Does Azure have IAM? - azure

I just wrote my first app with Azure. Just a small function app calling the IoT service and suddenly it hit me - I didn't have to create any IAM role or anything. The app just worked. I tried to look up the IAM service on Azure, but found nothing. This would never fly with AWS or Google Cloud. Does Azure have any IAM-like management anywhere? If my app has a bug that allows remote server-side code execution, does it mean that the attacker will basically gain access over my entire Azure account?

Azure does have role based access control and managed service identity (identity you assign to azure services, not all of the services have that yet). If you are using connection strings (usual pattern) nothing would happen if your app gets compromised. Attacker would be able to talk to your IoT Hub (or whatever you were using).
If you are using managed service identity then the attacker could, in theory, act on behalf of that identity. So if you grant all permission to that identity - then yes. Attacker would be able to do anything.
If your application talk to Azure REST Api directly to create\modify resources and gets compromised - attacker would, in theory, have the same rights as the application.
Having said that, I dont think Azure is any way less secure then AWS or GCP. Unless you grant the app all the permissions in the world - it has none to actually manage Azure.


Azure Key Vault or Managed Identity for Service-To-Azure-Service

Does the Key Vault offer any benefit (security or otherwise) now that an app service can use Managed Identity to authenticate with other Azure resources? (E.g. azure storage and sql)
Is there any reason to use Managed Identity to access Key Vault and get a key for Storage, for example, now that an app service can directly use Managed Identity to talk to Storage?
You should always use Managed Service Identity where available, however they are not ubiquitous across all Azure. The list of supported services is maintained here. Keep in mind that the calling service needs to support authenticating with it's Managed Service Identity and the called service needs to be able to authenticate and authorise using Azure Active Directory.
When you have a service that does not directly support AD authentication (e.g. CosmosDB), then you still need to store and manage keys and KeyVault is still the right place to do this. This also applies to some 3rd party services like Salesforce, AWS, GCP, etc where "federation" may not be in place. You may also have additional sensitive config that you do not want to store in plain text.
Keep in mind that function appsettings can now directly reference KeyVault, saving the overhead of writing code and config to manage this yourself. See this link.
I would also say, that usage of managed identity should be preferred whenever possible. The major benefit I see is getting rid of credentials you have to manage. You outsource the authentication challenge to Microsoft here, and I would say it works very well.
One less credentials you need to protect, refresh, revoke etc.
I also believe that this goes well in the spirit of Infrastructure as a code, where you define you concern yourself with authorisation and leave secure authentication on the provider.

Azure App Authentication

I have created an Xamarin Android App with an Azure App Service back end. When I looked at securing the connection, I don't really care about individual users, but I want to make sure that only someone running my app can access the database. Is there a way to authenticate the app itself rather than individual users? What is the best practice in this scenario?
If you don't care about user, there are a few approaches and the security level may vary. If you want to simplify integration and deployment among Azure services, you should consider using Azure AD as an identity and access management in your entirely system. That said, your back-end and Xamarin app are authorized and authenticated via Azure AD. You need to register your native app in Azure AD which you can refer here
Another approach is to use certificate-based authorization against Azure Active Directory, which is more controlled and security rather than client secret. In this case, persons installing your app must also install certificate before sending request to Azure App Service and retrieve database from Azure SQL Database. The level of authorization is free of choice, but the first gateway is always Azure AD.

How to share Azure Function logs with 3rd party

I have some Azure Functions that I share to my partner companies who then run the Azure Functions in their own Azure subscriptions.
Occasionally the partners run into issues and reach out to me for help. I have to instruct them to manually pull the Azure Function logs and send to me via email.
Is there anyway they can grant me permission to pull the logs from their Azure Subscription?
It depends on where you have the logs.
Either way, they can grant you RBAC permission to their resource in their subscription. Generally, they have read only access options available. All resources have the same experience for modifying RBAC (but they do differ on which policies they support). It's pretty straightforward, but this doc has more information:
If you're using our default Storage logs, do yourself a favor and turn on App Insights because it's great. Then, if you still want to use Storage, you can get RBAC access or a SAS token and grab those logs from the Storage Account associated with the Function App. (Name should be in the AzureWebJobsDashboard setting). If you get a SAS token, you can use the Storage Explorer by choosing the SAS URI option when you connect.
If you're using App Insights, good job, you've made the right decision. You can get RBAC access to the App Insights resource and use all their great UI experience/etc. You can also get an API Key and make direct API calls against it, in the case that RBAC wouldn't work. (I would try to get RBAC access, but if that's not possible, here's a link to App Insights REST API docs:
Short answer, use RBAC to get granted limited permissions (and App Insights because it's great)

Testing Azure Active Directory security locally

I have a web application deployed on Azure with the Azure Active Directory security enabled (the express setting). So, when I try to access the application, I need to be a part of the AD to have access.
I would like to add more features to the application, like displaying the current user logged in, implement a logout, managing permissions etc... I believe I can achieve all of things with Azure Graph API.
However, to do this, I will need to test some stuff locally. Is there any way to simulate Azure AD locally? It is "switched on" on Azure and everything works great there, but ain't got nothing to simulate this on my local machine.
There is no "local" or "offline" version of Azure AD available.
Your options at this time are:
Test using an actual Azure AD tenant. You can create your own test tenant to allow you to make changes as necessary, postponing the need to work with the admin of your corporate Azure AD until you're ready to go to production.
Create your own Mock STS that implements the OpenID Connect protocol and use that during development/testing. The risk here is that you'll have to make sure that this Mock STS behaves just like Azure AD does or close enough for your purposes.
As a side note, you can create a feedback entry asking for a feature on this in the Azure AD Feedback Forum

Is there any instace profile available in Azure like in AWS

An instance profile is a container for an IAM role that you can use to pass role information to an EC2 instance when the instance starts.
A mechanism very similar to AWS instance profiles is Managed Service Identity (MSI) for Azure, which was announced in September 2017, though at the time of this writing, it is still in preview. I didn't try it out yet, but it does work the same way as instance profiles on AWS do, by automatically authenticating the VM to a meta-data service and allowing you to query for additional credentials without having to hardcode it into your code or image.
Azure also supports IAM.
Microsoft Azure identity and access management solutions help IT protect access to applications and
resources across the corporate data center and into the cloud. This enables additional levels of validation,
such as multifactor authentication and conditional access policies. Monitoring suspicious activity through
advanced security reporting, auditing and alerting helps mitigate potential security issues.
More detailed information please refer to this link.
You do have the ability to create Signed Access Signatures for all three Windows Azure Storage services (BLOBs, Queues and Tables) as well as for Windows Azure Service Bus Brokered Messages (Queues, Topics & Subscriptions). I have a similar question with you, maybe you could check.
I found Azure is not support instance profile like aws.
If bind a role to instance on aws, aws system will generate a temporary api access token and write to metadata server.
Aws sdk will auto fetch access token from metadata server, so a service that uses aws sdk does not need to configure sdk's access token.
But Azure's IAM and SAS(shared access signature) and metadata server, is not support mechanism like above.
