Grant Permission to external user in azure active directory to access sharepoint site - azure

I have developed a logic app, which receives a post request with JSON Object and I create external user in azure active directory. Till here everything is fine. Now I want to grant permission to newly created user to access our sharepoint site. There is a solution using Plumsail action connector but I do not want to use it. I want to achieve this using microsoft graph api.
Can you help me to achieve this?

Best way I think is adding the user to a group (with the AD connector) or using dynamic group to pick up the user. Then you can have sharepoint license connected to the group and have sharepoint access on the group.


Do I need to configure azureAD for powerapps?

I am new to powerapps, and I need to create an app with AzureAD authentication. But I am confused by this authentication. Do I understand correctly that I don't have to implement user sign-up and login screens, because every user which will be added to AzureAD would be able to login to microsoft account and will have an access to my powerapp?
So, I don't have to write any code for user signup/login/forgot password?
But in the Internet I saw that some people use AzureAD.getUser() and Office365.User. When do I need it?
PowerApps is building enterprise apps for your organization staffs. This app has to be developed, published and shared to AD users, and users can sign-in using Active directory single sign-on.
You can invite/share with AD individuals, security group or O365 group. But not Distribution groups. You can share the app to all users by sharing with “Everyone”.
Even PowerApps can be shared with external users (guests) but they must be guest users of an Azure Active Directory tenant.
How to share a PowerApp?
Yes, no signup or login other than Microsoft AD login/challenge screen.
Those snippets will be used to get current logged in user details.
Everything #ArunVinoth said and to add a little more info about:
But in the Internet I saw that some people use AzureAD.getUser() and Office365.User. When do I need it?:
These are PowerApps connectors (API wrappers) that allow you to surface AD/O365 data within the app for your users.
You may have a way for users to lookup contact information for people within the org.
You would add the Office365Users connector to your application
Then execute the .SearchUser method from that connector to display contact info based on user input.
These connectors are not for authenticating to the app, but rather providing lookup capabilities for your users. Or automating these lookups for your app logic.

How to query another Azure Active Directory tenant from Graph Explorer

I am using Azure Graph API Explorer. I want to query the apps list in a tenant. I am user in tenant_x (where user was originally created) as well as admin in tenant_y (created later with my user). I understand that when I log in I go directly in the origin tenant (so tenant_x) therefore Graph Explorer does not allow me to query tenant_y. So as admin of tenant_y I have added a new user in tenant_y. I log in now with that user but still I am not able to query the applications that are in tenant_y. So how can I query apps in tenant_y? Is there a way? thanks.
The API I am calling (with new user log-in) to first retrieve all applications:
Response is:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#applications",
"value": []
Of course I have apps in that tenant.
Based on our communication, you have used a personal account as guest of tenant_y to query the apps list in tenant_y.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Graph Explorer will not recognize your personal account as a guest user. It will still treat it as a personal account.
So it will query the apps list for the personal account rather than tenant_y.
So now you have two choices:
Create a new user in tenant_y by following add a new user and
then use this new user to log into Microsoft Graph Explorer to query
the apps list.
Implement Get access on behalf of a user and make sure that you
call {your tenant} endpoint rather than common endpoint while
requesting the access token. And you should use another tool (for
example Postman) instead of Microsoft Graph Explorer.
You can modify the permissions in Microsoft Graph Explorer like this:
Click on the "modify permissions" under your username in Microsoft Graph Explorer and check the Directory.Read.All permission.
Today that's possible if you pass the tenant query string parameter like this:
Note that you need to logout before going to this URL with the tenant query string. It'll ask you to login again. After login you can issue queries against the other tenant you have access to (not your home tenant where your account was originally created on).
If you get a 401 while running the specific query, make sure you grant the required permissions on "Modify permissions" tab and click the Consent button in each required permission. After that your query should return a 200 success result.
Graph Explorer today does not support signing in to the tenanted endpoint. A tenanted endpoint is used in the following format{tenantId}/V2.0
Once your user account from tenant_x is made a guest user in tenant_y, to effectively query tenant_y using your guest user account, an app (like Graph explorer) has to sign you in the other tenant. Instead Graph Explorer uses the /Common endpoint, which will always sign you in your home tenant (tenant_x).
The only available workaround is to develop a application quickly and sign-in to a tenant of your choice and run Apis in it.
Graph explorer is a tool to help developer's discover and learn about the Graph Api and thus might shy away from introducing too much complexity. But it does not hurt to ask for this feature at their Github repo.

Conditional Access on Azure

We have E5 account for Office 365. We have issue on SharePoint Online. My issue is that We have created one site collection and in that site collection one page is going to be access by external users. We did all the setting and now we can send email to external users and programmatically we add external user to certain SharePoint Group and this group have access to particular page.
External user is getting email too. Once external user clicked on it, it will take to our tenant and if the external user email is not Microsoft account than he can log-in successfully but it cannot access the resources. I get below error message
Your sign-in was successful but does not meet the criteria to access
this resource. For example, you might be signing in from a browser,
app, or location that is restricted by your admin
How can I solve it.
You will need to edit the conditions on your policy to meet your requirement. You did not list what you currently have so it's hard to say what needs to be done to fix it. You can find your policies under Azure AD in the portal. This post outlines where those settings can be found.

Microsoft GraphAPI: How do I retrieve the assigned groups of an azure user?

As you can see my question above, I was wondering if it is possible to retrieve the assigned groups of an Azure Active Directory (AAD) based user via Microsoft GraphAPI.
My situation is, that I have an ASP.NET MVC project with Microsoft Azure enabled. My goal is, that an Azure user can login on my website with it's Azure account.
The idea is, that an azure user is an admin or an user (depending on the azure groups) and depending of this role group, the user can view more or less of my webpage.
For example:
When Peter logs in with his azure account on my webpage, he should only be able to see:
Add new Document
Edit Document
Remove Document
because he is only assigned as "User" in Azure Active Directory.
But when Sabrina logs in with her azure account on my webpage, then she should be able to do the same as Peter, but she also can see:
Manage Products
Add new customer
because she is been assigned as an admin in Azure Active Directory.
My problem is, that I did not find out how I retrieve the assigned group of an user with Microsoft GraphAPI. The part, which user can see or not after I got the roles is not a big deal.
I already tried this API call:
But it seems, that the response of this call does not include the actual assigned group of that user.
Do you think it is possible to retrieve the assigned group of an azure user? Is this even possible? Or do I have to do something else to retrieve these information?
I hope you understand my point and I am also looking forward for any response. Thanks in advance!
Add /memberOf to the URL to receive the groups a user is member of.
Here's a link to the specific graph api -
Take a look at this sample application on Github. It does something very similar with a task tracker application, where different users are able to perform different actions based on the group they belong to -
Also, in cases where a user is a member of too many groups, you get back an overage indicator and have to make a separate call to get all groups. Read about “hasgroups” and “groups:src1” claims here -
According to your system architecture, if some user has too many joined groups, the API will return too many groups.
But if the groups with permissions in your system are not too much, you can use this API: to check if the current user is the member of specified groups.
It is not good idea to use this API: Because it returns only the groups that the user is a direct member of, but security group can be member of security group.

Working with external developers on Azure project - how?

I am new to Azure. I am getting myself confused very fast. My company has a project on Azure. We are looking to grant access to our external developers so they can log into our account and build a product for us ( setup a VM with mysql dbs and build an application ).
The only options I see are to invite users from another Active Directory or users who are in my own Active Directory? Is there no option to simply create a sign in credential for a user with say " email at gmail dot com" ?
What am I missing? I have created a Resource group but still can't invite anyone of our external consultants in there.
You can invite any user to manage your resources or your subscription.
There are 3 conditions for it:
You have the right to add it to your Azure AD
you are the owner of the subscription
The 'Guest user' already has an Azure account or a Microsoft Account
Then you have to go to:
Access Control
Select a role (i.e. Contributor)
Type in the Account/Email of your external team member
check the checkbox and send the invitation
If you want to create generic users you can go straight forward to your AD and create a user i.e. and add this user to the resource/subscription. Don't forget to take note of the credentials you created
So you would use Azure RBAC for that. Just click on the Resource Group > Access Control > Add.
You could also consult this blogpost for best practises.
If you just need them to develop and access SQL or a web App, you can pass the publish profile and SQL connection string to them.
Also, you can setup continous integration for the web App or virtual machine and pass git or GitHub or whatever source control you are using and pass the URL for the project, then they will commit the source code and fire a new build
