How to solve 'The parameter subscribed_fields is required ' curl -x post command error, for creating a facebook chatbot using node.js and heroku? - node.js

Heroku worked successfully , facebook page and app was created, webhook setup. But to allow chatbot to send / receive messages , curl command -x POST was used on terminal prompt - graph.api v3.2 ,
But throws an error stating It requires subscribed fields.
v3.2 is current, do I use some other version perhaps where sub fields are not required? I tried 2.6-2.11 till 3.2 . None of it works, throws undefined errors to sub field require errors.
curl -X POST " I put my page token id)"
Expecting an output saying - Successful True

subscribed_fields just is a required parameter, so you can not subscribe an app for updates from a page without specifying which fields you want updates for.
Documentation says type is an array of predefined keywords, so you should be able to subscribe to multiple fields in one request using subscribed_fields={field1,field2,...}


csrf token in bluemix deployed node instance

Hi I used the deploy to bluemix button at the top right of this page
to create an Alchemy language node server. It runs ok -
but when I try to post to it using postman I get the response 'internal server error'.
Checking the server logs, it seems to respond to the request with
code: 'EBADCSRFTOKEN', error: 'invalid csrf token'
Even if I try to send the csrf from the webpage version of the site, it still doesn't work.
I feel like I have missed something in the configuration of the server but don't know what. I'm not great with servers etc so sorry if this is super basic.
EDIT - I should mention I have also tried sending an apikey in the request which I got from the service credentials section in the alchemy service bit off the dashboard but the same error occurs.
EDIt - The call to the API I am making looks like this:
with headers:
text: 'this is some dummy text I have made'
I have also tried adding apikey to the headers.
You do not POST your application, you have to POST to the API.
Here is the link with API URL and various samples:
For example, here is a curl request for keywords:
curl -X POST \
-d "outputMode=json" \
-d "url=" \
Make sure you export $API_KEYto your environment before running the command above. You can find the $API_KEY in the AlchemyAPI instance you created in Bluemix.

php library for flickr API

I am banging my head trying to use Flickr API...
My goal is to be able to upload images and create albums in my Flickr account from my website...
I tried the phpFlickr library but apparently it needs updates for getting authenticated tokens...It keeps giving me "Invalid auth token".
I did some reading on how to get tokens and using DPZFlickr managed to get oauth_token & oauth_verifier but failed to exchange that with an access token...It also failed in uploading any photo to my account using the included upload.php example (Giving me an "empty" error!).
After digging in DBZ flickr.php code, I managed to get this error when trying to upload to Flickr: "oauth_problem=signature_invalid&"
So I began to search how to create a valid signature to eventually get a valid access token...and concluded that it is quite some work to be done here if I am going to build everything from scratch.
So my question is: Are there any updated php libraries that I can use to successfully create albums and upload photos to my Flickr account? Or should I go ahead and try building one?
OK..I finally got it to work with the DPZ library.
For future reference anybody facing the same problem as I had:
I managed to create an album using DPZFlickr by changing the method in auth.php to flickr.photosets.create....which indicated that the library correctly generates an access token with write permission..
However, the upload example kept giving me the "Invalid signature" error....
I checked the code. Flickr.php correctly unsets the photo parameter before signing the request then adds it back and submits the request which is exactly as indicated in:
I found a discussion in that cleared out that the error was not actually a signature problem, but rather the 'photo' parameter that is being sent is the problem. It's just that Flickr doesn't know what to do with the photo parameter so it sends the signature error.
So what' wrong with the photo parameter?
Flickr API requires that the image has to be sent in binary form...The DBZ library, Flickr.php script line 677, does the hard work for us using the cURL function in php (
It sends the $parameters (which includes the uploaded photo) to the post field of the http request which should do the upload in binary format for us.
However, a brilliant comment I found in CURL PHP send image
states that:
"CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD defaulted to true in 5.6.0... so you will need to add curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, false); before setting CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS"
Checking the manual:
it says:
"Added in PHP 5.5.0 with FALSE as the default value. PHP 5.6.0 changes the default value to TRUE."
So if your php version is 5.5.0 the library will work just fine whilst if using version PHP 5.6.0 you need to add a line before 677 in Flickr.php to change the CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD to false (that's why the library works with some and others not).
To solve the issue...Just add this line before line 677 in Flickr.php:
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, false);
That's it. (-:

Does DocuSign Connect work with basic HTTP auth details?

I am using DocuSign connect to update the state of my app after an event happens on a document.
I have set up my account like so:
At the moment my "URL to Publish" looks something similar to However when I look in the logs I always seem to receive something similar to:
error: Exception in EnvelopeIntegration.RunIntegration: key :: :: Error - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized
When I copy the Envelope Data into a file locally (complete-webhook.xml) and I run the following command through the command line it seems to run successfully:
curl -i -X POST -d #complete-webhook.xml
Has anybody got any ideas as to the reason why this could be happening?
When you use a url such as, your client takes the username:password part of the url and uses it to create an Authorization: Basic header.
You can try it yourself, create a and then use the curl command
curl -X POST -d "fizz=buzz"
# where 12345 is your address
The result on
A request to just /12345 (the incoming url does not include the username or password)
The request includes the header Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
If you put dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= through a base64 decoder, you get username:password
Answer, at this point, the Connect system does not support sending basic authentication information when it calls listeners. I have filed an internal feature request.
Your listener url can include a query parameter that serves as a password. eg. `
Then, in your listener, simply reject any request that does not include the pw query parameter and the value that you chose.
In its requests to your listener, the Connect system will use any query parameters that you originally set when you added the Connect subscription.

How to send POST variables with Nipple on NodeJS

I am trying to use nipple to post to an url within my nodejs application, which itself is running on hapi.js
The documentation essentially doesn't seem to spell it out.
I tried passing it as payload inside options but that, while not returning an error, returns a 400. Can someone provide a correct example doing a post using nipple?
Essentially, I have two variables that I need to send - let's call the var1 and var2.
That link says that the project has been renamed to wreck. On wreck's github, several of the tests are for a post requests, including this one:
If you are still scratching your head, you could also try using curl or postman to sanity check your URL, regardless of any nipple/wreck errors. If that also gives you a 400, nipple/wreck may not be the culprit.

Getting current user information from CouchDB?

How do you access information about the current user when navigating an app with a CouchDB database? I need this information to query the correct data for each request, etc. For example, in Rails it is common to use a before filter that sets a variable called current_user with every request.
After successfully initiating a session with a POST to /_session, I tried the following as suggested by the CouchDB docs, but it does not return the full user document with email and the other fields I need.
GET /_session
I also tried requesting the user document by id as follows but I am getting an error.
GET /_users/org.couch.user:<name>
{ error: not_found, reason: missing }
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I got this working by combining the two requests as follows:
GET '/_session'
GET '/_users/org.couch.user:' +
