node + requirejs: module is not defined - node.js

Getting a module is not defined error attempting to import a module from the local project. Using node and requirejs -
Error: Evaluating /Users/Projects/stash/NODE/project_js/src/foo.js as module "foo" failed with error: ReferenceError: module is not defined
Code looks like -
(function() {
const requirejs = require('requirejs')
baseUrl: __dirname,
//var foo = requirejs('foo.js');
requirejs(['foo'], function() {
foo().then(data => {
data.foreach(function(item, index, data) {
The module has the following export -
module.exports = function foo() {
return results
I've tried loading the module synchronously as well.

Check this part of their doc: if the module to be loaded (foo here) is found by RequireJS (i.e. its configuration allows it to find the module), then this module has to be declared using define instead of Node's exports.
I just tried this, which works:
directory structure
(function() {
const requirejs = require('requirejs');
baseUrl: __dirname,
requirejs(['foo'], (foo) => {
console.log('loaded!', foo, foo());
foo.js (that's the interesting part)
define(function() {
return function foo() {
return 'fooResult';
Using module.exports = ... gave me the error you have.
However this RequireJS API is not "loadable" by Node's built-in require, hence the need for a precise configuration that reflects a clear separation between Node-required modules (CommonJS API) and RequireJS-defined modules (AMD API). (Actually you can check the whole "Why AMD?" page, that should help a lot for your work with RequireJS.)


Gulp + Browserify + TypeScript To Browser

My problem is the following:
I use gulp+browserify to compile my TypeScript to JavaScript that you can use on normal HTML pages, the problem is that my class is never available on the browser:
VM633:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Test is not defined
at <anonymous>:1:13
This is my TypeScript File:
class Test {
public test(): void {
This is my gulpfile
var gulp = require("gulp");
var browserify = require("browserify");
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var tsify = require("tsify");
gulp.task("default", function () {
return browserify({
//basedir: '.',
debug: true,
entries: ['app/Resources/typescript/Test.ts'],
cache: {},
packageCache: {}
The file compiles without problem, and is included in my index.html (the compiled js file).
But when i try:
var t = new Test();
I get the following error:
VM633:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Test is not defined
at <anonymous>:1:13
I can't resolve it, I have read a lot and I haven't found anything clear, I tried all and nothing worked.
There are a few things missing here:
If you want your class to be accessible outside of your module, you have to export it:
export class Test {
// ...
Browserify creates functions on top of the classes you define. So it won't be accessible globally (which is a good thing). Normally you would import it in another file and use it:
// in any TS file that wants to use `Test` class. Make sure this is included in the gulp entries as well
import {Test} from "test";
var t = new Test();
Or if really want it to be accessible globally, you can attach it to window object:
// In Test.ts file:
(window as any).Test = Test; // This can be useful when debuging. But don't do this in production code.

RequireJS issues accessing app object across app

I have an application which has an app object which does the start routine and stores useful things like app.state and app.user. However I am trying to access this app instance without passing this from the app instance all the way around my large codebase.
Strangely I work on other projects which include app in the same way as in something.js and it works but I can't see why.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cannot require app in another file</title>
<script data-main="config" src="require.js"></script>
deps: ['app']
], function(Something) {
'use strict';
var App = function() { = 'My app';
return new App();
], function (require, app) {
'use strict';
var SomeModule = function() {
app = require('app'); // EXCEPTION
console.log('App:', app);
return new SomeModule();
When loading this requirejs exception is throw because of the require in SomeModule:
Uncaught Error: Module name "app" has not been loaded yet for context: _
Demo of above (see console for error):
It's not clear to me why you need to have a circular dependency. As stated in the documentation for RequireJS:
Circular dependencies are rare, and usually a sign that you might want to rethink the design.
This being said, if you do need the circular dependency, the issue with your code is that require('app') is called too early. It cannot be called until after the module something has returned its value. Right now, it is called before the value is returned. If you look at the code given as example in the documentation:
define(["require", "a"],
function(require, a) {
//"a" in this case will be null if a also asked for b,
//a circular dependency.
return function(title) {
return require("a").doSomething();
you see that the module returns a function which then would be called by the code that required the module, which happens after this module has returned its value.
So how do you fix this? What you could do is have the class you return call a function that fetches module app whenever needed. So:
], function (require) {
'use strict';
var app_;
function fetch_app() {
if (app_ === undefined)
app_ = require("app");
return app_;
var SomeModule = function() {
// ...
SomeModule.prototype.doSomethingWithApp = function () {
var app = get_app();
return new SomeModule();
I've removed app from the list of arguments and store the value of the app module in app_ because doing it this way provides for early detection of a missing call to get_app() in any method of SomeModule. If app is made a parameter of the module's factory function then using app inside a method without calling get_app() first would be detected only if it so happened that no other method that calls get_app() was called first. (Of course, I could type app_ and face the same problem as the one I aim to prevent. It's a matter of respective likelihoods: I'd be very likely to forget to call get_app() everywhere it is needed because I don't usually write code with circular dependencies. However, I'd be unlikely to type app_ for app because I don't usually put _ at the end of my variable names.)

How to get a single javascript page using r.js

I am doing my first try using requireJS and it works great !
I now would like to use the optimizer and i meet some issues when running my code in the browser.
I have these JS files:
a.js, b.js and c.js are modules i define for my application using requireJS.
paths: {
'jQuery': 'lib/jquery.min.js'
shim: {
'jQuery': {
exports: '$'
require(['a.js'], function(A){
var Entity = new A();
baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
requireLib: "lib/require.min",
jquery: "lib/jquery.min"
name: "main",
out: "main-built.js",
include: ["requireLib"]
Also i am wondering why do we have to specify the paths of the libraries into the build.js and not the other javascript files.
When i do not use the optimizer and only load the file
<script src="/javascripts/lib/require.min.js" data-main="/javascripts/main"></script>
it works great, but when i run r.js -o ./public/javascripts/build.js and only load
<script src="/javascripts/main-built.js"></script> i get the error Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function in the minified code.
How to explain that ?
Here are the logs i get when running r.js
Tracing dependencies for: main
Uglifying file: /public/javascripts/main-built.js
This is definitely wrong:
require(['a.js'], function(A){
var Entity = new A();
You should not use extensions in the list of dependencies you give to require or define. Modules should be named without extension. So here 'a', not 'a.js'. Using 'a.js' will cause RequireJS to fail loading what you really want once the optimizer has run. Let's say you have a file named a.js which has:
define(function () {
return function () {};
The optimizer will include it into your main-built.js file like this:
define("a", function () {
return function () {};
Note how the first parameter to define is now "a". This has been added by r.js. This is the name of the module. When you load main-built.js, a module named "a" is defined. When you use require with "a.js", you are telling RequireJS you want something in a file named a.js so RequireJS will go looking for that and ignore what is in main-built.js.
Also, jQuery 1.8 or over does not need a shim.
I just have added
shim: {
'jQuery': {
exports: '$'
into the build.js file, and it works perfectly !
Thanks !

solving circular dependency in node using requirejs

I have been try out many suggestions I found googling for circular dependency in node and requirejs. Unfortunately, I'm not getting it to work. The try which is closed to a solution (I think) is below:
// run.js
var requirejs = require('requirejs');
baseUrl: __dirname,
nodeRequire: require
requirejs(['A'], function(A) {
var a = new A.Go();
// A.js
define(['B', 'exports'], function(B, exports) {
exports.Go = function() {
var b = new require('B').Ho();
var toon = function() {
return 'me tarzan';
return {
b: b,
toon: toon
// B.js
define(['A', 'exports'], function(A, exports) {
exports.Ho = function() {
var a = new require('A').Go();
var show = function() {
return 'you jane';
return {
a: a,
show: show
Running this code in node results in a RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
We the dependency of B is removed from A.js, 'me tarzan' is returned
Any suggestion is appreciated!
Circular references are fine and not necessarily a symptom of bad design. You might argue that having many tiny modules could be equally detrimental because code/logic is scattered.
To avoid the dreaded TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method you need to take some care in how you initialize module.exports. I'm sure something similar applies when using requirejs in node, but I haven't used requirejs in node.
The problem is caused by node having an empty reference for the module. It is easily fixed by assigning a value to the exports before you call require.
function ModuleA() {
module.exports = ModuleA; // before you call require the export is initialized
var moduleB = require('./b'); //now b.js can safely include ModuleA
ModuleA.hello = function () {
This sample is from where more info available.

Problems loading i18next.js with require.js

I'm pretty new to require.js and having problems loading i18next.js.
require(["lib/jquery", "lib/i18next", "config.i18next", "constants"],
function(util) {
console.log("loaded javascript files");
and config.i18next.js
var option = {resGetPath: '../translations/__lng__.json' };
i18n.init(option, function(t) {
console.log("Language initialization successfull");
I always get the error
Uncaught ReferenceError: i18n is not defined config.i18next.js:2
I know who to use i18next, and everything works fine when loading the javascript files traditionally.
Meanwhile I got it working with shim like this:
shim: {
'lib/i18next' : ['lib/jquery'],
require(["lib/i18next"], function(i18n) {
var options = {
resGetPath: 'translations/__lng__.json',
preload: ['de', 'en']
i18n.init(options, function(t) {
and I can translate in other files with $.t("key"); , but when now I can't change the language programatically with i18n.setLng() because the variable can't be found ReferenceError: Can't find variable: i18n.
--- i18next comes now with amd build ---
this should solve all issues using i18next with amd. you can grab it at
