HoloLens Deployment - hololens

I have build an application in unity and I am trying to test out my project on to holoLens. When I hit the run button I get an exit code 1 error.
I have already upgraded Visual Studio, debug deploy is enabled.

Do you have some more information about the application you're trying to build and what settings you have in Visual Studio? From the screenshot it appears you are targeting x64 - to deploy to HoloLens you must change the Solution Platform to 'x86' in Visual Studio.


Unknown error when publishing standalone WPF Net core 5 application from Visual Studio 2019 for linux x64

I'm trying to create a WPF Net Core 5 app from Visual Studio Community 2019 on Windows and publish it with standalone deployment mode (runtime included) for use on linux X64 without having to install the runtime on the target. When publishing, Visual Studio shows an error. Reviewing the log, "The source of the problem could not be determined."
If I select "Framework Dependent" deployment mode it works correctly.
What can be the error?
If I select "Framework Dependent" deployment mode, it works correctly. But I try to avoid installing the runtime on the destination.
WPF is a Windows-only technology, it won't run on Linux. Some cross-platform alternatives that are similar enough are MAUI and Avalonia.

Setup.exe build from azure pipelines prompts for .NET framework 4.7.2 on every run

We are trying to generate a click once application using azure devops pipelines.
During this, we publish the project to create a setup.exe. All the pre-requisites required are ticked, the project builds and publishes the setup.exe without any issues.
However, every time the setup.exe is run we see the prompt in Image 1.
Image 1
We have ensured the installURL is correct, and the .NET Framework 4.7.2 is on the build machine and install machine.
When we publish the project in visual studio, the setup.exe does not show this prompt.
Does anyone have any idea how to stop this prompt showing or what we could try next?
In your Visual Studio build task in your pipeline, make sure you have Visual Studio 2019 selected due to a bug in earlier versions of VS.

iOS build fails in Xamarin Activation step after upgrading to Xcode 8.0 on the agent

I have a mac setup as a Xamarin build agent for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). On Friday, Xcode updated itself to 8.0 with the iOS 10 SDK. This, of course broke everything. I managed to get Visual Studio to reconnect after upgrading both Xamarin iOS on the mac and Xamarin for Visual Studio.
Now, my only issue that is that the VSTS agent fails to build. This agent runs on the same machine as the Visual Studio agent that works (e.g. I can build in Visual Studio and it builds on the mac and gives me an ipa). I haven't changed any build settings since the upgrade.
Here is where it fails, in the Xamarin Activation build step:
Yes, I double and triple checked that the XamarinPassword variable is correct. In fact, if I enter the wrong password, it will fail with an invalid login error.
Here is the error:
Starting: Activate Xamarin license
warning MT0061: No Xcode.app specified (using --sdkroot), using the system Xcode as reported by 'xcode-select --print-path': /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
error MT0052: No command specified.
/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mtouch --datafile
Xamarin.iOS 10.0.0 using framework: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator0.0.sdk
Failed to activate Xamarin license. {"code":1,"message":"An internal error occurred. Please email us at contact#xamarin.com and make sure to include the address associated with your Xamarin account ."}
Return code: 1
Is the VSTS agent ready for iOS 10? Should I downgrade everything back to before Friday and before the Xcode 8.0 update? Am I missing something new in the configuration?
The solution is that you can remove Xamarin license task, because it is no longer needed to build Xamarin app. (refer to this article)

How to debug Azure Emulator in Visual Studio 2013

I follow instruction on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ff683670.aspx to debug a project in Azure Emulator in Visual Studio 2013. But after clicking "Show Compute Emulator UI", I can not find "Debug" On the Azure compute emulator (express) menu bar. What is the problem? Thanks for help.
You need to make sure that you have the correct project set as the Startup Project.
For example:
The Azure project here includes a Worker Role that is implemented in the Azure.Processor project.
With the Azure project as the startup project, hitting F5 will build the package, deploy it to the emulator, start it up and attach the debugger.
I don't think you need to click "Debug" in emulator UI. I think the document may be wrong. Just clicked "F5" to launch your application from VS2013 if it's built in debug. Once the emulator was started and your application was running, you can begin to debug by adding breakpoint.

Visual Studio publishing to app store with Xamarin

I can't find any documentation on how to publish your app to the app store from Visual Studio? Is this a case of having to use Xamarin Studio once you are ready to submit your app?
It seems a bit odd that xamarin gives you the opportunity to use Visual Studio but then has absolutely no instructions on how to create a bundle to submit your app to the app store..
Any tips on how to do this with Visual Studio would be great.
As far as I know, there's no way of submitting to AppStore (or even TestFlight) from VS.
I believe that you can only submit builds to the App Store using Xcode or Application Loader. Both Mac programs.
Personally I make a release build in Visual Studio, and then click the 'Show IPA File In Build server' button.
If the buttons greyed out, right-click your iOS solution, select properties. Then go to 'iOS IPA Options' and check 'Build ad-hoc/enterprise package (IPA)'
Then I go to my Mac and start up Application Loader and drag the IPA file there.
