How to create a program interface (style) like the one used in Visual Studio, Office 2013, GitHub for Windows, etc? - visual-studio-2012

I'd like to know how to create a program interface like the one used in Visual Studio, Office 2013, GitHub for Windows, etc.
Looks like Cosmopolitan Theme for WPF is not the same theme used on those softwares.
To show you the difference between these programs interfaces and common others take a look at those printscreens:
Interfaces I wanna know how to build:
Visual Studio:
Office 2013 (Excel):
GitHub for Windows:
Common Interface:
The difference between these programs is its interfaces. I already downloaded the Visual Studio Express for Windows 8, Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop and I also looked at Visual Studio Ultimate, but them doesn't have the option the build such kind of interfaces when you create a "New Project...".
Do I need to install a new Template on my VS to be able to build such kind of interface? I think it's some sort of theme for WPF. I'd like to see proves that those applications use this UI style you refer in your answer.

Please note that the look and feel of the application is based on the operating system theme by default.
Your Interfaces have been designed following the Metro UI style. Metro UI apps are Windows 8 only, as they require WinRT.
You can only simulate the Metro style in Windows 7 (and vista) with WPF : you have to use a third party controls (or develop your own), such as these examples :
Modern UI for WPF
Cosmopolitan is just a theme for common controls. For example, there are no pivot or panorama control.

Visual Studio 2012 and GitHub for Windows are WPF applications. Office uses custom controls for the "Metro" look.
WPF and Silverlight provide an easy way to theme an entire application. GitHub is based on the Silverlight theme "Cosmopolitan".
Here are some links for more information.
Cosmopolitan Theme for WPF
Making your WPF app look like the Zune client
Silverlight 4 Application Themes
Mishra Reader (An active open source WPF client with a similar theme)

Office 2013 uses Metro Style and Ribbons. For this you can use Fluent Control Suite. This project also has a Metro Style where you can easily make it like Office 2013. Note that you maybe need the recent dll instead of e.g. the nuget package.
If you want some icons like Office 2013, here i found an icon pack that is close to the Office icons: Axialis Pure Flat 2013 (with costs).
For others without Ribbons, you can use for example MahApps Metro as Cybermaxs suggested and for the docks you can use AvalonDock from the WPF Toolkit. AvalonDock also has a Metro Style. And a Visual Studio 2010 Style. And you can dock your Windows like in Visual Studio, very useful ;)


Developing Xamarin no longer requires Visual Studio 2019 on win10?

According to the document Designing user interfaces with Xcode, I am noted that
Starting in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9, there will be no supported way to edit iOS storyboards on Windows. Use Visual Studio for Mac and the Xcode Interface Builder to continue building your Xamarin.iOS user interfaces.
We need to edit the storyboard on Xcode.
It told me that we can use VS2019 for Mac and Xcode. What I want to know is that can me develop the Xamarin using VS2019 on Win10 any more, rather than installing VS2019 on Mac.
The background behind that notice is that Microsoft decided to not work on its iOS user interface visual designer any more (due to various reasons), so you lost the way to edit storyboard files on Windows.
So yes, you can continue to develop the Xamarin using VS2019 on Win10, but now that approach has many more restrictions.

Is there an quivelant to a Tab Control in Linux Monodevelop?

Easy question: I'm new to Linux Desktop Application Development coming from a Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio Desktop Application Development background and am trying to make a basic GUI application in Monodevelop C# that has what's called a Tab Control in Visual Studio. I can't for the life of me though find an equivalent control in Monodevelop under either Containers or Widgets in the Toolbox and Google has been no help. Am I missing something obvious or is a Tab Control an outdated object, design wise, and has been replaced with something else? Thanks in advance!

Can I use Blend for Visual Studio 2012 to make regular desktop applications?

Everything I see pertaining to Blend for Visual Studio 2012 talks about making Window's store apps. Am I correct in assuming it can be used for regular desktop applications too?
At the moment Blend for Visual Studio does not have support for building WPF or Silverlight applications enabled. But, it will with the next update. From that point on you will be able to design regular desktop apps using Blend again. Until than you could use Expression Blend 4 which is available to you if you have an MSDN subscription.
You can read more about the upcoming update for Visual studio here and download a preview.
There's an earlier preview of Blend available that supports WPF too. You can read more about this on the BlendInsiders blog. The only drawback with this preview is that it doesn't have a go-live license yet. It runs side by side with Blend for Visual Studio.
Although it should be possible to build an application entirely in Blend, I would recommend writing your code in Visual Studio and only work with you XAML in Blend.
With the release of Visual Studio 2012 update 2, support for WPF is added to Blend. More about that can be found over here.
Yes and no.
The "Windows Store" application templates can only be used for the "Windows Store model"-type applications, also known as Tifkam, Metro, or Immersive.
Blend does feature a designer for regular WPF and Silverlight applications and controls. However it isn't a tool for the end-to-end creation of applications, it is strictly a user-interface design tool. Note that Visual Studio shares the exact same WPF designer codebase. Use Blend if you're a non-programmer designer, or if you need a superior Tifkam HTML or "Jupiter" XAML (not-WPF) designer tool.

Desktop application in Windows Store style

is there any support for developing Desktop applications in Metro style (similar to Microsoft Zune) in Visual Studio 2012?
No you can't (out of the box). What you can do is use WPF with a library that implements Metro style for desktop apps like :
APEX (screenshot from here)
Metro Toolkit
Or rolling your own by customizing the WPF controls (Templates).
Found another one
it comes with controls, and looks like it is being actively developed on :)

What installer options are there for Visual Studio 2012 Express for Desktop

So Microsoft released Visual Studio 2012 Express for desktop apps. That's great, but how does one create an installer for open source apps that are built in Visual Studio Express? There are no installer templates available by default, and they have disabled browsing the online gallery. Sure, I could purchase something like InstallShield, but that kind of defeats the purpose of an open source application if you ask me. Any suggestions?
You can use the open source NSIS or WiX tools to create fairly nice installers.
Since both should work without the Visual Studio integration that Express won't give you, they should both be usable (even if not quite as nicely) without problems.
I would use Inno Setup, which is a little easier to learn than most other setup programs.
I have a link here:
