Tabulator - Download and re-use changes - tabulator

I am new to Tabulator and started building my first project. While usage and setup is very intuitive and nicely built I struggle with one concept. I want to keep changes and entries I made to the table and load them again when re-opening the page.
My first thought was to download all entries as csv or xls and then import either from an array/JSON or from an HTML table. Is this the preferred way or is there another method I can use?
Note: I am using version 4.1

Tabulator doesn't include what you are looking for. However, you can use Tabulator to retrieve the table's values. As for saving and restoring the edited data, you may want to use your browser's localStorage:


DataTables export to excel

I'm currently working on a project (developed using laravel, php, javascript, jquery, html), containing a large amount of data, so I'm using DataTables to display them with serverside set to true. What I'm trying to figure out is how to export the complete table to an excel file - right now it only saves one page (the one being shown at that very moment ) - using the Button extention.
I've been reading about it for a while now but still can't figure out a way to do this. I understand that, since serverside is set to true,
the only rows that exist on the client-side are those shown in the table at any one time.
But how can I get the complete table? Any help would be appreciated!
So I create the excel file with the data I want in the backend, using PHPExcel, but now the problem is that it is saved server-side, while I wanna make it downloadable (client-side). From what I've been reading, I must add the appropriate headers to do so, but nothing I've tried works. Using
this, I managed to output the data of the excel in the screen, but it just shows gibberish... I should probably also mention that I'm new at this!

Possible to publish OneNote content to the web?

I have a notebook full of content I am looking to publish online, but the problem I am running into is I can't find a method that will retain the original formatting. I understand I might have to recreate the navigational tabs/pages, but I trying to avoid having to recreate the content in a different format.
Is there anyway to export a form of the content that maintains the tables, text formatting and etc.?
Why not get a read only sharing link to your notebook?
I think the closest thing to what you want is this:

Exporting data to existing Excel file

I have a system with an Excel spreadsheet template file which is used for invoicing. I would like the user to be able to click a button on an Xpage, which will then open the spreadsheet and enter the latest invoicing data in Excel. I don't mind if Excel is either the application on their machine or on the server, but my preference would be the application locally on their machine.
I've looked into Xagents, as I feel this is probably the answer. I know they can be used to create Excel but I have not been able to locate any mention of opening an Excel file, and entering data into specific cells.
Is this possible?
EDIT: you can use Apache POI for editing and creating Microsoft Office documents. This is a java project which gives you a handle to office documents and this can be used using java.
A good starting point can be the blog of Christian Guedemann from webgate:
(end of edit)
The only way I KNOW and tried to write data from Notes to Excel is exporting the data to an HTML page and setting the Content Type accordingly (e. g. as described here (there are a lot more resources available for taht):
I am not sure if this is of help but it seems that this project can help you:
As far as I can see this project can load Excel files from XPages - and then it should also be possible to edit the files.
Besides that the only solution I can think of is a Notes Agent that is called from the XPage. This agent can then run in background and do all the excel stuff. After running, the XPage can show a link to the Excel file. Actually this is the solution I would consider to implement - but maybe others step in with better answers here.
You don't want to introduce a dependency on Excel in your application -- wouldn't work with an iPad front-end. Rather have a look at the ZK Spreadsheet, it will fulfill your needs.
However if you have to have Excel, then you need a roundtrip solution: load the Excel from an URL (probably generated by an XAgent (?) and save it back. The saving back part is the tricky one. Normal HTTP doesn't allow that. What you need there is a webDAV capable server. Watch out for a project on OpenNTF soon (just clearing IBM legal) that provides webDAV.
However the ZK Spreadsheet looks much better for your needs.
I have a sample database at the following URL -->
Download the APCC.nsf. This will allow you to create/read a new EXCEL spreadsheet and then stream the resulting file to the requesting browser. There is not need to have EXCEL or office installed on the Server.
THe examples create a new workbook, but you can also store a "template" on the server or in a notes document and use it as a starting point and then save it to a document or stream it to the requesting browser.
With Apache POI you can read/write to a spreadsheet using data from the notes document the process is initiated from.

How to directly export a collection of DTOs to CSV, Excel or PDF?

I have a List<MyDto> which I want to export with PrimeFaces. I tried with <p:dataExporter>, but it seems that it only uses UI <p:dataTable> content.
How can I directly export a list of DTOs to CSV, Excel or PDF?
You need a library to handle this. Primefaces doesn't inherently know how to display your data (it analyzes the columns and then exports based on that) so you need to give it some hints. The short answer is that you can easily create a table either programatically via reflection on the DTO and binding it to the page or by creating a simple data-table and set it to a style of "display:none" and then using the exporter.
Alternatively you can look at a reporting suite like JasperReports that handles "printing" to the above formats, but again, you will need to do something to interpret it. If you don't care about performance JSON-Lib has a very nice "toXML" method that will rip down a DTO to xml which could then be easily exported to any of the formats you choose.
Basically, you're looking at ~ 1 hour of work if it is a complex set of DTOs or 10 minutes if it isn't--as long as bandwidth isn't an issue this should be completely painless.

how to import excel data and display in grid?

i am using ExtGWT(gxt). i have a requirement where i need to import excel data and display the data in a grid. please help me how to achive this?
This is two completely separate thing to do...
First you have the import of the excel file, you can put this directly on the grid as it will require being processed on server side. Likely into a database on the server.
A quick search found this library to do just that
The GXT application can then retrieve this data and place it into a grid by retrieving a list of POJOs and converting to BeanModel's for use in the ListStore of the grid
Best example of loading data into a Grid see explorer here.
This should get you started as I cannot be sure of specifics without more information of your set up.
