PyQt5 stops updating GUI within 30...300 seconds after start - python-3.x

I develop a SCADA in python3 with the help of PyQt. I expect my program to continuously indicate various parameters received through RS-485 interface, however, within several minutes from the start (it is always a different time), the GUI stops to update itself. At the same time, the GUI stays responsive and if I were to click on one of the animated QAbstractButtons it has, the GUI starts to work as intended again for a short period of time. The problem occurs on both Linux and Windows.
The program has several worker threads: one for RS-485 exchange, one for reading/writing various data to disk, one for decoding received package and refreshing data in memory, one for request queue management, etc. They all work in loops of while (True): time.sleep(...) - do the job. The GUI is implemented in the main thread.
The data is indicated with QLabels. The QLabel.setText is added to painterEvent() of QWidgets containing the QLabels.
When the GUI stops updating, the other threads are up and running: the exchange is functioning, the request queue is forming, etc. Despite not being updated, the GUI stays responsive and reacts to QAbstractButton clicks.
I tried adding gui.update() or app.processEvents() into one of the worker threads, tried force updating through QTimer in the main thread. The result is the same: it works for a short while and then stops.
I tried increasing the time.sleep of the refresh thread and force updating the main widget over longer intervals of time (0.5 to 5 seconds) and it seems to help the situation a lot, this way it can run for several minutes, but it still does not solve the problem.
I would love to show the code, but the whole thing is way too bulky to post here and if I could narrow it down to a at least a hundred lines, I would have already solved the issue by now. So if any of you could at least share some general considerations on what to look for, I would be very happy.
This seems to work, I'll leave it running for a few hours tomorrow to confirm:
update_timer = QTimer()
I assume that self.gui.update() did not work because dataChanged() was probably not emitted and control passed instead of doing repaint(). As far as I understand, the solution above is not the right way to update widgets.
So, the question actually boils down to the following:
What is the right way to update the main QWidget and how do I let the program know it needs to be redrawn, probably using dataChanged() signal?

The answer is simple. Never do anything related to PyQt from outside the main thread. Even if it seems the only logical way to do something.
After I 'fixed' the issue with the gui not being updated, I stumbled into a more serious problem: the program crashed every now and then. As it turns out, the GUI not being updated was only the top of the iceberg. The uptime was usually 2 to 7 minutes, I received a few glibc errors ("corrupted double-linked list" and "double free or corrution"). As it turns out, the source of the problem was inside refresh thread that has several hundreds of lines updating gui:
where setCrash() changes widget color and palette, or even more direct things like
I tracked down everything even loosely related to gui from the main file (the place where all the threading took place) and restyled it. Now it only has one worker thread - the RS-485, the rest are wrapped into separate QTimers.
This is what it was:
class Main():
def __init__():
self.plots_thread = Thread(target = self.plots_refresh)
def plots_refresh():
while True:
#do stuff
And this is what it is now:
class Main():
def __init__():
self.plots_refresh_timer = QTimer()
self.plots_refresh_timer.setInterval(499) #prime number
def plots_refresh():
#do stuff
This time the program has been running for over an hour and never crashed. After coming to conclusion that this was THE fix, I refactored the really messy test file and resumed testing - again, no troubles for half an hour.


Scala 3 with ScalaFX thread related problem

I have an application that has multiple screens and a process that needs to get UI info from some and update others.
Tried many methods but the result always is always "not a Java FX thread". Without using some kind of thread the UI does not update Because of the multi screen nature of the app (not practical to change) I need to fundamentally change the application architecture which is why I am not posting any code - its all going to change.
What I cant work out is the best way to do this and as any changes are likely to require substantial work I am reluctant to try something that has little chance of success.
I know about Platform.runLater and tried adding that to the updates but that was complex and did not seem to be effective.
I do have the code on GitHub - its a personal leaning project that started in Scala 2 but if you have an interest in learning or pointing out my errors I can provide access.
Hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas.
PS just make the repo public
The problem is not that the Platform.runLater was not working its because the process is being called form a loop in a thread and without a yield the JavaFX thread never gets an opportunity to run. It just appeared to be failing โ€“ again I fall foul of an assumption.
The thread calls a method from within a loop which terminates on a condition set by the method.
The process is planned to emulate the execution of 6502 processor instructions in 2 modes run and run-slow, run-slow is run with a short delay after each instruction execution.
The updates are to the main screen the PC, status flags and register contents. The run (debug) screen gets the current instruction display updated and other items will be added. In the future.
The BRK instruction with a zero-byte following is captures and set the execution mode to single-step essentially being a break point though in the future it will be possible via the debug screen to set a breakpoint and for the execution of the breakpoint to restore the original contents. This is to enable the debugging of a future hardware item โ€“ time and finances permitting โ€“ itโ€™s a hobby after all ๐Ÿ˜Š
It terns out that the JavaFX thread issue only happens when a FX control is written to but not when read from. Placing all reads and writes in a Platform.runLater was too complex which is why I was originally searching for an alternative solution but now only needed it protect the writes is much less a hassle.
In the process loop calling Thread.โ€™yieldโ€™() enables the code in the Platform.runLater blocks to be executed on the JavaFX thread so the UI updates without an exception.
The code in the Run method:
val thread = new Thread {
override def run =
while runMode == RunMode.Running || runMode == RunMode.RunningSlow do
if runMode == RunMode.RunningSlow then
Thread.sleep(50) // slow the loop down a bit
Note that because yield is a Scala reserved word needs to quote it!

python program using Glade, GObject, runs fine for days, then suddenly all windows are blank

I have a large data acquisition and control program written in Python3.4.2 using GUI mostly developed on Glade 3.18.3, Gtk3.0 GObject running Debian 8 with XFCE.
There are timers that keep doing things, and these work fine. After startup, the program runs for some 3 - 7 days, then suddenly, all of the windows go blank and stay blank. Other applications are not affected. Memory and CPU usage is modest.
There are no indications of problems prior to the windows going blank. The windows show their title bars and respond normally to minimize, restore, move to another Workspace, etc. It looks like they are not getting repainted - no widgets are visible at all. The code is way too large to post here, and I am not able to isolate a specific problem area for lack of obvious symptoms other than the blank screens. There are no error messages or warnings.
The timers continue to run, acquire data and control things. This happens whether the program is run from the command line or under PyDev in Eclipse.
Things I have tried:
In the main timer loop, I put code to look for a file, and then exec the command in it, printing the results, so I have been able to mess with the program in real time:
Replace the usual Gtk.main() with a while loop whose variable, if not made false, will re-execute the Gtk.main(). Executing Gtk.main.quit() stops Gtk.main and starts it again. Windows still blank. Did this repeatedly to no avail.
Experimented with garbage collection with GC. Collecting garbage makes no different. Windows still blank.
Put in code to print percent of time consumed by the timer loops. Fairly steady around 18 - 20% of available CPU time, so nothing is hogging the CPU preventing re-paint.
I have a button that clears a label. I read the label, then executed a builder.get_object(...).activate command to the button. I re-read the label and it was now properly blank. So events and widgets appear to be working normally, at least to some extent.
Finally, if I click on the close X on the title bar, XFCE asks me if I want to wait or close now. So it seems as though there may be a disconnection or problem with signals and the OS, even though XXX.activate() works.
Web searching is in vain. Does anybody have ideas of what might be happening, useful diagnostics, or other suggestions? Many thanks!
April 27, 2017 Update:
I have taken two substantial steps to mostly work around problems. First, partly in response to a couple of Gtk crashes over the last few months, instead of ending the main program with:
I end with:
while wannalive:
wannalive is True until user does a quit, so recovery is instant.
Second, I grouped all of the code for each window setup and initial population of static items into two functions. I also made another function for closing a window. These functions propagate to children, grandchildren windows. A function in the top window first, closes, then re-creates all windows, with one call. In operation, there are overlaps in what windows exist, but that is not a problem.
Above, I describe that I can inject code with an external program. The external program has a button that injects a call to that third function. In about five seconds or less, the result of a single button click is to replace all blank windows with functional windows. For my purposes in a controlled environment with a trained operator, this is acceptable.
Next, let me address the relationship between the timer loops and GUI events processing. I do use GObject.timeout_add(ms, somefunction). Experiment shows that a button that calls time.sleep(5) stalls the timer. Experiment shows that injecting time.sleep(5) in the timer loop stalls the GUI. This is consistent with my belief (correct me if I am wrong) that Python runs on a single thread. Therefore, bad code caught in an infinite loop should stall both the GUI and the timer loop. (The program has one timeout_add call.)

Timing issues Psychopy PyGaze EyeTribe Eyetracker (Multithreading)

I have an experiment in which I present stimuli using PsychoPy / PyGaze and track eye movements with an EyeTribe eye tracker. In this experiment I update the size of two visual stimuli on each frame (at 60 Hz). I prepare each frame beforehand and afterwards loop through all of the screen objects and present them. Meanwhile, a continuous sound is playing. When I run this experiment in dummy mode (mouse movement is used as a simulation for gaze position), there are no timing issues for the visual presentation. However, when I run the experiment while performing eye tracking, the timing of the visual presentation is no longer accurate (higher variability in duration of frames).
I tried looking into the multi threading more, but in the pytribe script of PyGaze I can't find any evidence that one thread is waiting for an event coming from the eye tracking thread. So, I have no idea how to figure out what is causing the timing issues or how to solve this? (I hope I explained the problem sufficiently specific).
It's worse than just needing a separate thread for eyetrack versus stimulus rendering. What you really need is a separate process that avoids the python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). The GIL prevents different threads from running on different processors.
For improved temporal precision I would really recommend you switch from pygaze to iohub (which also has support for eyetribe I believe). iohub does run genuinely on a different core of the machine where possible so that your stimuli and eye data can be processed independently in time, and it handles all the sync stuff for you.
Adding to Jon's answer: Hanne also emailed about the problem, and it turns out she was running her experiments from Spyder. When run from the command prompt, there shouldn't be any timing issues. (Obviously, the GIL is still around, but in practice this doesn't seem to affect screen timing.)
To prevent any issues in the future, I've added a class that allows for running the EyeTribe in a parallel Process. See:
Example use:
if __name__ == "__main__":
from pygaze.display import Display
from pygaze.screen import Screen
from pytribe import ParallelEyeTribe
disp = Display()
scr = Screen()
tracker = ParallelEyeTribe()
tracker.log("Stimulus onset")
tracker.log("Stimulus offset")

How to keep PyQt GUI responsive when blocking tasks are GUI related?

I'm writing an app that embeds a bunch of matplotlib figures into a PyQt GUI. The updating of these figures can take up to a few seconds, so I would like to introduce a waiting indicator to display while the plots are being drawn. I've moved all the data processing code into its own thread, but it seems the actual plotting calls are often making up the majority of processing time.
I have written a waiting indicator that uses a QTimer instance to trigger paintEvent on the widget. This works just fine when all the intensive processing can be pushed into another thread. The problem is that these calls to construct the matplotlib plots cannot be moved outside of the main thread due to the way Qt is designed, and so block the updating of the waiting indicator, rendering it kind of useless.
I've introduced some calls to QCoreApplication.processEvents() after the updating of each figure, which improves the performance a little. I've also toyed with the idea of monkeypatching a bunch of methods of matplotlib.axes.Axes to include calls to QCoreApplication.processEvents(), but I can see that getting messy. Is this the best I can do? Is there any way to interrupt the main thread at regular intervals and force it to process new events?
It should also help a big deal to do the actual drawing on a QPixmap in a thread. Drawing that pixmap with QPainters drawPixmap() method is very fast. And you need to recreate the pixmap only when really needed (e.g. after Zooming or so). In the meantime you just have to reuse that already drawn pixmap. The actual paintEvents using drawPixmap() will cost close to nothing and your GUI will be completely responsive.
Clobbering the code with processEvent() is not only ugly but can cause very nasty and very hard to debug malfunctions. E.g. it might cause premature deletion of objects which are still in use but were scheduled for deletion using deleteLater().
This Answer might be also of use: Python - matplotlib - PyQT: plot to QPixmap
I havn't used matplotlib, yet. But in case it uses directly QWidgets and can not be used without it won't be so easy as you mentioned above. But you could do the drawing in another process started by your GUI which uses matplotlib as in the link above and stores the pixmap to disk and your gui loads whenever a new pixmap is ready. QFileSystemWatcher might help here to avoid polling.

wxpython using gauge pulse with threaded long running processes

The program I am developing uses threads to deal with long running processes. I want to be able to use Gauge Pulse to show the user that whilst a long running thread is in progress, something is actually taking place. Otherwise visually nothing will happen for quite some time when processing large files & the user might think that the program is doing nothing.
I have placed a guage within the status bar of the program. My problem is this. I am having problems when trying to call gauge pulse, no matter where I place the code it either runs to fast then halts, or runs at the correct speed for a few seconds then halts.
I've tried placing the one line of code below into the thread itself. I have also tried create another thread from within the long running process thread to call the code below. I still get the same sort of problems.
I do not think that I could use wx.CallAfter as this would defeat the point. Pulse needs to be called whilst process is running, not after the fact. Also tried usin time.sleep(2) which is also not good as it slows the process down, which is something I want to avoid. Even when using time.sleep(2) I still had the same problems.
Any help would be massively appreciated!
You will need to find someway to send update requests to the main GUI from your thread during the long running process. For example, if you were downloading a very large file using a thread, you would download it in chunks and after each chunk is complete, you would send an update to the GUI.
If you are running something that doesn't really allow chunks, such as creating a large PDF with fop, then I suppose you could use a wx.Timer() that just tells the gauge to pulse every so often. Then when the thread finishes, it would send a message to stop the timer object from updating the gauge.
The former is best for showing progress while the latter works if you just want to show the user that your app is doing something. See also
