What't the end flag of google-speech-to-text-api? - speech-to-text

I am using google speech to text api.
I am using StreamingRecognizeRequest and setting "InterimResults" true.
Now I want to know what's the end flag of the response?
I notice there is a "isFinal" flag,but it seems to be the end of one sentence. In one requesting, it may Appear many times.
So, what't the end flag in the StreamingRecognitionResult ?
Here is my request setting,and response from server.
request setting
response struct from google server


How do I use ResponseEntity<Mono<String>> to do a get call via webclient?

Documentaion says:-
ResponseEntity<Mono> or ResponseEntity<Flux> -- this makes the response status and headers known immediately while the body is provided asynchronously at a later point. Whether the body is Mono or Flux depends on how many values the response has.
My usecase is I want the headers right away so that I can do some processes while I wait for the body.
Can anyone help me with a method that would make use of this ?

Sending large amounts of data from an ESP8266 server

I am building a web server from an ESP8266 that will send environmental data to any web client as a web page. I'm using the Arduino IDE.
The problem is that the data can get rather large at times, and all of the examples I can find show assembling a web page in memory and sending it all at once to the client via ESP8266WebServer.send(). This is ok for small web pages, but won't work with the amount of data I need to send.
What I want to do is send the first part of the web page, then send the data out directly as I gather it, then send the closing parts of the web page. Is this even possible? I've looked unsuccessfully for documentation and there doesn't seem to be any examples anywhere.
For future reference, I think I figured out how to do it, with help from this page: https://gist.github.com/spacehuhn/6c89594ad0edbdb0aad60541b72b2388
The gist of it is that you still use ESP8266WebServer.send(), but you first send an empty string with the Content-Length header set to the size of your data, like this:
server.sendHeader("Content-Length", (String)fileSize);
server.send(200, "text/html", "");
Then you send buffers of data using ESP8266WebServer.sendContent() repeatedly until all of the data is sent.
Hope this helps someone else.
I was having a big issue and a headache in serving big strings concatenating together with other strings variables to the ESP32 Ardunio webserver with
server.send(200, "text/html", BIG_WEBPAGE);
and often resulted in a blank page as I reported in my initial error.
What was happening was this error
E (369637) uart: uart_write_bytes(1159): buffer null
I don't reccommend to use the above server.send() function
After quite a lot of reaserch I found this piece of code that simply works like a charm. I just chunked my webpage in 5 pieces like you see below.
server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
// here begin chunked transfer
server.send(200, "text/html", "");
I really own much to this post. Hope the answer hepls someone else.
After some more experiments I realized it is faster and more efficient the code if you do not feed the string variable into the server.sendContent function. Instead you just paste there the actual string value.
server.sendContent("<html><head>my great page</head><body>");
server.sendContent("my long body</body></html>");
It is very important the when you chunk the webpage you don't chunk html tags and you don't chunk an expression of a javascript code (like cutting in half a while or an if), while chunking scripts just chunk after the semicolon or better between two function declarations.
Chunked transfer encoding is probably what you want, and it's helpful in the situation where the web page you are sending is being dynamically created on-the-fly and is also too large to fit into memory. In this situation, you have two problems. One, you can't send it all at once, and two, you don't know ahead of time how big the result is going to be. Both problems can be fixed like this:
String webPageChunk = "some html";
server.send ( 200, "text/html", webPageChunk);
while (<page is being generated>) {
webPageChunk = "some more html";
Sending a blank line will tell the client to terminate the session. Be careful not to send one in your loop before you're done generating the whole page.

Clear "pending_update_count" in Telegram Bot

I want to clear all pending_update_count in my bot!
The output of below command :
Obviously I replaced the real API token with xxx
is this :
As you can see, I have 5154 unread updates til now!! ( I'm pretty sure this pending updates are errors! Because no one uses this Bot! It's just a test Bot)
By the way, this pending_update_count number are increasing so fast!
Now that I'm writing this post the number increased 51 and reached to 5205 !
I just want to clear this pending updates.
I'm pretty sure this Bot have been stuck in an infinite loop!
Is there any way to get rid of it?
I also cleared the webhook url. But nothing changed!
The output of getWebhookInfo is this :
"last_error_message":"Wrong response from the webhook: 500 Internal Server Error",
Why I get Wrong response from the webhook: 500 Internal Server Error ?
I think you have two options:
set webhook that do nothing, just say 200 OK to telegram's servers. Telegram wiil send all updates to this url and the queque will be cleared.
disable webhook and after it get updates by using getUpdates method, after it, turn on webhook again
Problem with webhook on your side. You can try to emulate telegram's POST query on your URL.
It can be something like this:
{"message_id":1,"from":{"id":1,"first_name":"FirstName","last_name":"LastName","username":"username"},"chat":{"id":1,"first_name":"FirstName","last_name":"LastName","username":"username","type":"private"},"date":1460957457,"text":"test message"}
You can send this text as a POST query body with PostMan for example, and after it try to debug your backend.
For anyone looking at this in 2020 and beyond, the Telegram API now supports clearing the pending messages via a drop_pending_updates parameter in both setWebhook and deleteWebhook, as per the API documentation.
Just add return 1; at the end of your hook method.
Commonly this happens because of queries delay with the database.
I solved is like this
POST tg.api/bottoken/setWebhook to emtpy "url"
POST tg.api/bottoken/getUpdates
POST tg.api/bottoken/getUpdates with "offset" last update_id appeared before
doing this serveral times
POST tg.api/bottoken/getWebhookInfo
had a look if all away.
POST tg.api/bottoken/setWebhook with filled "url"
If you are using webhook, you can follow these steps
On your web browser, enter the following url with your right value of bot
You will get a result like this on your screen
On the displayed result, copy the entire url_value without quotes and replace it on this second url
Enter the second url with right bot and url_value in your web browser then press ENTER
i solve it by Change file access permissions file - set permissions file to 755
and second increase memory limit in php.ini file
A quick&dirty way is to get a temporary webhook here: https://webhook.site/ and
set your webhook to that (it will answer with a HTTP/200 code everytime, reseting your pending messages to zero)
I faced the same issue for my tele bot after user edited existing message. My bot receives update with editedMessage continuously, but update.hasMessage() was empty. As a result number of updates rocketly increased and my bot stack.
I solved this issue by adding handling for use case when message is missing - send 200 code:
public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent event, Context context) {
update = MAPPER.readValue(event.getBody(), Update.class);
if (!update.hasMessage()) {
return new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent()
.withStatusCode(200) // -> !!!!!! return code 200
.withBody("message is missing")
... ... ...

MarkLogic 8 - XQuery write large result set to a file efficiently

UPDATE: See MarkLogic 8 - Stream large result set to a file - JavaScript - Node.js Client API for someone's answer on how to do this in Javascript. This question is specifically asking about XQuery.
I have a web application that consumes rest services hosted in node.js.
Node simply proxies the request to XQuery which then queries MarkLogic.
These queries already have paging setup and work fine in the normal case to return a page of data to the UI.
I need to have an export feature such that when I put a URL parameter of export=all on a request, it doesn't lookup a page anymore.
At that point it should get the whole result set, even if it's a million records, and save it to a file.
The actual request needs to return immediately saying, "We will notify you when your download is ready."
One suggestion was to use xdmp:spawn to call the XQuery in the background which would save the results to a file. My actual HTTP request could then return immediately.
For the spawn piece, I think the idea is that I run my query with different options in order to get all results instead of one page. Then I would loop through the data and create a string variable to call xdmp:save with.
Some questions, is this a good idea? Is there a better way? If I loop through the result set and it does happen to be very large (gigabytes) it could cause memory issues.
Is there no way to directly stream the results to a file in XQuery?
Note: Another idea I had was to intercept the request at the proxy (node) layer and then do an xdmp:estimate to get the record count and then loop through querying each page and flushing it to disk. In this case I would need to find some way to return my request immediately yet process in the background in node which seems to have some ideas here: http://www.pubnub.com/blog/node-background-jobs-async-processing-for-async-language/
One possible strategy would be to use a self-spawning task that, on each iteration, gets the next page of the results for a query.
Instead of saving the results directly to a file, however, you might want to consider using xdmp:http-post() to send each page to a server:
In particular, the server could be a Node.js server that appends each page as it arrives to a file or any other datasink.
That way, Node.js could handle the long-running asynchronous IO with minimal load on the database server.
When a self-spawned task hits the end of the query, it can again use an HTTP request to notify Node.js to close the file and report that the export is finished.
Hping that helps,

Gmail IMAP via php ouath2 Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap - getting the X-GM-THRID

I'm accessing GMail via IMAP using OAuth2 authentication and Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap.
It all works great.
What I need to do is present emails in thread form just like the GMail interface. Google make this really easy because they have an X-GM-THRID header that links a conversation with a 64-bit unsigned integer.
My problem is: when presented with a single email, how do I find out what X-GM-THRID it belongs to?
First off Google says that there is a server extension X-GM-EXT-1 which is active. You can check it is there using the CAPABILITY command (and I have).
All the information suggests that if this is active then the X-GM-THRID will simply be returned as a header, but it isn't.
Perhaps I need to ask Google to return it via the fetch command. Google does describe a simple fetch process here:
My code is sending TAG5 FETCH 3673 (FLAGS RFC822.HEADER X-GM-THRID) but the headers do not include an entry for X-GM-THRID.
I've even simplified it to TAG6 FETCH 3673 (X-GM-THRID) to be exactly as described in the google example. In this case no headers are returned.
I'm not massively familiar with IMAP commands and I'm not sure if Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap is abstracting some handling which means this header is being removed.
But I do know that this is driving me mad.
Am I missing something? Is it not a header?
Okay, so it looks like it is not a header. It is an attribute in the IMAP command and response.
The standard fetch command sent by Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap is "TAG5 FETCH 3673 (FLAGS RFC822.HEADER)"
The code that handles the response only expects to be dealing with 'FLAGS' and 'RFC822.HEADER'. It passes this information to a Zend_Mail_Message object which extends Zend_Mail_Part.
Zend_Mail_Part parses information about flag. It also parses the header.
The additional 'X-GM-THRID' attribute that I added does actually get a response. but since it is not passed back to Zend_Mail_Message there is no way for me to use it. It gets lost in the ether (at around line 171 of Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap in my Zend Library to be exact).
So I've hacked the core... Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap::getMessage now expects $data['X-GM-THRID'] and passes it to the constructor Zend_Mail_Part. And I now have a method Zend_Mail_Part::getXGmThrid which solves all my problems. I'll obviously refactor them into my own classes extending Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap and Zend_Mail_Part in the not too distant... but for now I know this works.
