Is there an quivelant to a Tab Control in Linux Monodevelop? - linux

Easy question: I'm new to Linux Desktop Application Development coming from a Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio Desktop Application Development background and am trying to make a basic GUI application in Monodevelop C# that has what's called a Tab Control in Visual Studio. I can't for the life of me though find an equivalent control in Monodevelop under either Containers or Widgets in the Toolbox and Google has been no help. Am I missing something obvious or is a Tab Control an outdated object, design wise, and has been replaced with something else? Thanks in advance!


Is it possible to build Windows 8 app using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012?

Is it possible to build Windows 8 app using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012?
The app asks test questions. Two users answer by tapping on the screen, and they want to do it faster. I need to check who answered faster. I am not sure, maybe I should use multitouch staff here.
Is it possible to do it?
what is the best way of doing it?
WinApp applications developed with the WinRT runtime can only work on systems windows8, if you develop applications with net framework, its work on Win7 and Win8.
To make the application can use WinRT or net framework, you simply need to touch screens ... however you can assess who presses the button first with the classic mouse click.
Only if you install VS2012 on Win8 can develop WinApp, however for what you want to do I would use a Windows Application developed with VS2012.

Visual Studio through MSDN: Can they know it is not mine?

So, I was arguing with a great friend of mine about Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft being able to detect which one you used. According to him if you get your hands on a direct MSDN download of Visual Studio 2012 Professional, and you end up creating an app, like a game or something, and then you submit it to the Windows App Store, they will never know which visual studio version you truly used to develop the App, or if you were the owner of it or not.
Is he right? Because I thought Visual Studio some how left a footprint behind on the .exe file letting Microsoft know about licensing information. Or should I go apologize to him for calling him a liar.
If you guys say it does leave a print, can you show some proof, or a link to read more about it? Thanks guys.
Your friend is likely correct. Why would MS bother when they make freely available all the tools you need to compile your program. You can build .Net applications without the Visual Studio IDE. See this related question
Is it possible to install a C# compiler without Visual Studio?

No devices attached in xamarin VisualStudio for ios

I'm having real trouble when I try to use the IOS emulator from the visual studio. So I created a hello world app in VS using xamarin (latest stable version), I set the project as main project, and When I refresh the connexion with the mac, I can't select the device that should be shown in the selectList. The message is "No device attached" :
And if I try to use xamarin studio on the host mac, all is okay, the sample app builds on the iphone emulator:
Thanks to help me !
I know this question has already been answered, but i found it when i had a problem, and it did not help... but i did find the solution:
Under the debugging menu in VS2012, click on Configuration Manager
make sure that iPhone Simulator (or iPad, if you want) is set...
Default seems to be looking for a physical device...
hope this helps.
Are you sure the device is connected to the Mac and not the Windows machine? Have you tried debugging from that same device from Xamarin Studio on the Mac?
Had the same problem. Issue was when i loaded my solution, visual studio 2012 decided to choose a library project as the 'Startup project'.
Rt Clicked the ios project, chose 'Set as StartUp Project' and the device list was populated.
P.S: Visual Studio you should be old enough to figure this out by now.
When I ran into this problem, I had another instance of visual studio running which was connected to the Mac.
Apparently you can only have on VS instance connected at a time.
Check your server log in Visual Studio output window for some more clues:
Closing the other instance of Visual Studio allowed me to connect in the instance I wanted to debug in
I discovered something missing. For me, in Visual Studio 2013, for some reason they have removed Solution Platforms from the toolbar. This makes it impossible to switch from iPhone to iPhoneSimulator without opening Configuration Manager. So, to fix this.
Click TOOLS/Customize then select the 'Commands' tab then select the 'Toolbar:' radio button and click the dropdown to the right of it and select 'Standard' as the toolbar you're working on.
Now, click 'Add Command' and select 'Build' from the catagories on the left and then scroll down commands until you find 'Solution Platforms'. Select that one and click OK. Then click the 'Close' button. You will now see an additional dropdown next to the Solution Configurations dropdown on your Standard Toolbar.
This will allow you to easily switch from iPhoneSimulator and iPhone. Use iPhone when you want to plug in an actual device, and use iPhoneSimulator when you want to pick a simulated device.
Hope this helps somebody out. I too have spent lots of time trying to figure this one out when I went from a device and was trying to use the simulator instead.
Restarting of Visual Studio 2010 worked for me.
Different things worked for me (Windows 8.1 & Visual Studio 2013):
Restart Visual Studio
Set 'iPhoneSimulator' as platform (only working one)
In Properties - iOS Application change 'Deployment Target' version to some lower number (6.0 worked for me).
As well as checking you have the right startup project selected as per #Chamkila's answer, check that you haven't accidentally broken your project's Info.plist file by attempting to open it through Visual Studio.

How to create a program interface (style) like the one used in Visual Studio, Office 2013, GitHub for Windows, etc?

I'd like to know how to create a program interface like the one used in Visual Studio, Office 2013, GitHub for Windows, etc.
Looks like Cosmopolitan Theme for WPF is not the same theme used on those softwares.
To show you the difference between these programs interfaces and common others take a look at those printscreens:
Interfaces I wanna know how to build:
Visual Studio:
Office 2013 (Excel):
GitHub for Windows:
Common Interface:
The difference between these programs is its interfaces. I already downloaded the Visual Studio Express for Windows 8, Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop and I also looked at Visual Studio Ultimate, but them doesn't have the option the build such kind of interfaces when you create a "New Project...".
Do I need to install a new Template on my VS to be able to build such kind of interface? I think it's some sort of theme for WPF. I'd like to see proves that those applications use this UI style you refer in your answer.
Please note that the look and feel of the application is based on the operating system theme by default.
Your Interfaces have been designed following the Metro UI style. Metro UI apps are Windows 8 only, as they require WinRT.
You can only simulate the Metro style in Windows 7 (and vista) with WPF : you have to use a third party controls (or develop your own), such as these examples :
Modern UI for WPF
Cosmopolitan is just a theme for common controls. For example, there are no pivot or panorama control.
Visual Studio 2012 and GitHub for Windows are WPF applications. Office uses custom controls for the "Metro" look.
WPF and Silverlight provide an easy way to theme an entire application. GitHub is based on the Silverlight theme "Cosmopolitan".
Here are some links for more information.
Cosmopolitan Theme for WPF
Making your WPF app look like the Zune client
Silverlight 4 Application Themes
Mishra Reader (An active open source WPF client with a similar theme)
Office 2013 uses Metro Style and Ribbons. For this you can use Fluent Control Suite. This project also has a Metro Style where you can easily make it like Office 2013. Note that you maybe need the recent dll instead of e.g. the nuget package.
If you want some icons like Office 2013, here i found an icon pack that is close to the Office icons: Axialis Pure Flat 2013 (with costs).
For others without Ribbons, you can use for example MahApps Metro as Cybermaxs suggested and for the docks you can use AvalonDock from the WPF Toolkit. AvalonDock also has a Metro Style. And a Visual Studio 2010 Style. And you can dock your Windows like in Visual Studio, very useful ;)

What installer options are there for Visual Studio 2012 Express for Desktop

So Microsoft released Visual Studio 2012 Express for desktop apps. That's great, but how does one create an installer for open source apps that are built in Visual Studio Express? There are no installer templates available by default, and they have disabled browsing the online gallery. Sure, I could purchase something like InstallShield, but that kind of defeats the purpose of an open source application if you ask me. Any suggestions?
You can use the open source NSIS or WiX tools to create fairly nice installers.
Since both should work without the Visual Studio integration that Express won't give you, they should both be usable (even if not quite as nicely) without problems.
I would use Inno Setup, which is a little easier to learn than most other setup programs.
I have a link here:
