I have deployed a Flask application on an Ubuntu server. In order to make a check on the Flask application, I have used Twilio, such that the data will be sent to the server from the client every 5 minutes. In case something goes wrong, I should be getting a text message on my phone. Right now I am doing this on my local machine but I want to know how can I make it run always? Do I have to run the below client code on the Ubuntu server or how it could be done?
import json
import requests
def localClient():
data = {"inputData": "Bank of America", "dataId": 12345}
response = requests.post("http://12.345.567.890/inputData", json=data).json()
from twilio.rest import Client
account_sid = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
auth_token = "XXXXXXXXX"
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
message = client.messages \
body='Server is down',
to='+19876543210' )
while True:
Use supervisor in Ubuntu. This will auto restart your code whenever you restart server. You don't need to start every time. This will run forever until you stop manually.
Refer to the following link to setup supervisor :
I've created a script which sends messages using telethon. The receivers are not always the same: the number of receivers and their IDs are taken from a MySQL table. The multi processing script runs okay in the expected loop when started from the command prompt. But as soon as it's started as a service the messages are not send.
Please see the code below which includes the function to send out the messages. This function is called by another function which loops over the result of a MySQL query.
Can someone shine a light on the question why the function runs fine from the prompt and not as a service?
import configparser
# get configuration
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
telegram_api_id = config.get('telegram','api_id')
telegram_api_hash = config.get('telegram','api_hash')
telegram_bot_name = config.get('telegram','bot_name')
client = TelegramClient(telegram_bot_name, telegram_api_id, telegram_api_hash)
def p2k_send_telegram(PeerID,Message):
async def main():
await client.send_message(int(PeerID), Message)
with client:
Okay, the answer was easy and right in front of me! The issue could be isolated to the client variable. When running as a service under systemd the session (file) has to be defined with its full path!
Something like this:
client = TelegramClient('/full/path/to/my.session', telegram_api_id, telegram_api_hash)
I have a fast API application. Initially, I was passing my DB URI via ngrok tunnel like this in my SAM template. In this setup Lambda will be using my local machine's PSQL DB.
Type: String
Default: postgresql://<uname>:<pwd>#x.tcp.ngrok.io:PORT/DB
This is how I read the URI in my Python code
# config.py
DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get('DB_URI')
db_engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
db_session = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False,bind=db_engine)
print(f"Configs initialized for {API_V1_STR}")
# app.py
# 3rd party
from fastapi import FastAPI
# Custom
from config.app_config import PROJECT_NAME, db_engine
from models.db_models import Base
print("Creating all database")
app = FastAPI(title=PROJECT_NAME)
print("APP created")
In this setup, everything seems to work as expected.
But whenever I replace the DB URL with RDS DB, suddenly the call gets stuck at create all database step as shown in the image below. when this happens the lambda always times out and throws exceptions.
If I run the code locally using uvicorn this error doesn't occur.
Everything works as expected.
When I use sam local invoke even with RDS URL, the API call works without any issues.
This problem occurs only while deployed in AWS Lambda.
I notice that configs are initialized twice in this setup, Once before START request ID and once after.
I have tried reading up on it but not clear what could I do to fix this. Any help would be much appreciated.
It was my bad!. I didn't pay attention to security groups. It was a connection timeout all along. Once I fixed the port access in Security groups, lambda started working as expected.
Got a trouble:
IBM MQ Server v9.1.0.0
When trying connect to server got an error:
pymqi.MQMIError: MQI Error. Comp: 2, Reason 2035: FAILED: MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED
When I check traffic in Wireshark i got that:
And in server log this:
07/31/2020 10:08:02 AM - Process(27333.5) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
Host(host) Installation(Installation1)
VRMF( QMgr(queue_manager)
ArithInsert1(2) ArithInsert2(2035)
AMQ9557E: Queue Manager User ID initialization failed for 'haha'.
The call to initialize the User ID 'haha' failed with CompCode 2 and Reason
2035. If an MQCSP block was used, the User ID in the MQCSP block was ''.
Correct the error and try again.
My code sample:
import pymqi
host = "host"
port = 1416
conn_info = f"{host}({port})"
channel = "channel"
queue_manager = "queue_manager"
def main():
manager = pymqi.connect(queue_manager=queue_manager, channel=channel, conn_info=conn_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I tried to execute the code from other devices and there, accordingly, the account under which I ran was taken as the UserID.
After that I asked our support to deal with the problem, after which I was able to connect with an account haha, but the solution with the creation of a list of allowed users does not suit me. Is there any way to control the UserID that is sent by pymqi?
UPD 04.08.2020
The support team said that the user phoenix was created on the IBM MQ server with the password 123456789, tried to send an MQSCP:
manager = pymqi.connect(queue_manager=queue_manager, channel=channel,
conn_info=conn_info, user="phoenix", password="123456789")
And got similar error MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED and server log contains error as above with username of machine where code launches (not phoenix).
My app receives jobs to do from a web server through sockets. At the moment when a job is running on the app I can then only send 2 more messages to the app before it won't receive any more.
def handlemsg (self, data):
self.sendmsg (cPickle.dumps('received')) # send web server notification received
data = cPickle.loads(data)
print data
# Terminate a Job
if data[-1] == 'terminate':
# Check if app is Available
elif data[-1] == 'prod':
# Run Job
supply = supply_thread(data, self.app)
self.supplies[data['job_name']] = supply
supply.daemon = True
I can send as many prods as I like to the server. But once I send a Job that activates a thread then responses become limited. For some reason it will allow me to send another two prods while the job is running... But after that the print message will not appear it just keeps on working.
Any ideas? Thanks
I was running my data through a datagram socket configuration. I switched to a socketstream and it seemed to resolve it.
Was helpful in the resolution.
I'm trying to build a simple API with the bottle.py (Bottle v0.11.4) web framework. To 'daemonize' the app on my server (Ubuntu 10.04.4), I'm running the shell
nohup python test.py &
, where test.py is the following python script:
import sys
import bottle
from bottle import route, run, request, response, abort, hook
def enable_cors():
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
def ping():
return 'Up and running!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
run(host=<my_ip>, port=3000)
I'm running into the following issue:
This works initially but the server stops responding after some time (~24hours). Unfortunately, the logs don't contain any revealing error messages.
The only way I have been able to reproduce the issue is when I try to run a second script on my Ubuntu server that creates another server listening to a different port (ie.: exactly the same script as above but port=3001). If I send a request to the newly created server, I also do not get a response and the connection eventually times out.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'm new to this, so if there's something fundamentally wrong with this approach, any links to reference guides would also be appreciated. Thank you!
Can you make sure the server isn't sleeping.
If it is, try enabling Wake On LAN http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234588