Is it possible that Sources.mapJournal() is slow for frequently updating of IMap? - hazelcast-jet

I'm trying to emulate the stream drawing from Sources.mapJournal through IMap which receives data from IoT device. The processing of this stream is too slow and I'm getting the big accumulated outcome after 30-60 seconds.
When I started to update the IMap frequently with small data (12 KB per value), the exception is:
com.hazelcast.ringbuffer.StaleSequenceException: sequence:123 is too small and data store is disabled.
I increased the default capacity of IMap journal 10 times. It became stable after that, but very slow. A similar issue is when I'm updating the IMap with big values (about 1.2 MB per 5 seconds). Additionally I have several connected IoT devices and each of them has its own Jet job with the same pipeline:
StreamStage<TagPosition> sourceSteam =
p.drawFrom(Sources.<TagPosition, String, TagPosition>mapJournal(
Util.mapPutEvents().and(entry -> ((String) entry.getKey()).startsWith(instanceNumber)),
// Drain to SmartMap
Thanks in advance!
The journal size is EventJournalConfig.DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 10 = 100
000 (1 partition)
Jet version is 0.7.2
Serialazable classes
implements com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.IdentifiedDataSerializable

The issue was in the using of single IMap (and map journal) by multiple jobs. Map journal was producing events like a batch with delay, but not as stream.
Solved. Thanks!


Event Processing (17 Million Events/day) using Azure Stream Analytics HoppingWindow Function - 24H Window, 1 Minute Hops

We have a business problem that needs solving and would like some guidance from the community on the combination of products in Azure we could use to solve it.
The Problem:
I work for a business that produces online games. We would like to display the number of users playing a specific game in a 24 Hour Window, but we want the value to update every minute. Essentially the output that HoppingWindow(Duration(hour, 24), Hop(minute, 1)) function in Azure Stream Analytics will provide.
Currently, the amount of events are around 17 Million a day and the Stream Analytics Job seems to be struggling with the load. We tried the following so far;
Tests Done:
17 Million Events -> Event Hub (32 Partitions) -> ASA (42 Streaming Units) -> Table Storage
Failed: Stream Analytics Job never outputs on large timeframes (Stopped test at 8 Hours)
17 Million Events -> Event Hub (32 Partitions) -> FUNC -> Table Storage (With Proper Partition/Row Key)
Failed: Table storage does not support distinct count
17 Million Events -> Event Hub -> FUNC -> Cosmos DB
Tentative: Cosmos DB doesn't support distinct count, not natively anyways. Seems to be some hacks going around, but not sure that's the way to go.
Is there any known designs geared for processing 17 Million events a minute, every minute?
Edit: As per the comments, the code.
COUNT(DISTINCT UserId) AS ActiveCount,
DateAdd(hour, -24, System.TimeStamp()) AS StartWindowUtc,
System.TimeStamp() AS EndWindowUtc INTO [out]
[in] TIMESTAMP BY EventEnqueuedUtcTime
HoppingWindow(Duration(hour, 24), Hop(minute, 1)),
The expected output, note that in reality there will be 1440 records per GameId. One for each minute
To be clear, the problem is that generating the expected output on the larger timeframes, ie 24 Hours doesn't output or at the very least takes 8+ Hours to output. The smaller window sizes work, for example changing the above code to use HoppingWindow(Duration(minute, 10), Hop(minute, 5)).
The tests that followed assumed that ASA is not the answer to the problem and we tried different approaches. Which seemed to have caused a bit of confusion, sorry about that
The way ASA scales up at the moment is with 1 node vertically from 1 to 6SU, then horizontally with multiple nodes of 6SU above that threshold.
Obviously, to be able to scale horizontally a job needs to be parallelizable, which means the stream will be distributed across nodes according to the partition scheme.
Now if the input stream, the query and the output destination are aligned in partitions, then the job is called embarrassingly parallel and that's where you'll be able to reach maximum scale. Each pipeline, from entry to output, will be independent, and each node will only have to maintain in memory the data pertaining to its own state (those 24h of data). That's what we're looking for here: minimizing the local data store at each node.
With EH supporting 32 partitions on most SKUs, the maximum scale publicly available on ASA is 192SU (6*32). If partitions are balanced, that's means that each node will have the least amount of data to maintain in its own state store.
Then we need to minimize the payload itself (the size of an individual message), but from the look of the query that's already the case.
Could you try scaling up to 192SU and see what happens?
We are also working on multiple other features that could help on that scenario. Let me know if that could be of interest to you.

Kafka - get lag

I am using "node-rdkafka" npm module for our distributed service architecture written in Nodejs. We have a use case for metering where we allow only a certain amount of messages to be consumed and processed every n seconds. For example, a "main" topic has 100 messages pushed by a producer and "worker" consumes from main topic every 30 seconds. There is a lot more to the story of the use case.
The problem I am having is that I need to progamatically get the lag of a given topic(all partitions).
Is there a way for me to do that?
I know that I can use "bin/" to access some of the data I need but is there another way?
Thank you in advance
You can retrieve that information directly from your node-rdkafka client via several methods:
Client metrics:
The client can emit metrics at defined interval that contain the current and committed offsets as well as the end offset so you can easily calculate the lag.
You first need to enable the metrics events by setting for example '': 5000 in your client configuration. Then set a listener on the event.stats events:
consumer.on('event.stats', function(stats) {
The full stats are documented on but you probably are mostly interested in the partition stats:
Query the cluster for offsets:
You can use queryWatermarkOffsets() to retrieve the first and last offsets for a partition.
consumer.queryWatermarkOffsets(topicName, partition, timeout, function(err, offsets) {
var high = offsets.highOffset;
var low = offsets.lowOffset;
Then use the consumer's current position (position()) or committed (committed()) offsets to calculate the lag.
Kafka exposes "records-lag-max" mbean which is the max records in lag for a partition via jmx, so you can get the lag querying this mbean
Refer to below doc for the exposed jmx mbean in detail .

Hazelcast Continuous Query Cache - Batch Size Capacity & Coalescing

We want to cache some entries (i.e. depending upon predicate) in continuous query cache on client for IMap. But we want to send update to CQC only after some delay seconds (i.e. 30 sec) even if the entries receives like 100 updates per sec. This we can achieve by setting delay seconds to 30 seconds & coalescing to true.
QueryCacheConfig cqc = new QueryCacheConfig();
CQC fits perfectly well for the above use case.
But we are noticing CQC is not receiving updates after delay seconds until batch size capacity is not reached. Is this is the expected behavior?
We thought CQC will receive the latest updated value for entries after delay seconds or batch size reached its capacity.
delaySeconds and batchSize 'OR' relation. Updates are pushed to caches either when batchSize is reached or delaySeconds are passed. If coalesce is true, then only latest update of a key is pushed to cache.
We have noticed some issues when testing with intellij. please try using another IDE if you are using intellij

Spark streaming - waiting for data for window aggregations?

I have data in the format { host | metric | value | time-stamp }. We have hosts all around the world reporting metrics.
I'm a little confused about using window operations (say, 1 hour) to process data like this.
Can I tell my window when to start, or does it just start when the application starts? I want to ensure I'm aggregating all data from hour 11 of the day, for example. If my window starts at 10:50, I'll just get 10:50-11:50 and miss 10 minutes.
Even if the window is perfect, data may arrive late.
How do people handle this kind of issue? Do they make windows far bigger than needed and just grab the data they care about on every batch cycle (kind of sliding)?
In the past, I worked on a large-scale IoT platform and solved that problem by considering that the windows were only partial calculations. I modeled the backend (Cassandra) to receive more than 1 record for each window. The actual value of any given window would be the addition of all -potentially partial- records found for that window.
So, a perfect window would be 1 record, a split window would be 2 records, late-arrivals are naturally supported but only accepted up to a certain 'age' threshold. Reconciliation was done at read time. As this platform was orders of magnitude heavier in terms of writes vs reads, it made for a good compromise.
After speaking with people in depth on MapR forums, the consensus seems to be that hourly and daily aggregations should not be done in a stream, but rather in a separate batch job once the data is ready.
When doing streaming you should stick to small batches with windows that are relatively small multiples of the streaming interval. Sliding windows can be useful for, say, trends over the last 50 batches. Using them for tasks as large as an hour or a day doesn't seem sensible though.
Also, I don't believe you can tell your batches when to start/stop, etc.

How to tune "spark.rpc.askTimeout"?

We have a spark 1.6.1 application, which takes input from two kafka topics and writes the result to another kafka topic. The application receives some large (approximately 1MB) files in the first input topic and some simple conditions from the second input topic. If the condition is satisfied, the file is written to output topic else held in state (we use mapWithState).
The logic works fine for less (few hundred) number of input files, but fails with org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException and recommendation is to increase spark.rpc.askTimeout. After increasing from default (120s) to 300s the ran fine longer but crashed with the same error after 1 hour. After changing the value to 500s, the job ran fine for more than 2 hours.
Note: We are running the spark job in local mode and kafka is also running locally in the machine. Also, some time I see warning "[2016-09-06 17:36:05,491] [WARN] - [] - Not enough space to cache rdd_2123_0 in memory! (computed 2.6 GB so far)"
Now, 300s seemed large enough a timeout considering all local configuration. But any idea, how to come up to an ideal timeout value instead of just using 500s or higher based on testing, as I see crashed cases using 800s and cases suggesting to use 60000s?
I was facing the same problem, I found this page saying that under heavy workloads it is wise to set controls all the timeouts, also the RPC one) to 800. At the moment it solved my problem.
