LabVIEW Search Multiple Strings - string

I am trying to search for multiple strings in a text log alltogether with the following pattern:
s(n)KEY: some data
s(n)Measurement: some data
s(n)Units: some data
Where s(n) is the number of spaces that varies. KEY will change at every iteration in the loop as it comes from the .ini file. As an example see the following snippet the of log:
WHITE On Axis Lum_010 OPTICAL_TEST_01 some.seq
WHITE On Axis Lum_010 Failed
Bezel1 Luminance-Light Source: Passed
Measurement: 148.41
Units: fc
WHITE On Axis Lum_010: Failed
Measurement: 197.5
Units: fL
In this case, I only want to detect when the key (WHITE On Axis Lum_010) appears along with Measurement and I don't want to detect if it appears anywhere else in the log. My ultimate goal is to get the measurement and unit data from file.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rav.

I'd do it similar to Salome, using regular expressions. Since those are a little tricky, I have a test VI for them:
The RegEx is:
and means:
^ Find a beginning of a line
\s{2} followed by exactly two whitespaces
(.*?) followed by multible characters
: followed by a ':'
\s* followed by several whitespaces
(\S*) followed by several non-whitespaces
\n followed by a newLine
\s* followed by several whitespaces
Measurement: followed by this string
\s* followed by several whitespaces
(\S*) followed by several non-whitespaces
\n followed by a newLine
... and the same for the 'Unit'
The parentheses denote groups, and allow to easily collect the interesting parts of the string.
The RegEx string might need more tuning if the format of the data is not as expected, but this is a starting point.
To find more data in your string, put this in a while loop and use a shift register to feed the offset past match into the offset of the next iteration, and stop if it's =-1.

It's easier to search through and to implement.
LabVIEW also has VIs to create and manage JSONs.
Alternatively, you could use Regular Expressions in a while-loop to look if it exists in your log, maybe something like this:
WHITE On Axis Lum_010:(\s)*((Failed)|(Pass))\n(\s)+Measurement:(\s)*[0-9]*((\.)[0-9]*){0,1}\n(\s)*Units:\s*\w*
Then you can split the string or pick lines and take the information.
But I would not recommend that, as it is impractical to change and not useful if you want to use the code for other keys.
I hope it helps you :)


How to replace a range of numbers from a range of strings with sed

I'm trying to modify a given text file, wherein I want to change/alter the following strings, eg:
so that it only contains the XP_n.1 part of the string.
I have successfully removed the lcl|NC\_*.1_cds\_ part out of the strings for which
I used the following sed command:
sed 's/lcl|NC\_.\*_cds_//g' cds.fa > cds4.fa
The resultant text file contains strings like XP_003862892.1_5067.
There are about 8014 strings like this ranging from XP_*.1_1 to XP_*.1_8014. I want to delete the _1 to _8014 part of the string and replace it with 1.
I tried using
sed 's/1\_./1/g'
and it seemed to have worked, however when I scrolled further down the list of strings, the double digit numbers didn't get replaced - only one of the digits was replaced, which immediately followed the '_', resulting in the first digit turning into 1 and the rest retaining their original identity. Same with triple and quadruple digit numbers.
XP_003857837.1_23 ---> XP_003857837.13
XP_003857942.1_228 ---> XP_003857942.128
I have absolutely no idea how to remove this, all my attempts have led to failure. Some people have asked me for what my desired output should look like, the ideal output would be: XP_003857837.1, each string should be followed by a .1 instead of .1_SomeNumberRangingFrom1to8014
You can do everything in one go with a slightly more complex regex.
sed 's/lcl|NC_.*_cds_\(XP_[0-9.]*\)_.*/\1/' cds.fa > cds4.fa
The backslashed parentheses create a capturing group, and \1 in the replacement recalls the first captured group (\2 for the second, etc, if you have more than one). The regex inside the group looks for XP_ followed by digits and dots, and the expression after matches the rest of the line from the next uderscore on.
In other words, this basically says "replace the whole line with just the part we care about".
By the by, there is no reason to backslash underscores anywhere, and the /g option to the s command only makes sense when you want to replace multiple occurrences on the same input line.
Using sed
$ sed 's/.*_\?\(XP_[^.]*\.\)[^_]*_[0-9]\(.*\)/\11\2/'

vim Search Replace should use replaced text in following searches

I have a data file (comma separated) that has a lot of NAs (It was generated by R). I opened the file in vim and tried to replace all the NA values to empty strings.
Here is a sample slimmed down version of a record in the file:
Once I am done with the search-replace, the intended output should be:
In other words, all the NAs should be replaced except the words NATIONAL, NANA and AMERICANA.
I used the following command in vim to do this:
1, $ s/\,NA\,/\,\,/g
But, it doesn't seem to work. Here is the output that I get:
As you can see, there is one ,NA, that is left out of the replacement process.
Does anyone have a good way to fix it? Thanks.
A trivial solution is to run the same command again and it will take care of the remaining ,NA,. However, it is not a feasible solution because my actual data file has 100s of columns and 500K+ rows each with a variable number of NAs.
, doesn't have a special meaning so you don't have to escape it:
Which doesn't solve your problem.
You can use % as a shorthand for 1,$:
Which doesn't solve your problem either.
The best way to match all those NA words to the exclusion of other words containing NA would be to use word boundaries:
Which still doesn't solve your problem.
Which makes those commas, that you used to restrict the match to NA and that are causing the error, useless:
See :help :range and :help \<.
Use % instead of 1,$ (% means "the buffer" aka the whole file).
You don't need \,. , works fine.
Vim finds discrete, non-overlapping matches. so in ,NA,NA,NA, it only finds the first ,NA, and third ,NA, as the middle one doesn't have its own separate surrounding ,. We can modify the match to not include certain characters of our regex with \zs (start) and \ze (end). These modify our regex to find matches that are surrounded by other characters, but our matches don't actually include them, so we can match all the NA in ,NA,NA,NA,.
TL;DR: %s/,\zsNA\ze,//g

How to create a line break after each 3 characters in one long line?

I want to break the below line into 1000 ones by 3 letters each:
Please advise me on how to approach it.
Try the following find and replace, in regex mode:
Find: (...)(?=.)
Replace: $1\r\n
The pattern (...)(?=.) matches and captures any three letters at a time. Then, we replace with those three letters ($1) followed by a break (I used \r\n, the Windows line ending; use \n if you are on Linux). Note that the pattern also only matches if the three letters found are not the final three letters in the string. The positive lookahead (?=.) avoids adding an unwanted break at the end.
This regular expression,
with a replacement of:
might simply do that.
The expression is explained on the top right panel of this demo if you wish to explore/simplify/modify it.

Grep expression filter out lines of the form [alnum][punct][alnum]

Hi all my first post is for what I thought would be simple ...
I haven't been able to find an example of a similar problem/solution.
I have thousands of text files with thousands of lines of content in the form
example for 1
useful when 1
for. However 1
,boy wonder 1
,hary-horse wondered 2
In the above example I want to exclude line 3 as it contains internal punctuation
I'm trying to use the GNU grep 2.25 however not having luck
my initial attempt was (however this does not allow the "-" internal to the pattern):
grep -v [:alnum:]*[:punct:]*[:alnum:]* filename
so tried this however
grep -v [:alnum:]*[:space:]*[!]*["]*[#]*[$]*[%]*[&]*[']*[(]*[)]*[*]*[+]*[,]*[.]*[/]*[:]*[;]*[<]*[=]*[>]*[?]*[#]*[[]*[\]*[]]*[^]*[_]*[`]*[{]*[|]*[}]*[~]*[.]*[:space:]*[:alnum:]* filename
however I need to factor in spaces and - as these are acceptable internal to the string.
I had been trying with the :punct" set however now see it contains - so clearly that will not work
I do currently have a stored procedure in TSQL to process these however would prefer to preprocess prior to loading if possible as the routine takes some seconds per file.
Has someone been able to achieve something similar?
On the face of it, you're looking for the 'word space word space number' schema, assuming 'word' is 'one alphanumeric optionally followed by zero or one occurrences of zero or more alphanumeric or punctuation characters and ending with an alphanumeric', and 'space' is 'one or more spaces' and 'number' is 'one or more digits'.
In terms of grep -E (aka egrep):
grep -E '[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:][:punct:]]*[[:alnum:]])?[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:][:punct:]]*[[:alnum:]])?[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]+'
That contains:
That detects a word with any punctuation surrounded by alphanumerics, and:
which look for one or more spaces or digits.
Using a mildly extended data file, this produces:
$ cat data
example for 1
useful when 1
for. However 1
,boy wonder 1
,hary-horse wondered 2
O'Reilly Books 23
Coelecanths, Dodos Etc 19
$ grep -E '[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:][:punct:]]*[[:alnum:]])?[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]([[:alnum:][:punct:]]*[[:alnum:]])?[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]+' data
example for 1
useful when 1
,boy wonder 1
,hary-horse wondered 2
O'Reilly Books 23
Coelecanths, Dodos Etc 19
It eliminates the for. However 1 line as required.
Your regex contains a long string of ordered optional elements, but that means it will fail if something happens out of order. For example,
will capture !? but not ?! (and of course, a character class containing a single character is just equivalent to that single character, so you might as well say !*?*).
You can instead use a single character class which contains all of the symbols you want to catch. As soon as you see one next to an alphanumeric character, you are done, so you don't need for the regex to match the entire input line.
grep -v '[[:alnum:]][][!"#$%&'"'"'()*+,./:;<=>?#\^_`{|}~]' filename
Also notice how the expression needs to be in single quotes in order for the shell not to interfere with the many metacharacters here. In order for a single-quoted string to include a literal single quote, I temporarily break out into a double-quoted string; see here for an explanation (I call this "seesaw quoting").
In a character class, if the class needs to include ], it needs to be at the beginning of the enumerated list; for symmetry and idiom, I also moved [ next to it.
Moreover, as pointed out by Jonathan Leffler, a POSIX character class name needs to be inside a character class; so to match one character belonging to the [:alnum:] named set, you say [[:alnum:]]. (This means you can combine sets, so [-[:alnum:].] covers alphanumerics plus dash and period.)
If you need to constrain this to match only on the first field, change the [[:alnum:]] to ^[[:alnum:]]\+.
Not realizing that a*b*c* matches anything is a common newbie error. You want to avoid writing an expression where all elements are optional, because it will match every possible string. Focus on what you want to match (the long list of punctuation characters, in your case) and then maybe add optional bits of context around it if you really need to; but the fewer of these you need, the faster it will run, and the easier it will be to see what it does. As a quick rule of thumb, a*bc* is effectively precisely equivalent to just b -- leading or trailing optional expressions might as well not be specified, because they do not affect what is going to be matched.

How to perform following search and replace in vim?

I have the following string in the code at multiple places,
m_cells->a[ Id ]
and I want to replace it with
where the string Id could be anything including numbers also.
A regular expression replace like below should do:
If you wish to apply the replacement operation on a number of files you could use the :bufdo command.
Full explanation of #BasBossink's answer (as a separate answer because this won't fit in a comment), because regexes are awesome but non-trivial and definitely worth learning:
In Command mode (ie. type : from Normal mode), s/search_term/replacement/ will replace the first occurrence of 'search_term' with 'replacement' on the current line.
The % before the s tells vim to perform the operation on all lines in the document. Any range specification is valid here, eg. 5,10 for lines 5-10.
The g after the last / performs the operation "globally" - all occurrences of 'search_term' on the line or lines, not just the first occurrence.
The "m_cells->a" part of the search term is a literal match. Then it gets interesting.
Many characters have special meaning in a regex, and if you want to use the character literally, without the special meaning, then you have to "escape" it, by putting a \ in front.
Thus \[ and \] match the literal '[' and ']' characters.
Then we have the opposite case: literal characters that we want to treat as special regex entities.
\s matches white*s*pace (space, tab, etc.).
\w matches "*w*ord" characters (letters, digits, and underscore _).
(. matches any character (except a newline). \d matches digits. There are more...)
If a character is not followed by a quantifier, then exactly one such character matches. Thus, \s will match one space or tab, but not fewer or more.
\+ is a quantifier, and means "one or more". (\? matches 0 or 1; * (with no backslash) matches any number: zero or more. Warning: matching on zero occurrences takes a little getting used to; when you're first learning regexes, you don't always get the results you expected. It's also possible to match on an arbitrary exact number or range of occurrences, but I won't get into that here.)
\( and \) work together to form a "capturing group". This means that we don't just want to match on these characters, we also want to remember them specially so that we can do something with them later. You can have any number of capturing groups, and they can be nested too. You can refer to them later by number, starting at 1 (not 0). Just start counting (escaped) left-parantheses from the left to determine the number.
So here, we are matching a space followed by a group (which we will capture) of at least one "word" character followed by a space, within the square brackets.
Then section between the second and third / is the replacement text.
The "c" is literal.
\1 means the first captured group, which in this case will be the "Id".
In summary, we are finding text that matches the given description, capturing part of it, and replacing the entire match with the replacement text that we have constructed.
Perhaps a final suggestion: c after the final / (doesn't matter whether it comes before or after the 'g') enables *c*onfirmation: vim will highlight the characters to be replaced and will show the replacement text and ask whether you want to go ahead. Great for learning.
Yes, regexes are complicated, but super powerful and well worth learning. Once you have them internalized, they're actually fairly easy. I suggest that, as with learning vim itself, you start with the basics, get fluent in them, and then incrementally add new features to your repertoire.
Good luck and have fun.
