Hosting a Web Server and Web Service locally on same port - node.js

I seem to miss somehting really obvious.
Anyways, i am developing a ReactJs web app and use nodejs (browser-sync) to host a simple web server for testing on localhost. Everything's working fine.
As for the server side i have a REST Service hosted in ASP.NET WebAPI.
I want to keep the urls in the web app relative for deployment reasons (because then it doesn't matter what the hostname is, as long it's running on the same domain).
I know out of experience that it's possible to host a self hosted ASP.NET WebAPI and a Web Application in IIS Express (at least in different paths) at the same time.
But now when i start browser-sync (which uses node http server internally as far as i can tell) and then WebAPI service host, the service host tells me it can't host on this url.
When i start it the other way around, browser-sync automatically increases the port so that it's on the next free port.
Does somebody have experience with it?
My question maybe in a more general sense: How do you develop web apps that are hosted on a local web server (in my case via nodejs) against a local running web service? And do you use relative URLs in your web app? Which leads to the problem that the service and the web have to run on the same server

I solved my problem like this:
ASP.NET WebAPI hosts under a different port then the nodejs web server
I set up a proxy in nodejs webserver for all urls starting with '/api/' and proxy these requests to the WebAPI port
I can use relative URLs in my client


Secure way of hosting Node.js on windows server

I need to host Node App on the Window Server using IIS. IIS provides only two ways iisnode module and reverse proxy using Application request Routing.
the problem here is that issnode is no longer being maintained by Microsoft and isn't secure to use, same as the case with reverse proxy.
What's the secure way of hosting Node.js app on Windows server?

Redirecting HTTPS call to a .NET Core Web API with IIS and Kestrel

hopefully someone can help me.
This is the scenario I want to implement:
Server A has IIS installed and hosts a web app "" and some web apis.
Server B has a .NET Core Web API hosted as a Windows Service.
When a client makes a request to a specific port like ""
I would like for IIS to re-route that call with same payload to server B on "myapi:9091/api/get-value" through HTTP.
The reason I want to do this is because We have authentication and certificates already configured on Server A, and also we want all incoming requests to go through the main site.
I have been reading on reverse proxy with IIS, and it would seem to be what I need, but it's not clear if the hosted app that will be running under Kestrel must be on the same physical machine as the IIS Web Server (i.e. Server A), or I can re-route to whichever other server I want, as long as it's on same network.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Hopefully my question is clear enough, otherwise please do let me know and I'll try to rephrase.
It is not necesarray to have both kestrel and iis on same server.
You could use the iis URL rewrite rule and reverse proxy to forward the request to the Kestrel server:
Host ASP.NET Core on Windows with IIS

Hosted Application is just accessiable on the server

I have two projects,one of the is ASP.NET core API and another one is Angular.I hosted both of them on the same server.
API is hosted like myip:2020 and angular app hosted like (default port) .
when I run these two websites they are working fine on the server but when I enter from my local computer it return timeout gateway.
In console it says that make sure myip:2020 is accessible.

IIS 8.0 and SSL and Subdomains Webapi/Angular

I am Developing a web site that has Angular.js based client and Web API 2 server.
Both will be deployed under my website subdoman: "".
I would like to have ssl support. (on client and also requests for server)
Thinking that the client will be under and the Webapi :
In term SSL connection - What should be the best way to deploy this?
What I thought:
1. Connect the IP to the machine - Conenct the SSL work on entire IIS level.
2. Have the angular client side deployed on default web site on IIS.
3. have the web api deployed as subfolder (another applicaation).
will this work?
Is there a better way?
You can create your certificate specifically for or with a wildcard for * It depends based in your future needs and available budget.
I would suggest to avoid Default Web Site and create a new WebSite that accepts only 443 (and link the certificate here) then you put your API running there with something like.
and your angular application at:

How to host servicestack on node.js?

We have a Icneium Hybrid Mobile app accessing servicestack REST services. Is it OK to host the servicestack on Node.js instead of IIS? Any examples are highly appreciated.
You won't be able to host ServiceStack in node.js directly, but there are many proxy modules for node that can transparently proxy requests to a ServiceStack Self Hosted application, thus removing the need for IIS.
You now have two options:
If your intent is just to ditch IIS and you don't specifically need node.js then a self hosted application is great, because there are no other dependency layers. Requests can go straight to ServiceStack.
But if you are looking to have some integration with node.js, then as I said a transparent proxy can forward the requests to the ServiceStack service, but you will still need the Self Hosted ServiceStack service running behind the node proxy.
Set up a Self Hosted ServiceStack Service
To get this to work. You would need to configure ServiceStack to use Self Hosting. The way this is done is to create a AppHostHttpListenerBase AppHost in a console application, as shown in the link (above).
Once you have a Self Hosted application, you will have configured the hostname and port that ServiceStack will listen on. If you navigate to that URL you should see your ServiceStack service.
If you chose not to use node (option 1), then the ServiceStack application is ready to be accessed directly. If you do wish to use with node because you have some other part of your application already use node (option 2) then follow the next steps to setup a proxy.
Node.JS Proxy
There are many proxy modules for node available. I have chosen to go with the popular node-http-proxy, by nodejitsu.
Setup looks simple. Requests on port 80 standard http port will be forwarded to ServiceStack application on localhost:9000. Assuming that's were its running.
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
If you need more control. Check out all the options in the documentation.
