How to configure appsettings on a auto-generated preview environment - azure

How can I change the appsettings on the preview environemnts that are generated by the Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD Github Action for each pull request?
I can go to the portal, navigate to the generated environment and change its appsettings. Doing this manually for each new pull request is error prone and will become tedious really fast.
I couldn't find any reference to this in the Build Configuration For Azure Static Webapps docs so I'm assuming it can't be configured that way.
I also couldn't find any reference to SWA environments in the CLI docs.
I looked into deployment environments but it looks like this is some other kind of deployment environment as it keeps mentioning devcenter.

In Azure Portal, While Creating Static Web App, after providing the GitHub Repo and Branch details, we will get an option to preview the Workflow file.
I can go to the portal, navigate to the generated environment and change its appsettings
Yes, In Configuration Section we have an option to add the App settings. But it is a manual work, which is not advised to follow.
Once we click on Review + create and create the Static Web App, a new folder with name .github/workflows will be created in the GitHub Repository.
It contains the same workflow file (preview file), which we saw while creating the Static WebApp in Azure Portal.
We can edit the Workflow manually.
To update the appsettings/configurations in the workflow, we can specify the steps in the existing workflow file.
We can use either Powershell/Azure CLI commands to update the Appsettings.
az staticwebapp appsettings set --name YourStaticWebAppname --setting-names "message=HelloEveryOne"
***Sample code for Updating App settings: ***
Before Build and deploystep in Workflow, add the below steps.
- name: Build And Deploy
- run : Your Update appsettings Script
To edit the Workflow file, click on the .github/workflow => .yml file
References taken from MSDoc 1 and 2.
As per the discussion in GitHub, adding appsettings to the preview environment is not currently supported in the default Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD.

Setting appsettings on a specific environment is not currently supported in the Azure Static Web apps CI/CD nor by the Azure CLI.
There is a discussion in GitHub about it.


Azure Resources Deployment using ARM template removes the existing Application config

I have created a Function App for Containers using ARM template deployment using Azure DevOps Pipeline job (Azure Resource Group Deployment).
After deployment added additional configurations other than default configurations for Function App through portal.
For adding new resources, I have updated my 'template.json' and redeployed again. But this removes all my manual configuration of the existing Function App and set it to the default config settings in the template file. :( . Anyone please tell me a way for sort this problem.
Is there any property that helps to retain the resources and its configuration unchanged while deployment using ARM ? I used the property
"Incremental" .
But this didn't work for me. It removes the existing configurations that I have created manually. Please suggest a best way to deploy and manage a resource using ARM. Is there any property or 'key : value' for adding additional settings to site config other than remove the site config and recreate it as inside the template default.
I think your only option is to set those configurations into the ARM template. ARM templates are not always incremental but are some time declarative as in this case.
You can switch to bicep, which has the ability to merge app settings. However, I don't have the details at the moment.
bicep wouldn't be a valid path to take. Except you can generate bicep from your source arm templates if they are 2019 or newer. That way the arm temples still drives the pipeline.
I wonder if terraform has the same options?

In Azure Functions, where do we put settings we want to put on Azure?

So just started playing with Azure Functions, I have a new project with some appsettings in the local.settings.json file.
So this works on my local, but obviously when I deploy to Azure Functions, local.settings.json file isn't used.
Where are we supposed to specify our settings for an Azure Function?
Is there a azure.settings.json file? Or some sort of way to deploy an settings file during the deployment?
If you want to add settings, you could use the way provided by Matt, and if you want to deploy the Function to Azure with the settings in the local.settings.json, there is another way to implement it.
Install the Azure Functions Core Tools on the local, publish the Function with -publish-local-settings -i and if you are using the version 2 the --publish-settings-only -o could only publish settings and skip the content.
The below pic is a sample, you could find it will prompt to overwrite value in azure if setting is different between azure and local.settings.json.
Further more information, you could refer to this tutorial: Publish to Azure.
Just like an Azure App Service, and Azure Function has an Application Settings tab where you can configure these through the Azure Portal. To access these you go to: Your function app > Overview > Configured Features> Configuration, you can then add the settings that you need under the Application Settings tab.
Alternatively, if you would prefer configuring these through a CLI then that option is also available. The main documentation is here.
For a solution as part of your CI/CD you have two options (examples will use Azure DevOps and perform the action in the CD step):
PowerShell Task. You could add a Powershell (or any type of script that will talk to the Azure CLI for functions) script as part of your CD step. This post goes through the process step by step, the bit you are probably interested in is under "Deploying with Azure DevOps Release Pipeline". Essentially it is building up a collection of your appsetting keys and their values, then a call to Set-AzureRmWebApp the and pass in the collection to the -AppSettings flag as per these docs
Azure CLI task. Same as above but you could use the Azure CLI task along with the Inline script option to call the az functionapp config appsettings set command docs here. The --settings flag takes:
Space-separated app settings in a format of =.
az functionapp config appsettings set --name MyFunctionApp --resource-group MyResourceGroup --settings "settings1Key=settings1Value settings2Key=settings2value"
The Azure Functions for .NET template for CI (Build) and Deploy a function app to Azure Functions template for CD (Release) inside Azure DevOps will come in handy.

local.settings.json transformation during Azure CI/CD

I have been looking for a way to transform values in local.settings.json of azure functions during the release pipeline. Please note I am not publishing function directly from the visual studio as the release process is automated with azure CI/CD. I could find below link but it didn't mention anything to automate it as the part of CI/CD.
I know how can do the config transformation for appsettings.json core but so far I know local.settings.json will not copy to the release folder and I don't want to create another .json file on top of local.settings.json
I have found it in the Azure Release pipeline in the App Settings section as shown below. You can add all app settings key-value pairs using the syntax "-key value". For example, if you want to add an email address in the app settings of Azure function during release then write -Email "emailadress" under the App settings section of the release pipeline

Deploy Azure web app with private credentials via Git

I would like to deploy my Node.js app via GitHub to Azure.
I intend to make the app open source, thus no private info would be published in the repo; however, I still need to push the necessary credentials, API keys, etc. for the app to connect to other services.
How can I deploy the app without resorting to the private Git endpoint, and then awkward copy-pasting between the repos?
Typically you'll want to utilize an npm module like nconf to load environment variables from either a file or environment variables.
config.json is just a JSON document listing your key:value pairs. You'll want to add config.json to your .gitignore file to ensure you don't share your credentials publically.
Within the Azure Portal, you'll want to add your credentials as key:value pairs under Application Settings.
Note: You may be wondering what will happen if config.json is not found. nconf will simply move on to the next chained option. You could continue to chain config options together as in the following code snippet:
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Create nconf environtment
.file({ file: 'config.json' }) // Committed to repo; public settings
.file({file: 'local_config.json'}) // Not committed to repo; private or dev environment settings
Persistent data can be stored under d:\home, so I would recommend placing your private customizations there. If they need to be applied to the site in some way, you should do this by writing a deployment hook.
Set configuration as environment variables found in the "App Settings" section under Settings->Application Settings. Rationale here.
Your issue seems to be continuous deployment for Web App via Git from GitHub repo.
So I think #Dark Falcon 's answer is correct.
Azure continuous deployment support GitHub just need to do OAuth authentication in Azure Portal.
Find out the link "set up deployment from source control" at Azure WebApp Dashboard page and do it step by step, as the pictures below.
There is some blogs and vedio tutorials for details of helping you.
The blog explains how to use continuous deployment support for repo hosted on GitHub
You also can follow these vedio tutorials to try to do it, as the references below.
Best Regards.

How do deploy a public Github project that contains secret API keys to Azure?

I have a project which I plan to open-source at some point. Currently I keep all of my API keys in a class which is not checked in - I have just linked the project to Azure but the API key class not being present causes the deployment to fail.
How can I hide secret API keys in a public project and still have it deploy to Azure?
I have read quite a few posts (this one for instance) but cannot find a solution that allows me to do what I want - does anyone know what I should do here? Is it possible?
For an Azure Web App, you can specify config values on the Configure tab in the portal (under "app settings"). These will override values specified in your Web.config file.
This means you can leave these settings out of your public repository.
For developing locally, you can put the settings in a separate XML file. To do this, update the appSettings in your Web.config like this:
<appSettings file="mysettings.xml" />
Then create mysettings.xml and put your actual settings in a new <appSettings> element there.
You can then add mysettings.xml to your .gitignore file so it won't be checked in to your public repository.
Azure doesn't mind that your mysettings.xml file doesn't exist, and will pick up the settings you specify in the portal instead.
