How to send invoice in pdf attachment to customer via email usign stripe API? - stripe-payments

I want to send invoice in pdf format to the customer via email using stripe API.
I can fetch invoice and make custom html. But I want direct fetch pdf via stripe API. Is there any solution for that?

It does not appear this is something Stripe offers.
For most custom applications I tend to disable my payment gateway receipts and create my own. The disadvantage here is you have to have a authoritative transactional email service so things do not get sent to spam.
The advantage is you can customize the receipt to your liking and if you switch or add more payment gateways in the future, you do not have to recreate or handle multiple receipt emails.
I would send the receipt from your app
Use a good transactional email service like SparkPost. They have a free tier and a great SMTP connection option that plugs into Cake's email class
Make sure you have a DKIM signature setup and a valid SPF record. is great for finding problems in emails


How can I sent an payment invoice to my client email using node.js

Now I want to make an eCommerce website. In this website, I want to implement a feature like when a client or user buy something from my website and they also pay with any payment gateway (In case I use Stripe payment gateway) After completing payment, I want to send an automatic order completion invoice to my client email with product name, quantity, subtotal, total and so on. That means we receive our client order and payment.
Advanced Thank's
Ariful Islam JR.
MERN Stack Developer**
I have no idea about this problem to get a solution.
It sounds like what you really want is a receipt to be sent to your customer on payment completion. There's a couple ways to achieve this. Assuming you want the customer to pay on your website and not on a Stripe-hosted page, then you could use the accept a payment guide with a custom flow and add a receipt email when creating the PaymentIntent. This would email your customer a receipt on successful payment completion. You could also achieve this with Stripe Checkout if you want a Stripe-hosted payment page by enabling email receipts in your settings.

What to show in a payment recipient / invoice from stripe?

I have an application that has a recurring monthly subscription built with stripe, my client wants a section of the website where the users can view their payments / recipient.
I see that stripe sends to the users some recipient, but is a little dark to me where should I get the recipient_number, since this value is almost all the time returning null from the webservice.
What information should I show?
How can I get it?
The charge object will include the receipt number if a receipt was sent. Stripe doesn't provide a way for you to link directly to the receipt so you may want to consider making your own receipt view in your webapp or sending your own receipts that you can render in your app.

Generating invoice email using Webhook in Stripe and Mailchimp

Can anyone please tell me (or point me in the direction) how to generate an invoice email using webhook api in stripe with the mailchimp account?
You actually can't do that directly because you can't create a MailChimp endpoint which receives data through the web. You need an intermediary layer in between Stripe and MailChimp, which receives data from Stripe, validates the data, converts the data according to your needs, and using MailChimp API sends it to MailChimp to be sent out as an email. But an easier approach will be (in my opinion) creating an in-house solution for sending out emails instead of using MailChimp.

Can gmail ( post incoming mails to my application instead of my applications pulls the mail?

I am using to send mails.
I want to read/parse mails in my application.
I know how to pull the mails, there are API libraries to handle that. It is bit over do for my application.
Instead, is there any way gmail can post mails to my application like sendgrid does ?
If you want to get emails from a gmail account, and want a webhook to do such, you could use's Webhook Feature.
However, at the maximum volume you'll be able to send out with Gmail, I'd recommend looking toward an email service provider's free plan. If you're familiar with SendGrid already SendGrid's Free Plan will give you access to both low volume sending, and the Parse webhook. Other email service providers will give you the same functionality on their free plans, as well (e.g. Mailgun).
Disclaimer: I am a SendGrid employee.

Is it possible to send money from my own paypal account to an email address using adaptive payments

I have a node.js web application which at times needs to send a user money knowing only their email address. This is essentially the same thing as PayPal's send money interface, but needs to be programatically executed.
I've seen this post which suggest using their newer Adaptive Payments API to do this, however nowhere in the docs or examples do I see how to send money from my account to an email address.
Is my only option to dive into the MassPay API which paypal is moving away from?
You can use Adaptive Payments Implicit simple payments -
