Deploy nodejs+informixDB to heroku - node.js

I want to deploy nodejs and using informix as my database to heroku, but i just confuse how to do it, i had deployed using postgre and mongodb, both of them have their addons on heroku, but i just cant find one for informixdb,
please help, ty

Deployment of Informix node driver is as simple as installing any other node.js package
npm install ifxnjs
You can get good collection of information from its home page.
The node.js 10x support is expected to be ready by next week.
The Informix node driver is depended on Informix CSDK; right now you have to manually install the Client-SDK; it is a free download; you can get more information from


Meteor Tool stuck on extracting or downloading. Deploying app on AWS EC2 Linux

Ive scoured to web with no avail..
noob here as well... sorry im still learning
App Dependencies are all out of date... I honestly dont know how to go about updating them yet
System Meteor version is 2.9.1
App Meteor version is
when I run Yarn Start, Meteor Tools starts download and extracting. well, it never finishes extracting, even if i leave it for hours.
Works locally no problems but when running on the AWS server or Digital Ocean droplets, both get stuck on Meteor Tools Extracting
I attempted to remove meteor and reinstall meteor globally. Didn't touch anything inside the app as i dont want to break the app. Tried running
meteor update
only for it to freeze on meteor tools extracting. Also tried
meteor update --patch
only to have it freeze as well.

NodeJS not recognized under Windows 10

I am using the LTS version of NodeJS. The problem started with version node-v16.18.0-x64 and did continue with node-v18.12.0-x64.
What I am doing:
Developing Playwright test. I ran the test and NodeJS was working. After one minute, I rerun the test and NodeJS is no longer recognized in my OS.
The issue appears when I am using Cypress, so I think the issue is not related to the technology that I am using.
I checked the environment variable: It is there.
The workaround I am doing is to uninstall the NodeJS from the control panel and install it again. There is an option to repair the NodeJS installation. But when I try to use it, I receive an error message that the NodeJS is not installed on this OS.

Deploying Node.js app with gdal | AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to deploy a node.js app but get stuck with an error about missing dependencies for gdal.
Error: /lib64/ version 'GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /var/app/current/node_modules/gdal/lib/binding/gdal.node)
How would I go about installing this required dependency?
gdal-async on npm explicitly supports AWS.
As its author, I will be happy to help you if it doesn't work - you can create an issue on github.
I don't know what you call gdal.js.
There is the original gdal by Mapbox and Natural Atlas that is not actively developed anymore.
There is gdal-next on which I used to work a little bit which has a current version of GDAL but it is not very active either.
There is my gdal-async which is the only one that is currently active.
And there is an Emscripten port that is pure JS and runs in the browser, but it is stalled at GDAL 2.
Supporting AWS is simply a matter of compiling with the right libraries.

Troubles deploying Nodejs API with Hapi on Azure and

I'm using Hapi to run an API testing deployment on different platforms.
First of all I tried Heroku and everything worked fine.
Then I tried to run on Azure Web Apps and it failed with an error
"Hello all.
I'm using Hapi to run an API testing deployment on different platforms.
First of all I tried Heroku and everything worked fine.
Then I tried to run on Azure Web Apps and it failed with an error that error:
First I thought it was some error particular to Azure, but now I'm trying to run on and got caught with the same error.
Is it specific to Hapi?
I'm using Yarn to manage my dependencies.
I faced the same issue when I tried to test Hapi on my cloud container before.
For my case, there has compatibility issue between Hapi version (I used v19.1.1) and Node version (my server default version 10.16.0).
The issue is resolved after I upgrade the Node version to 12.16.1 LTS.

node.js + azure sql database

i'm struggling with the microsoft's node.js sql client.
I've installed it, without any errors using the guide at the github page, and everything works perfect locally. but when i use git to push it to azure, i get the error:
Native sqlserver module not found. Did you remember to run node-gyp configure build?
Application has thrown an uncaught exception and is terminated:
Error: Unable to load shared library C:\DWASFiles\Sites\bid110\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\node_modules\msnodesql\build\Release\sqlserver.node
I've also looked at this guide, even though some parts is outdated. I've also cheked that all the files are uploaded to the server. the node_modules/msnodesql and node_modules\msnodesql\build\Release\ folders with all its subfolders are there as well.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
Please check if your msnodesql is x86 or x64. If your local machine was x64 with x64 Python, and you installed msnodesql through npm install msnodesql then you should get a x64 version. But on Windows Azure Web Site your application will be running in x86, so you might need to a x86 version of msnodesql. You can install through NPM from a x86 machine, or you can download the compiled version at
I also have a blog post about this hope that helps.
