Possible to publish OneNote content to the web? - ms-office

I have a notebook full of content I am looking to publish online, but the problem I am running into is I can't find a method that will retain the original formatting. I understand I might have to recreate the navigational tabs/pages, but I trying to avoid having to recreate the content in a different format.
Is there anyway to export a form of the content that maintains the tables, text formatting and etc.?

Why not get a read only sharing link to your notebook?
I think the closest thing to what you want is this:


Get content from several Pages and Sections from OneNote to Excel

I am very new to all of this so please bare with me.
I have a OneNote Notebook with several Sections each containing hundreds of pages.
I need to retrieve all the content of the pages (while keeping the structure of the page titles / section titles) and end up with that content in a somewhat usable state in Excel. Of course, doing so manually will take me weeks. That's why I'm looking for an automated/semi-automated approach.
Is there a way to do that? What do I need to look into? I haven't found an answer on the interned but I guess I may need to use the OneNote API? Maybe find a way to export the OneNote content into .csv to then process it in Excel? Maybe the OneNote content can be retrieved directly by a macro in Excel?
What would you look into to achieve my goal?
Thank you for reading.
The OneNote API/Graph API can get sections and pages
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/notebooks/{id}/sections
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/sections/{id}/pages$count=true&$top=100
There may be a limitation to the number of pages that can be accessed by the API (recently introduced?). Then a further call to get individual page content:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/pages/{id}/content[?includeIDs=true]
An alternative may be to use this rust OneNote notebook parser - creates html files.

Insert Hyperlink in Access Database (pyodbc)

Here is the situation: I'm 'having fun' really using Microsoft Access for the first time for small personnal project/tools ideas.
I don't know anything about VBA yet, and unless I can't do without it, I don't plan to learn it this time (already a lot else to cover).
So I tried to use Python to automatize the main table filling. I did find pyodbc package and succeeded to connect, read and write some data out of my database.
However, I wanted to experiment a little further, and one of the fields could contain hyperlinks (could be handled somewhere else in another script later, but I am curious about the functionality anyway)...
But I couldn't figure how to insert hyperlink data in the table. I only get the displayed text set, but not the target one.
Is this feasible using pyodbc or am I on the wrong track?
Thanks in advance!
The hyperlink field in MS Access consists of three parts, separated by #:
display text # filename or target # location within the document
So an example of the data of a field can look like this:
See the docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/access.application.hyperlinkpart
and samples here also: http://allenbrowne.com/casu-09.html

Tabulator - Download and re-use changes

I am new to Tabulator and started building my first project. While usage and setup is very intuitive and nicely built I struggle with one concept. I want to keep changes and entries I made to the table and load them again when re-opening the page.
My first thought was to download all entries as csv or xls and then import either from an array/JSON or from an HTML table. Is this the preferred way or is there another method I can use?
Note: I am using version 4.1
Tabulator doesn't include what you are looking for. However, you can use Tabulator to retrieve the table's values. As for saving and restoring the edited data, you may want to use your browser's localStorage: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage

DataTables export to excel

I'm currently working on a project (developed using laravel, php, javascript, jquery, html), containing a large amount of data, so I'm using DataTables to display them with serverside set to true. What I'm trying to figure out is how to export the complete table to an excel file - right now it only saves one page (the one being shown at that very moment ) - using the Button extention.
I've been reading about it for a while now but still can't figure out a way to do this. I understand that, since serverside is set to true,
the only rows that exist on the client-side are those shown in the table at any one time.
But how can I get the complete table? Any help would be appreciated!
So I create the excel file with the data I want in the backend, using PHPExcel, but now the problem is that it is saved server-side, while I wanna make it downloadable (client-side). From what I've been reading, I must add the appropriate headers to do so, but nothing I've tried works. Using
this, I managed to output the data of the excel in the screen, but it just shows gibberish... I should probably also mention that I'm new at this!

Embedding an image to a single Excel cell using Classic ASP - is such thing possible?

Short background - I'm exporting an Excel file using Classic ASP, in which I generate a table which is originated at an MS SQL database.
One of the columns I retrieve holds paths to images I have on my server. I use the following code to define an "Excel-targeted" response:
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=""Sales_Report-"& Month(Date())&"-"& Day(Date())&"-"& Year(Date()) &"-"& ".xls"""
The problem - I've been googling for a solution and came to realize (correct me if I'm wrong here) that embedding it as "contents" of a single page is impossible.
However, it is possible to either placing the image in one cell's remark (I'd like to avoid that), or alternatively just set the image as a cell's background.
Important note - my goal is to have the images sort and filter with the rest of the row they're located in. I did manage to place the images exactly where they should be to begin with, but they just float as regular images in the spreadsheet.
I'm using plain HTML elements and not XML - but an XML solution (if exists) would also be awesome.
OK, so after some research I've come to discover the research I was lacking to begin with. It obviously depends on the MS Excel version which eventually opens the generated file.
Generating XLS files with advanced cell settings is quite doable and intuitive when one acquires better understanding of the XML structures which help generating files through the code, with either Classic ASP & ASP.NET code behind.
