Hosted Application is just accessiable on the server - iis

I have two projects,one of the is ASP.NET core API and another one is Angular.I hosted both of them on the same server.
API is hosted like myip:2020 and angular app hosted like (default port) .
when I run these two websites they are working fine on the server but when I enter from my local computer it return timeout gateway.
In console it says that make sure myip:2020 is accessible.


Application deployed in Azure VM

I have a react application deployed using an Azure virtual machine. To access the app I need to use configured DNS, for example, "". However, I don't want to include the port num in the URL. How can I port forward in azure so that only by typing '' should be enough to access the application?
If you want to users access your app by URL:, you should run your react app on 80 port. Refer to this post to specify a port to run react app.

Website hosting in aws using ec2-ubuntu server

I need to host two applications in apache2 using same instance,first application is hosted it working fine but i am trying to host second application getting the error "page not found" the url is not hitting the api's
1)Yes i used elb with acm certificate the first application that are angular and php applications domain is godaddy the second application is python same instance i hosted and same apache
2)I used ports 80,443,22

Running Node.JS with IIS. Can’t connect to site from other computers, but site runs on local server

I am trying to host a Node.JS app on a server that also has IIS running on it. I can open the site in the server browser. As you can see i have the website iisnode running in the browser and it is added in the IIS manager
However, i can not access this site from a different computer using ServerURL/siteName. I just get this error:
What could i be doing wrong? It works locally so i must be close to having it working. I can access other sites hosted on this server so i know the issue is with this app specifically.

How to deploy multiple Spring boot application with embedded tomcat on a single server

I have developed 2 applications in spring boot with embedded tomcat. I have one cloud server (Azure) and i have run both the applications in that server. First app running in port 80 and other one in 81. I have domain name registration in GoDaddy For example First app is and the second one is How do i configure in azure console that when request comes from then port 80 should serve the request else request would be served by 81. Please help me out configuring deployment.
You should be able to accomplish this by implementing User Defined Routes
Additionally, Azure offers Load Balancers and Traffic Mangers that you could implement as well to manage the traffic.

Hosting a Web Server and Web Service locally on same port

I seem to miss somehting really obvious.
Anyways, i am developing a ReactJs web app and use nodejs (browser-sync) to host a simple web server for testing on localhost. Everything's working fine.
As for the server side i have a REST Service hosted in ASP.NET WebAPI.
I want to keep the urls in the web app relative for deployment reasons (because then it doesn't matter what the hostname is, as long it's running on the same domain).
I know out of experience that it's possible to host a self hosted ASP.NET WebAPI and a Web Application in IIS Express (at least in different paths) at the same time.
But now when i start browser-sync (which uses node http server internally as far as i can tell) and then WebAPI service host, the service host tells me it can't host on this url.
When i start it the other way around, browser-sync automatically increases the port so that it's on the next free port.
Does somebody have experience with it?
My question maybe in a more general sense: How do you develop web apps that are hosted on a local web server (in my case via nodejs) against a local running web service? And do you use relative URLs in your web app? Which leads to the problem that the service and the web have to run on the same server
I solved my problem like this:
ASP.NET WebAPI hosts under a different port then the nodejs web server
I set up a proxy in nodejs webserver for all urls starting with '/api/' and proxy these requests to the WebAPI port
I can use relative URLs in my client
