Speech to text Conversion Using Python - python-3.x

I am new to python and want to convert speech to text using python libraries.But not using APIs.Basically,I want my code to run without internet too.Which library I should use?I have learned SpeechRecognition is the simplest one but I see in every use case it makes use of an API.Please suggest how should I proceed.

You can try using pyttsx3 module. It stands for Python Text To Speech version 3.
you can check out my GitHub repo to learn about the use of speech recognition and pyttsx3.


Unable to translate text using translate(Microsoft Provider)

I have been using the translate package from https://pypi.org/project/translate/ to do some text translations. The provider used is microsoft.
When used its unable to translate some simple text which was possible using google trans.
from translate import Translator
translate = Translator(provider='microsoft', to_lang='en', secret_access_key='xxxx')
Out[20]: '作成者'
Can someone help me with the issue?
Expected result :
Out[22]: 'Author'
I checked the repository of the package you are using and it looks like it has been long since it was last updated.
It uses the Base URL of Translator Text API v2.0 which was deprecated at the beginning of 2018:
Which is different from the one that the new Translator Text API v3.0 uses:
In order to get going, I suggest you check the Python, REST quickstart in the documentation that shows you how to translate a text string using Python and the Translator Text REST API, or if you'd like you can check all the code at once!

Is there any way to convert audio to text (speech recognition) in python without using any API(Google, google cloud, IBM,...etc)

I have to create a python project to convert audio to text using python , but i don't want to use any available API(Google,IBM..etc).
Is there any functions or methods available in python to do that.

How can I get the word2vec.bin file

I want to build a chatbot using python and deeplearning methodology.Iam referring the below link
chatbot code
But I troubled in the word2vec.bin file as describing in the code.Where should I get the bin file?

How to convert text to speech in python 3.5 on windows 10?

I tried espeak but didn't succeed and some functionalities only supported in python 2.
For offline use in Windows, use SAPI directly.
You can use SpVoice.
import win32com.client
speaker = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
speaker.Speak("Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Them boys up to something!")
Have you tried using Google Text-to-Speech via gTTS?
The syntax for using it in Python 3.x is as follows:
from gtts import gTTS
my_tts = "Text you want to process"
tts = gTTS(text=my_tts, lang='en')
Here is the github repo of gTTS.

What is the easyest way to create a settings file in python

I am just making something to start up minecraft with , and I need a way to save some settings to a file , but I have no idea what I should use to do it . I googled my question already and what I got was information about pyYaml configparser and configobj I belive.And after looking at it I got confused because im not to scripting and python. What I would like is a recommendation or a tutorial on using those modules or the modules that you guys suggest .
I am using python 3.2
I would use configparser, and there are examples/tutorial at the end of the documentation: http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html#examples
