WebDriverManager.chromedriver().useBetaVersions().version("73.0.3683.20").setup(); runs Chrome 72 - webdrivermanager-java

In execution logs i see:
"[main] DEBUG io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager - Driver chromedriver 73.0.3683.20 found in cache"
But when I open in Chrome: Help -> Google Chrome - informations I see that it's 72

Chromedriver and ChromeBrowser are two seperate things. Chromedriver allows Selenium to control and manage the chrome browser.
WebDriverManager checks the version of the driver (e.g. chromedriver) available on your system. If not found, it uses the latest version of the driver.
From ChromeDriver downloads page (http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads), the latest version is 73.0.3683.20.
So it seems it has automatically downloaded the latest version of the driver, which is printed in the logs that you see.
Chromedriver 73 supports Chrome Browser v72 so it will work seamlessly


PhpStorm looks for Google Chrome when I set up Firefox

PhpStorm 2021.2.2 on Ubuntu 20.04. I set up a Run Configuration as follow:
But when I launch this Run Configuration I get:
I don't understand why it look for Google Chrome if I selected Firefox as a browser.
Sadly that is correct / no error here.
JavaScript debug is done with Chrome-based browsers only (has been like that for quite some time now).
Debugging of JavaScript code is only supported in Google Chrome and in other Chromium-based browsers.
To debug JavaScript using Firefox you need to use Firefox Remote type of Run/Debug Configuration (need to manually create and use it) and enable Remote Debugging in Firefox in advance. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/2021.1/debugging-javascript-in-firefox.html has all the info.
A ticket to watch after: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-14987
NOTE: the aforementioned Firefox Remote type of Run/Debug Configuration is no longer present in current 2021.2 version. The last version that has it is 2021.1.
In addition to the above, from https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360010846880/comments/360003174860
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can offer for debugging in Firefox now :(
We used to support Firefox Remote Debugging (but without source maps) through the Firefox Remote run configuration, but our solution doesn't work in the latest Firefox versions due to changes in the protocol, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix it. We've made some progress recently, but there are still some blocking issues.
Related tickets:

Record button is missing from Chrome DevTools for NodeJS CPU profiling

I was trying to use Chrome DevTools as usual for recording NodeJS CPU profiling, but this time something was different that there wasn't a record button inside the Profiler property page.
As you can see from the image below, the property page is entirely empty.
missing profiler record button
The software's versions are shown below:
chrome: Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit)
node: 10.14.2
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Does anyone know what is going on? Or, is there an alternative way of profiling NodeJS performance without using Chrome DevTools?
This is a Chrome bug in v87+ and a fix is pending release: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1151855
I had the same problem with a similar setup but with Kubuntu 19.10.
I rolled back chrome to its previous version (86.0.4240.75) which I got here: https://www.slimjet.com/chrome/download-chrome.php?file=files%2F86.0.4240.75%2Fgoogle-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb.
This got me back my CPU Profiler.

How to preinstall Chrome extension in Microsoft Chromium Edge?

Microsoft Chromium Edge is the new web navigator of Microsoft. It shares the same Chromium base as Google Chrome. Thanks to that, it supports Google Chrome Extension.
But I cannot find how to automatically install Google Chrome extension at the same time as Edge installation. Any help ?
The context of my question is partial deployment in a big enterprise. I've searched in Microsoft documentation without success until now.
Microsoft Edge (Chromium) browser is still in development stage and it is not officially launched yet.
The beta version of the browser is available for download which user can download from link below.
Download MS Edge Chromium beta browser
At present, it is not possible to preinstall the Chrome extensions in Edge chromium browser while installing the browser.
If you want to install the Chrome extensions in Edge chromium browser than you can refer the link below.
Install Chrome Extensions in Microsoft Edge Chromium
I will take your requirement as a feature request for this browser and try to submit it via our internal channel.
Thanks for your understanding.

webgl xvfb google chrome support

how can i get webgl support. here's my setup?
linux (centos OS)
google chrome
xvfb to get google chrome running
chrome driver that selenium uses to run the tests
I need google chrome to have webgl support. how do I get that done?

How to run safari in protractor using selenium 2.47.1 jar?

How to run safari 5.1.7 browser(windows machine) in protractor using selenium 2.47.1 jar?
I need to run safari 5.1.7 browser(windows machine) in protractor using selenium 2.47.1 jar.
Can someone help on this?
From where I need to install the safari driver?(Please provide the link)
I don't think its possible. Safari driver doesn't support safari browser on WINDOWS machine and is applicable only for OS X. Here's the link that explains it
Platforms supported by Selenium
. However if you want to try it for OSX then here's a detailed wiki page for safari driver usage with selenium -
Safari Driver with Selenium
You must be able to use it for protractor too. Download the extension file SafariDriver.safariextz for safari from the above mentioned link and then install it. Only difference would be to use it with Javascript. Add in the browser name in your conf.js file -
'browserName': 'safari'
If you are still facing issues, please refer to this detailed link for help. Hope it helps.
