We want to connect Arduino uno to Microsoft Azure IoT Central. Is there any Step by Step guide or demo?
best regards
You can find Arduino Uno code sample for IoT Central on Github. There are quite a few other code examples in IoT Central's Github repository as well.
I am pretty new regarding IoT EDGE server setups, I am looking for suggestions or any tutorials that can guide me to set up IoT-EDGE servers on my desktop
Azure IoT Edge extends IoT Hub. Analyze device data locally instead of in the cloud to send less data to the cloud, react to events quickly, and operate offline.
For more information on complete Azure IoT Edge quickstart tutorials, please visit the below mentioned Microsoft's portal.
Azure IoT Edge documentation.
Microsoft's learning paths which gives a step by step learning.
Introduction to Azure IoT Edge.
The below article lists the steps to install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on your Windows x64 (AMD/Intel) system using Windows containers.
Install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on Windows.
The below article lists the steps to install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on an X64, ARM32, or ARM64 Linux device.
Install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on Debian-based Linux systems.
If you are stuck or have any questions on your learning journey please follow below link to get connected with wonderful community groups and forums.
Azure IoT support and help options.
I am building an IoT Solution based on non programmable devices. I can just configure a host where they can connect to send data and receive commands.
Now, supposed that I know the messaging protocol of the device, I would like to build a field gateway to apply protocol and identity translation with the IoT Hub behind IoT Central.
Is that doable ? If yes, may you drive me to the solution please ?
AFAIk, this scenario is not implemented yet. Please provide your feedback on the UserVoice.
All the feedback you share in these forums will be monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building Azure.
Reference: How to create IoT edge device on IoT central?
Is there a way in azure iot hub.. where we can have ios device act as a gateway for leaf nodes like raspberry pi or other decive's to sends/receive data from azure iot hub.
Is there any iOS sdk available for the same
Microsoft has released a port of our Azure IoT Hub C SDK for iOS platform. You can use device and service SDK directly. The libraries are available on CocoaPod, a popular package manager for iOS, and the source code is available on GitHub. Please refer to this blog.
Learn more about how to turn your iOS device into an IoT device:
Send telemetry from a device to an IoT hub (Swift)
Send cloud-to-device message from an application (Swift)
Samples in Github
I am working on unity and I need a small help. I am trying to push azure iot data to unity 3D. Can anyone tell how can it be done? I have searched on the internet and has not found a reliable information. Please help me with this.
If you build the unity 3D project for Universal Windows Platform as C# project,you can install Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client package, and then use DeviceClient to receive Cloud-to-Device message.
Of cause, you can use other azure iot hub SDKs if you did not use C#. Currently, Auzre IoT Hub SDKs support .Net, C, Java, Node.js, Python and iOS.
In addition, as Roman Kiss mentioned in above comment, Azure Function is another option.You can refer to this link.
I'm trying to develop a device suing Azure SDK C. I'm able to send telemetry messages (using the "iothub_ll_telemetry_sample" sample) but I'm NOT able to receive settings (I define a setting, FanSpeed, but when I change the value on IOT Central then I don't receive any callbacks).
There is it a working sample? possibly for Windows.
You can find the Azure iot central firmware examples on github. I would suggest you to look at AZ3166 example for azure iot central
For Azure IOT Central I have found the most useful examples to be located on the Azure IOT Central firmware github:
The repository has been reorganized a bit since the earlier answer from Ozzz. You can find a C code example in the MXChip example.