How to capture negative response from user in bixby - bixby

I am using input-view for selection and i can see none button at the bottom of the screen.I haven't included any conversation-driver yet i can see the button. How to avoid that? Event if we can not avoid it, how can i add the event-listener on this? If user click or say none, I want to give user a custom message and pass it to other intent. is it possible?
Also is it possible to give user other option if none of the utterances matched with the defined one? for example
User: what is the temperature of Oakland?
bixby: today, it is 73 F in san francisco.
User: I want to buy land on mars?
These kind of question is out of context. how to handle it?
Now in this case i want user to be prompt like "It is not possible for me to get the information, but I can tell you weather forecast of your current location. Would you like to know?" User might say yes or no. Yes would redirect it to the weather intent and no will say thank you.

A "None" conversation-driver is shown when the input-view is for a Concept that is optional (min(Optional)) for your Action. Changing it to min(Required) will remove the "None" conversation-driver.
If you want to keep the concept Optional as an input for the Action, you can add a default-init (link to relevant docs) to your Action to kick off another Action that would help the user provide you a correct input.
Bixby cannot create a path for out-of-scope utterances. The idea is that, since every user's personal Bixby will contain a number of capsules, your capsule will get called only if a user's utterance matches the types of utterances you have trained Bixby to recognize via your training file.


Dialogflow: move to specific intent

I'm developing a chatbot in Dialogflow and, in order to make it easier to me to get the parameters I need, I would like to "force" the conversation to go to a specific intent, where those parameters are required.
As far as I've seen, there is no way to move between intents as there is no such thing as a "flow" between them, but is there any other way to try to force my system to fall into a specific intent?
I'm not sure about how Contexts and Events work, so maybe using those functionalities?
In my case, I start the conversation in the Welcome intent, as usual, and then I say "I want to make an enquiry". This sends me to an "initicialization" that as me to enter my user name. Here is where I would like to go to my specific "user" intent, where the user name and other parameters are required in Actions and Parameters.
Thanks in advance for the help!

How to provide dynamic answer for the selected entity as parameter in dialogflow fulfillment

I have an entity (items) and its values are ('name', 'colour', 'awards')
I have three intents
Intent1 = Welcome Intent (user will get the options in the form of chips)
Intent2 = Select Option (bot will ask question to enter detail for selected option)
Intent3 = Update Option (bot will save the record and ask next option to update.)
Example -
bot: welcome! what you want to update? name, colour, awards.
user: name
bot: Enter your name.
user: John
bot: record updated, what to update next? name, colour, awards.
now the issue is awards have multiple fields to update, to update awards a user has to provide three things (award name, award date, award description)
What I want is when a user selects awards options from the chips then it should be taken to new intent where I will get all the data through slot filling.
The first thing to remember is that an Intent represents what the user has said and not what you are doing with what they have said. So it doesn't make sense to say that you are "going to an Intent".
Second, while slot filling seems like a good idea, it usually leads to further problems, since it doesn't handle conditional information well, or handle users if they skip around in what they want to update.
All of these are better solved by setting up a state machine where they are in the conversation, what information you need, and what they have provided so far. Based on these settings, you can prompt them yourself for what you expect next. (You may also find using one or several Dialogflow contexts useful for shaping how to accept results as well.)
So, for example, when the user has indicated they are updating the awards, it might work like this:
User: Awards
[Your fulfillment sets the 'awards' context with a parameter that we are prompting for the name.]
Bot: Ok, I'm going to need the award name, description, and when it was awarded. What is the name?
User: Merit
[This matches the Fallback Intent with an Input Context for 'awards', since it is free-form input. Your fulfillment stores this and sets the 'awards' context with a parameter that we are now prompting for the date.]
Bot: Got it, the award is named Merit. When was it awarded?
User: Today
[This matches an Intent with a training phrase of "<>" and the Input Context of 'awards'. There are also training phrases for things like "It was awarded <>" and so forth. Your fulfillment sets the date and sets the 'awards' context with a parameter that we're now prompting for description.]
Bot: Got it. Awarded on March 1st. What is the description?
User: They were awesome.
[This matches the Fallback Intent with the Input Context of 'awards' again, because it is still free-form input. Our fulfillment, however, knows that this is about the description this time, so it stores it and removes the 'awards' context since we've captured everything.]
Bot: I've recorded that as a description of "they were awesome" - sure thing. That was everything we needed for now. Do you want to update the name, colour, or awards next?
That all seems pretty straightforward. But consider if the conversation had gone this way:
User: Awards
[Your fulfillment sets the 'awards' context with a parameter that we are prompting for the name.]
Bot: Ok, I'm going to need the award name, description, and when it was awarded. What is the name?
User: [Having done this many times] They were given the award for Honor yesterday
[This might match an Intent with an Input Context of 'awards' and the training phrase of "Given the award for <#sys.any> <>" and possibly "<> they got an award for <#sys.any>". Your fulfillment sets the name and date from this, sees what information it still needs, and prompts with...]
Bot: Got it. Award named Honor. Awarded March 1. What is the description?
User: Actually, it is named Honorable Service
[This matches an Intent with a training phrase of "named <#sys.any>" and an Input Context for 'awards'. Your fulfillment changes the name stored, checks what we still need, and again prompts...]
Bot: Ok, I've changed the award name to Honorable Service. What is the description?
The first scenario could be handled by slot filling and simple prompting, but the second can't. Being able to handle more natural responses from people and more flexible prompting will be better for your users.

Google Assistant - how to re-prompt the user with #sys.any when an input is determined to be invalid

I'm trying to create a custom action through Google Assistant. I have custom user data which is defined by the user and I want the user to ask me something about this data, identifying which data they want to know about by supplying it's name.
User says "Tell me about Fred"
Assistant replies with "Fred is red"
"info":"Fred is red"
The problem I'm having is how to add a Training phrases or re-prompting for the user to use when they supply a name which doesn't exist.
User says "Tell me about Greg"
Assistant replies with "I couldn't find 'Greg'. Who would you like to know about?"
"info":"Fred is red"
I've tried adding a Training response which only contains the 'name' parameter, but then if the user says "Tell me about Fred", the "name" parameter is set to "Tell me about Fred" instead of just "Fred", which means it ignores other Training responses I have setup.
Anyone out there who can be my Obi-wan Kenobi?
I've used Alexa for this same project and have sent to Alexa an elicitSlot directive. Can something similar be implemented?
There is no real equivalent to an elicitSlot directive in this case (at least not the way I usually see it used), but it does provide several tools for accomplishing what you're trying to do.
The general approach is that, when sending your reply, you also set an Output Context with the reply. You can set as parameters for the Context any information that you want to retain (what value you're prompting for and possibly other state you've already collected).
Then you can have Intents that have this context set as an Input Context. The Intent will then only be matched if the Context is active. This Intent can match #sys.any, or whatever other Entity type might be appropriate in this case.
One advantage of this approach is that it allows for users to reply more conversationally, or pivot their reply away from the prompting question you've just asked. It allows for users to answer within the Context, or through other Intents that you've already setup for other purposes.

How to add text responses to selected suggestion chips on Dialogflow

I added suggestion chips to the Dialogflow Chatbot, but I want them to continue with an existing flow based on the button selected. How can I achieve that?
For example: How else can I help you?
Locate store Choose an item About Us
I would like the user to go these flows which already exist.
How can I achieve that?
You would make each of these choices a new Intent, and take action based on that Intent being triggered. Intents represent a specific activity by the user - typically something said or entered, or a selection chip being selected. Suggestion chips are handled just like the person entered what was on the chip.
However, keep in mind that these are just suggestions. Users can enter whatever they want. You need to be prepared for them to take the conversation in a different direction or skip ahead in the conversation. For example, in response to your prompt above, they may try to send feedback, or they may enter something like "find a store near me" and ignore the suggestion chip. You need to account for this when designing your conversations and Intents.

Open dialog, slot filling chatbot

Hi I am creating slot filling chatbot where I would like to ask as much open question as possible at the beginning to make my flow the most similar to the normal conversation.
How can I achieve such a thing in terms of intents. Should I create three separate intents for case 1,2 and 3 and adding context flows in terms of 2nd and 3rd? Please help
For a case like this, you can do them as a single simple Intent that has prompts for parameters/slots that aren't addressed by the user.
First, we'll need a simple vehicle Entity type. Something like this, perhaps:
Once we have that, we can create an Intent and give it a few sample phrases:
We then need to do a few additional things (which are illustrated in the picture by the two orange arrows):
We need to mark the parameters as Required.
We need to give some Prompts for each parameter
With these, the Intent won't be complete until the user has responded to each prompt to fill the parameters. Once the user has given all the required values, it will call your fulfillment.
