle "Always On" from "On" to "Off"
"Save" and "Continue"
I refresh and the AlwaysOn feature reverts to "On"
Any help is appreciated.
What App Service Plan are you using?
By default, web apps are unloaded if they are idle for some period of time. This lets the system conserve resources. By enabling Always On you keep the app loaded all the time.
Just trying to understand and confirm, why are you attempting to disable?
Are you an admin, co-admin or contributor on the subscription?
Do you notice the activity success when you disable Always On?
Kindly try these steps just to isolate the issue:
Try this operation on a different browser and validate.
If feasible restart the WebApp and then test.
Scale-down App Service plan and then re-check.

Policy change not reflecting immediately

Whenever I make a change to my Azure AAD B2C policy, either a basic one from the Azure portal or a custom policy, I did not seem to observe the change immediately when running it through my web application or mobile application. It usually takes a few minutes before the change takes effect. This is quite inconvenient for me to test my web application as well as my mobile application.
Azure Active Directory B2C uses cache to improve the performance of your Production traffic. As a side effect, the change to your policy won't take effect immediately as the service may still keep an old copy of your policy file. This usually takes 1-2 minutes.
However, the cache will be disabled if you run your user journey through the "Run Now" button in the Azure B2C portal blade. We recommend testing your policy through that "Run Now" button so you will observe the change to your policy file immediately.

How to configure Azure web Job for Always On

My web job goes on sleep after a while
and as per Microsoft docs
"A web app can time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. Only requests to the scm (deployment) site or to the web app's pages in the portal reset the timer. Requests to the actual site don't reset the timer. If your app runs continuous or scheduled WebJobs, enable Always On to ensure that the WebJobs run reliably"
but I am not able to find this setting. Thats how web job looks like in portal
Can some one please help me , how can I turn on this setting
Go to the Web App that is hosting your WebJobs and select the Application Settings menu option. The Always On setting is there.
Note that Always On is only available for Basic or greater service tiers. Free and Shared do not have this setting.

Azure Web app menu disabled

For hosting one of our application, we created an Azure account which starts with a free trial. Then I created a web app from app services menu. After web app instance is deployed and ready, I clicked on the web app for changing the settings I get a window with all the menu options disabled.
Does the Azure Free trial subscription have any sort of restrictions?
A site in a free subscription is fully functional, so all this UI absolutely should be available. As you found, after creating a new site everything started working.
Now the question is what prevented this from not working in the first site. My take is that it was likely a glitch in the Azure Portal (yes, it still has a few bugs), and that a browser refresh would have solved it. If you run into this again and a Portal refresh doesn't solve it, we can investigate further.

Where has my app gone - Microsoft Azure App Services

Started using the new Azure portal but some of our test apps seem to have disappeared under App Services. In the old portal these lived a level below the main app (deployment slots) and needed a triangle icon to be pressed to view them. Searching under "App services" does not reveal them.
The sites in question still work fine, so they must be there somewhere...
These are deployment slots.
Look for the deployment slots in the All Settings blade of the main Web App.
