Node.js Child Processes failing GitHub ssh authentication - node.js

Hello, I am creating a Node.js application to update my code when a push is made automatically.
Everything works in it, except, the actual git pull. The repo is private and needs to use ssh, however when I use the same command in terminal it works. I have keychaining on so it doesn't ask for my passphrase. Any ideas and how to fix this?
Relevant code
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
exec('cd ' + repo + ' && git pull origin deployment', (egitpull,stdoutgitpull,stderrgitpull)=>{
if(egitpull) return console.error(`git pull exec error:${egitpull}`)
console.log(`git pull stdout: ${stdoutgitpull}`);
console.log(`git pull stderr: ${stderrgitpull}`);
Command run:
cd /mp/ && git pull origin deployment
Out of child process vrs. in child process
Removing the passphrase from the key entirely does seem to solve the issue, but I would much prefer having it in there for security reasons.

If you are using an ssh-agent for your ssh keys, try forwarding the SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID env variables to the child process, like this:
exec('cd ' + repo + ' && git pull origin deployment',
env: {
(egitpull,stdoutgitpull,stderrgitpull) => {
// ...


git pull not executing through a webhook in bash script

I have a node server running on ec2 in ubuntu which should update when I push into master as I have created a hook for that in Gitab integrations.
I saw the hook working through the logs and executing every command expect simple git pull.
I have checked many similar questions which have suggestions like appending env -i to reset the GIT_DIR so that the command can execute but no luck so far.
I tried executing different commands like git status and they are executing through the hook in bash script normally.
Here is my script which is in my home folder along with the repository:
cd toTheFolder
git pull
here is the end-point which executes the script
{ cwd: "/home/ubuntu/repoFolder" },
function(err, stdout, stderr) {
console.log(stdout, stderr);
if (err) {
return res.status(500).send(err);
The error it returns is {"killed":false,"code":1,"signal":null,"cmd":"bash"}
Any thoughts on why simple git pull is not working would be a huge help.
EDIT: here is the output of stdout Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Use the following command
git pull
Remember to replace the [username:password] with your git credentials, [] with your git host ( gitlab, ..etc), [my/repository] with your repository url
It would not work for github anyway cause they removed the username/password authentication support.
For github please check your ssh connection between your server and github.

Node.js permission denied public key

I'm trying to run a Git command via node over SSH but I keep getting the error:
Permission denied (publickey)
I guess this is because Node does not have access to my SSH keys since it is running in a child process?
How can I get past this?
On windows, if your credentials are correct then it should work.
I guess you are running something like this -
require('child_process').spawn('git', ['push', 'origin', 'master']);
It works for me in both cases, ssh and https.
I fixed this running a Bash script from node as follows:
"scripts": {
"start": "npm-run-all -p server update",
"server": "dyson rest 7070",
"update": "sh"
} looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail
function update {
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ${SSH_KEY}
git submodule update --recursive --remote
The main thing is to start the ssh-agent in Node and then add your ssh key to the agent before running your git command.
UPDATE: The above works but I found a better answer. The reason it was failing is because inside the executing script the HOME environment variable was not pointing to the same HOME when outside the script. I fixed this by putting my ssh keys in both HOME folders. Then the script was able to find the right key and voilĂ .
PS You can determine the value of the HOME variable in Node by logging process.env.HOME or in a shell script with echo "${HOME}".

How to execute git commands from node using standard terminal commands

I am trying to merge branches into a main branch programmatically, using a node script. The first thing I tried was from Execute a command line binary with Node.js, which worked fine for executing terminal commands. But I encountered difficulties with changing the working directory. I wanted to change the working directory to the git repository, then run git commands from there. Executing cd ~/repo or cd /home/me/repo did not change the working directory at all and I could not find any way to change it other than using cd.
I then tried executing the git commands from the script's directory but pointed at my repo. I tried git --git-dir and git --work-tree but neither of those commands worked. The error was the same: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git I'm guessing this is because the directory where the script is running from is not a git repo.
So, I either want to send git commands to a directory other than the one I am running the script from, or I want a way to change the script's working directory. Preferably the latter. My full code and output is below:
import JiraData from './jiradata';
const jiraData = new JiraData();
const { exec } = require('child_process');
(async function () {
const cards = await jiraData.getCardsInTest();
let commands = ['cd /home/me/repo', 'pwd'];
let proceeding = true;
// for (const card of cards) {
// commands.push(`git merge origin/${card} --commit --no-edit`);
// }
for (const command of commands) {
if (proceeding) {
console.log(`Executing command "${command}"`);
exec(command, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
proceeding = false;
> ci#1.0.0 start /home/me/CI
> babel-node index.js --presets es2015,stage-2
Executing command "cd /home/me/repo"
Executing command "pwd"
Try instead with:
git -C /path/to/git/repo your_git_command
That will execute the git command in the context of your git repo /path/to/git/repo
I got around this problem by using ShellJS. ShellJS has a method .cd() which changes the directory and seems to stick.

Grunt.js - Removing/Cleaning folder on remote server

In my project, I have two servers: Development and Production. I am managing static files (CSS/JS, etc) with Git, and DB deployment with Grunt. But after deploying the database, I need to remove Cache folder from my Production server. How can I do it with Grunt?
And, by the way, can I manage my files without Git using only Grunt?
Thanks in advance.
As I thought, this was really easy:
For this king of task, all you need is grunt-shell and grunt-ssh packages. I faced only one problem with this - SSH was refusing connections because of ssh-agent was not active at the moment. Here is the sample code for pulling the git commits to remote server and deploying the database:
shell: {
git: {
command: ['eval `ssh-agent -s`', 'ssh-add ~/.ssh/yourKey.pem', 'grunt sshexec:gitpull'].join(' && ')
db: {
command: ['eval `ssh-agent -s`', 'ssh-add ~/.ssh/yourKey.pem', 'grunt db_push', 'grunt sshexec:clear'].join(' && ')
sshexec: {
gitpull: {
command: ['cd /var/www/', 'sudo -u yourSudoUser git pull --no-edit'].join("&&"),
options: {
host: '',
username: 'username',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
clearCache: {
command: ['cd /var/www/core', 'sudo rm -rf cache'].join("&&"),
options: {
host: '',
username: 'username',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
--no-edit - if not set, git providing a window from GNU nano, where you must edit your commit message. This window cannot be closed, because Nano shortcuts will not work in current session.
'eval ssh-agent -s', 'ssh-add ~/.ssh/yourKey.pem' - starts SSH-agent and adding you keyPair. NB! Notice, that grunt sshexec:gitpull executing within the shell task, after ssh-agent starts. Otherwise you will not reach ssh-agent when executing sshexec in a separate task.
'grunt db_push' - task for grunt-deployments module.
One more thing: Consider updating Grunt and npm to the latest versions with npm update npm -g and npm install grunt#0.4.4 -g. After update this tasks went really smooth.

NPM private git module on Heroku

I am trying to deploy my app to Heroku however I rely on using some private git repos as modules. I do this for code reuse between projects, e.g. I have a custom logger I use in multiple apps.
The problem is Heroku obviously does not have ssh access to this code. I can't find anything on this problem. Ideally Heroku have a public key I can can just add to the modules.
Basic auth
GitHub has support for basic auth:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module" : "git+"
As does BitBucket:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module": "git+"
But having plain passwords in your package.json is probably not desired.
Personal access tokens (GitHub)
To make this answer more up-to-date, I would now suggest using a personal access token on GitHub instead of username/password combo.
You should now use:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module" : "git+https://<username>:<token>"
For Github you can generate a new token here:
App passwords (Bitbucket)
App passwords are primarily intended as a way to provide compatibility with apps that don't support two-factor authentication, and you can use them for this purpose as well. First, create an app password, then specify your dependency like this:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module": "git+https://<username>:<app-password>"
[Deprecated] API key for teams (Bitbucket)
For BitBucket you can generate an API Key on the Manage Team page and then use this URL:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module" : "git+https://<teamname>:<api-key>"
Update 2016-03-26
The method described no longer works if you are using npm3, since npm3 fetches all modules described in package.json before running the preinstall script. This has been confirmed as a bug.
The official node.js Heroku buildpack now includes heroku-prebuild and heroku-postbuild, which will be run before and after npm install respectively. You should use these scripts instead of preinstall and postinstall in all cases, to support both npm2 and npm3.
In other words, your package.json should resemble:
"scripts": {
"heroku-prebuild": "bash",
"heroku-postbuild": "bash"
I've come up with an alternative to Michael's answer, retaining the (IMO) favourable requirement of keeping your credentials out of source control, whilst not requiring a custom buildpack. This was borne out of frustration that the buildpack linked by Michael is rather out of date.
The solution is to setup and tear down the SSH environment in npm's preinstall and postinstall scripts, instead of in the buildpack.
Follow these instructions:
Create two scripts in your repo, let's call them and
Make them executable (chmod +x *.sh).
Add the following to
# Generates an SSH config file for connections if a config var exists.
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Detected SSH key for git. Adding SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Ensure we have an ssh folder
if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
# Load the private key into a file.
echo $GIT_SSH_KEY | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Change the permissions on the file to
# be read-only for this user.
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Setup the ssh config file.
echo -e "Host\n"\
" IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy_key\n"\
" IdentitiesOnly yes\n"\
" UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n"\
" StrictHostKeyChecking no"\
> ~/.ssh/config
Add the following to
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Cleaning up SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Now that npm has finished running, we shouldn't need the ssh key/config anymore.
# Remove the files that we created.
rm -f ~/.ssh/config
rm -f ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Clear that sensitive key data from the environment
export GIT_SSH_KEY=0
Add the following to your package.json:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "bash",
"postinstall": "bash"
Generate a private/public key pair using ssh-agent.
Add the public key as a deploy key on Github.
Create a base64 encoded version of your private key, and set it as the Heroku config var GIT_SSH_KEY.
Commit and push your app to Github.
When Heroku builds your app, before npm installs your dependencies, the script is run. This creates a private key file from the decoded contents of the GIT_SSH_KEY environment variable, and creates an SSH config file to tell SSH to use this file when connecting to (If you are connecting to Bitbucket instead, then update the Host entry in to npm then installs the modules using this SSH config. After installation, the private key is removed and the config is wiped.
This allows Heroku to pull down your private modules via SSH, while keeping the private key out of the codebase. If your private key becomes compromised, since it is just one half of a deploy key, you can revoke the public key in GitHub and regenerate the keypair.
As an aside, since GitHub deploy keys have read/write permissions, if you are hosting the module in a GitHub organization, you can instead create a read-only team and assign a 'deploy' user to it. The deploy user can then be configured with the public half of the keypair. This adds an extra layer of security to your module.
It's a REALLY bad idea to have plain text passwords in your git repo, using an access token is better, but you will still want to be super careful.
"my_module": "git+"
I created a custom nodeJS buildpack that will allow you to specify an SSH key that is registered with ssh-agent and used by npm when dynos are first setup. It seamlessly allows you to specify your module as an ssh url in your package.json like shown:
"private_module": "git+ssh://"
To setup your app to use your private key:
Generate a key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" (Enter no passphrase. The buildpack does not support keys with passphrases)
Add the public key to github: pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ (in OS X) and paste the results into the github admin
Add the private key to your heroku app's config: cat id_rsa | base64 | pbcopy, then heroku config:set GIT_SSH_KEY=<paste_here> --app your-app-name
Setup your app to use the buildpack as described in the heroku nodeJS buildpack README included in the project. In summary the simplest way is to set a special config value with heroku config:set to the github url of the repository containing the desired buildpack. I'd recommend forking my version and linking to your own github fork, as I'm not promising to not change my buildpack.
My custom buildpack can be found here: and it works for my system. Comments and pull requests are more than welcome.
Based on the answer from #fiznool I created a buildpack to solve this problem using a custom ssh key stored as an environment variable. As the buildpack is technology agnostic, it can be used to download dependencies using any tool like composer for php, bundler for ruby, npm for javascript, etc:
Add the buildpack to your app:
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
Generate a new SSH key without passphrase (lets say you named it deploy_key)
Add the public key to your private repository account. For example:
Encode the private key as a base64 string and add it as the CUSTOM_SSH_KEY environment variable of the heroku app.
Make a comma separated list of the hosts for which the ssh key should be used and add it as the CUSTOM_SSH_KEY_HOSTS environment variable of the heroku app.
# MacOS
$ heroku config:set CUSTOM_SSH_KEY=$(base64 --input ~/.ssh/deploy_key),
# Ubuntu
$ heroku config:set CUSTOM_SSH_KEY=$(base64 ~/.ssh/deploy_key),
Deploy your app and enjoy :)
I was able to setup resolving of Github private repositories in Heroku build via Personal access tokens.
Generate Github access token here:
Set access token as Heroku config var: heroku config:set GITHUB_TOKEN=<paste_here> --app your-app-name or via Heroku Dashboard
Add script:
if [ "$GITHUB_TOKEN" != "" ]; then
echo "Detected GITHUB_TOKEN. Setting git config to use the security token" >&1
git config --global url."https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}".insteadOf
add the prebuild script to package.json:
"scripts": {
"heroku-prebuild": "bash"
For local environment we can also use git config ... or we can add the access token to ~/.netrc file:
and installing private github repos should work.
npm install OWNER/REPO --save will appear in package.json as: "REPO": "github:OWNER/REPO"
and resolving private repos in Heroku build should also work.
optionally you can setup a postbuild script to unset the GITHUB_TOKEN.
This answer is good, but I changed a little bit preinstall script. Hope this will help someone.
# Generates an SSH config file for connections if a config var exists.
echo "Preinstall"
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Detected SSH key for git. Adding SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Ensure we have an ssh folder
if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
# Load the private key into a file.
echo $GIT_SSH_KEY | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Change the permissions on the file to
# be read-only for this user.
chmod o-w ~/
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Setup the ssh config file.
echo -e "Host\n"\
" IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy_key\n"\
" HostName\n" \
" IdentitiesOnly yes\n"\
" UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n"\
" StrictHostKeyChecking no"\
> ~/.ssh/config
echo "eval `ssh-agent -s`"
eval `ssh-agent -s`
echo "ssh-add -l"
ssh-add -l
echo "ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy_key"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# uncomment to check that everything works just fine
# ssh -v
You can use in package.json private repository with authentication example below:
In short it is not possible. The best solution to this problem I came up with is to use the new git subtree's. At the time of writing they are not in the official git source and so needs to be installed manual but they will be included in v1.7.11. At the moment it is available on homebrew and apt-get. it is then a case of doing
git subtree add -P /node_modules/someprivatemodue git#github.......someprivatemodule {master|tag|commit}
this bulks out the repo size but an update is easy by doing the command above with gitsubtree pull.
I have done this before with modules from github. Npm currently accepts the name of the package or a link to a tar.gz file which contains the package.
For example if you want to use express.js directly from Github (grab the link via the download section) you could do:
"dependencies" : {
"express" : ""
So you need to find a way to access you repository as a tar.gz file via http(s).
