Using linux shell script using sed replacing "\" - linux

I need to replace char "\" and it is not working. my script as follow.
I'm using same script for many other replacements and somehow this is not working.
export VCA='http:\\/\\/localhost\\/dev1'
export VCB='https:\\/\\/'
sed "s~${VCA}~${VCB}~g" tmp2.sql > tmp3.sql
I don't see error anymore but it does not replace the string.

sed "s~${VCA}~${VCB}~g" tmp2.sql > tmp3.sql
Note: stackoverflow's answer text editor seems to dislike having in the code, so $VCB uses a dummy value which can be changed back as needed.


How to read a variable from file, modify and safe it to an other variale

What I want:
There is a file /scripts/backup/config.cfg which contains variables. In my specific case the important ones are:
Then there is a script /scripts/backup/
For a specific reason I want a part of the script do the following operations:
read the value of the variable ROOTLOCATION
add a ("/" and) timestamp (Date&Time)
safe the new created value to BACKUPLOCATION (by replacing its current value)
If this is the previous state of the config.cfg:
After the script ran it should be:
What I tried
First of all the config file gets "loaded" using
source /scripts/backup/config.cfg
I then tried to use the sed command but the quotes are messing with me. Here is one try (which didn't work):
sed -i 's/BACKUPLOCATION\=.*/BACKUPLOCATION="'$ROOTLOCATION/$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M)'"/' /scripts/backup/config.cfg
Try this:
source /scripts/backup/config.cfg
sed -i 's|BACKUPLOCATION=.*|BACKUPLOCATION="'"$ROOTLOCATION/$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M)"'"|' /scripts/backup/config.cfg
The problem with your sed is that you use / as delimiter, which is present in $ROOTLOCATION after expansion, therefore sed fails. I used |, which is usually is not present in filenames. If you ever create a file with |, that sed will fail too! So, "know your data" :)

sh shell redirecting a subshell to file, can't find the right syntax

i want to run a sed command with programatically with changing parameters.
the thing is that i cant find the correct syntax to do so.
i want to configure a conf file with this and
change a dir path to another.
i'm currently using:
RESULT=$("sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf")
and i get the error message:
./ line 7: sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--//home/test_dir/g' /home/tst/conf.conf > /home/script_tst/conf.conf: No such file or directory
the ">" is not working for some reason.
what am i doing wrong? or what is the best way to do this ?
i drooped the result variable and now running this:
(sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/$root_inst_dir/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf) > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf
the new file is being created in > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf,
but the search/replace is happening literally and not as a variable...
Putting " inside parenthesis will result in bash wanting to execute a command named exactly:
sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
Such command does not exist on your system.
Probably you intended to put " outside $(...):
RESULT="$(sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf)"
Better way, if you don't need the RESULT variable and if you want to properly escape root_inst_dir variable:
sed 's#--ROOT_DIR--#'"${root_inst_dir}"'#g' "${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf" > "${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
Or if you need RESULT variable:
sed 's#--ROOT_DIR--#'"${root_inst_dir}"'#g' "${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf" > "${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
RESULT=$(cat ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf)

Can't read to var in Bash

I wrote a little Bash script and I'm having a problem while reading from the command line. I think its because I wrote the script on Windows. Here is the code:
and the output of the debug mode
+ read $'NEW_MODX_PROJECT\r'
Finally here the error I get
': Ist kein gültiger Bezeichner.DX_PROJECT
I think in English it should mean "': is not a valid identifier.DX_PROJECT"
While writing it on Windows, it worked fine. I used console2 to test it which is using the sh.exe.
Your assertion is correct -- Windows uses CRLF line separators but Linux just uses a LF.
The reason for your strange error message is that while printing the name of your variable, it includes the carriage return as part of its name -- the terminal then jumps back to the first column to print the rest of the error message (which overwrites the beginning of the message with the end of it).
There are a set of utilities known as dos2unix and unix2dos which you can use to easily convert between formats, e.g.:
If you don't happen to have them, you can achieve the same using tr:
tr -d '\r' < >
Either will strip all the carriage returns and should un-confuse things.

replace a line in linux file containing special characters

Here is an extract from a script showing the variables for the script
I want to run this script numerous times replacing (for example) this line:
with this lines
I have tried using sed (I know this example is wrong but you might get what im trying to achieve)
sed 's/{PathToPiconPNG="/var/OscamSrvidPicon/picon/19.2E/"}/{PathToPiconPNG="/var/OscamSrvidPicon/picon/28.2E/"}/g' filename.txt > newfilenam.txt
If that is not possible, is there any way that I can set the variable externally from another script
sed -E 's/picon\/.+\//picon\/28.2E\//' filename.txt > newfilenam.txt

change multiple files commandline

I have separated some tracks from mp3 mixes using mp3splt.
BASH: (mp3splt -c('**!!***use .cue file***!!**') [cuefile.cue] [nonstopmix.mp3] ~for anyone interested, is in the Ubu repos~)
And I ended up with these filenames: "Antares" - 01 - "Xibalba".mp3 which is not a format I prefer, now I've made it a little project to change them with a shell script but its more difficult than I anticipated.
I want to change the filename from:
"Antares" - 01 - "Xibalba".mp
so far I've used :
for var in *.mp3; do mv $var {var/"/}; done
and I could repeat that until I'm through, delete the 0x number and add one but I'd like to do it more efficient.
Could anyone give me a pointer (!not a script!) ?
I'd still like to write it myself but there's so much options that I'm a bit lost.
so far I thought to use this program flow:
read all the filenames containing .mp3 and declare as variable $var
strip $var from quotes
select 0x number, append delimiter _ (0x_)
move 0x_ to the beginning of the string
select remaining ' - - ' and change to '-'
which bash programs to use? especially changing the 0x puzzles me cuz I need a loop which increments this number and test if it is present in the filename variable and then it has to be changed.
It is easy to do in python 2.x. You can use this logic in any language you want.
import string
a=raw_input('Enter the name of song')
a=a.replace('"', "")
a=a.replace('.mp', ' .mp3')
words = a.split()
print words[2]+'-'+words[0]+'_-_'+words[4]+words[5]
I removed ", then make .mp to .mp3, then splitted the string, which created a list ( array ) and then printed the elements according to need.
Try doing this :
rename -n 's/"(\w+)"\s+-\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*"(\w+)"\.mp/$2-$1_-_$3.mp3/' *mp
from the shell prompt. It's very useful, you can put some perl tricks like I does in a substitution.
You can remove the -n (dry-run mode switch) when your tests become valids.
There are other tools with the same name which may or may not be able to do this, so be careful.
If you run the following command (linux)
$ file $(readlink -f $(type -p rename))
and you have a result like
.../rename: Perl script, ASCII text executable
then this seems to be the right tool =)
If not, to make it the default (usually already the case) on Debian and derivative like Ubuntu :
$ sudo update-alternatives --set rename /path/to/rename
Last but not least, this tool was originally written by Larry Wall, the Perl's dad.
