Difference in Load balancing on Azure LoadBancer and Application Gateway? - azure

I have done Load balancing on Azure using Azure Load Balancing and Application Gateway for HTTPS traffic.
In Azure Load Balancer, we can do health check at port 443 while in Application Gateway there are options to upload SSL certs and for health check we can specify a file like index.html on which we can perform health check.
I know that Application Gateway is the right way, but what is the drawback of using Azure Load balancer.
Can someone explain me this.

Maybe the following table helps understanding the difference between Azure load balancer and Application Gateway:


How to close Google App Engine URL's for direct access after creating load balancer's

I have created a load balancer on my Google Cloud app engine, and also have added SSL certificates to them, but the links of the App Engines are still active and don't have any security on them.
So I wanted to know how can I close or disable those links of the app engine?
And secondly,
Can we do something like only the load balancer is able to access the App Engine and the load balancer is open to public and the app engine links are closed for the public access.
Something like if the load balancer had a static IP we could have added it to the App engine firewall and allowed that IP and denied the rest?
Please Help me with this scenario.
You can configure the ingress for App Engine so requests sent to the default URL are discarded and only the Load Balancer will be capable to communicate with the backend service.
To do so, you can modify the ingress controls and set it to Internal and Cloud Load Balancing, so your app will only receive requests that are routed through Cloud Load Balancing, or that are sent from VPC networks in the same project. All other requests will be denied with a 403 error.
I think also this page from the documentation on how requests are routed with Cloud Balancing is worth a read for your use case.
In your GCP cloud console, go to App Engine > Firewall rules.
Click on Create rule and allow ingress from the LoadBalancer's public IP ranges and ranges.
for reference

Alternative usage of WAF with Load Balancer since WAF doesn't support?

In my application, I needed IPv6 support for WAF. Since IPv6 yet not supported by the WAF can I use a load balancer connected to the WAF as the following diagram (because of IPv6 supports Load Balancer)? Is this a good design?
You can not use the Azure load balancer to connect to an application gateway since Azure load balancer only works with VM, VMS, or availability sets as its backend. Have a look at backend pool endpoints here.
More info: Overview of IPv6 for Azure Load Balancer

Can Azure Application Gateway distribute request to specific URL?

I have a use case where my cluster has 3 VMs working as head node in HPC Pack and a bunch of other VMs working as compute nodes.
So basically, after creating this cluster, i must install a special HCP client, from this client, i type the DNS name of each of VMs to access the HPC management interface.
For example: https://head-node-1.azure.com
Of course, if i access this DNS from Chrome, i only see IIS page.
I wants to create a load balancer with its DNS name. Let's say https://load-balancer.azure.com
So from my client, every time i access load balancer DNS name, i can see the management interface, not IIS page.
How can i do that?
Not sure I'm understanding you correctly. Basically, Azure Application Gateway supports URL path-based routing rules.
Actually, Application Gateway supports web-based traffic load balancing. [Azure load balancer][2] supports stream-based traffic. If you want to listen to the protocol HTTP or HTTPS, you can use Application Gateway. Per your description, you could not access HPC management interface from web explorer, you could use a 4 layer load balancing based on TCP/UDP.
So you could create a public-facing load balancing and add the head node VMs as the backend pools. Create a health probe and load balancing rules to specify the ports you want to listen for your HPC management interface on the each of VMs.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any concerns.

NodeJs/ExpressJs TLS configuration on load balancer

I have 3 app servers running a NodeJS/ExpressJS app and a load balancer in front of them that routes the incoming requests (round robin). This setup is currently http based and we would like to have TLS certificate installed to make it https. Our devops guy has left the company and we have a huge gaping hole on understanding and maintaining this. I am pretty sure this setup does not have Apache or nginx in front of the app servers. So how does load balancing work without ngix or Apache? Does the load balancer have to run on a server by itself? if so is that where we need to install the TLS/SSL certificate ? All servers we use are linux based.
Generally, HTTPS termination happens on load balancer and normal HTTP connection is made between load balancer and server. By doing this, please ensure servers are not publicly exposed (not accessible from internet directly without load balancer).
Install the certificate on load balancer and configure it to make http request from loadbalancer to server. I am assuming you are using some IaaS (such as AWS, GCP etc) and these settings are readily available in their documentation.
Typically in AWS, either AWS Application Load Balancer is used for load balancing, which is a managed service provided by AWS where you will pay per hour and based on the traffic. Also, it is possible to terminate the TLS/SSL at Load Balancer Level (Where its also possible to use Free SSL Certificates from AWS Certificate Manager).
Since this Load Balancer is a managed service, the High Availability and Fault Tolerance is taken cared by AWS.

Azure secured connection for Load balancer?

we are creating a virtual machines in resource manager portal with internet facing load balancer. In virtual machines we have more than 10 web application running in different ports. we have port mapping in load balancer to access application as public. Now our requirement is how can we make secured connection for all applications? can we make "https" for load balancer public IP?
please let me know if any possibilities to make secure connection for loadbalancer.
you can go with Azure application gateway to do the external SSL termination.Then setup an internal loadbalancer to do the routing.
