local.settings.json transformation during Azure CI/CD - azure

I have been looking for a way to transform values in local.settings.json of azure functions during the release pipeline. Please note I am not publishing function directly from the visual studio as the release process is automated with azure CI/CD. I could find below link but it didn't mention anything to automate it as the part of CI/CD.
I know how can do the config transformation for appsettings.json in.net core but so far I know local.settings.json will not copy to the release folder and I don't want to create another .json file on top of local.settings.json

I have found it in the Azure Release pipeline in the App Settings section as shown below. You can add all app settings key-value pairs using the syntax "-key value". For example, if you want to add an email address in the app settings of Azure function during release then write -Email "emailadress" under the App settings section of the release pipeline


How to configure appsettings on a auto-generated preview environment

How can I change the appsettings on the preview environemnts that are generated by the Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD Github Action for each pull request?
I can go to the portal, navigate to the generated environment and change its appsettings. Doing this manually for each new pull request is error prone and will become tedious really fast.
I couldn't find any reference to this in the Build Configuration For Azure Static Webapps docs so I'm assuming it can't be configured that way.
I also couldn't find any reference to SWA environments in the CLI docs.
I looked into deployment environments but it looks like this is some other kind of deployment environment as it keeps mentioning devcenter.
In Azure Portal, While Creating Static Web App, after providing the GitHub Repo and Branch details, we will get an option to preview the Workflow file.
I can go to the portal, navigate to the generated environment and change its appsettings
Yes, In Configuration Section we have an option to add the App settings. But it is a manual work, which is not advised to follow.
Once we click on Review + create and create the Static Web App, a new folder with name .github/workflows will be created in the GitHub Repository.
It contains the same workflow file (preview file), which we saw while creating the Static WebApp in Azure Portal.
We can edit the Workflow manually.
To update the appsettings/configurations in the workflow, we can specify the steps in the existing workflow file.
We can use either Powershell/Azure CLI commands to update the Appsettings.
az staticwebapp appsettings set --name YourStaticWebAppname --setting-names "message=HelloEveryOne"
***Sample code for Updating App settings: ***
Before Build and deploystep in Workflow, add the below steps.
- name: Build And Deploy
- run : Your Update appsettings Script
To edit the Workflow file, click on the .github/workflow => .yml file
References taken from MSDoc 1 and 2.
As per the discussion in GitHub, adding appsettings to the preview environment is not currently supported in the default Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD.
Setting appsettings on a specific environment is not currently supported in the Azure Static Web apps CI/CD nor by the Azure CLI.
There is a discussion in GitHub about it.

Release Azure Functions and file transformations

I have a lot of Azure Functions projects to deploy on Azure. I set build and pipeline for them. For example, this is one Release for an Azure Function.
Under Variables I defined all variables for the environments (one for dev, one for stage and one for production).
There is only one step for deploying the Azure Functions on Azure. I want to add/replace in the local.settings.json the right settings for an environment. I'm not be able to find how to configure that.
In other project, if I use Azure App Service Deploy, there is a section File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options.
How can I do the same in the release of an Azure Functions? What is the correct strategy or best practice?
Update and Solution
I thought it was much straightforward. I think this is the solution. In the App settings under Application and Configuration Settings, I have to specified each variable and its value using the ... in that line.
I can type or copy in this field. The syntax is
-variableName "$(variablename)"
I'm using quotes because if in the value there is any space (for example in the connection string you have Initial Catalog) DevOps raises an error. For array, I'm still using :.
Another way is to use File Transform task to substitute the variables in local.settings.json file with pipeline variables. See here for more information.
With File Transform task, you donot have to specify each variable and its value in App settings of deploy Azure Functions task.
You can add a File Transform task before the deploy Azure Functions task. Then define the variables(eg. KeyVaultSettings.ClientId) in your pipeline variables.
Then set the Package or folder, file format and Target files in File Transform task. See below:
This is what I've done in my Azure Functions pipeline (it's yaml, but you'll get the idea).
Create one stage per environment in your pipeline
Create your pipelines variables and asign a different value based on scope (stage)
Create a configuration entry (see picture) in your pipeline and asign the variable value.
Consume the configuration entry in your Azure Function (in my case I use Environmental Variables for that)
Use pipeline environment in your azure function configuration

ARM template link to refactor template values

Summary: We have Below mentioned release pipelines
1. Release1 -This pipeline will create resources like Application insights, App service plan, Key vault. (ARM files -azuredeploy.json and azuredeployparameters.json)
2. Release2 Pipeline: This pipeline will create resources like App service/Function App using Release1 components like Application insights, App service plan, Key vault. (ARM files -azuredeploy.json and azuredeployparameters.json)
We have multiple micro services In Release2 pipelines,
Environments like Dev, QA, Test .
Each environment has separate resource group.
azuredeployparameters.json all values are same for all services except webapp name.
Issue:If we want change or update any value in all azuredeployparameters.json files in all Release2 pipeline services, We are updating manually.
Kindly suggest the solution on below:
Can we link all our release2 azuredeployparameters.json files to one centralized azuredeployparameters.json file.
If we modify centralized azuredeployparameters.json file, it should update all azuredeployparameters.json files in all release 2 services.
You can put your azuredeployparameters.json in your central/main repo. And if you use release pipelines for instance, you should create build for your central repo and publish azuredeployparameters.json as artifact. You can later use this artifacts in any release pipeline you want. So you can get it Release1 and Release2.
If you use build pipelines also to deploy, you can use multiple repos and get source code (in release 1) from your central repo and repo dedicated to this release. In the same way you have this file available.
If you want to customize file a bit in Relese pipeline you can tokenize you azuredeployparameters.json file and replace those tokens in release. Here you have extension for this.

How to setup a VSTS build definition to publish Azure Functions with this configuration?

We are using VS 2017 on a single solution with multiple projects and we right mouse click and deploy 3 C# Azure Function to two different Azure Function apps with slots.
How do you set up the VSTS build definition to accomplish this on every check in?
We are using the DLLs and setting up the function.json this way. I don’t know if we need to deploy differently based on this type of configuration.
"scriptFile": "..\\bin\\target.dll",
"entryPoint": "target.Application.Run"
I was able to create a VSTS deployment through the following steps
Solutions structure
Build Configuration Steps
Sync from master branch
Added Nuget Restore using default options
Added MSBuild Step with the followign optons
Project : vstsSolution.sln (Selected using '...')
MSBuild Version: Latest
MSBuild Architechture: MSBuild x86
Clean: Checked
Create Log File: Checked
Added App Service Deploy for Function App1
Azure Subscription: Target Subscription
App Service Name: Target Function App
Deploy to slot: If you check this it allows you to select the actual slot you want to deploy to
Package or folder: FunctionApp1\bin\Debug\net461
Added App Service Deploy for Function App1
Package or folder: FunctionApp2\bin\Debug\net461
Make sure you selected "Hosted VS2017" Agent Queue for this build.
All Build Steps
Triggers: Enable Continuous Integration. So that both function app deploy every time you check-in.
Continuous Integration

Azure Application Settings not overriding my appsettings.json file values

I have tried adding DefaultConnection from my appsettings.json file to Azure's Application Settings but Azure will not override the connection string.
Any article or blog I can find states that all I should need to do is add the connection string name as it states in the appsettings.json file and Azure should do the rest (e.g. https://tehremo.wordpress.com/2016/10/07/override-connection-strings-app-settings-in-asp-net-core-and-azure-app-service/) however when the application is published it is using my local connection string.
My Startup.cs file looks like the following:
NOTE: I am publishing using VSTS continuous delivery with "Deploy Azure App Service" release task.
I just had a similar problem (the problem was with PostgreSQL connection string type, I had to change it to custom) and now it works for me, so these are the pieces:
This is my appsettings.json file. I have a value for 'Psql' set in my appsettings.Development.json, but in the appsettings.json it is left empty.
These are the settings which are set in the Azure portal. Please note, that there are two ways to override the connection string.
This is the part of my Startup.cs file. Pay attention to the order of how the settings are applied in the Startup constructor and the way I get the connection string in the ConfigureServices method (GetConnectionString is a standard extension method).
Additional info from my comments below:
Azure GUI (Connection strings, Application settings) uses environment variables internally, so the appsettings.json will stay the same.
If there is a need for an appsettings.json's value to be overwritten during VSTS release activity (before it will be published to Azure), Colin's ALM Corner Build & Release Tools can be used. Here are the links to Colin's ALM Corner Build & Release Tools and tutorial.
Thanks #pasul, your help was much appreciated and helped me find an alternative solution. In order to deploy using VSTS task and replace application settings, you will need to add variables to the release task and pass into the task the json file in question for variable substitution.
When in "Deploy Azure App Service" release task you should see a "File Transforms and Variable Substitution" section. In here you will supply the path to the json file you want to swap variable values.
Then you will need to click on the options button on the release environment. You will see an option to configure variables in the pop out menu.
From here you can add the json property you want to modify as a variable. In my case the connection string. Which will look like the following:
Then just put in your connection string value. VSTS will then swap out these values for you when deploying.
