Latest library version shows image border - openseadragon

In this codepen, if opened with Firefox 64.0.2 (64-bit) on MacOS, you will see that each image tile has a border. If library "2.4.0" is replaced with "2.3.1" then the issue disappears.
How to fix this?


Does Chromium use fontconfig mechanism?

I have a small but annoying bug with Google Docs in Firefox with font rendering. Bug details fully described on Bugzilla, briefly -- in Google Docs (and Sheets) Firefox substitute two fonts: sans-serif 'Arial' and monospace 'Courier New' with one serif font (that is Bitstream Vera Serif in my case) (see picture below).
But this bug is absent in Chromium.
Temporary workariound -- disabling loading of the 49-sansserif.conf file (part of the fontconfig package) via removing symlink, fixes the bug.
So my questions is:
Does fontconfig mechanism is used by both browsers mentioned above?
Why Chromium recognized 'Arial' font as 'Arial' and 'Courier New' as 'Courier New', but Firefox not?
Yes, definitely. Bug was disappear after reinstaling ttf-bitstream-vera package, so mechanism of browsers interaction with the fontconfig is not affect to font rendering in this case.
Trivia: at this morning I decide to remove Bitstream Vera Serif font, with which Firefox substitute Arial and Courier New, I planned to see which font Firefox will use next, if Bitstream Vera Serif font will no exists in system. So I removed whole ttf-bitstream-vera package, and fonts in Google Docs began to render normally; moreover, after I installed ttf-bitstream-vera again, Google Docs works orrectly.

SVG image not rendering correctly in some screens

We are seeing a weird issue in rendering an SVG image in Chrome in Acer machine with AMD processor. We have an SVG image and it shows up properly in most of the laptop screens.
In Acer (with AMD processor), the SVG file is rendered with green patches on top of the image as attached.
Has anyone faced this kind of issue? Any pointers or solutions are highly appreciated.

octave plot over image: image disappears when scrolling or zooming (gnuplot)

I can successfully plot over an image but then as soon as I scroll or zoom, the image disappears (the plot stays displayed).
I have tried plotting images by using the exact code here. I Also tried using by using imread/imshow,or imagesc instead of imshow, the behavior remains the same (image disapearing).
Not sure whether this is related or not but when using imread I get the following warning "|warning: your version of GraphicsMagick limits images to 8 bits per pixel"
I am using octave 3.8.2 and gnuplot (5.0 patchlevel 1) on os X 10.11.1
Any suggestion on how to keep image displayed while scrolling or zooming?

bokeh 0.8.2 - None of the bokeh-server glyph examples rendering the plot

I have Python 3.4.3 |Anaconda 2.1.0 (64-bit) on linux and bokeh 0.8.2. None of the bokeh-server examples in
are rendering the plot. I can see the widgets and interact with them, but no plot is rendered. The Javascript console says:
Bokeh: could not set initial ranges
I tried with multiple browsers (Chrome, IE and Firefox) with no success. Anyone has a solution to this?
I had the same problem, and solved by clearing the browser's cache, as per this post on Bokeh's discussion group:!msg/bokeh/4ipIS0lariw/qmWzVSKHCAAJ
OK, after 0.8.2 a change was made that simplified "auto ranging" significantly. However, older versions of Bokeh are not forward-compatible with this change. You need to run the version of the example that came out with the release:
Alternatively you can install a newer version of Bokeh (0.9 or newer).

SVG not displayed in webkit based browsers

I have encountered some strange behavior with SVG images in webkit based browsers. They are shown in Firefox and Chrome Canary but in Chrome 28.0.1500.71 and Safari 6.0.5 a transparent SVG image is shown instead (or the image is not correctly loaded). When I right-click the SVG image URL in the inspector and open it in a new tab, though, the image is displayed correctly.
Here is my sass:
[role="banner"] {
background: image-url("svg/header.svg") 15px top no-repeat;
The paths are correct and also the CSS. I double-checked it. Any ideas what the problem could be?
