How to send the current workspace instead of the current window to a different screen? - xmonad

Sometimes I want to send the whole current workspace to another screen instead of just the current window.
I know that greedyView would get the designated workspace onto the current screen.
However, what if I
Don't want to go to the target screen first in order to run greedyView, but instead want to directly send the currently focused workspace to another screen.
Don't want to swap the original workspace on the target screen onto the origin screen (i.e. that original workspace should now become unprojected to any screen)
greedyView doesn't seem to be able to satisfy those two needs above. Also, I'd prefer to use view instead of greedyView with my default keybindings.
Is there any alternative? Googling doesn't seem to turn up any useful result.

You'd probably have to make your own function. If you look at how greedyView is implemented:
greedyView :: (Eq s, Eq i) => i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
greedyView w ws
| any wTag (hidden ws) = view w ws
| (Just s) <- L.find (wTag . workspace) (visible ws)
= ws { current = (current ws) { workspace = workspace s }
, visible = s { workspace = workspace (current ws) }
: L.filter (not . wTag . workspace) (visible ws) }
| otherwise = ws
where wTag = (w == ) . tag
So the relevant lines are:
ws {
current = (current ws) { workspace = workspace s }
, visible = s { workspace = workspace (current ws) } : L.filter (not . wTag . workspace) (visible ws)


Adding an image to only one node within a Tree View

I'm currently working on modifying a Tree View control (Telerik MVC Extensions) for a customer request. Their request is a simple one: if an item within the tree has an Attachment, add a paperclip beside the node to identify it.
I have so far been able to do so but, found a small hiccup with this. I can add the image to certain nodes that have an Attachment, however, all nodes that don't should have no image (by that, I mean they should appear normal within the tree). Instead though, I find that the tree places a blank the size of the paperclip image.
Is there a way to dynamically turn off this blank (aka not add an Image Url if unnecessary)? Below is my code where I'm executing this process (is done on the expansion method of the tree due that only the bottom level shows the Attachments).
Navigation Controller
public ActionResult GetNextTreeViewLevel(TreeViewItem node)
//If bottom layer, then execute the following
var data = _TreeRepo.GetProcessesByParcel(int.Parse(values[1]), cntTreeList);
nodes = from item in data
select new TreeViewItem
Text = item.strProcess,
Value = "PR" + "," + item.cntProcess.ToString(),
LoadOnDemand = false,
Enabled = true,
Selected = SelectedSearchResult.ToString().Length > 0
&& SelectedSearchResult.ToString().Split('~').Length > 3
&& decimal.Parse(SelectedSearchResult.ToString()
.Substring(2)) == item.cntProcess
ImageUrl = item.ysnHasAttachment.HasValue && item.ysnHasAttachment.Value == 1
? #"/Content/NewImages/attachment.png"
: string.Empty
return new JsonResult { Data = nodes };
Screen shots of what it looks like without/with code for Image Url:
I at long last came up with a solution to this issue. The problem was how I was getting my data added to the nodes. The original logic was doing a Linq query after fetching the data to get an IEnumerable object.
Because of that, every node was trying to add an image (even if there was none). Hence the weird looking space. Below is how I reworked this logic to correctly get my data.
var processNodes = new List<TreeViewItem>();
var data = _TreeRepo.GetProcessesByParcel(int.Parse(values[1]), cntTreeList);
foreach (var item in data)
#region Process has at least one Attachment
if (item.ysnHasAttachment.HasValue && item.ysnHasAttachment.Value == 1)
processNodes.Add(new TreeViewItem
Text = item.strProcess,
Value = "PR" + "," + item.cntProcess.ToString(),
LoadOnDemand = false,
Enabled = true,
Selected = SelectedSearchResult.ToString().Length > 0
&& SelectedSearchResult.ToString().Split('~').Length > 3
&& decimal.Parse(SelectedSearchResult.ToString()
.Substring(2)) == item.cntProcess,
ImageUrl = "/Content/NewImages/smallAttachment.png"
#region Process has no Attachments
processNodes.Add(new TreeViewItem
Text = item.strProcess,
Value = "PR" + "," + item.cntProcess.ToString(),
LoadOnDemand = false,
Enabled = true,
Selected = SelectedSearchResult.ToString().Length > 0
&& SelectedSearchResult.ToString().Split('~').Length > 3
&& decimal.Parse(SelectedSearchResult.ToString()
.Substring(2)) == item.cntProcess
nodes = processNodes;
At this point, you can now return the nodes. Those that should have had an Attachment icon will, and those that shouldn't won't. Funny how 4 months later, you can come up with something off the cuff.

gWidgets gfile: Directing User to a folder in the browser pop-up

I'm creating a GUI with R and I want to improve the gfile directory selector.
I'm trying to add an argument so that, when the browse window appears, it has preselected a part of the path.
select.button <- gbutton("Select", container=win, handler = function(h,...) {
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"))
is activated I want the pop-up to show subfolders in a particular folder(frex the desktop).
I think that the filter argument is what I need(as per the manual cited below), but I can't quite make it work.
Filter for files shown during selection. Can be nested list, as in example or a
named character vector with the names a description and value a file extension
(no dots) of files endings to match.
I've also tried initial.dir with the following combinations:
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="/home/robert")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="/home/robert/")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="/home/robert/R/")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="home/robert/R/")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir=(/home/robert/R/))

How to give data dynamically in a dialog box using visual c++

How can I send data to a dialog box dynamically?
In a previous project I used edit boxes (e.g for 3 conductors) and gave those data separately for each conductor. Now I have to give them dynamically and I don't have standard number of conductors and I can't use edit box again.
Could you please give me an idea or a good link describing step by step how to create a table in a dialog box dynamically?
I have created a dialog box in which I insert data about conductors (resistivity, permeability, diameter etc (electric power systems Smile | :) )) in edit boxes but I have done it only for 3 conductors. I have to insert-edit the number of conductors and then edit their characteristics. But I can't use again edit boxes because this is static. I want something like a dynamic table which will have rows=number of conductors and columns about is characteristic (resistivity, permeability, diameter)and edit them in dialog box. I don't know how to upload my executable to male clear what I have done but here is a part of my code for the static case of three conductors Smile | :) I want another dynamic way to edit data :/
void CInputView::OnLinefeaturesFeatures()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CInputDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CFeaturesDialog DialogWindow;
DialogWindow.m_DialogCon = m_NumCond;
DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers = m_Layers;
DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability = m_AirPermeability;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity = m_AirConductivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity = m_AirPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1 = m_EarthPermeability1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1 = m_EarthConductivity1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1 = m_EarthPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth = m_depth;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2 = m_EarthPermeability2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2 = m_EarthConductivity2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2 = m_EarthPermittivity2;
DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency = m_frequency;
if (DialogWindow.DoModal() == IDOK)
m_NumCond = DialogWindow.m_DialogCon;
m_Layers = DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers;
m_AirPermeability = DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability;
m_AirConductivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity;
m_AirPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity;
m_EarthPermeability1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1;
m_EarthConductivity1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1;
m_EarthPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1;
m_depth = DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth;
m_EarthPermeability2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2;
m_EarthConductivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2;
m_EarthPermittivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2;
m_frequency = DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency;

Replace all in a specific folder

In my Test Plan I have two folders. One with all my active test cases and one with all my archived test cases. I need to replace a lot of 'Affected Module' from one value to another, however - I don't want the folder with archived to be affected by this.
So, is there a way of doing search and replace only on a specific folder (and all the sub-folders) in HP ALM?
As far as I know the search and replace function in grid view replaces all instances of the value so I can't use that directly.
Here is a simple OTA code that updates the field ts_user_04 for all the test case in folder Subject\Automated and its sub-folder from whatever value to Quoting.
Please, change the column name as per your requirement. You can easily find the DB column for any field in HP ALM by going to the Management tab if you have access to it. Even otherwise you can get all the mapping by using OTA. (I hope you have the necessary access)
Inorder to run the OTA code, you need to install ALM Connectivity add-in which you can get it from the tools section in your ALM home page
Public TDconnection
Public reqPath
Public testPath
'Call the main Function
Public Function login()
Dim almURL, almUserName, almPassword, domain, project
almURL = ""
almUserName = ""
almPassword = ""
domain = ""
project = ""
testPath = "Subject\Automated" ' Change it as per your folder structure
Set TDconnection = CreateObject("tdapiole80.tdconnection")
TDconnection.InitConnectionEx almURL
TDconnection.login almUserName, almPassword
TDconnection.Connect domain, project
End Function
Public Function updateAllTests()
Set TreeMgr = TDconnection.TreeManager
Set TestTree = TreeMgr.NodeByPath(testPath)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set comm = TDconnection.Command
comm.CommandText = "update test set ts_user_04='Quoting' where ts_test_id in (select ts_test_id from test, all_lists where ts_subject in (select al_item_id from all_lists where al_absolute_path like (select al_absolute_path from all_lists where al_item_id=" & TestTree.NodeID & ") || '%' ) and ts_subject = al_item_id)"
End If
MsgBox "Flag Update successful", vbInformation
End Function
Public Function logout()
Set TDconnection = Nothing
End Function

Why is my "defined name" (range) value not being set with this Spreadsheet Light code?

I've got this code to apply a "header" (big, top-of-the-sheet "title") to a sheet:
// Initialize
private static SLDocument sl;
. . .
sl = new SLDocument();
// Create a Style
SLStyle styleHeading = sl.CreateStyle();
styleHeading.SetFont(FontSchemeValues.Major, 36);
styleHeading.Font.Italic = true;
styleHeading.Font.FontName = "Candara";
// Create a Defined Name (Range) and give it a value and style
sl.SetDefinedName("UnitName", "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$13");
sl.SetCellValue("UnitName", "Pennsylvania Platypi Presumptuously Parasailing");
sl.SetCellStyle("UnitName", styleHeading);
// Save the sheet
string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/");
string spreadsheetLightFilename = "PlatypiTest.xlsx";
string fullspreadsheetLightPath = Path.Combine(appDataFolder, spreadsheetLightFilename);
Note: I verified that "Sheet1" was right with this code:
var nameList = sl.GetSheetNames();
string s = nameList[0]; // "s" is "Sheet1"
The file is created and saved, but it is devoid of content; when I open it, cell A1 is highlighted, but is content-free.
Am I missing a vital step, or going about this completely wrong?
What are you doing is logically fine.
This line
sl.SetDefinedName("UnitName", "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$13");
indeed creates a named range. You can see it if you open the resulting file in Excel and look at the cell selector:
or the Name Manager:
The problem is though that Spreadsheet Light has a very basic support for Defined names - basically all you can do is to create a name and use it inside the formulas. All methods that manipulate content expect single cell reference. Btw, all these methods do not throw exception if you don't pass a valid cell reference, but return bool indicating success/failure.
For instance, if you change your code to
bool success1 = sl.SetCellValue("UnitName", "Pennsylvania Platypi Presumptuously Parasailing");
bool success2 = sl.SetCellStyle("UnitName", styleHeading);
you will see that both success variables are false.
Shortly, if you want to bring some content to the Excel file, you should do it cell by cell. It even does not support regular (unnamed) ranges.
Theoretically, at least, you could do it this way:
// from
var stats = sl.GetWorksheetStatistics();
var rowcount = stats.NumberOfRows;
SLStyle entireSheetRangeStyle = sl.CreateStyle();
entireSheetRangeStyle.// (set style vals)
. . .
sl.SetRowStyle(1, rowcount, entireSheetRangeStyle);
