Is there any way to convert audio to text (speech recognition) in python without using any API(Google, google cloud, IBM,...etc) - python-3.x

I have to create a python project to convert audio to text using python , but i don't want to use any available API(Google,IBM..etc).
Is there any functions or methods available in python to do that.


Embed python into looker

Is there a natural way to wrap Python code to display in Looker?
The ideal dataflow for my problem is SQL DB->python-> looker, or alternatively, looker->python-> looker. 
I am hoping to embed into lookML so that I can automate python analysis, ready to display in looker.
You can't call Python code from Looker. Depending on the database you are using, you may want to look into creating a UDF within that database and then call it using SQL.

Is there a way to convert from audio url to text in python

I have reference code (from the attached url) to convert speech to text with direct audio file. Convert sound from website to text in python
I tried passing the direct audio_url as string( "") but it is not reading from the url.
Is there a way to convert the audio directly without downloading and then convert?

Speech to text Conversion Using Python

I am new to python and want to convert speech to text using python libraries.But not using APIs.Basically,I want my code to run without internet too.Which library I should use?I have learned SpeechRecognition is the simplest one but I see in every use case it makes use of an API.Please suggest how should I proceed.
You can try using pyttsx3 module. It stands for Python Text To Speech version 3.
you can check out my GitHub repo to learn about the use of speech recognition and pyttsx3.

Writing into a Jupyter Notebook from Python

Is it possible for a Python script to write into a iPython Notebook?
with open("my_notebook.ipynb", "w") as jup:
jup.write("print(\"Hello there!\")")
If there's some package for doing so, can I also control the way cells are split in the notebook?
I'm designing a software tool (that carries out some optimization) to prepare an iPython notebook that can be run on some server performing scientific computations.
I understand that a related solution is to output to a Python script and load it within a iPython Notebook using %load However, that involves a user to type stuff that I would ideally like to avoid.
Look at the nbformat repo on Github. The reference implementation is shown there.
From their docs
Jupyter (né IPython) notebook files are simple JSON documents, containing text, source code, rich media output, and metadata. Each segment of the document is stored in a cell.
It also sounds like you want to create the notebook programmatically, so you should use the NotebookNode object.
For the code, something like, should get you what you need. new_cell_code should be used if you have code cells versus just plain text cells. Text cells should use the existing markdown formatting.
import nbformat
notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook()
text = """Hello There """
notebook['cells'] = [nbformat.v4.new_markdown_cell(text)]
notebook= nbformat.v4.new_notebook()

How to convert '.opus' file to flac file format

I have an audio file with '.opus' format.
I need to use it with google cloud speech API. But the google speech API only support some file encodings, specified in . How can i use 'opus' file format with google cloud speech API?
Is there any way to convert '.opus' file into the specified(googles audio encoding documentation) format or any npm available for do this?
In Node you can use ffmpgeg in several ways, using:
few more at
The ffmpeg supports Opus according to the docs:
You may need to use libopus for that:
The ffmpeg also supports encoding FLAC so it can also be used for that part:
There is not a straightforward way to convert Opus to Flac using Node without any external dependencies but it should be possible using the modules and libraries above.
