Repeat X in seven rows before incrementing X - excel

Like so:
Something like =IF(A1=4,1,A1+1) would work if the sequence wasn't all the same value.

I believe you are looking for division:
NOTE: You will have to play with the 1 and 7 in the formula above to adapt to your needs. -1 is like an offset, and 7 is the number of times for the repeat. Use -2 if the numbers should start on row 2 for example. Lastly, if you want to start with 1 instead of zero, simply add 1.

=(the previous row's value) + IF(the previous 7 rows all have the same value, 1, 0 )
Obviously(?) this will not work for the first 7 rows; the first row could be the starting value, the next 6 just a straight copy of that.


In Excel, how can I create a counter to increment based on a condition?

Lets say in Excel, that I have this in a column. When the number in column N is greater than 3, then the number in the Counter column increases. I have tried if statements, but the count never works.
N Counter
1 1
2 1
3 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
1 3
2 3
3 3
Try this simple COUNTIFS() function.

Excel: How to get average of the between nonzero values?

I would need to get the average of the 2nd to the 8th nonzero value per row. Meaning, it would always move depending where the nonzero begins at.
I think what I would need is to determine the following:
Location of the 2nd nonzero value
Location of the 8th nonzero value
Average of numbers between 2nd and 8th nonzero values
Is that possible?
For example
0 | 6 | 10 |5| 9 | 0 | 6 | 0 |3 | 10| 1|9|
Those in bold have to be averaged. The zeroes in between have to be ignored
If you are using Windows Excel 2019, then:
=AVERAGE(FILTERXML("<t><s>" &TEXTJOIN("</s><s>",TRUE,IF(row_ref<>0,row_ref,""))&"</s></t>","//s[position()>1 and position()<10]"))
TEXTJOIN extracts only those values which are non-zero (and non-blank)
By using the appropriate delimiters, we create an XML
The xPath with the position function then extracts the 2nd to 8th values (positions 2 through 9)
Assuming your data is laid out as per the example below, place the following formula in column T and copy down as required.
=IFERROR(AVERAGE(INDEX(22:22,AGGREGATE(15,6,COLUMN(B22:S22)/(B22:S22<>0),ROW($2:$9)))),"Less than " & rows($2:$9) & " non zero numerical entries")
B22:S22 - represents the row of data you are looking at. Feel free to change the column reference letters to suit your needs. Just ensure all the references with in the formula match.
$2:$9 - Represents the number of entries you want to use as part of the average. 2 is the starting number that you want to use and corresponds to 2nd non zero. 9 is the last number you want to include and makes a total of 8 numbers. Adjust these number to change the data range you want to include.
Ensure you keep the $ to prevent the row number from changing as the formula is copied.
Aggregate performs array like operations. As a result it may cause your system to bog down or crash if there is an excessive number of rows you are looking at. Also, full column references should generally be avoided within the aggregate function to avoid excess calculation.
I placed my answer not in A1 to make sure it will work anywhere on your sheet.
Assuming a layout like this (your first row of numbers from D2 to T2):
Paste this to Y2 (in the combined) column:
Then copy down to the other rows.
Data I used:
1 2 0 6 4 9 0 7 3 7 1 1 1 2 6 9 7
0 0 7 0 1 1 4 4 1 5 8 3 5 6 4 6 4
1 7 2 8 0 6 4 9 9 7 8 4 6 9 4 2 9
0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 7 8 4 10 0 2 2 10 4 4 8 3 3 0 4 10
In this formula, C2 is the cell (empty or not) before the beginning of the row of numbers and not included in the numbers to be counted.
Assuming you have excel 365, this can be easily done using simply FILTER, INDEX and AVERAGE function

Is there a way to convert my column of incrementing integers separated by zero to the number of intervals encountered so far in a pandas datafram?

I'm working in pandas and I have a column in my dataframe filled by 0s and incrementing integers starting at one. I would like to add another column of integers but that column would be a counter of how many intervals separated by zero we have encountered to this point. For example my data would like like
and I would like it to look like
Index IntervalCount
1 1
2 1
3 1
0 1
1 2
2 2
0 2
1 2
Is it possible to do this with vectorized operation or do I have to do this iteratively? Note, it's not important that it be a new column could also overwrite the old one.
You can use cumsum function.
df["IntervalCount"] = (df["Index"] == 1).cumsum()

Average ifs with or in excel

So, I have this problem, I would like to find the average of a column by using the OR function to check criteria from adjusted columns, I tried putting OR into AverageIf function, fail, also tried the "Average(IF(OR(" again not the correct return. Thought it is a simple thing could be done easily but don't know why it doesn't work. So my table is something like this:
ID: Rate Check 1 Check 2 Check 3
1 5 1 1 1
2 3 1 1
3 2 1
4 4
5 5 1 1
6 3
7 4 1
I would like to find the average of the rate column by checking if there are any value in either Check 1; Check 2 or Check 3 columns, so in the above case i will get the average of all but row with the id 4 and 6. Is this possible without using a helper column?
You can use SUMPRODUCT()
If your first ID starts in A2, use this formula (edited to handle empty values in the "Rate" column):

How to compute the maximum series of a specific condition returning true

i have a slight issue to count the MAX frequency of where the third colmn is bigger than the second. This is just a statistic with scores.
The issue is that i want to have it in one single formula without a macro.
2 0
1 2
2 1
2 3
0 1
1 2
0 1
3 3
0 2
0 2
i have tried it with:
{=MAX(FREQUENCY(B3:B100;B3:B100>=C3:C100))} to get 1 for B
{=MAX(FREQUENCY(C3:C100;C3:C100>=B3:B100))} to get 7 for C
I excpected it to deliver me the longest series where the value in the one column was bigger than in the other one, but i failed hard...
Try this version to get 7
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
obviously reverse the ranges to get your other result
See example here
