gWidgets gfile: Directing User to a folder in the browser pop-up - browser

I'm creating a GUI with R and I want to improve the gfile directory selector.
I'm trying to add an argument so that, when the browse window appears, it has preselected a part of the path.
select.button <- gbutton("Select", container=win, handler = function(h,...) {
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"))
is activated I want the pop-up to show subfolders in a particular folder(frex the desktop).
I think that the filter argument is what I need(as per the manual cited below), but I can't quite make it work.
Filter for files shown during selection. Can be nested list, as in example or a
named character vector with the names a description and value a file extension
(no dots) of files endings to match.
I've also tried initial.dir with the following combinations:
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="/home/robert")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="/home/robert/")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="/home/robert/R/")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir="home/robert/R/")
selection <- gfile(type = c ("selectdir"), initial.dir=(/home/robert/R/))


update data via macro from another workbook

I need some help with vba code. I'm self-lerning so please be understanding for simply cases ;)
I'm trying to create macro which will be looking for some records/cells in one workbook (FileA) (determined by 3 conditions) and then paste values to another workbook (FileB) and after that find in another tab in FileB some values where condition will be pasted value to match them with looking value (I belivie it could be done somehow with Vlookup but I get stuck).
Below problematic for me part of code (I'm working on some files found in work, no one use it now).
First issue is with Set Update, I don't know why it takes it as "Nothing"... conditions are true - I mean "pp1" is existing in column A in FileA.
Second issue shows when I change i start range to some "later" numbers, eg From i = 2280, macro is ignoring last line where should assign some values (again shows update2 as "nothing") but value if pp2 is existing in W column in tab data...
Dim name As String
name = "[path to file on sharepoint]"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:=name
a = 1
For i = 2263 To 14000
If Workbooks("FileA").Sheets("Main").Cells(i, 11) = "CANCEL" And Workbooks("FileA").Sheets("Main").Cells(i, 6) = "DENIS" And Workbooks("FileA").Sheets("Main").Cells(i, 5) > 1301358454 Then
pp1 = Workbooks("FileA").Sheets("Main").Cells(i, 1)
If pp1 > 0 Then
Set Update = Workbooks("FileA").Worksheets("Main").Range("A:A").Find(pp1, lookat:=xlPart)
If Update > 0 Then
Update = Update.Row
Workbooks("FileB").Worksheets("lost").Cells(a, 1).Value = Workbooks("FileA").Worksheets("Main").Cells(Update, 5)
pp2 = Workbooks("FileB").Worksheets("lost").Cells(a, 1)
update2 = Workbooks("FileB").Worksheets("data").Range("W:W").Find(pp2, lookat:=xlPart).Row
Workbooks("FileB").Worksheets("lost").Cells(a, 5) = Workbooks("FileB").Worksheets("data").Cells(update2, 43)

Update an Excel style in VBA

My Excel macro reads the answers to a survey from a set of Excel files. The answers of a survey contain a score (from 1 to 4) and a description. The goal is to generate a a matrix. Each cell of the matrix has a color that represents the score. I would like the user to be able to modify the layout of these cell. To make it easy to the user, I created a template matrix and a button. The user should be able to modify the layout of the cells and on a click of a button, a set of styles (Score 1, Score 2,...) should be generated. Once the matrix is created, the Workbook should be to function without the survey files.
I have tried a couple of things:
Try 1
ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add "Score 1", BasedOn:=cell1
This gives errors. I don't fully understand when they occur, but one of the causes is when the user modifies the cell layout by selecting another style.
Try 2
ThisWorkbook.Styles("Score 1").Delete
ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add "Score 1", BasedOn:=cell1
This is not a good idea: all cells loose their styling when it is executed a second time.
Try 3: Current
Copy the most frequently used properties of the cells layout and copy them to the style. If this style is deleted by the user, it is recreated. This procedures is not ideal, since most style properties won't be covered.
Is there a way to update a cell style that is more general? I would like there to be as little room as possible to make the workbook in an inconsistent and non-functional state.
I sticked with try 3. Because it required a lot of code for all properties that seemed possible to be edited, and because of copying borders is tricky, I post the result.
'xR1_Template: the cell to base the style on
'nm_Style: the name of the style
Public Function Upsert_Style(xR1_Template As Excel.Range, nm_Style As String) As Excel.Style
Dim xStyle As Excel.Style
Set xStyle = Fn.TryGet(ThisWorkbook.Styles, nm_Style)
If Fn.IsNothing(xStyle) Then
Set xStyle = ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add(nm_Style)
End If
xStyle.Font.Color = xR1_Template.Font.Color
xStyle.Font.Bold = xR1_Template.Font.Bold
xStyle.Font.Name = xR1_Template.Font.Name
xStyle.Font.Italic = xR1_Template.Font.Italic
xStyle.Font.Size = xR1_Template.Font.Size
xStyle.Font.Strikethrough = xR1_Template.Font.Strikethrough
xStyle.Font.Subscript = xR1_Template.Font.Subscript
xStyle.Font.Superscript = xR1_Template.Font.Superscript
xStyle.Font.Underline = xR1_Template.Font.Underline
xStyle.Interior.Color = xR1_Template.Interior.Color
xStyle.Interior.Pattern = xR1_Template.Interior.Pattern
xStyle.Interior.PatternColor = xR1_Template.Interior.PatternColor
'NOTE: necessary to delete all borders first. There's no way to delete them one by one.
xStyle.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
Dim iBorder As Long
For iBorder = 1 To xR1_Template.Borders.Count
Dim xBorder As Excel.Border
'NOTE: The Borders property claims to work with xlBordersIndex argument, but this is not true.
' Normal indexing is used.
Set xBorder = xR1_Template.Borders(iBorder)
'NOTE: "none-style" borders (=no border), should be skipped.
' Once they are retrieved using the Borders property, they are always visible.
' Setting them with xlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone does not hide them.
If xBorder.LineStyle <> XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone Then
Dim xBorder_Style As Excel.Border
Set xBorder_Style = xStyle.Borders(iBorder)
xBorder_Style.Color = xBorder.Color
xBorder_Style.LineStyle = xBorder.LineStyle
xBorder_Style.Weight = xBorder.Weight
End If
Next iBorder
xStyle.AddIndent = xR1_Template.AddIndent
xStyle.FormulaHidden = xR1_Template.FormulaHidden
xStyle.HorizontalAlignment = xR1_Template.HorizontalAlignment
xStyle.IndentLevel = xR1_Template.IndentLevel
xStyle.NumberFormat = xR1_Template.NumberFormat
xStyle.NumberFormatLocal = xR1_Template.NumberFormatLocal
xStyle.Orientation = xR1_Template.Orientation
xStyle.ShrinkToFit = xR1_Template.ShrinkToFit
xStyle.VerticalAlignment = xR1_Template.VerticalAlignment
xStyle.WrapText = xR1_Template.WrapText
xStyle.IndentLevel = xR1_Template.IndentLevel
Set Upsert_Style = xStyle
End Function

How to send the current workspace instead of the current window to a different screen?

Sometimes I want to send the whole current workspace to another screen instead of just the current window.
I know that greedyView would get the designated workspace onto the current screen.
However, what if I
Don't want to go to the target screen first in order to run greedyView, but instead want to directly send the currently focused workspace to another screen.
Don't want to swap the original workspace on the target screen onto the origin screen (i.e. that original workspace should now become unprojected to any screen)
greedyView doesn't seem to be able to satisfy those two needs above. Also, I'd prefer to use view instead of greedyView with my default keybindings.
Is there any alternative? Googling doesn't seem to turn up any useful result.
You'd probably have to make your own function. If you look at how greedyView is implemented:
greedyView :: (Eq s, Eq i) => i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
greedyView w ws
| any wTag (hidden ws) = view w ws
| (Just s) <- L.find (wTag . workspace) (visible ws)
= ws { current = (current ws) { workspace = workspace s }
, visible = s { workspace = workspace (current ws) }
: L.filter (not . wTag . workspace) (visible ws) }
| otherwise = ws
where wTag = (w == ) . tag
So the relevant lines are:
ws {
current = (current ws) { workspace = workspace s }
, visible = s { workspace = workspace (current ws) } : L.filter (not . wTag . workspace) (visible ws)

Tkinter selecting text by index

I am implementing a search function in python with Tkinter and would like to select the first match it comes to. I have seen many examples with creating a tag_config to highlight the background of the indexed range, however I would like to select the text (the same way one would by clicking at the first index, then shift clicking the last index).
Thus far I have got both the start and end index of the area I need to select, I just don't know the command to "select" the text with that information.
My current code (that uses a highlight approach) is:
def search_command():
word = askstring("Search", "Enter word to search")
length = len(str(word))
pos =, '1.0', stopindex=END)
row, col = pos.split('.')
endlen = int(col) + length
end = row + '.' + str(endlen)
textPad.tag_add("found", pos, end)
The "found" tag just highlights the background of the text rather than selecting it.
Any help with finding the correct function would be greatly appreciated.
The selection is defined by the "sel" tag. Apply that tag to the range of text you want selected:
textPad.tag_add("sel", pos, end)

Why is my "defined name" (range) value not being set with this Spreadsheet Light code?

I've got this code to apply a "header" (big, top-of-the-sheet "title") to a sheet:
// Initialize
private static SLDocument sl;
. . .
sl = new SLDocument();
// Create a Style
SLStyle styleHeading = sl.CreateStyle();
styleHeading.SetFont(FontSchemeValues.Major, 36);
styleHeading.Font.Italic = true;
styleHeading.Font.FontName = "Candara";
// Create a Defined Name (Range) and give it a value and style
sl.SetDefinedName("UnitName", "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$13");
sl.SetCellValue("UnitName", "Pennsylvania Platypi Presumptuously Parasailing");
sl.SetCellStyle("UnitName", styleHeading);
// Save the sheet
string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/");
string spreadsheetLightFilename = "PlatypiTest.xlsx";
string fullspreadsheetLightPath = Path.Combine(appDataFolder, spreadsheetLightFilename);
Note: I verified that "Sheet1" was right with this code:
var nameList = sl.GetSheetNames();
string s = nameList[0]; // "s" is "Sheet1"
The file is created and saved, but it is devoid of content; when I open it, cell A1 is highlighted, but is content-free.
Am I missing a vital step, or going about this completely wrong?
What are you doing is logically fine.
This line
sl.SetDefinedName("UnitName", "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$13");
indeed creates a named range. You can see it if you open the resulting file in Excel and look at the cell selector:
or the Name Manager:
The problem is though that Spreadsheet Light has a very basic support for Defined names - basically all you can do is to create a name and use it inside the formulas. All methods that manipulate content expect single cell reference. Btw, all these methods do not throw exception if you don't pass a valid cell reference, but return bool indicating success/failure.
For instance, if you change your code to
bool success1 = sl.SetCellValue("UnitName", "Pennsylvania Platypi Presumptuously Parasailing");
bool success2 = sl.SetCellStyle("UnitName", styleHeading);
you will see that both success variables are false.
Shortly, if you want to bring some content to the Excel file, you should do it cell by cell. It even does not support regular (unnamed) ranges.
Theoretically, at least, you could do it this way:
// from
var stats = sl.GetWorksheetStatistics();
var rowcount = stats.NumberOfRows;
SLStyle entireSheetRangeStyle = sl.CreateStyle();
entireSheetRangeStyle.// (set style vals)
. . .
sl.SetRowStyle(1, rowcount, entireSheetRangeStyle);
