Alternative usage of WAF with Load Balancer since WAF doesn't support? - azure

In my application, I needed IPv6 support for WAF. Since IPv6 yet not supported by the WAF can I use a load balancer connected to the WAF as the following diagram (because of IPv6 supports Load Balancer)? Is this a good design?

You can not use the Azure load balancer to connect to an application gateway since Azure load balancer only works with VM, VMS, or availability sets as its backend. Have a look at backend pool endpoints here.
More info: Overview of IPv6 for Azure Load Balancer


Azure Load Balancer forwarding request to vm

We have a Azure internal load balancer forwarding request to backend VM'S.
Is there a way to find out how many requests are server by each VM ? In other words how many requests are forwarded to each VM from the load balancer.
You could adopt Standard Load Balancer. You will see some differences between Standard Load Balancer and Basic Load Balancer in that linking document. For internal standard LB, you can check the SYN (synchronize) packets metric which collecting flows and their handshakes are always between the source and the VM instance.
For other scenarios, you could collect the network trace by networking capturing tool like Wireshark.

Can Azure Application Gateway distribute request to specific URL?

I have a use case where my cluster has 3 VMs working as head node in HPC Pack and a bunch of other VMs working as compute nodes.
So basically, after creating this cluster, i must install a special HCP client, from this client, i type the DNS name of each of VMs to access the HPC management interface.
For example:
Of course, if i access this DNS from Chrome, i only see IIS page.
I wants to create a load balancer with its DNS name. Let's say
So from my client, every time i access load balancer DNS name, i can see the management interface, not IIS page.
How can i do that?
Not sure I'm understanding you correctly. Basically, Azure Application Gateway supports URL path-based routing rules.
Actually, Application Gateway supports web-based traffic load balancing. [Azure load balancer][2] supports stream-based traffic. If you want to listen to the protocol HTTP or HTTPS, you can use Application Gateway. Per your description, you could not access HPC management interface from web explorer, you could use a 4 layer load balancing based on TCP/UDP.
So you could create a public-facing load balancing and add the head node VMs as the backend pools. Create a health probe and load balancing rules to specify the ports you want to listen for your HPC management interface on the each of VMs.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any concerns.

What is Azure Application level routing?

With built-in load balancing for cloud services and virtual machines, we can create highly-available and scalable applications in minutes. But what is Azure Application level routing and load balancing service and how it differs from built-in load balancing for cloud services and virtual machines
I assume you are talking about Azure Application Gateway and Azure Load Balancer.
The primary difference is that AG works at Layer 7, while LB works at Layer 4.
AG can be used for HTTP traffic routing, TLS termination, HTTP traffic filtering etc.
So you can for example, route requests to the /images path to a different App Service than the rest of the requests.
LB only understands TCP and UDP, and routes packets based on rules to one of the machines in a back-end pool.
So for example when a TCP packet arrives on port 80, LB can route it to a random virtual machine in a collection of VMs serving a web app.
What is Azure Application Gateway?
Load balancer documentation

Difference in Load balancing on Azure LoadBancer and Application Gateway?

I have done Load balancing on Azure using Azure Load Balancing and Application Gateway for HTTPS traffic.
In Azure Load Balancer, we can do health check at port 443 while in Application Gateway there are options to upload SSL certs and for health check we can specify a file like index.html on which we can perform health check.
I know that Application Gateway is the right way, but what is the drawback of using Azure Load balancer.
Can someone explain me this.
Maybe the following table helps understanding the difference between Azure load balancer and Application Gateway:

HTTPS/SSL certificate in Azure VM endpoints

I am new in Windows Azure, previously I have used Amazon Web Services.
In AWS you can set a SSL certificate for a Load Balancer and use it in listeners, so you don't need to worry about that in the web server.
Is it possible to set a SSL certificate for an Azure VM endpoint?
Azure Load Balancer is a layer 4 device, so it can't do SSL termination.
You can use Azure Application Gateway which is a Layer 7 Load Balancer, and it can do SSL termination. see here:
EDIT: I am trying to understand if you are in "classic" VMs or not. Reading your the comments to your question, you ask if Azure VMs are in "Cloud Services" which implies you are in "classic", but it is unclear if you ask this because you have read the wrong doc, or this is the implementation you have. Anyway is it very recommended you get off "classic" and work with modern VMs. Especially for new deployments.
Loadbalancer comparation
Application Load Balancer - Layer 7 - HTTP, HTTPS
Network Load Balancer - layer 4 - TCP, UDP, TLS
Classic - Layer 4/7 - HTTP/HTTPS(layer 7), TCP, SSL/TLS(layer 4)
Load Balancer - Layer 4 - TCP and UDP
Application Gateway - Layer 7 - HTTP, HTTPS(support SSL)
Yes you can
Please check the documentation here:
The Azure terminology is a little different from that of AWS. You can use the Azure Traffic Manager to offload TLS/SSL:
(The Azure Load-Balanced Sets use round-robin DNS balancing, with VMs directly visible, whereas the Traffic Manager hides VMs behind the VIP)
